Dr. J. A. Graham, Hammond, Ind, a former Kingstonias and a graduate of Queen's University, who has thrown up an income of $25,000 te accept a lieutenancy in the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Looking out tiom the ammunition supply dugout at eme of Unc Bam's 3-inch guns camouflaged beneath a straw camepy, Driver Duncan MeCrimmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman MeCrimmon, Mountain Grove, Ont. the first to enlist in Arden with the 146th Bat talion, later transferred to the 4th Pur. Battalion, now in France. - Pie. Raymo, eldest son of Mrs. Jeseph - Raymo, Oconto, Ont. He went overseas with the 140th Batt, and haw been in the trenches since December, 1016, and luckily escaped unhurt se far. Members of the Amerisan Committee, accompanied by M. Fernand David, French Minister of refugees to this recaptured section, rebuilding the centre in conversation with a member of the Froneh Ceo back French Driver Paul D. Kingston, enlisted two years ago with 3rd Division Sup- ply Column, at Toronto, later trans ferred to Railway Troops now in Belgium, son of late Samuel King- ston, of Hartington, and brother of Mrs. A. Van Asltyne, 76 Division Street, Kingston. Pte. J. F. Ramsay, Division Street, Kingston, with the 20th Canadians, now in France. He enlisted with the 146th Battalion, and wae formerly employed for years with Elliott Bres. of this eity. Pte. John Payea, Canonto, who en listed in March, 1916, with the 146th Battalion, then transferred to the 37th Battalion, and ie now serving in France. Pte. J. Hendrick Nichols, Plevna, Ont., who enlisted with the 146th Battalion, and after reaching Eng land last fall was transferred to the 4th CMR, and was then sent te France, where he has served leven months in the trenches. Word came te Plevna on Nev. 13th that he had been wounded. 5 On the right, Corp. Ross Bdgar McPherson, nephew of Johan MePher- son, Oso, Ont., who enlisted with the 80th Battalion, and later transferred On the left, Pte, Harry MeVeigh, Oso, Ons., whe enlisted with the 146th Battalion, and died of te the 146th. Killed in metion en Oct. 24th. Miss Anne Morgan, of New York, sister of J, P, Agreiulture, visiting Bleraucourt, Ajsne front, where the Committee has taken leadership in bi their homes for them, and erecting schools for their children. mmittee and gesticulating with her loft hand. Morgan, can be ringing | seen in