Prodacion Increased, ciency in labor, omy and less waste in livin building up capital by har effort and eff.- more ecofi- er work and greater savings, enrich you and country men at more It is easter to make money than to save It Savings Account et The Bank save what your increased effort provides. 1B NSTABLISHED 1888. THE ia T 119 Br in C BANK IK or TORONTO A ---- FOR SALE © An eight roomed brick-veneered house -- one block from the Y.M.C.A., containing bath and closet, in first- class condition, $500 cash required; balance to suit pur- chaser. Best opportunity in city, Open Every Saturday Evening from 7 to 9. The J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 56 Brock Street. May include a hesutifal box of Christmas Chocolates, a bottle of fine Christmas Perfume, or a box of fancy Christmas Stationery. il Your inspection invited -- our | ok is varied and large. atal] deposit will ensure choice being wet aside, Hoag's Drug Store, Branch Post Office, Y = 's Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Just Arrived fiom Holland -- i] Plant Now, Potatoes! Friendshigs | F.J. JOHNSON Bouquets ty. Orders ye. Phone 239, 115 Broek Floral Designs, W, and Cut Flowers our filled prompt! Another Carload of the Wonderful "EGG-O" Baking Powder. Just U i For wd Eve ee EaaY 5 W. G. CRAIG & CO., LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs. Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats. 374 King Street. Save Your your The men and wo- home must produce to cover war's waste. A of Toronto will help Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specintising Store Fronts and . Buildings of ESTIMATES 2" EB Address 373 University Ave. TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Limousine Cars Used. Sup, Look; Listen! AND BUY Our Christmas Goods Are Here. Come and buy early and often at The Bon Marche A. Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl STRAND 1 Fountain: Pens > ap XMAS Gift Suggestions . For Men. Umbrellas--Gold and mounted, $4 to $10. M Brushes ry an---Hhany and | silver er a. ed, $2 to $12. § Links--Gold, silver, 50c to $13. Stick pins--73¢ to $75. Signet Rings--Gold, $4 to $12. Wrist = Watches--Gold, silver, and nickle, $6 to $25. Safety Razors--Gillette and Autostrop, $5 up. Writing Portfolios -- Leather, $2.50 to $10.00. iw Walletts--Leather, 83c to $4. Cigarette Cases--Silver Leather, $2 to $135. -- - Waterman, Zaz _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, LCCEMBEX 11, 1917. GRAND HOUSE | Tonight and Thursday 2 Days--Dec. 11 and 13. Daily at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five-Aét Metro Wonderplay. Harold Lockwood "The Hidden Spring"' The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features. Matinee Evening 10¢; Any Seat 10c Renerved, Se Extra Wed. Dec. 12th One Night Only. THERE'S A THRILL COMING TO YOU! WILLIAM HARRIS, Jr., Fresents BAYARD MYSTIC VEILLERS ELODRANA | THE CHAIR Direct from One Youn Rag s Run at the 48th St. Theatre, New York OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1¢ & word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, PAGE SEVEN COAL SLED, IN GOOD Apply 8S. Anderson, Phone 722. CONDITION, Malt House. A BELL BOY. APPLY RANDOLPH Hotel GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; 8 GOOD tL wages. Apply 54 Johnson A CARTER TO TAKE ty Asugs. Apply Britishe Whig Pub. WOMAN WHO IS FOND OF CHILD. ren. 'Apply, Home. A GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSE- work and wait on table. 343 King street. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT. Apply in afternoon or evening to ss Dwyer, 64 Barrie St. GIRLS WANTED--APPLY KINGSTON Steam Laundry, corner of Syden- ham and Princess St, City. WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD GEN. eral servant. Apply in evenings to Mrs. R. W. Brigstocke, 7 Wellington street. GOOD GIRL OR MIDDLE man for house work. eer City. GIRL. OR ELDERLY light housework and care eof children One slep at home preferred. 224 King Street. AGED WO. Apply Pion- Aparsments, 212 Division St, LADY. FOR help with who can Apply the Matron, Orphan's| __ Prices--Ground Floor, $2, $1.50, $1. Balcony, $1.50, $1, 75c¢; Gallery 50c¢ Seats now on sale. Fri. & Sat. Dec. 14th & 15th) Matinee Saturday at 2.30. YA modern military melodrama in 4 Acts, by Walter Howard. * 10--Stupendous Scenes--10 200--Thrills and Laughs--200 The War Atmosphere as it is in Lon- don. The glitter of the conflict and its sublime humor as well. Direction of Daniel Frohman. 7 Days Leave Now in its 10th Month at Sir Henry Irving Treatre, London Eng, and still playing to record-breaking busi Prices--Mat. 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1. Evening -- 206¢, 50¢, 75c¢, 3. $1.50 Seats on Sale Wedneruday GRIFFIN'S Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Regal Presents The Manxman From Hall Cain's Famous Novel Also Jack Pickford and Louise Huff, in "The Ghost House" Second Episode "The Fighting Trail" Prices--Mat. 15¢; Evening 25¢ "The Theatre With the Organ." Frederick Warde, in "The Vicar of Wake- field" And Comedy Reels. Mateo ~Chukdren 10c; Adults 15¢ vening---Children 15¢; Adults 23c. | FERRY SERVICE DIS- CONTINUED FOR THIS SEASON. OCKPORT NAVIGA- TION CO., LTD. * ~~~ x » Christmas in Belgium. Belgium faces another Christmas on a bowl of soup and a slice of bread per day. How much more Shor. }} oughly we in Canada would enjo ristmas festivities if we coul feel g we had done something to make a little more bearable for those whom we owe so much. We must orget that it was the fathers of starving children, the husbands o8 % [ROVE sgmarar on box. $0e. rain er NINE | th bn w.! : WHY NOT LET THE READERS oF this paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages i them the opportunity to For particulars, phone or write British Whig Pub. Co. $5 MADE DAILY INTRODUCING TO neighbors new domestic products reducing cost of Hving. nd ten cents for actual goods for selling samples. Garretson Company, Brantford, Ont. oun and soMeitor. , BARRISTER Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in pant Joysient of & of n pianos and grafano Ww. Lind. say, Limited, 121 Princess street. GOOD SIZED FURNISHED ROOM centrally located. Telephone and electric light. Must be well heat- ed with hot water heating. Ad- dress Box 1210, Whig Office. BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR bicycles tq Geo, Muller, 373 Kin street, to be cleaned and store for winter; aiso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1032. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business men in East- ern Ontario can connect with a ood side line oil. app ine to Box Fender hig ce. ictly coun- wE AT 3 BUY ALL KINDS oF nd furniture, stove Beaters. clothes, etc. We also have iy She ro, 46 Prin- cess street. Pre ro 157. WANTED ~-- OLD FALSE TEETH; don't matter If broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Balti- more, Md. MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST] started with a little ad this size. The cost is so listle and the re- sults so big. We will gladly give You full Dartieuiars. Call at the office or drop a postal today. British Whig PubHshing Co. TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8.8. No. 4, Olden. Apply, stating experience and salary expected, to Arnold Johnston, Sec: Treas, Oso Station, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8, NO, 6, Portland, Protestant; duties to commence January 1st. Apply, stat- ing salary, to Harry Watson, Sec.- Treas., R.R. No. 1, Harrowsmith. TRBAMHER--PROTESTANT, HOLDING second class professional certifi- for 8, 8. No. 11, township of Kingston; Quties to commence, Jan. 3rd, Apply, stating salary and qualifications to H. H, Sproule, Westbrook. cate PROTESTANT FEMALE TEACHER for 8.8. No. 1, Palmerston, held- oe third class limited certificate. alary $4560 per annum. Apply stating ualltioations and experi. ence, to David Olmstead, Secretary and treasurer, Mississippi Station t. BOARD AND ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. board. Apply Mrs. Beardsell 32 3 Ontario street. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRBSSMARKER, having resumed ness, solicits orders for fall and go rm work. Address 202 Alfred street. Rye Quotations Furnished by Rongard, Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St,, Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks. Open--2.45 p.m. Am, Smelters .. Atchison .. ... B.& O. «dun CPR '.. .cv Erie... ie Marine .. . Marine pfd, N.Y. 0 .. Reading gtr Southern Pac ,... Union Pac. .. Alcohol Am, Loco .. Anaconda. , . .e Beth. Steel "b" .. Crucible ..,. . .. Inter. Nickel Kennicott xd Mexican Pet .. Rep. Steel .. . . U. 8. Steel tah .. >... Midvale .. . . Atlantic Guir .. Am. Sugar .. . Canadian Stocks. All Canadian stocks minimum prices. CHICAGO GRAIN. Corn. Open High Low 120% 121% 1208 118% 119% 119 123% 124% 123 1pc. selling at Close. 1213 119% 124% Oats, Open - High Low .T0% T1Y T0% T2% T4% 72% Close 71% 73% Notice Election Volunteers :: All those interested in election of W. F, Nickle who would be willing to volunteer their automo- biles for use on Election Day, kindly communi- cate with Headquarters, Unionist Government. Phone 2399 -- ERED , Late Mrs, Margaret Gowdey. The death occurred in the General Hospital on Monday night of a well- known resident of Kingston in the person of Mrs. Margaret acy: widow of the late James Gowdey. De- ceased was taken ill last Wednesday of pneumonia. She was born in Kingston over seventy years ago. Thomas Gaskin. of the Kingston Cus- toms, is a brother. She is survived by an adopted daughter; Elsie. who was greatly devoted to her. Her husband, two sons and one daughter sed her. Mrs. Gowd was a consistent member of t Sydenhgm Street Methodist Church s for many years. a deep amterest mn all gH Sid $3 gave time and ihe Ia for the accom- plishment of rise. She The People's F s Forum LOST ONE FUR LINED GLOVE, AT THE corner of Princes and Alfred Sts, Friday afternoon. If returned to 520 Princess St, suitable reward will be given. SILVER MESH BAG WITH GATE TOP, containing about $7, from 136 Ord- nance St, along Sydenham to Prin. cess, Saturday evening. Finder kindly return to 136 Ordnance St, or Whig Office, and receive re- ward. BARRIFIFEELD, NEAR "RIFLE » E, on Wednesday last, 5th , & 1an deer-hound, answering to the name of "Buster" and mark- ed over hind-quarters LT. Re- ward for return to L. T. Best Best's Drug Store. STRAYED. OXTO THE PREMISES OF HARVEY Payne, R3, Gananoque, an old bay blind horse, on Dec. 2nd. Owner may have same by paying expenses and for this advertisement, TO LET ONE DOUBLE; ONE SINGLE ROOM, furnished. Apply 44 Frontenac St, FOUR ROOMS, ALL IMPROVEMENTS, and telephone. Apply 641 Princess street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers. Apply to A. B. 79 Clarence street, UP-TO-DATE FURNISHED ROOMS; steam heated: afl conveniences. Ap- ply Mrs. 8. J. Smith, 263 King St. near Cathedral. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. McCann's Real Esiate Agency, 83 Brock St. Phones 328 or 621, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN ary. airy ropms; RS own. lock and rost' rage, 299 Phone 56; res. 089. CHAM- Conan. Xen street. FURNISHED PARLOR BED ROOM, suitable for man and wife, or two Apply 229 Brock St. FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 ROOMS AND bath; hot water heating; on lease to April 30th Possession given Jan, 15th. Apply evenings, 84 Lower Union St. YOUung men. M.| TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. ed rooms with board. Central lo- cation; all conveniences; gegtiemen 'preferred. Rates reasonabld, Ap- ply 282 Queen street. THIS DEPARTMENT JIS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking of using olassified advertisin Write or Phone us about it. e may be able, Je help you. British 'Whig Pub. PERSONAL MARRY AT ONOE «i IF LONELY; write me; and I will send you hun- Jieds of descriptions; congenial le,' worth $1,000 to $350,000; ing marriage; (Confidential). Ralph Hyde, S8an Francisco, Cal. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all Sronths And skin blem- nes removed ntly, with t scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, Timer J. Lake, e, Bar, Nose, Shroat dng" Sita clalist, 353 FINANCIAL rer---- LOAN AND INVEST. or Cloner H. Smith: 0 -president, W. ¥F. Nic- 'on issued on city roperties, municipal and ntures; mortgages pur- investment bonds = for received and in- R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston. I oNpoN. op GLOBE have for of Insured at 'lowest possible rates. Before renewin od Siving new bismoss g sa rom Stran, ral Agents. ne 338, es PIANO TUNING. JOS. HODGES CERTIFICATED PIANO tuner. Leave orders at McAuley's, who 5 FOR SALE. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Mttle. Omee. We; three times one week, $1.00. OAK DESK, FLAT och FIVE DRAW. ers and Sapbonrd, cheap. 86 Brock Street. Phone 326. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK ' AND Black Langshans, old and young - stock, 182 Clergy street. GARDEN LAND -- 15 ACRES we miles from Kingston. Appl a. sarrison, Cataragui, a A ONE-TON Truck in first Sse condition. oly to W. G. Craig & Co, or Boyd's Garage. selections, Jour own cholece, oo Ian Terms: $5 cash, $1 or week. C. W, Lindsay, TAmited 121 Princess Bt. CosT tUmes $0e; GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car start an in cold weather. Have your top re covered and curtains repaired, Jud- son's Auto Tops, Brockville, FARM, SIX MILES FROM KINGSTON, 150 acres; good house and eut- bulidings, First class land. Price $10,500. Terms to suit purchaser, Apply J. K. Carroll, SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers today sometimes use a TNttle ad Mke this. A phone call or a postal will bring you full pare tioulars about this department, British Whig Publishing Co, LARGE STOCK OF bles and dining whales, hina cabinets, also s and mattresses. buy sands of second hand taiterg 3. To Te00 R803, 333 Princess street. ne RXTHNSION TA buffets, AT BATENAN'S REAL ESTATE AG. ency. $7502 HOUSES, SMALL FRAME, $1000--FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, DIVISION t. $1400--FRANE, 8 ROOMS, MONTREAL t. $1400 BRICK FRONT, SEMI DETACH. ed. $1400--FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, IMPROVE« ments, large lot and barn. $1000--ROUGH CAST HOUSE ON PRIN. cess street, 7 rooms, yard and gate. Way, $1800---BRICK, 6 ROOMS, IMPROVE. ments, good cellar, yard and lane. $2000--FRAME, 7 ROOMS, IMPROVE. ments, corner lot. RICK, 7 ROOMS, FURNA right of way , oh $3500--RRICK, 10 "Rooms, ALL IM. provements, hot t water, H.W, floors, $5000----BRICK 13 "ROOMS; CONVEN)« ent for Toomers. $6000--A NUMBER TO Dre from. 67 CLARENCE ST. KINGSTON. DENTAL a? sires' Phons DR 3 rer Faces Phone 6 DENTIST, streets. PRS, SPARK SPARK Dn ists, 159 "alien, Free} oG Dewar, D.D.8. D.S.. assistant, Phone 346. BUSINESS CHANCES WARNING DON'S INV! one cent until you read Su Finance and how fortunes made and lost by investors. Teri: Jrial noe: 408 & I artacoess: ry nd REEVE, TH one WE lent Seats 1, or 'sate case DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. can or drop & card. ' 23 John ree ~~ WANTED HELPERS: HANDY MEN AND LABOR- ERS, CAULKERS AND CHIPPERS. "HIGHEST WAGES PAID. Cl SEES Si Fd i