THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1917. PAGE ELEVEN FELT LIKE A NEW [Tie Market Repos} CANADA AND THE WORLD'S SUPPLY. OF WHEAT AS KYOUR GROCER FOR _ PERSON il [FW aU TR Charm Tea Montreal, Dee. 11---Pri : a 8 . \ After Taking Galy One Box of little better in castle tines on the in- | B 7, Bop r # a # *h Bla INP ACKACES. . sl Fly Bin : iim pe " "Fruit-a-tiv " roomie Bg 'better. * and We OTT "5 : ck, Green and Mixed. Packed in sold as high as $17.50 for choice On. ' Kingston, by Easr Sap Hazsouvn; N. 8. tario stock There was a weaker $17.50 to $17.75; ecanners' cattle fo tell you of the womderful benefits 1 | yore unchanged at $5 to $6. Quota- have received from taking *Fruit-4- | tions: Choice Steers, $10 to $10.50; tives". For years, I was a dreadful | ood steers, $9 to $9.50; medium, idats $8 to $8.75; choice butchers' bulls, . 1 ; Salisvos Soom Coustipation and Head- | 13 19 18,05: choice Puishers Suls, ao dfie ' " 1 » was miserable in every way, | £625 10 $7; fivice butchers' cows, wo he 4 ; fa 1 Nothing in the way of medicines seemed | $8 50 to $9; good cows, $7.25 to $8; x . . on Gl : to help me. Then I finally tried | medium, $6.50 to $7; canners' cat. ; J _ y " \ 1 "Fruit-a-tives" and the effect wag |t1€, 5 to $6; sheep, $12; lambs, . ' 2 fa oi 5 . 5 ¥ splendid. After taking one bor, I feel chofce, $17.50; Quebec, $15:50; A { bi - $ Bi ] ; choi lect hogs, $18; d selects, | Lali ci : . . : 4 : tikes New person, to have relief from : gies ect } ot, eh 3 E00 d sc} ets, 3 : 2 | A Crown Life Endowment Policy is the ideal "It is with great pleasure that I write tone in hogs, and choice selects were 4 " 3 : 3 wo i ot : Ny f J ks en § 3 GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. those sickening Hendaches". ings at the C.P.R. yatds were: 1,100 Mzs. MARTHA DEWOLFE, cattle, 3,200 sheep and lambs, 100 806. & box, 6 for $2.8, trial size, 250, | "05% and 200 calvey. : At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. Toranto.' a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Toronto, Deceniber 11. -- Ex- ; X ) " A mens | POTL - cattle, choice, $1500 to : : - WIRE FENCING $12.00; do. bulls, $9.00 to $9.75; ® : 3 . HC butcher Tattle, $10.50 to] (1) Reaping wheat in Manitoba. (2) TWewhing wheat in Prairie. | Trellis, Flower Railings, | $11.35; do., medium, $9.50 to Gates, Wire Guards, Baskets and $10.35; do. mediam, $9.50 to T was with considerable satisfac-|view, and a very Appropriate one at) beria can produce as much wheat as every description of wire goods manu. $10 2%: do. common; $8.00 to $8.50; I tion. that readers in- all Allied {this particular period, Ww the agri- | all of these countries and have more fac by butcher cows, choice, $8.50 to countries received the statement, [cultural countries are called upon tof left over than was grown in 1917 in fe $9.50; do. medium, $7.50 to $8.00; | made a short time ago by the Insti-|produce the utmost pound: of food. |all Canada. a Partridge & Sons. do. canners, 3525 'to $5.75; do.| lute of Agriculture at Rome, that|While the countries mentioned have| Of course, it is' impossible, as & Crescent Wire Works, Kingston. bulls, $7.50 to $8.25; feeding steers, | 1917 bad seen an increase in the [dome well their accomplishment | practicable manner, to put every, . Pl 880. ' $6.50 to $9.50; stockers, choice, 'heat crop of the principal countries |shrinks into insignificance when | arable acre of land in any country : ~~ | $7.50 to $8.50; do. light, $6.50 to| Of the world. outside of the Central |compared with thelr possibilities.|in wheat, but if we say for the sake $6.76; milkers, choice, each, $100 Powers, of 3.3 per cent over 1916. For instance, the three Canadian pro- | of illustration that one-third of thei to $150! springers, $11.90 to $13.60; These figures were based on returns |vinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan |arable land in these provinces is Tobin's Peerless sheep, ewes, $12.00 to $15.00: from Spain, France, Scotiand, Ire-|and Alberta could produce three | summer-fallowed, one-third sown to lambs, $16.50 to $17.26; hogs, fed land, Switzerland, Canada, the United | times the total Wheat erop above re-| coarse grains or pasture, and one Boxes for Overseas and watered, $17.00; calves, $14.50 States, India, Japan and Algerid, | ferred to! This statement may seem | third to wheat, the proportion that' to $16.00. which countries are this year esti- extravagant until submitted to thelis sown to wheat will produce a! And ---- ated to show a total whedt produc- [test of cold figures. Then We get [greater crop than that already men-' Chicago. tion of 1,665,448,000 bushels. At the data like this: tioned as being grown by all the . Chicago, Dec. 11.--Cattle receipts| Same time these same countries show| According to the Goverment of countries before referred to. + : Choice Stock of 22,000, market weak. Beeves $7.00] AD Increase in their barley crop of |Capada there are in the provinces| These figures may be interesting ild? Think! If you can invest a few dollars extra . Sv mR. 2.4 per cent; an increase in their rye mentioned the following areas suit generally for the great comparison Sa i Groceries to $14.75; western steers $6.10 to. ; pal to add ten times the amount to the value of your building, . . $13.40, stockers and feeders $6.00] CTOP of 10.7 per cent; an increase in able for agricultural purposes: which they afford, but they must also isn*tehat the-wise thing to do ? Face with Interprovincial Pressed to $10.80; cows and heifers $6.00 to| thelr oat crop of 19.9 per cent, and Manitoba .. .. 74,216,000 acres |CBITY the conclusion that the world Brickwnd be assured of Quality and Service. , $11.30; calves $7.00 to $13.25. Hog| AD Increase in their corn crop of 25.3 Saskatchewan .. 93,459,000 « |I8 & Very long way from having ex- WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES T Thompson's Grocery receipts 47,000, market slow. Light| DT cet That such increases should | JiMtitchewal ..106217,000 « |hausted fis food producing possibili. ©-DAY Cok . | be possible among nations, most of ties. Any scarcity of food uction dd 3M _PRINOESS gr. $16.15 to $17.00, mixed $16.50 to] yyon'are engaged in war 1s In ter ¥.acarcity prod Address : ~ which may at present exist is trace- INTERPRO INCIAL BRI AD. Limited $17.20; heavy $16.60 to $17.20] vie to the productive energy of : : 272,892,000 able almion Rtraty to race. pe Vv AL CK CO. OF CAN A, Ne eee J rough $16.50 to $16.70, pigs $12.25) ponnood. The average wheat crop in these | distribution of population. In the 184 Simcoe Strest (Geodyear Building), TORONTO 21 BE» Ams ess| to $15.00, bulk of sales $16.75 to The enormous total of 1,665,448,000| provinces for the last ten years has older countries population is com- Ont, 3 $17.10. Sheep receipts 22,000, mar-| pyghels of wheat is so great that it|been: Manitoba, 18.20 bushels per | pelled .to exist on such limited areas . ket weak, wethers $8.70 to $12.80,] refuses to be grasped by the human acre; Saskatchewan, 18.44 bushels per [that production on a relatively large lambs, native, $12.40 to $16.80, mind without some units of compari: |acre; Alberta, 20.19 bushels per acre. [scale is Impossible, whereas in the ------ son. If this crop of wheat were load: | The average for the three provinces |mewer countries such as Western Can- | Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Saft Buffalo. : ed into freight ears, 1,000 bushels to|{s therefore practically 19 bushels per {ada the population is as yet totally, Cases, Trunks repaired and refitted, East Buffalo, Dec. 11.--Cattle-- | the car, and each, car occupied forty |acre. If you multiply the available |fnsuficient to bring the country under | | : Saws filed, Knives and Scissors | Receipts, 3,760; good, strong, com-| feet of the rallwiy track, it would (acreage, as given above, by 19 you |cultivation, These are conditions i ® sharpened; Razors honed; All makes | mon slow; prime steers, $13 to $15;| represent ome solid .loaded train | will find that these provinces, if en. Which will doubtless right. them-, i of firearms repaired promptly, Locks| shipping steers, $11.50 to $13.50;| 12,617 mites in length--more than |tirely cultivated, are capable of pro-|selves; in fact, the process of correo. ew u es ons repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of | butchers, $9.50 to $12; yearlings,| enough to reach half way around ducing In an average year 6,184,948: [tion fs on very rapidly, and, lawn mowers sharpened and repair-| $11.50 to $12; heifers, $7 to $11.25; the world at the equator. These load- {000 bushels of Wheat---considerably | whatever difficulties may be experi. ed. cows, $4 to $10; bulls, $6.76 to od a oS ithoat asian, Toul mage than thres Juang She total {enced in feeding the world during the : 9.75; stockers and feeders, $6.50 to py 8 the entire track: {which 1s ng produced this year, next few years, there can be mo ques- ) % Ya) 149 Sydenham Street | (1, ite toms an sinners antic] age of the adian Pacific Railway, |1917, by Spain, France. Scotland, Ire. tian that they wilf be solve rs bor 0 < a e nts San | and strong, $50 to $140. known as the world's greatest trans. land, Switseriand, Canada, United pas sufficient population is found for a a a Hogs-- Receipts, 1,200; strong;| portation company. Ni States, India, Japan and" Algeria com- [the great open plains which are still Children's High Chairs, Low Chairs, Rockers, Cradles, Cribs, mixed, $17.40 to $17.50; yorkers, There is. however, another point of | bined. The single province of Al |awaiting the husbandman. Bassinetts, Shaving Oabinets, Chiffonieres, Smoker Stands; $17.25 to $17.40; light yorkers, $16 np nn Music Chests; Music Benches; Nut, Crackers and Bowl; Cas We Sell Goods for [fis $16.25; pigs, $15.50 to $16:[$1.42. Timothy, $5.00 to $7.60. serojes, Plo Plates, Doll Carriages, Children's Table and Chairs, What They Really [| rousis, $16 to $16.25; stags, $12.50 Clover, $20.00 16 $26.00, 7; a Prachi = 7 Ir and Best Stock in the City to Choose From. to $14.50, Fm bar 5 ractica Are. Sheep and lambs--Recelbts, §,- R obt. J. Rei d i Duluth, 000; active and strong; lambs, $12| Duluth, Dec. 11--inseed, $3.23 1% The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, 230 Princess St. ' . 4 Sn, Foods coming in daily. to $17.75; yearlings, $11 to $15; to $3.33%: arrive, $3.23%; Decem- Homé Dress Making Motor and Horse Ambulances. Phone 577, combination'of Protection and Investment. It isa constant, unfailing Incentive to save, The interest earned on our Investments is alone provi more than sufficient] te pay all current dh in CROWN LIFE INSURANCE 00., TORONTO ghoice, Agents wanted In Unrepresented districts 4% ------ s nuts, New Dates, New Figs, New wethers, $11.50 to $12; ewes, $6 to|ber, $3.233% asked; May, $3.23% 1! ° P rkish Delight, Vel 11.25; ixed sheep, 11.25 "to}bid, (é " ein, Ta hs She Ha mize = "3 $ esrrons 9 i New York. Baker's Grocery GRAIN QUOTATIONS. New York, Dec. 11--Flour steady; Phone 1016. Spring patents, $310.55 to $10.85; 4 De Princess and Fronteane Sts, Montreal. Winter patents, $10.50 to $310.75; Prepared Specially for This Newspaper \ Montreal, Dec. 11--Corn--Ameri- | Winter straights, $10.20 to $10.50; : © IID espn bore cen sal aid can No. 2 yellow, $2.15 to $2.30. | Kansas straights, $11.00 to $11.15. By Pictorial Review : Oats--Canadian western, No. 3, 89¢; | Rye flour firm; fair to good, $9.60 y $ . - COAL CUST MERS | extra No. 1 feed, 89¢; a. 2 Joel te as ihoite to faney,$10.60 to Don't Take Ris 'S ) white, 86¢; No. 3 local white, c. .20, jute, spot an arrive. Hay . . . ' | Flour--Manioba spring wheat pat- | steady; No. 1,, $1.76; No, 2, $1.65; Semi-Princess Dress mn Serge. J ) . : K ents, firsts, $11.60; seconds, $11.10; | No. 3, $1.45 to $1.50; shipping, . matching small "0" perforations in If your stomach is strong, your liver active, and bow- strong bakers', $10.90; straight roll. | $1.25 to $1.30. Hops guiet; state, pocket with small "o" perforations els regular, take care to keep them so. These are: Base, $5.30 to $5.35. Rolled | medium to choice, 1917, 68 to 5c; in front gore near side seam; stitch : ' ; organs oats, bags, 90 Ibs. 34.65. Bran, |1916, nominal; Pacific bast, 1917, . lower and front edges of pocket to! are important to your health. Keep them in order with $35.00. "Shorts, $40.00 to $41.00. 27 to 31c; 1916, 17 to 21c. 4 ition. Form plaits in skirt creap ! Mladiimes. jis ae te 380.00. Hous. a on lines of slot perforations, bring : 5 : a s1650 GENERAL TRAD folded edges to corresponding lines per ton, car lots, $15.50. NERAL TI E. bi gis on Bi is By i . Montreal. \ N pIaits In front gore 5; inch from fold: Toromo. ! ) --F ed ed from upper edge to single . : Toronto, Dec. 11.--dn store, Fort | Montreal, Jos 11 Chiovss--Finost v rn and avoid any risk of serious illness. A dose or two ( easterns, \ : ho 3 NE a Ll dae Hutter Ch: Coane, 4) 0; gore % inch from folded edge, from as nieeded, will help the ¥ 2. ;|44% to 45c; seconds, 43% to 44c. Be 6 upper to lower edges. Gather upper the habits. timely use will save Ry $2 Nolet, 100 Bggs--Fresh, 54 to bbc; selected, ! edge of back gor: between "T Jer. much 'suffering, fortify the system and Manitoba Oats--In store, Fort] 46¢; No. 1 stock, 42¢; No. 2 stock, 1 : | forations, Adjust skirt om walst, [ g " f 0 William. No 2 C.W., 81%¢; No. 3|39-to 40c. Potatoes--Per bag, car El \ with upper edge over upper row o . C.W., 79%c; extra No. 1 feed, 78 %c¢; | lots, $1.85 to $2.15. Dressed hogs-- J | i ; ure e Yas No. 1 feed 73%e¢. > batho e130 10 325.50: do, AN i "a ---h re ! American Corn--Nominal. country, J 0 .50. Pork-- i Theres Boocham, § Helens, England. Ontario Oats--According to| Heavy Canada short mess, bbls, 35 to rE AAR : Panty Th : . Ji Hakan Ro ihehirg asian freights outside. Nominal. No. 2] 45 pieces, $52.00 to $53.00; do, Can<|. : ; White, Tdc to 76¢; No. 3 write, 70 tof ada short-cut back, bbls, 45 to 55 T4c. pleces, $50.00 to $51.00. Lard-- Ontario Wheat--Basis in stove, Compound, wood pails, 20 Ibs net, 25 Montreal, per car lot. No, 2 winter,|to 26¢: pure, wood pails, 20 lbs net, $2.22. 27% to 28c. | Peas--=According to freights out- . slag, Ne. 2, $3.70 to $3.20. * oil ley--According to freights out- . for the Winter [lois Mating. 31.02 to 31.33. °° : 1 Buckwheat --- Accord: ; : AT THE 'Hl treights ontside, $1.45 to $1.50, ; . 30c; gathers with ocenter-backs and front ll Rye--According to freights out- edges even lasing extension in pan- side. No. 2, $1.75. 26¢ to 28¢; Spring chickens, 30c; el front free; bring seam of skirt | Manitoba Flour--Toronto, in jute] Ducks, spring Ib., 25; Geese, ib., 24¢ Ki Vit having triple notches to undeFarm {| bags, Fist patents, $11.50; second }to 27¢; Apples, bk, 50¢ to 70¢; Do., seam. a bbl., $4.0 $6.00; Beets, bag, 0c; £ ; \ Then plait the belt, bringing slot to. Cauliflo i brown 9 jrtorations 'upward. to. small "o¥ 1 Exceptionally. sma s included per wear is this sem : 37; shorts, $43; mid-| bk » 7 to $48. Good feed flour, Hay' Toronto, per ton, No.| 1, $16 to $17; mixed, $13 to 30s, ; 4 car lots, per ton, $8.50 to $9. Se. yon utiodliy, De 53- a 3 New York, Nov. 27.--Rye flour-- white, 72 to 73c. Flour Bran---$36.50 to $37.00. ein eT CASTORIA