Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1917, p. 1

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i BT 12 PAGES rr TTT To ------, Ch tLe Te TT Che Daily British 10h ig [== YEAR 84: NO. 289 DELAYS. CALLING 'Wig inoqe ${e1I0}1 bo pegiudp eqy 'any ~U02 £19Ad Uj Wig moys # | "911397 INOqR [[B pue Avy oY) JOJ SRIIXO DIOM Jay], oul ejunog Jo ale 84) uj seaixe pexejius sA 101 31943 joi * 4®0 £94) Inum 'seq Jey)' yiesueq pessed Apwajie -mng 18Y} 991M) A([n} pue ul eq) jew vy) Fuwoayy ey) ul 0000'S uBy] oJowW aiom '1q3u je oje[ [| -uiom £1le9 ous 2I9Y) pPOOIS 'olqissodwy Sipeoord udnoayl opew Ooym spuesnoyj Sujioayo 030d8 puv peasm pum 'sjins | -In0 Auod[vq O(N ey uo Au * peaeadde oy 'jnusse A|puayd Wold) uwPOwod oy) pusjep 01 =ap uamadjiod £334 jo penbs je pajunow yinoy; , uo esouw, -a1 pue dn 3ujzed 'smopuim I ~ Aq 'sisaywuip® 9[juea} S[Y WoL) po -1%q SRM 9J[I¥YD POIqEO SEM SY) 'EY 9) I® ens ------ tsi WAR BULLETINS. British tonnage completed in November almost equals the losses sustained by submar- ines. Along the entire front from the North Sea, to the Adriatic Sea artillery duels of great magnitude are being fought. According to Berlin reports, only a ten days' armistice has been arranged with Russia. The British Admiralty re- ports bringing down two sea- planes on Tuesday and driving seven back. All British ma- chines returned safely. CEPI FPP EPP R PE PRP PESTO SEPP PPP LPO PTE L RPP Sebi bid lds sd Sd CONFIDENT THEY WILL OERTHROW BOLSHEVIKI. early All Other Party Leaders > Are Uni ed For the New Movement. : » wr : { i § (Canadian Press Despatch) AOD PUT Aepinjeg uUOpMIY conf London, Dec. 12.--Russian officials 1% ules) ey) woJj peddays oy Ivy 91 JoPURiEe sua io. dines and other leaders of the demo- ~daoe1 IpsewFnyIua A[epim -u0ds oY} PeAleded oday Fulde ® seq A10181y usjifumy us 19 'PAAjLIL § «deq) ejaeyd---'z1 "1deg 'uop Topuo uw | | cratic organizations in { hid : n rect communications with Gen, ale- Russia, de- (clared to the Associgted Press to-day that the movement to overthrow the Bolsheviki was supported not ofily b i the Cossacks but by almost all fead- i ers of the other parties, These leaders, it was said, are con- { fident they will be able to overthrow Jpn] Jem3aY e sajg the Hoievie URIPINIO)) JIAO] Snowe NFIdvH) ¥ TIA IN: Petrograd, Dec. 12-~The Bolshe- viki have dispersed the highest Rus- sian court = all other courts of Pet rograd in keeping with the recent de- cree of the people's commissaties, substituting new revolutionary tri- bunals Fre only opposition met was at the palace of the count t judges, who refused to be dispersed. They were arrested by soldiers. Leon Trotsky, Bolsheviki foreign minister, has issued a decree dismiss- ing all Russian ambassadors and their staffs. The Bolsheviki Defeated. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Dec, 2 Reports SNOULVI HSTI004 IHL AVa-OL NATIV hla SHEE iE YT 8 as the result of the Mont Blanc ex- plosion, it was learned to-day from lan and United States work, ers who have made investigations of, deaths, missing and Injured here. The known dead total 800, and it is estimated that from 900 to 1,000 still lie beneath the debris of shat- tered or burned houses. The missing list, very formidable in days immediately succeeding the disaster, is being steadily reduced as relatives are reunited and refugees who left the city return. On property damage it is reports ed that five hundred houses have been totally destroyed, five hundred rendered uninhabitable, while one thousand can be patched up. In one shelter in Dartmouth there were found 'three hundred men, women and children herded together, eat- ing and sleeping in the same room, me of the children heing omly a ow gd old. To this number there sterday added the crew which ship on fire. The people in this shelter were attended to by only three nurses. To Suspend Act Operations, - (Canadian Press wespateh. Ottawa, yy ~The Military Service Council has issued instruc. tions to the registrar of the Halifax nilitary district to suspend opera- tions in localities affected by the catastrophe. A more definite an- nouncement Juspecting the Halifax men liable to be called up in the first draft is eo shortly, - WITH GREAT BRITAIN And Said She Would be Glad to Discuss Peace Terms og IR the er or Some glad to orn with Groat Britain regarding peace. reat Britain re. plied she was ready to receive any communication 4 fighting at Mohilev, Russian general | headquarters, between troops newly arrived there and the Bolshevik' 'garrison were received in Petrograd Monday, according to the corres- / pondent of the Times in the Russian capital. It is also reported that shoek battalions and Cossacks ad- vancifg on Mohilev clashed with the Bolsheviki, who were defeated. JERUSALEM = 'WITH BARED HEADS. British, French and Italian Troops March Reverently Into the Holy City. London, Dec. 12.--With bared heads and measured tread, the main forces of British, French and Italian troops marched down the historic Jericho road into Jerusalem to-day, official despatches received hore yes- terday said. Commenting on the capture of Jerusalem by the British troops un- der Gen. Allenby, London papers point out that the event will pro- bably have the most favorable effect upon the Jews of Russia. The press editorially predicts that the signal victory resulting in the fall of the Palestine capital will 'most likely prove a strong factor in the strengthening of the Russian factions. who are antagonistic to the Bolsheviki and who are striving against the conclusion of a peace in Russia without victory, Allenby Enters Jerusalem. {Canadian Press spatch) London, Dec. 12.-- fer Lloyd George to-day announced Housé of Commons Allenby, British Palestine, entered Jerusalem on foot on Tuesday. The Premier said that General Allenby's proclamation insured the maintenance and protection of all sacred buildings and holy places. General Allenby was well received by the population. i With the British Armies in the , Dec. 12.--Germany is still around Cam in London, who 'are establishing di- h op half. through the casualties of battle. ospitals receiving treatment. give the assurance o SIGNERS:-- : "john McKelvey. J. B. Carruthers. Charles Livingston. Jas. B. McLeod. W. J. Fair. R. Meek. David G. Laidlaw. R. J. Carson: Oliver Chown. Elmer Davis. J. S. Robinson. » Daniel Smith. Leman A. Guild. J. G. Elliott, W. Hobart Dyde. C. A. Macpherson. Dr. D. Allan Black. B. W. Robertson. H. N. Robertson. James Redden. P. B. Chown. P. S. Mahood. success. Canada is passing through a most serious war is not promising; on the contrary it is dark and disturbing, and every citizen is called upon to perform some patriotic service in his country's be- plied or expressed, t KINGSTON, OFTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 917. Supporting Union Government: Former Liberals Declare Themselves 'The Whig Endorsed Kingston, Dec. 12th, 1917. crisis. The outlook of the Many, many thousands of our sons have gone overseas. They have been fighting for their cause most heroically. Dr. Ross, in a recent letter to a friend, tells of their devotion, their endurance, their fidelity, and their valor. They went abroad with the pledge, im remembered. Over 30,000 of them have been at they would be retired from the service Large numbers of them are still abroad in Others have been returned, their homes. Many others sleep in the marked or unmarked graves of Flan- ders. Their places must be taken as soon as possible unless which they endured are to be in vain. The Liberals who sign this manifesto understand the responsibilities which rest upon them. They feel that this is not a time for ineffectual con- | troversy over political issues. Criticism of former conditions, of the mis- takes of government, or of a faulty administration of public affairs, will not win the war. Only men and munitions can do this. The Premier has said that the last dollar and the last man would be given for this purpose. It may gratify the enemy if Canadians divide upon political issues, even upon the question of military service, now, but if this meahs delay in af- fording the Canadian force the relief which they need, or the recruits for which the commanders in France are pitifully calling, a crime will be com- mitted against the country and against her army in the field. : Realizing all this we can hesitate no longer in urging that all good men or/and true put their partyism aside, cease their political differences for the time being, and prove true to the nation and to themselves. We invite Liberals and Conservatives to rally to the support of the Un- ion Government and Plead that no act or service be left undone which can invalided, to the sufferings Yours most earnestly, CE. Taylor. i Fred S. Mahood. George E. Serle. W. J. Burns. Norman Smith. J. A. Gorrie. ' Robert H. Stevenson. R. Uglow. J. M. Campbell. * Prof. W. L. Goodwin. John Morris. George Nobes. George A. Bateman. Prof. W. G. Jordan. Prof. G. W. Mitchell. T. D. Robinson. A. G. Fleet. George Hanson. J. S. McBride. i N. Elmer, b ristopher Robinson, Enoch Godwin. o RESCUING SURVIVORS OF GERMAN SUBMARINE. sforces. already has begup i (PEPPER R RRR PRR + % AUSTRIAN BATTLESHIP + SUNK BY SUBMARINE. + (Canadian Press Despatch.) 4 London, Dec. 12.--The Aus- + trian battleship Wien was tor- + pedoed and sunk Sunday night, # according to a Vienna official + statement received in Amster- % dam and forwarded by % Central News. Most of the # crew was saved. The battle- + ship Wien displaced 5,512 4+ tons, and had a complement of 4+ 441 men. a 22 2 2 ES SSSI TR 20 | | BBITISH AIRMEN BOMB JUNCTION IN BAVARIA. Great 'Aerial Activity in Cam- brai Begun--British De- feat Enemy Attack. (Canadian Press Despatch.) don, Dec. -12.--There was great activity in the air on Monday, especially in the Cambrai region, ac- cording to an official statement on aerial operations issued last mid- night. British airplanes dropped bombs on enemy villages and the Germans bombed the British area. Five German airplanes were brought down and three British machines are missing. On Tuesday British a org dropped bombs on a large masens in the Bavarian palatinate, about 100 miles east of Verdun. Defeat Enemy Attack. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Dec. 12.--A local attack by the enemy yesterday afternoon against our position north of Lavac- querie, on the Cambral front,fwas repulsed, says to-day"s official com- munication. cessful raid last night in the vicin- ity of Pontruet, north of St. Quen- tin, in which we captured prisoners and machine guns. Feeling Out French Lines, (Canadian Press Despatch.) Parjs, Dec. 12.--German parties felt out the French lines at points north-west of Rheims last night. No activity of importance elsewhere is reported, although there was ar- tillery fighting of some liveliness in the Verdun region, where also a German raid was attempted. REPORT DEMOBILIZATION Of the Russian Forces--Rumanian Armistice is Signed. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Copenhagen, Dec. 12--A semi-of- ficial German news agency says that the demobilization of 'the ussian and. Jeace negotiations, réstricted to the ussian front have been authorized. Rumanian Armistice. (Canadian. Préss Despatch.) , Jassy, Rumania, Dec. 12--The offi- cial announcement was made to-day of the signing of an armistice in ac- cordance with which hostilities were suspended at' 10.30 p.m. Sunday until further notice. COUNTER REVOLUTION GROWS IN STRENGTH. (Canadian Press Despatch. london, Dee. 12. -- The % % counter-revolution headed by # + Gen. Kaledines is growing in 4 "% strength, and troops from the & 4 Russian front are being rushed 4 # from the trenches to give battle 4 : to the Cossacks. . (AL EET YT) Junction north-east of Por- | We carried out a suc- | that, _-- LAST EDITION . . a RURAL ONTARIO SHANGS UNION Laurier Likely to Have Even Fewer Fol lowers Than in Last House. LOST MANY SUPPORTERS AND MAY WIN ONLY SEVEN ON. ' TARIO SEATS. The Unionist Leaders Are Hopeful of Keeping the Laurier Seats Down to Seven. : Toronto, Dec. 12.--Unless there is a powerful undercurrent among the farmers against the Military Service Act and in favor of Sir Wiitrid ! Laurier, the Liberal leader will not | have as many supporters from Oné itario in the next. Parliament as he {had in the last. Unionist organiz- !ers, commercial travellers and oth- ers hoa Dusiises takes thet | throu, t the are uhani- mous the 1Bion t there has | been a : rural One i ta o en days to the U party. eliener, Sher- | brooke and Montreal riots aroused ithe Ontario electors from an apathy jdue to war weariness and comumer- cial prosperity and now the old spirit of Imperialism is rampant. { The most notable accessions to the Unionist party are Scotch Presbyterian Liberals. After following Sir Wilfrid Laurier with unswerving loyalty for twenty-five years, they are row deserting him in large numbers. Pride of race is strong among these people, and the | splendid record of Scots and Scotch- | Canadians in enlistment and in ae- ! tion appeals more to them than loy- alty to a leader whose sincerity in supporting the men at the front they are beginning to doubt, Itisas safe estimate that at least ninety- five per cent. of the Presbyterian clergy in Ontario are Uniondst. They and the women voters will more than double those in the old Con- servative party, who may advocate { Union, and then use the ballot in an effort to secure immunity from military service for relatives or maintain an adequate supply of i farm labor. Leading Liberals For Union. Halton County is very esenta- Hie of 3 Halt and half on the farm. -A.careful in- | vestigation in this county shows that i pratically every leading Liberal is | supporting the Unionist candidate, 'a new men In the political field and a Conservative. In this county there was the same strong ' feeling against the severity of the exemp- tion boards, but the working out of the Act has in a gréat measure allay ed the distrust and fear. - On every platform prominent lofal Liberal- Unionists appear with Conservative Unionists and appeal for support of the Union Government and the men at the fromt. It is estimated that (Continued on Page 3.) Present vote of credit by British Commons will suffice to end of March, 1918. The average dally war expenditure by Britain is now 4 | thirty<two million dollars. Reports from Turkey say the Sul- tan is seriously ill. The Whig's Fund "REMEMBER THE KIDDIES I" For Christmas Presents Children. : to Soldiers' wh W. J. Fair .. A, B, Cunningham ... ... W.G. Craig &Co. ... ..... Robertson's ad. ..". ... ... Mr. and Mrs, 1. Lieut.-Col. JM. Farrell ... ......... 3 Stevenson le wx wa Vee ves ns ih ed bese mad Wee Bes mesa Sas are san an Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Whiting .... .. .... .. .. Dr. and Mrs. 3. C, Connell ... ... . ... ..... Ancient Bt. John's Lodge, AV, & AM, .. .. ANMErSon BIOS. i. uy vs wian.iuisihies Major G. L Campbell ...... 5. oon over ens : ' Lieut-Col. and Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie . wa Ay a "on Sean van ee fen ans #oe 240 aur 200 Pee 8 ws us ; S % 3 Mies Dobbs Res eke Sue sey 200 oun ou Ena mene ae a EE ER ET "evi ose lees sen woe we sees sas sae * ses sessens she wan shane men aka men cre aun ns "he 9 ane sesssnebennnanntd FEE see Hed ade wa i" 4 THRE Sek EE Are neon ve ae e avaw "ar we aw S0e S88 wey ww an See tae ev as va $e ses sa. ves wn ( "aw sae sun we on SF 4 sun savinese BOs se, WS se ae See eev Bbsenaw . sed wan Bon ou Wa serine. ue PP essevina me. el, centres ©

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