PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1917. A -- -- i fromirappe eifeary, 7% MEKAY « FURS VE McKAY FURS Any article pur. chased or ordered will be delivered Christmas Eve. Far Coats for men, Fur Coats for men, WO- Fur Coats for chil- dren. Muffs, Stoles, Caps, Gauntlets, Fur lin- ings, ete. Everything in winter up-to-date furs, at popular prices, too. Your inspection in- vited to the only sun- lit far shop in town. "There's a Reason, John Mec Kay, Kingston's Reliable Fur House. 149-157 Brock St. Achievement' Through Glasses. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec | | | | | | ialist's advice. Consultation free, 842 King Street THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. TTT | ss covered that he could not see | J3 Asselstine DOS ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTS OF THE DAY {|| KINGSTON PRESBYTERY HELD [LOCAL NOYES AND (TEMS OF | INSTRUCTIVE" CONFERENCE. | GENERAL INTEREST, Three Calls to Ministers Were Dealt | Happenings In the City and Vicinity | With at Meeting on Tuesday After- ~~What the Merchants Offer to the | roon -- Report on Augmented| Readers of the Whig. | Charges. Ring up 645 for sweet cider. | At the ~ Planos to reat. C. W. Lindsay, | Ltd { Hear Sir Thomas White at City to | Hall to-night. Ring up 6405 for all kinds unfer- mented wines. A number of ladies in the city are banding together to furnish parcels and packages for the Halifax suffer- ers, W. Swain, piano wuner, 100 Clergy | street west. Orders left at McAu- | ley's, or phone 564. If in doubt as to how you should lowne i i vote, come to meeting at City Hall Omand's resignation from | to-night. is accepted and Mr. Fost Now is the time to 'have your | was appointed as m plano tuned, we carry two expert | erator of session, to declare the pul- | tuners and will assure entire sat- ll} pit vacant and to moderate in a call}igfantion. C. W, Lindsav. Ltd | when the congregation is prepared | The property, No. 68 Markland The Presbytery held mstructive street, owned by B. Derbyshire, has on religibus education ledf beém sold to Mrs. A. Ashley by E. E. R. M¢Lean, of Coeke's|w Mullin & Son. Tr as representative of the "| Now is the time to have your | sembly's committee on Y ung Peo- | piano turned, we carry two expert 's Societies and Sunday schools. 'turners and will assure entire satis- <s were tendered to Rev. Mr. | faction. €, W. Lindsay, Ltd. 1 and Rev. Mr. Kidd for their Hear Sir Thomas White ntation' of the subject | Hall to-night. } i + Tuesday afternoon session | ¥,.8% HON 1 1 Presbytery, the fol ere appointed to seats | eshytery and Synod, representation Neville; _ Hillier; illian 1; Benjamin Her- an rence at City a Er 7 copies. * al gift. 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights The College Book Store, 1917 Chums Annual ONLY A VERY LIMITED NUMBER OBTAINABLE, AND THOSE DESIRING COPIES SHOULD SECURE IMMEDIATELY Owing to the scarcity and'Government regulations in the use of paper in England, the Canadian supply of Chums was cut 15,000 Not a copy is obtainable in Toronto or Montreal. PHOTO ALBUMS AND CALENDAR AND PHOTO MOUNTS A very fine line of Kodak Books in all sizes in leather and cloth received in stock to-day. Beautiful Calendar Mounts for inserting snap shots to fit all sizes make a handsome and inexpensive person- ! Phone 919 from John Street Church] Belleville, in favor of Rev. D. C. Ram- s sustained, and a 1geme nade for his induct into thi charge on Jan, 4th next \ call from Dalhousit Rev. A. H. Gardiner. being declined, i} was aside, and Rev. Dr. Wallace vas authorized to moderate again when the congregation is prepared The auditors reported the 'boc | of the treasurer, Rev, J. Matheson. I! being accurately kept, and showing a balance of $390.99, and Presbytery passed a hearty vote of thanks to the treasurer, who is rendering such able service, ~ Rev. Dr. Gracey, of Gananoque, gave an interesting report on the mis s and angmented charges, whic was adopted One of the items re- commended a grant of $300 a year to Zion Church, Kingston. Presbytery decided to hold jts next mecting' the first Tuesday in March, at 10 a.m., in Convocatiédn Hall. FIGHTING THE ICE. set Steamer Wolfe Islander Trying to Keep Up Water Connection. The steamer Wolfe Islander is now into her annual fight with the ice, but it is believed that the steamer will be forced to lay up for the winter very On the island side there is ghontly. 1a 1 Lope three inches of ice for some dis-| tance from shore, and solid enough for horses. The Islander was able to make the usual trip to the city on Wednesday, breaking as much as three inches of ice to do so. The centre of the channel, however. may remain open for a while longer, JUST ARRIVED From New York and Now on Display at the Lion Clothing House. A number of young men's first long trouser suits, trench suits, known as the new trench, nice pat- terns, a few at $12.50; others at $16.50 and $18.00 and $20.00. Buy your boy one for Xmas. The Lion Clothing House, 347 King Street. At the Real Estate and Insurance, Removed to 86 Brock St., next Car- novsky's. Phone 326 or 621. - HONEY Hl Juicy ... i| Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs Evaporated Apricots ... ... i Sweet Cider ... ... ... | Golden Lion Grocery | Fancy Clover ii| In one pound sections, 25 cents each. || Fresh California Prunes, nice and «os 10e, 1235¢, 15¢ Ib. for 25¢. 15¢ Ib. 40c gal. | W. R. McRea & Co. CLEARED FOR FAIRHAVEN. Steamer Jex Takes the Honors for Late Sailing. The steamer Jex has not been laid up as yet and it looks as if the genial off the honors for late sailing. The Jex cleared on Tuesday afternoon to load coal at Fairhaven. ' The sloop Maggie L. has been laid up for the season in Richardson's slip. Fhe steamer Waffle is at Oswego, loaded with coal for Kingsto., but has been held up by the bad weather. An Organization Meeting: A unique gathering occurred on Tuesday night at an organization meeting of those interested in the election of the Unionist candidate, W. F. Nickle. About sixty former Golden Lion Grocery Do You Realize That CHRISTMAS, the season of good cheer is not far away? When giving, why not give something worth while. The day of useless foolish gifts is past. To conserve the nation's energies we must spend our Maney to the best advantage. . e mer- » that we carry is one of the most useful things in the world, for it makes for home and all that implies. To enumer- ate a few articles that will make acceptable Kiddie Kars for the children, $1.50, a cr pur. Tey ' Bate; chaste Sa ad | R. McFaul Kingston Carp t Wa ch Sr representative Conservatives, Lib- "erals and Independents met together in the Whig hall, and most harmoni- ously carried out the work of co-or- dinating the forces. J. G. Elliott was in the chair, and Ald. G. C. Wright acted as secretary. The first duty was the appointment of joint chair- men for the various wards: Sydenham Ward--G. HH, Ald. D. A. Black. Ontario Ward--W, J, Fair, T. J. Rigney. § Lawrence Ward--H. F. Price, J. B. McLeod, Cataraqui Ward -- Elmer Davis, John MeGall. = Frontenac Ward--John Sowards, A. G. Flett. Ridean Ward--R. Meek. F. J. Hoag. prictoria Ward-fi. Angrove, P, B. own. Portsmouth--Senator B. Culcheth. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO-QUIN- N Tablets. money if it fails to BW. Smythe, Richardson, ZROVE'S signature Is on each box || ------ Makes an Excellent Christmas Box. || 'A box of fancy coast. We have in favor of | Sllow the 6 months' rental on captain, Malcolm Shaw, is to carry] Special service for praver, arrang- ed for by the women, on behalf of the nation's needs, are being held in | {the winter chapel of St. George's | {Cathedral in the mornings at ten| o'clock. This morning there was a | | large attendance. | | We will rent you a piano, and at jend of six months if you feel like { purchasing instrument we wili al- pur- ichase price, and arrange easy terms | on balance 1. W. Lindsay. Ltd | The W.C/T.U. held its monthly business meeting yesterday, the pre- | sident, Mrs. Bateman, in charge, Several new members were received into the Union. Extensive plans are being made for the coming thimble and trinket campaign. name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. | Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Elegant Range of Beautiful Only One "BROMO QUININE." ' { To get the genuine, call for full b i | Cures a Cold in One Day. 30c. Designed by artists and stamped with the hE approval of fashiondom. | | WINTER IS HERE! I Don't Put Off Your Fur Buying An- other Day. We have a handkerchief display that will please you. Reasonably priced. Wool Skating Setts--pretty colors. Beautiful Waists in silk or crepe de chene-- exquisite designs. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. Popular . . .25¢c to $2.00 CLOSING OF MAILS Brith.h mail closes trregularly. Info. at P.O. Lol from time Baa. oy United States, da 11.30 and 11.39 pom. Grand Trunk, Come to the big store with the big } p.m, 30 p.m. 00 pm. "0 p.m. stock and make your We are headquarters for all kinds of high grade furs and just now our 1 ti WHY HE WORE A BEARD. selection. Incident in Life of Late Sir Macken: zie Bowell. The late Sir Mackenzie Bowell has and due to an incident that occurred in 1859, In writing to J. G. Elliott, the past president of the Canadian Press Associalon. expressing regret that he could not attend the conven- variety is very com- plete. Any fur coat, scarf, muff or sett upon which a deposit is made will be plac- ed aside until want- ed. : 10 More Shopping Days To Xmas. | cept the gavel made from wood of the building in which the organization was formed, he wrote: "On my return home after three | days' absence in Kingston, attending the provincial fair and organization meeting of the Canadian Press As- sociation, and not having shaved, my good wife expressed the wish that 1 Hi would go and shave--that I looked |! rather forlorn, }| her that I never would shave any more and [ have never shaved since" The incident was not made public at the time and is now told in con- Ji nectiott with the ex-Premier's' death. worn a beard for almost sixty years, |" pos BUILDERS' SUPPLIES weay BEAVER BOARD That waste room in the attic may be turned into a mice warm, cheerful den or bedroom by the use of BEAVER BOARD. No muss, no dampness while the work is in progress. Any handy man can apply it with common household tools. S ANGLIN & CO. tion last June in Toronto, and to ac-1} BOYD'S | (Garage! Have opened an office and store corner of Brock and Bagot Sts., Savage's old stand, carrying a full stock of . TIRES Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi ness as usual in the above lines, Agents for REO CARS. Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201 BUY A VICTORY BOND ---- Orders taken for HUDSON. SEAL COATS W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. furnace, and electric light, for $2,000 and $2,350. A Brick Dwelling j Near Victoria Park, with ha | wood floors, all modern, for $2,650, Revenue $300 per year. ' Fire Insurance | E.W.Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate, Cor. Johmston and Division Sts, Phones 589 and 1456 1 turned and told | PERFUME, TOILET ARTICLES, CANDY AND CIGARS Perfume .. .. ..... .. .. 25¢c to $5.00 Toilet Waters . . .. . ee we Cigars .. .. .. .. 75¢c box to $6.00 box. Mahood's Drug Store;