Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Dec 1917, p. 8

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a mp-- HHH Sr Production RN oas It is easier to make money than to save It. Savings Account at The save what your Increased effort provides. 11 Branches in Toronto, A ESTABLISHED 1888. BANK IK oF TORONTO AH -- et mn, Increased effort and eff.-| clency In labor, more econ- omy and less waste In livin building up eapital by har er work and greater savings, will enrich you and your country. he men and wo- men at home must produce more. to cover wars waste. Bank of Toronto will nein | xd 119 Branches ia Canada We have a fine line of Portable Lamps at reasonable prices. over and don't forget Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. Call and look them to buy a Your Xmas Gifts May incinde a beautiful box of ristmas Chocolates, n bottle of fine Christmas Perfume, or a box of fancy Christmas Stationery. Your inspection Invited -- our stock is varied and large. small deposit will ensure your cholce being set aside, gs % Drug Branch Eros Oice, Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Just Arrived from Holland ---- Plant Now, Potatoes! Friendships - 810 Division St. Phone 545 F.J JOHNSON === AAA Arr er eA ees -------- Another Carload of the Wonderful "EGG-0" Baking Powder. Just Unloaded For (> Everybody Uses EGG-O <5) W. G. CRAIG & CO., LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors, CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs. Gentlemen's Sults and Overcoats, 374 King Street. Save Your Coal James Soward's Coal Co. Phone 155. --_--) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1: 12, 1917. opera] GRAND ux TONIGHT One Night Only. THERE'S A THRILL COMING TO YOU! WILLIAM HARRIS, Jr., Presents BAYARD VEILLERS THE PAGE SEVEN The People's Forum Ess CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES isnt. First insertion, 1¢ & word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 30e; 50¢; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED Pree from One Year's Run at the 48th St. Theatre, New York Prices--Ground Floor, $2, $1.50, $1. A CARTER A MAID FOR KINGSTON GENERAL Hospital, TO TAKE mre Apply British Whig Pub. SASHES. Balcony, $1.50, $1, 75¢; Gallery 50¢ Seats now on sale, | THURSDAY, DEC. 13th. Daily at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five-Act Metro Wonderplay. WOMAN WHO IS FOND OF CHILD. ren. the Matron, Orphan's Home. Apply, GIRL TO HELF WITH HOUSE- work and wait on table, 343 King street. : EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT. in afternoon or evening tol. Apply Miss Dwyer, 64 Barrie St. GIRLS WANTED--APPLY KINGSTON Steam Laundry, corner of Syden- ham and Princesg St, Citys, Harold Lockwood WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD GEN. App in evenings to . Brigstocke, 7 Wellington eral gereant Mrs. R. street. GOOD GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED WO. man for house"work. Apply Pion- eer Apartments, 212 Division St. Cloy. The Hidden GIRL OR light ELDERLY LADY housework and: help care of children sslep at home 224 King Street. FOR with One who can pre forred. Apply Spring The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features. Matinée Any Seat Fri. & Sat. Dec. 14th & 15th 10¢ Evening 10¢c; Reserved, Sc Extra + * * + + # Store + DRUG CLERK WANTHD---EX- jerience d or graduate; short hours and highest salary. Apply J B. Phillips Mahood's Drug ett. WOULD YOU LIKE $1 OR $2 DAILY at home, 'knitting 'war sox on Auto Knitters? Experience un. necessary. Send 3c stamp, Dept. 24C. Auto Knitter Company, Col- lege streat, Toronto. Matinee Saturday at 2.30. A modern military melodrama in 4 Acts, by Walter Howard. 10--Stupendous Scenes--10 200--Thrills and Laughs--200 The War Atmosphere as it is in Lon- don. The glitter of the conflict and its sublime humor as well. Direction of Daniel Frohman, 7 Days Leave | Now in its 10th Month at Sir Henry Irving Treatre, London Eng, and still playing to record-breaking business. Prices--Mnat. 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1. WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF this paper do business with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the opportunity to do so, For "Whig Pub. C photie or write British Whig Pi GIRLS! SITUATIONS VACANT. Evening -- 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON IW ON SALE. 2 NIGHTS wofa"ate. 17TH $5 MAD DAILY INTRODUCING TO neighbors new domestic products reducing cost of Hving, nd ten cents for actual goods for selling samples. Garretson Company, Brantford, Ont. WANTED GENERAL LOST FOR SALE. CONDITION. COAL SLED, IN GOOD Malt House. Apply 8S. Anderson, Phone 722, UP-TO-DATE, FURNISHED ; Steam heated; near Cathe- Apply Mrs. S. J. Smith, 263 King St SECOND-HAND U¥ RIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in Fment, of new pianos and iano as, C. W. Lind- say, Limitea, 121 Princess street, GOOD SIZED FURNISHED ROOM centrally located. Telephone and eleetric light. Must be we'll heat- ed with hot water heating. | Ad- dress Box 1210, Whig Office. BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR bicycles to Geo. Muller, 373 Xing street, to be cleaned and store for winter; aiso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1032, -------------------------------------- TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and business Hen In East- ern Oatarlo an Son hect with a fod, side Rot, ht 457 to Box iotly cou- Adential LONG BROWN needle. Finder Whig Office. PARCEL addressed to W. B, Dalton & Sons, Limited. Finder will be re- warded by returning to owners. BLACK AND WHITE HOUND WITH one ear split, between Bagot and Montreal streets, on Saturday wight, Finder please phone 1101, ng 3. . BARRIHNFIELD, NEAR RIFLE range E, on Wednesday last, Sth inst, a& tan deer-hound, answering to the name of * "Buster" and mark- ed over hind-quarters L.T. Re- ward for return to L. T, Best Best's Drug Store. IN NOVEMBER, BETWEEN 13TH & 15th, at Brewley Lake, one black and white hound, with brown spots under eyes; one white bitch with tan head, with white stripe in fact, one tan spot on hip and root of tail. Any person holding those dogs and npt advertising, will be prosecutea, ¥. C, Ellis, Route 2, Enterprise, Ont. BONE Kindly KNITTING return to WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF second-hand furniture, stoves, clothes, etc. We also have everyiring In, the second-hand Mns for sale. Shapiro. 46 Prin- cess street. Phone FALSE WANTED -- OLD don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail F. Ter], 403 N. Wolfe St, Balti- more, Md. MANY BIG ADVERTISERS 'RIRST started with a Mttle ad this size. The cost is so little and the re- sults so big. We will gladly give you full particulars. Call at the office or drop us a postal today. British Whig PublMshing Co. TEETH i] TEACHERS WANTED, A QUAL IFIED PROTESTANT TEACH. er for No. 2, township of Olden. Salary Apply to Da- mon Mountain Grove, TEACHER WANTED FOR 1918, FOR 8. 8. No, 8, Clarendon. Salary $375, Duties to commence Jan. 3rd. Ap- ly, stating .§ualifications to Ervin rtin, Sec.-Treas, Fernleigh, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO, 6, Portland, Protestant; duties to commence January 1st. Apply, stat. ing salary, to Harny Watson, Sec. 0. 1, Ha Treas, R.R. N rrowsmith, TBACHER--PROTESTANT, second class cate for 8S, 8. HOLDING professional certifi- No. 11, township of Kingstan; duties to commence, Jan. 3rd. Apply, statin salary and ualifications, to E. H. M. Sproule, Westbrook. BOARD AND ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS WITH 0! R WITH. out board, Apply Mrs. OR YR 32 Ontario street. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work. Address 202 Alfred street. LEGAL B. OUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER &nd golicitor. Law office, 79 Cla ence street, Kingston. mn A. The famous Broadway success you have been waiting for. The Marbury- Carpenter and Builder W. R. V:.R. BILLENNESS Frouts - Redodelings Bulldings 4 n of all ESTIMATES 1 OB EXPERIEN University Ave: OF ---- C k Co's original production of the smartest and brighest of all musical comedies. Lili Mail Contract TENDERS, the A General, i bi oS ed at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 25th January, 1918, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mai contract for four years, ger week over"Arden Rural Mail Route o 2, er General's pleasure. is, on a proposed three times (Tamworth), from the Postmast- Printed notices Somaining further Notice Election Ad Volunteers STRAYED. ONTO THE PREMISES OF HARVEY Payne, R3, Gananoque, an old bay blind horse, on Dec, nd. Owner may have same by paying expenses and for this advertisement. th aL 360; res th times $00; OAK DESK, FLAT TOP, FIVE DRAW. ers and FiRboard, 1g Shep. 86 Brock Street. Phone 326. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK AND Black Langshans, old and young stock. 182 Clergy street. GARDEN LAND -- 15 ACRES Two miles from Kingston. Apply to R. a. marrison, Cataraqul, Ontario. A ONE-TON SANFORD Truck in at bg Condition Ap: Boye oly to & Co, or arage. to W, GQ. C GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND selections, your own choice, § Terms: §5 cash, $1 per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car st easy cold weather. Have your top re- covered and curtains 8 Tepained, Jud. son's Auto Tops, FARM, SIX MILES FROM KINGSTON, 150 acres; good house and out. bulldings. rat class land. Price $10,500. Terms to suit purchaser, Apply J. K. Carroll. TO LET ONE DOUBLE; ONE SINGLE ROOM, furnished. Apply 44 Frontenac St. OFFICES n a ARENCE ST. bers. A A B. i SHAN. 79 Sn str $40, NEW BRICK; ALL MODERN; 7 rooms, hardwood floors; choice, central location. Geo. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. Mo@ann's Real Estate Agency, 0 Brock St, Phones 326 or STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, airy rooms; Jo ur own lock and ey. rost's City Storage, 299 1 street. Phone 626; res. 939. FURNISHED PARLOR BED ROOM, suitable for man and wife, or two young men. Apply 225 Brock St. TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. ed rooms with board. Central lo- cation; all conveniences; gentlemen preferred. Rates reasonable. Ap- ply 282 Queen street. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking of using classified advertisin Write or Phone us about it. ® may be able, S° help you. British Whig Pub, PERSONAL i MARRY AT ONOE -- IF BONELY; write me; and T will send you hun- dreds of de escriptions: congenial people, worth $1,000 to $350,000; seeking marriage; (Confidential). Ralph Hyde, San Francisco, Cal. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed barmane ty. Pb out scar; 30 years' 5 Ap N ye oy ose, Bim Throat and" Btn street, Bagot FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. Society; incorporated 1863; v lonel H. R. Smi vice- resident, W. F. Nie- oney issued on ot ropertles, municipal a ntures; ortgates Pare a reatmant for its received and In- . R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kin n. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE re Insurance Company. Avatiable sets $61,187,215. In addition re which the policyholders have security the un) SOME OF THE BIGGEST AD ers today sometimes use a ad Nke this. A phone call or a postal win bring you full par. tioulars about this department. British Whig Publishing Co. Se tle GE STOCK OF EXTENSION TA. bles and wining chairs, bu china cabinets, also rings s and mat Prone' of Second hand furniture. Tn he Princess street. NUMBER YOUNG MEN'S FIRST LONG trouser Trench suits; some nobby patterns, from $1250; others at $16.50 and $18.00 and $20.00, One of thesq suits will please him. for Xmas. Buy him one. The Lion Clothing . House, 347 King Street, Kingston. $030-~-FRAME, § ROOMS, OBENTRAL location $1.400--BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, $1LAO--FRAME, TWO TO CHOOSE from; one with stable, $1L,800-SEVERAY, BRICKS; 6 ROOMS; improvements, RAME; 7 "ROOMS; IMPROVE ments, $2.300--BRICK; 10 ROOMS; ALL MO- #4,500-BRIOK ; Ann MODERN; GAR< age; 3 to choose from, $5,000--HRICK: 13 "ROOMS; MODERN improvements, $5,500--BRICK; § ROOMS; ALL MO. darn. VERY LOW PRICED to quick buyers on ocasy G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence, SEVERAL houses terms, DENTAL APP, 1.0.8, D.D.S, a Since, 943 3 Princess street Phone DR J, LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Bites Princess and Bagot streets. on h -- DRS, SPARKS 8 AND A BRN th 1651 ellington oot, Dewar ar, uy D.DB, Lbs assistant, BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DONS INV one cent until you read Su Finance, and rn how fortunes made and lost Db; Investors, are Free trial subscri n. ful Finance, 608 € Dearve Chicago, Good The Leading Florist Florist Jimited la Habiity 0 information as to conditions of propos- lowest All those interested in Designs, Wedd Bouquets and a Cut Flowers our wpectnity. Orders Alled promptly, Phone 230, 115 Breck TAXI SERVICE RING 960. Used. Kingston Taxi Cab Co. Stop, Look, Listen! AND BUY Our Christmas Goods Are Here. Come and buy early and often ¥ "ab The Bon Marche Phone 1844. Cor. King & Earl CHOCOLATTA Ready-to-use Chocolate" Connaiat the Choco inte, Milk and ugar, Prepared Insta Bolling Water Gain N Required . For alae By D. Phone 76. 841.3 Princess at. Eddie" ed contraot may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Arden and Tamworth, and at the office of the Post Office In- ector. POST OFFICE INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, 11th Dec, 1917, H. HL MRRRICK Post Oftice 1hapectar, Just as presented all year in New York with its great cast, its 1, 000 laughs, its charming melodies, its fascinating dances, and its fa- mous swagger fashion chorus. Hiection returms by special wire amnounced before, during and after AA rie aarameneeee | LE Performance. rrr ORR 50c, 75¢, $1, $1.50, $2.00. SEATS ON SALE MONDAY, XMAS Gift Suggestions For Men. Umbrellas--Gold and he 4 le silver Military Brushes--Ebony and Ivory, $2.50 to $8.50. Canes--Gold and silver mount. ed, $2 to $12. Links--Gold, silver, 30c to $15. Stick pins--73c to $75. : Signet Rings--Gold, $4 to $12. Wrist Watches--Gold, sil silver, and nickle, $6 to $25. Safety Razors--Gillegte = and east Gil e Leather, Writing Portfolios -- $2.50 to $10.00. Walletts-- Leather, 83¢ to $4. ad Cases--s8ilver and Leather, $2 to $15. 5 Fountain Pens -- Waterman, Pencils~Gold Is--Gold and silver, $1 Reendtieg ins. and lor, 85 to 1a. Leather Belts--8$1 to $4. CAPE VINCENT FERRY SERVICE DIS. CONTINUED FOR THIS SEASON. ROCKPORT NAVIGA- TION CO, LTD. GRIFFIN'S Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Regal Presents From Hall Cain's Famous Novel Also Jack Pickford and Louise Huff, in "The Ghost House" Second Episode "The Fighting Trail" Am. Smelters .. .. Atchison .. .. .. B.&O. .. C.PR. .. Erie Marine .. . Muline pd. -- Ryerson & Co., 44 Clarence St., Howard 8. Folger, Manager. New York Stocks. Open--2.45 p.m. 70 wh ee Anaconda .. .. .. § 'Bethlehem Steel "B" as ww . Nickle '.. - election of W. F. Nickle who would be willing to volunteer their automo- biles for use on Election Day, kindly communi- cate with Headquarters, Unionist Government. Phone 2399 FARMS FOR SALE Neart the city, at low city property, possibl Before pr es old By ping ne new blsiness Strange, Phone 32 S26, PIANO TUNING. JOS. HODGE, CERTIFICATED PIANG tuner. Leave orders at McAuley's, | & oT one 868. ARCHITECT POWER & son, BRE and Wen ERS, CA "HIGHEST ny, Call, or state conse P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. or Call or drop. a card. 23 Joha WANTED , HANDY MEN AND LABOR- ULKERS AND CHIPPERS. WAGES PAID. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COM- - PANY, LTD.

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