Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1917, p. 10

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IT The Confessions of Roxane (By Frances Walter.) hm ed es "FAREWELL. (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure wspaper Syndicate). 1 Bare been thinking over the rather. unkind spirft in which I have written about Kenneth's Aunt Tabitha, After all, she is just a rather crabbed old woman, who de serves kindness and a consideration from me, the nephew. And I have decided that she is not half so unpleasant as 1 have imagined her. It seems to me, perhaps, although it takes a good deal of courage to admit it, that I have, all my life-- at any rate, all my life since I first married--been sarcastic, unwilling to see the other person's point of view. And I know that the realiza- tion of his fault and the willing- mess to admit it come because of my great ha ess as Kenneth's wife. It would be Impossible. for any woman to live long under the same roof with a nature like Kenneth's without coming to a realization of her shortcomings. A man so con- siderate, so affeetionate, so just-- indeed, a man so nearly perfect as I think Kenneth is--somehow gets the world right and makes the petty un- pleasant things of life seem truly unimportant. So I have decided not to set down on paper any more of the trivial daily happenings. 1 think that per- haps writing down my unhappiness has emphasized it. And now, when 1 have really nothing to be unhappy about and everything to be happy about, why should I indulge in the rather morbid habit of continuing this journal? 1 know that our life together-- Kenneth"s and mine--i4s going to be a success, one of those wonderfully happy marriages that are, after all, quite possible. I didn't used to think they were. I thought that at best marriage consisted of a series of bickerings readjustments, And, of course, in my own case, my first marriage could not even be dignified by that definition. There was no readjustment about it--Arthur and I lived two separate lives, and ulti- mately came to much unhappiness as a result. Perhaps my plan is not the best. But I feel sure that if 1 dwell more on the happy side of existence, and less on the few unpleasant things that come into my life, I shall be as nearly a perfect companion and 'helpmeet to Kenneth as it is poss- ible for anyone to be. That sounds conceited, of course. But it isn't. It is just a statement of what I feel to be true, and, an explanation of my theory of Mving from this time on, So I won't write any more of the peculiarities of Kenneth's aunt. In- deed, In the course of time, she grew to be a much-loved member of our household. Kenneth says it is be- OAUSe my sweet nature swept aside the differences and difficulties be- tween us. And I hope Kenneth is right, And | Bothaps my decision not to write further of our Mfe js just an outgrowth of the deeper, happier side of my nature that has had a chance to unfold under Kenneth's helpful and loving influence, «At any rate, I am through with my account of my life, and leave my readers the word that in spite of many m and many early difficulties it has turned out to be a very peaceful, contented and beauti- ful life or all. 100 NERVOUS T0 SLEEP * Nerves Wrecked by Ac by Accident -- Was Afraid to Go in a Crowd or To Stay Alone -- Tells of His Cure. London, Dec. 14. --Much JYiathy was felt in this city for Mr. Dorsey, who met with a distressing accident when his foot was smashed in an elevator. The shock to the mervous system whe 50 . Dorsey was in a iia on for a long time. He wa dike a child in that he re- fired 's care nearly all he -- He feared a crowd, could pot stay alone and could not sleep because of the Nonkeried and excited condition at Det aid w what they could could not get back| R his strength and vigor until he for- Joly Lo Dr. Chase's Nerve accident that Dr. wife of a favorite|., Reh Th ald atten | mou HAPPIEST MAN IN DAILY BRITISH WHIG, x RIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917. CANADA o anvolMLE CONDITIONS BETTER "It's All Because of What a NO lac Did For Me," States Sil lool seeds *"§ believe [ am the happiest "man 'n all Canada to-day and | want to Rell the public it's' all because of what this Tanlac has done for me" sald Henry Ward, who resides at 20 Batavia Avenue, Toronto, and is em- ployed by the Swift Canadian Com- pany; in a recent interview. "Sometimes," continued Mr. Ward, when I stooped over a pain wonld catth me in the small of my back and 1 could hardly straighten up again. My kidneys were all out of order and disturbed me so I could scarcely get any rest at might. My stomach was so out of fix that I couldn't eat like other people and for fifteen years 1 have simply suf- fered torture. Many a morning my back hurt me so bad and was so stiff that I couldn't raise my head and I would actually have to roll out of bed. I have gone to work hurting se bad that I could hardly drag along and felt that I would be compelled to go back home. 1 have had' to quit work many times on account of my condition and last spring I got in such a bad shape 1 had to'stop off for more than a week, and I can't deseribe my suffer- ing. Then my legs became affected with something like rheumatism and there were sharp, cramping pains going through my muscles that made my legs feel like they were drawing double. Many a night I have had to crawl out of bed, walk the floor and rub to get relief from those aw- ful cramps, and I just tell you I was in misery nearly all the time. : "This is just the. fix I was in for fifteen years and while I doctored and tried nearly every kind of medi- cine recommended for such troubles, nothing did me any good until I be- gan taking Tanlac. Others said so much about Tanlac helping them that 1 thought I might as well try it. So T did, and when 1 found it was doing me good I kept on taking it. I have taken six bottles now and I can say it and tell the truth, I am feeling better than I have in fifteen years. I am simply getting along fine and have gained five pounds in weight, which I think is wonderful for one of my age, as I am. now sixty-four. I haven't been bothered with my stomach and kidneys since I tock my first bottle of Tanlac and I believe these troubles are gone for good. All signs of the rheumatism have left me too, I'm not constipated any more and I feel stronger and more vigorous than I have in many years. I certainly am happy over my won- derful relief and 1 think it nothing but right that I should tell about it for the benefit of others." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. --ADVT, SPECIAL PRIZES AWARDED For Exhibits at the Kingston Fair Last September. Following is a list of the special prizes awarded exhibitors at the Kingston Industrial Exhibition: James Henderson, R, R. Kings- ton, being the biggest prize~ dan in horses, wins the rosette donated by Joseph Hawkey, ex-Reeve of the township of Kingston, now doing his bit in France, This rosette was awarded the 21st Battalion in trans. port competition in France, 1916 James Henderson also wins the bronze medal donated by the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, Kingston, for being the largest prize-winner in|' horses. Special prize for best draft foal 1917, one pair of horse blankets, do- nated by Simmons Bros. won by Rutledge Bros., Sydenham. Special prize $10, given by C. Dono- ghue, Qutatio street--I1st, G. H. Wil- mot, R. Kingston; 2nd, C. A. Kincaid Rr R 1. Kingston. Special prize $5, donated by W. F McBroom, Pringess street, city, for ade herd cattle (bull purebred) ames Henderson, R; R. I, Kings- ton. Special prize $10, given by John Mc Ltd, for best dairy calf hei- fer Tames Henderson. and Grant Grimshaw, Wolfe Island, cach $5. Sheep; special rize $10, given by John McKay, Ltd. city. for ram, one ewe two shears and over, one year- ling ewe and one ewe lamb--S. G. Hogle Violet, Special prize, silver te. donated by the International Stock Food Co, to be awarded to the largest prize-win- ner in live stock--James Henderson, . R. 1, Kingston. He has been the successful winner for two years in sdecession, and retains the cup per- manently. Special grins. $10, given by the so- ciety to t est prize-winner in A. Pai oscow, Ont. : pecial prize coal oil Perfection heater donated by John Marris, rep- resenting the Imperial Oil CoC, H. 'Curtis, Picton, he being the. largest winner in water-fowl, ial prize $10, given by War- wic Pron] Princess street. to the largest Rize -winner in vegetables-- Joseph V ite, Porismoutb, ial $2, by Ald, H. W. Newman for We. be: est half bushel of potatoes-- 3» Cataraqui, $10; 2nd, road. a boy. 16 years cate Inath: abet pric $5. 43 G, G. Pu Ontario for a" The retirement t Monday. ; GT Veron Liberal Hon F. B. wo. Lite in Colch HE makes Joe twenty-fifth fif- Sepporier oe Sir Wi 5) Lau ndidates may retire fim w i Section but those who have withdrawn this week will have their names on" the ballot amt pers, Wnt em A ni Publow, IN BARNYARD ODOR NEXT YEAR, SAYS INSPECTOR BELL. Sanitary _ Inspector Heports General -- Improvement Throughout thre mr City--Three Rag Dealers Refused Permits. The Board of Health Thursday afternoon and discussed | the milk situation with Inspector G.| W. Bell, who/Stated that he intend- ed to guarantee to the people that | in the coming year there would be no Saririns taste to their milk, The | inspector is watching the milk sup-| ply carefully and making tests re- | gularly. He said that the Dairy| School will not now: test milk un- | less twenty-five cents a sample is paid Dr. Williamson, medical | health officer, intimated that the Dairy School came under an agree- ment made between the city and the | School of Agriculture, in connec- | tion with Queen's University, and | was bound to make all tests foe | The city clerk will make enquiry in- | to the matter. i The Board considered applicatibns | from several ar to store, rags | and junk, A number of complaints | met on | rags, etc, now occupying. They will have to seek quarters elsewhere. Sanitary Inspector Timmerman reported that the yards of the city were in even better condition than a year ago. There was a general improvement in all sanitary condi- tions throughout the city. He re- ported sixty-six houses within the restricted sanitary area thet had not installed the required improvements, and also mentioned several streets in which there were no drains, and recommended that steps be taken at onee to serve these streets. Mayor Hughes presided at the meeting, and the other members pre- sent were Dr. A. R. B. Willlamson, Dr. L. Crowley and E, Cain. HOLDS UP CANADA. ------ Australian Premier Says Canada Done Better Than Commonwealth. Sydney, NS.W., Dec. 14.--Pre- mier Hughes in. a speech at Mel- bourne said that Canada had done better than Australia and yet she deemed it necessary to introduce conscription. She realized she had not done enough and sought to re- trieve her reputation. She had sent more: men to the. front than Aus- tralia, and unless Australia also ac: cepted conscription 'Canada would Place such a°gap between her mea- sure of assistance to the Empire and Australia that the Commonwealth will 'be ashamed tg make compari- sons between the eiforts of the two {Dominions Suspected Spy Arrested. (Canadian Press Despatch) Halifax, Dec. ~=A suspected Spy was afrésted on board the relief | steamer Northland from Boston. He gave.the name of Henry French, but it was ascertained his name is Louls | Vosburg. Lieut.«Ool. Doherty, D.S.0., .of Winnipeg, commander of the Strath- | cona Horse, was killed in action. The official statement of the num- ber of dead and missing at Halifax | is 1,226 in all, "One Meatless Meal a Day" is a good food slogan for war time, or any time--Dbetter make it two meatless meals a day--it would mean health and strength for the nation. | But be sure and get the right ; substitute' for meat in a digestible form. | Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the ideal substitute for meat, It is 100 per cent. whole wheat prepared in a digestible form. Two or threé of these | little loaves of baked whole wheat make a nourishing, satisfying meal at a cost of only a few cents. Delicious with milk or cream or fruits od 3 efor had been registered inst ghree of | the dealers, and if fous decid tnat | . Vigkey and A. Spiez- ,.{] permitted to storg | on tHre_ premises they are ax | top. and run 1h {heart shape edged wi ] linen: clodet, ErORERDOTOnes hristmas Gifts That Are { CHRISTMAS gift that ant be used and enjoyed is a disappoint- ment. The average mano or wom- an wonld rather receive a post card with a cheerful "Merrie Christmas" on it than a gift that is just perfunctory. The war has made us all alert this vear for the cheer and welfare of our boys on the sea and in the army. So why not knit the young patriots gray wool sweaters and those excellent long-wristed mittens, with finger tips missing not te impede their work at the riggings and behind the guns? Illustrated is a desk set for father, hubby or sweetheart, If you are clever you can saw it out of thin pine and enamel it beautifully, filling it with good paper, pens and stamps. Or you can make the frame, of stiff cardboard and cover it with any attractive paper that matches his den or library. Handmade lingerie is always a test of affection. So make sister an under- | vest made of crepe de chine. One yard and a quarter of a good quality of crepe, the same quantity of beading {and a little more narrow ribbon are re- | quired. Cut the vest straight. hem on the bottom, put De aading across the > through ft. Six sachets filled with the faverite cent of the recipient | made, say, in narrow lace, would he pobtn valil and they are ab (jways useful. Little lavender silk bags | filled with dried lavender flowers be are by anyone with -- "General Kaledires promptly rested one of a committee of "Bol: sheviki naval yes = sent Sure to Please | eroreQreeeees -- cme We Sell Goods for What They Really Are. The Body-Building Power of BOVRIL New goods coming in dally. Shelled Almonds, Shelled Wal nuts, New Dates, New Figs, New Peels, Turkish Delight, Velvet Marshmall Baker's ro Princess Thane Frontenac Sta. In feeding experiments on Human Beings carried out by a well-known independent British Physiologist. When Bovril was added to the normal diet it produced an increase in flesh, bone, and muscle equal to 10 to 20 times the amount of Bovril taken. You are there- Sov WHITE- fakin. FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Ca. fore sure of being nourished if you take Bovril ATTENTION ! United Grocery 138 Princess St. First shipment of government fish (oo arrive this week. Call and get p mt of the Also ® large sh famous Chinese Lillies. SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Martin's Potato Flour, Yeyqulae price 23c, snle price ey Corn Starch, regular price' 15ey sale price, 2 for ... . Be 509 ihe cholee dairy butter, are ih, Overseas all sizes, See our window for Christmas eanjiies, stockings and chec- olates. United Grocery. BEN LEE & CO, Body-Building Power of Bovril taken. No increase in price since the War. ROYAL VINOLIA TOOTH PASTE It's so easy to lose your teeth---and its so hard to replace them! Save them. Use Royal Vinolia Tooth Paste and you will enjoy the pleasure of a clean mouth and of glistening, handsome teeth. You will avoid the great inconven- ience and expense which it always costs to replace your teeth. Use other Royal Vinolia Toilet Specialties and cxpericnce the same delight. Vinelia Liril Soap made entire- ly from sweet oils. Royal Vinolia Face Crea eam, 25¢; Vinolia Face Powder SOc and up, in a variety of odors. At the best "ruggists Soap Makers to TEM. the King Londen TORONTO Paris Because We Bought Early WeAreReady To Give Good Value You can always buy a cheap suit -- cheap, but you are get- ting no more than you are pay- ing for. A good suit will cost you a little more but you are getting the extra value and more -- in the style, fit, and workman- ship -- arid the knowledge that you are well dressed. There's sound nd economy in

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