Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1917, p. 2

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re Fe \ PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, Ep--r-- et Tr -- ep INCIDENTS a | ~~ OF THE DAY} ™*® Ron EXEMPTION TT | ih-- | EEE TURES! OND GIBSON CHRISTMAS CARDS GENERAL INTEREST. | the Tribunals Are { THE FINEST CARDS THAT AMERICA cfN PRODUCE Happenings In the City and Victaity | Pouring In. | --What the Merchants Offer to the | : A large number of our customers are purchasing Gibson Cards and having them embossed or engraved at the local printers, making thém a personal Greeting Card and giving the advan. tage of the complete Gibson Line of over 200 designs, with original sentiments, to select from. Union Government's last min- Readers of the Whig. u ts to save the farmers irom Ring up 645 for sweet cider. . the Military Service Act has been ta- rent. ©. W. Lindsay, | ken advantage of by some 125 farin- crs of this county. A. W. Sirett, J. Wright, Earl street, left on | District Agricultural Representative y, for Toronto, to join thel! king after this work ,and is cer- Flying Corps. | tainly busy being in conference with W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy | J. 1 Richardson the appointee of t west, Orders left at McAu-| the Minister of Militia, : or phone 564. { The appeals for exemption from 0. Sliter, principal of the Col-| Military service came from practically te Iustityte, has had 'quite an |¢Very farmer of the county. These , but his conditioh shows im- | have been heard and a great many r ment. | disallowed. Now there is the grav- Ring up 645 for all kinds unmfer-| cst anxiety on the part of the farm- i mented wines. j ers and their representative to have il! All electors should hear Dr..Rich- | these disallowange decisions cancelled i! ardson at the Liberal Rooms, 338 | so that all of the farmers crgaged in | | King Street, Friday, at 8 p.m. | productiop will be allowed to con-| i Miss Ada Birch wishes to thank | tinue in that vocation until after the Bl! a1! those who contributed so gener- | war. According to the present in- | ll! ously with gifts of clothing for the | dications all of the appeals now being | Pianos to . The Gibson line covers everything that could be desired for Christmas in cards. Teo the folks at home, Father, Mother, one man to another, acknowledgement of gifts, appreciation, condolence, humorous, etc., ete. Special cards to send to those having friends or relatives overseas or to those who have been bereaved, , - Owing ca their enormous production Gibson Cards are no more cxpensive than the poorer lines on the market. Priced from 2c to 30c each. : We carry the largest and most complete line of Xmas cards in the city. McKay Custom Made Furs. Store Open Saturday Night. Milltary and Civilian Furs FOR CHRISTMAS. Muskrat Caps, Muskrat Gauntlets, Beal Caps, Seal Gauntlets, Persian Lamb Caps, Persian Lamb Gauntlets, Beaver Caps, Nutria Caps, Otter Caps, Rae¢eoon Caps, Button on 'and Stationary Fur [olla spocial order, Beaver Gauntlets. Nutria Gauntlets, Otter Gauntlets Gauntlets, in Any Fur, made to Also taps and ganntlets, Genuine Buckskin or Horse Hide le. Ganntlets and Mites her used in facings. ned with Fur, John McKay, LIMITED. Kingston's Reliable Fur House, 140 - 157 Brock Street. Real Estate and Insurance, "Removed to 86 Brock. St., next Car- r novsky's. Phone 326 or 621. Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and got our spec falist's advice. Consultation free, 1S. Asselstine D.0S Registered Optometrist. 48 Street King TOM ll} Halifax }| plano tuned, we carry two expert t isfaction. ll tions for the ll Health Fung Miss Etta E. Smith, | n || low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms |' fli was not supporting his family. || youths' winter overcoats and suits, | ces. li} which he will make up into suits or i and guarantee first class fit. ll FOUND NO COMPLAINT * Bi a rT 5 4 i PGE 53 - not give, fade ag cd cheer is not far awa somethingw | Do You Realize , the season of good y? When giving, why orth while. The day lish gifts is past. To conserve energies we must spend our 'the best advantage. The mer- that we carry is one of the most things in the world, for it makes for . 7 ies. To enumer- few articles that will make acceptable | walks one can believe that he is mak- relief, Two large bales | were sent | Fire Chief Armstrong was able to | ji leave the General Hospital and go to| his home on Thursday. He is get- | ting around with the aid of a pair of | crutches, | Now -is- the time to have: yqur | tuners and will assure entire sat- | C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. A tramp, given shelter at the | police station on Thursday night, re- fused to take a job shovelling snow | whet he got the offer. He is a} typleal Weary Willie, and declared l| be did not have to work. | All electors should hear Dr. Rich- ardson at the Liberal Rooms, 338] King Street, Friday, at 8 p.m. | The Whig's Classified columns | have what you are looking for. | The Board of Trade acknowledges the receipt of the following dona- Belgian Children's $3; Miss $2.50; Dr. H. E. Day, $3; Miss Stone, $2.50; John Fairlie, $1. We will rent you a piano, and at {end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we wili al- Rev. on balance. C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. As the result 'of a visit Inspector Jack of .the Children's Ald Society paid to Perth Road, a wife and hus- band have been reunited, and it is hoped that their three children will he properly cared for. The inspector had a complaint that the husband Prevost, Brock street, has recely- ed a large shipment of mens' and which he will sell at very close pri- In his order clothing depart- ment he has. a full range of cloth overcoats at a very reasonable price { trustees on the | Craig; ABOUT SERVICE ACT Major Porter Reports It Is Dealing Fairly and Square= ly With Everyone. | pp---- i Major R. E. Porter, representing {Lieut.~Col. Street, district represen- dative of the Militia Department, has returned fram a visit of the third military district from Kingston to nCornwall. He made the trip for tie purpose of visiting the various tri- bunals and especially to interview; the military representatives, in or- der to clear up reported misunder- standings in regard to the taking of] men off the farm for military ser | vice. As a result of his visit Major Porter found that there were prac- tically no complaints whatever about the working of the Military Service et. Major Porter explained how that men who were needed on the farm were left to continue their work,! but those who could be spared were: to be taken just the same as young men in the city. He also went into the workings of the tribunals ana oy his missionary work succeded in clearing up many points for parties interested, and the general opinion was that the Military Sefvice Act was dealing fairly and squarely with] everyone. -------------- ---- IS YOUR WALK CLEAN? Snow Shovelling in Kingston Séems To Be a Dead Art. ; The. Snow King is again fighting for the possession of the. city ,and by trudging along some of the city's ing a good fight. The citizens do {'down and then by waiting till spring not seem to realize that the walks should be shovelled. It is a habit with the majority of the residénts to let the pedestrians snow no_shovelling will be necessary. The snow. fell all Thursday night and Friday morning. It did not drift as in the previous storm. An Aceptable Christmas Gift. A box of California Grapes, twenty pounds, packed in cork dust, Have a look at them. - Carnovsky's, W. E. Bonter Returhs. .W. E. Bonter. Belleville, has re- turned to the city after four years' absence and will act once more 2 |! ] id | elf] 4 : : . ih comed by a host of old |] ny HW manager of the skating rink. centered will be granted RETIRING SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Probability is That They Will Be Re-elected by Acclamation. This year the term of the following Board of Education will expire, but it is altogether likely that thé members will be re-elected by acclamation, although one of the members, J. R. Henderson. the retir- ing chairman, has announced that he | will not seek re-election: Sydenham Ward,,]. R. Henderson; Ontario, A, McLean; St. Lawrence, J. G. Elliott; Cataraqui, I. Cohen; Frontenac, F. Anglin; Rideau, James 'rai Victoria, J. F. Macdonald; Collegiate Institute, W. A. S and Robert Meck. werent The Quinine That Pees Not Affect ead. Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." EW, GROVE'S signature is on box. 30¢. Sawyer Mrs, James L. Peters, 70 York street, city, has received word that ner husband, Sgt. Pete's of 33rd Bat- tery, has been severely gassed and is nown in a hogpital in England. The College Book Store, 160-162 Princess St. Open Nights Phone 919 Saturday . . Only 8 More Days to Shop for Christmas. The Christmas Store Our store is attrac- tive and interesti to most folks the year 'round, but at this season it is especially so. From our big stock it, is an 'easy matter to select some- thing pretty as well as useful for mother, brother, sister or friend. We have actually three stores under one roof, 'the hat store,' the millinery store and our big fur store, Here are some. suitable gift suggestions: | ' | ll meeting of the Board of For Ladies Fur coats, stoles, caperines, I muffs, setts, Indian made honsé } fur lined gloves, millinery, um- Jf brellas,-eloth and plush coats. H| ¥ li ernment, and its designs, broken sizes, priced $1.50 each. .. .. 98¢ Ladies' cloth skirts, navy, black, tweeds, sizes up to 28 waist band; priced up to $5.50 each. Saturday .. .. .. $2.95 A few Gingham House Dresses, small sizes, 34 and 36 only. Saturday .. .. . 98¢ All our coats at special prices . . $12.50 up Fancy Ribbons for Xmas, 2 yards for 5c. *Boys' heavy ribbed wool hose, large sizes, 84t010. Special .. .. .. .. .. 39¢ Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, Penman's, today's price 75¢. Boudoir Caps, fancy Saturday .. .. 50¢ neckwear, handker- . chiefs, all at popular prices. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. BOUGHT VICTORY BOND. Collegiate Pupils Will Erect a Memo- h rial For Fallen Comrades. At the meeting of the Board of Education, beld on Thursday night, W, J. Saunders, who is acting princi- pal of the Collegiate Institute during the illness of KE, O. Sliter, reported | that the pupils of the Collegiate had | taken out a $100 five-year Victory Bond. The bond has been register- ed in the Board's name, and the de- sire of the pupils is that the proceeds be used in securing a suitable memo- rial for comrades who have fallen in the war, DOING THEIR "BIT." Puplis in the School Raised $2,895.95 For Red Cross. The fons in the public s¢hools ares certainly doing theis "bit." At the Education: held on Thursday night it was an- nounced that the children had raised the magnificent sum of $2,895.95 for y Cross work. ~~ During November the children raised 127. . The amount was made up for the most pant of five-cent pieces and ers. he Board warmly applauded the: 0 port. which 'was read by Secretary Macdonald. rtd So --------------rpi IS A UNIONIST, : bo ------------ 'He Determined to Stay With Win the War. « Rechab Tandy, 425 Albert st writes the Whig : Feel: "I was the list of Reform- ers' names who intend to vote at the | election for the Union Gov >, date 2 Al am a life-long CANNEL COAL One big car load of this nice lumpy coal to dispose of. If you are short of hard coal or firewood, try it in your stove, S. ANGUN & C0 Woodworking whnclory, Lum- Factory Phone 1415. , Sees Lumber, Coal ang Wood aoe ry much gratified to see in| idate here, Mr. | BOYD'S Garage! Have opened an office and store corner of Brock and Bagot Sts,, Savage's old stand, carrying a full stock of TIRES Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi. ness as usual in the above lines, Agents for REO CARS, Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201 BUY A VICTORY BOND HUDSON SEAL COATS W.F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. wo New Bungalows | With furnace, improvements a nd electric Hght; for $2,000 and $2,350. Be | Near Victoria Park, with 1g wood floors, all modern, for $2,650. Revenue $300 per year. E.W.Mullin & Son Lg Sellers of Real Estate, Cor. Johnston and Division Sts, Phones

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