Lavell BEEN ILL IN HOSPITAL: BQ was » _-- Teral He IMPRESSIONS OF MACEDONIA | Capt. L BY CAPT. A. E. LAVELL. Ja very serious attack of malaria. RC i As most of you know, 1 have been Grim Endurance and High Spirits of | spending the last six weeks in this British Soldier Stand Out--Road | Hospital in a very hard fight with a Building. very malighant form of malaria. Fér. - SAT « tunately mm now-convalescent, and The following letter was received ; expect to leave here, But for by the 'Rev. J. D. Fitzpatrick, pastor la few days it looked as if you and I of Brant Avenue Methodist Church, should not see one another again Jrantford, from Capt. (Rev.) A. E.'I knew nothing about it when the t C. =. F, overseas It n fiom the Western Gen- vital, Liverpool, 'to which | lias been comfined with = by the soldiers. li} thankful for--that my malaria attack {| held itself off until I reached Eng-|==5 li | land. | the boys who had it in Macedonia = Now is the Time! To buy your winter footwear. Felt boots from $2.50 up. We have rubbers to fit any shape shoe and a complete stock of over- shoes and heavy rubbers. chase Until Christmas. Make the Kiddies' Christmas a Happy One. Some Suggestions: Chesterfields, Brass Beds, Easy Chairs Rugs and Mats, Ladies' Dressers. ) Lace Curtains, Victrolas and Victor Records. T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD. | 229.237 Princess St. Phone 90. of that church, but fj the shade, had it far worse i} in the East, I think the following im- lH] First comes the marvellous fighting li] --is as bad as it can be, he is won- ll] have expected was ll] Second, the noble an ll work being performed in aid of the | Serbian refugees. THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917. matter was at its worst, being uncon-| scious and delirious. I am thankful | indeed that the outcome is as it is. Of course, when I am entirely recov. ered, that will not unfortunately be the end of the malaria. But this is the price. of campaigning inthe. bal | SHEE EERE EAN ast kans Some, especially those living in huts, which 7 did not, had a fair chance of escape. But everyone had to run the risk of malaria and dysen- tery, and of these many died. When the history of the Saloniki expedition is written, | think it will be found that no front was filled with more kind of dangers than his Nor was any- where more devoted courage shown I have this to be It was bad enough here, but' with the thermometer 104 degrees in The British Tommy. "Looking back on my experience pressions stand out as being lasting. qualities of the British soldiers. In action or in patient endurance, when al lis well or when everything--in weather, fighting conditions. disease derful and quite unbeatable. I have heard him singing when all you could rim endurance. self-sacrificing I shall never for- get a visit to an Anglo-Serhian hos- pital in the spacious but rough cellars of a massive stone building in Mon- aster, Serbia. Dimly lighted--the little windows were blocked with round stones, because of the falling shells--with mud floor, and rough walls, the place was made light with the cheerffil and kindly activities of the English nurses, abies and old women, torn by the Boche's shells, and women and children with various forms of. illness, including typhus, \lg¥ there and were tended by these yoting sisters and the magnificent English surgeon who was in charge, This was but one of the many of the he- roic but unknown and | unnoticed deeds of this war. -- Road-building. "Third, the thoroughness and ex- tent of the work of the British Engi- neers in the making of roads. In St. Paul's' day there was possibly one fair road built by the Romans to con- nect their possessions. But when the British landed in this campagin there was hardly even a respectable trail, except right in Saloniki. No military operations can be carried on successfully without means of trans- port, and for transport in these days of immense motor lorries and heavy artillery, where speed is essential, and the volume of traffic necessarily great, no roads can be too good. And the hundreds of miles of roads built by the engineers in Macedonia across swamps, on high mountain sides, across streams and ravines, will com- pare with any roads I have ever tra- velled on--smooth, solid, well-drain- ed and permanent. The grades are a little steep here and there for ordi- nary traffic, and sharp curves make yoit hold your breath, but the A. S. C. drivers take. all this as if on a level street. Military Equipment. "Fourth, the completeness and im- mensity of the general military equip- ment. Of course, that is character- istic. of every front these days. "Of my own work you will have to form your own ideas. To the best To-morrow should prove an exceptionally bus da as we have one of the most attrac- tive bargain lists of the year. Do your Christmas shoppi r with the greatest assortment of practical gift suggestions at popular prices in town. Probe: Very cold tonight and Saturday. JUST 7 SHOPPING DAYS--THEN XMAS. id NBT, & Orrow. PLEASE SHOP IN THE MORNING --AND CARRY YOUR SMALL PARCELS. 0) A 4 4 | / HA Swe eping Clearance Sale of New Coats-Suits-Dresses sl A fitting climax to a wonderful season. We are going to clear to-morrow and Mon- day over two hundred of this season's smartest garments at less than the cost of materials. If you have a coat, suit or dress still to buy, make this an opportunity to see the sensa- tional yalues we have to offer to-morrow. NEW WINTER COATS 50 swagger New York coats made in the season's Fjonap olgt sus Nd w" most advanced styles, in which every feature is shown. The materials are broadcloth, velour, pom-pom, Bolivia, ker- sey, English frieze and a few tweeds, in three assortments to clear as follows: Fue $1298 eae «0318.98 vee. 921.98 of my ability--which I realize is not much--! tried to serve the troops in every way I could. In comparison with the amount therg was to do, 1 did very little. But F did enough to Regular $19.50 to $24.50 values. Sale price . . Regular $27.50 to $35.00. Sale price .... .. .. Regular $38.50 to $47.50. Sale price . SRA Sh SALTS SEAL PLUSH COATS! (EVERY EGG GUARANTEED) POACH, BOIL OR FRY FINEST CREAMERY - Butter 48c The Wm. Davies' Co., Limited Phone 597. I] able to attempt and accomplish. | tracks at Nipigon, Ont.,. was brought ok 'Christmas, with its spirit of good will 'has its mission to fulfil. ; Feelings are only awakened then th Our stock of desirable, useful gifts is Il make me glad 1 was there to serve, and any price 1 had to pay was light when compared with whatever: [ was "What lies before me do not know, | have volunteered for France, but this illness will keep me in Eng land at least for the winter. [I shall now be attached to the University of Toronto Hospital, and I know I shall enjoy the work with them at Basing- stoke, in Hampshire." wr -- Daniel Will Says: "To go through the Canadian winter without an ulster is a hard~ ship. 1 have the woolliest, warmm- est ulsters in weaves that are as downy as an eiderdown quilt. The ones at $25 are superlative values, and they have the shoulder hand amd drape of true artist's genuis." Testimony of alleged attempts to dynamite railroad bridges and out in the Kaltschmidt trial at De- troit on Thursday. Mortgage burns. at choir recital, Princess Street Methodist Church, Tuesday evening, Dec. 18th. See details on window cards. The Quebec City Council unani- mously decided to subscribe twenty thousand dollars to relieve the suf- fering people of Halifax: Hear Hardinge, HH. - OTE OT OO OOOO OCR OEE OO complete now, and an article sent from here % - need not be an extravagant one. $1.25 and $1.50. i adi * 'and' ; 15 plain and fur-trimmed, at our well-known lowest in the trade . prices, less 10% NEW WINTER SUITS THIS FOR TO-MORROW ONLY. 10 only--French serge and velvet suits in colors, taupe, plum, Burgundy, navy and black. Regular up to $30.00, for less than the cost of making. NEW YORK DRESSES ihe, Sale price . . . $12.95 18 only, beautiful new serge dresses in women's and misses' sizes, in colors, Burgundy, Duma green, nigger brown, navy and bla ATEN Te Ree, ew ck. Regular $19.50 to $24.50. Sale price $13.98 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS -- SPECIALLY PRICED -- ON SALE SATURDAY GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS A most pleasing and ac- ceptable gift always. We have large stocks of the dain- tiest patterns. 300 boxes Swiss embroidered handker- chiefs, 3 in a pretty gift box, - at 25e. 480 boxes white and col- ored embroidered handker- chiefs, 3 in a box, at 35¢. Other ial values, 3 in a box, at 75¢, $1.00, gentlemen's linen hemstitched and . WOOL WEARABLES A complete assortment of tam setts, cap setts, scarfs, clouds, mufflers, spensers/ sweaters, pull-overs, hockey caps, mitts, gloves, wool gaiters in every wanted shade. All at 1916 prices. XMAS NECKWEAR Distinct novelties in all the latest style creations may now be seen in all their love- liness in our neckwear dept. Each fetching little neck- piece is beautifully boxed ift-giving. Specially 75¢, , $1.00, Ls iced at : | $1.25, $1.50; others up to GIFT LINENS Pillow Sli 10 dozen linen finished, hemstitched embroidered initial pillow slips. Special at $1.48. Stand and sideboard cov- ers--15 dozen hemstitched drawn-work and embroid- ered covers. Special at 50c. To sizes 18 x 36 and 18 x Lunch setts--15 only-- Maderia lunch setts, each set contains all the wanted sizes. Special, $4.75. PLEASE SHOP EARLY! - Keep to the right in crowds. Take small par- cels with you. Have the clerk repeat your name and