Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1917, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917. RETURNED SOLDIER WRITES! samen THANKS LADIES OF COMMITTEE | ADMINISTRATING WHIG FUND. | PAGE FIVE The Best of Gifts ! ARE THE USEFUL KIND. SLIPPERS MAKE IDEAL GIFTS You Pay Less Here. Out of the High Rent District O'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive 1 Useful Xmas Gifts on Sale Saturday ,39¢ -- 8 Doz. Boudoir Caps. Dainty designs in various col- ored trimmings. 39¢ -- 10 Doz. Tea Aprons. Extra'good quality lawn; fine lace trimmed with pockets and neat ribbon bow. 59¢ -- 7 Doz. Scarfs Plain white silk, knitted with heavy fringed ends. 59¢ -- 12 Doz. Men's Ties. Fine silks in all the new pat- 'terns and late colorings; each ina dainty gift box. Reg. 75¢; others at 25¢ and 30c, boxed. Soldiers in France and in Kingston Appreciate the Christmas Tree ut Works rs, : urned soldiers wamt the children Pe have a Christmas tree event this vear, and the fact that| they are in sympathy with this fund | makes it a greater pleasure to ask | the public to contribute money to] Ladies' warm felt slippers, in fancy colors and plaids, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. the W hig's Christmas Tree Fund. | The following letter has just been | . received, and is signed by a o | ) / / > in the Special Service Company: "I am a returned soldier, having arrived home from overseas on Sept 20th, and should like my little son Aubrey, who is six years old, to be included amongst those for: whom the people of Kingston are providing what promises to be a real happy time for the little ones. The ladies of the committee can be assured that every soldier, whether at home or overseas, appreciates very much their great kindness _in' putting forth this effort for Canada's future soldiers. 1 have a son who went over in 1914 with the late Capt. George T. Richardson." Another letter that has been very gratifying to the Whig in connec- tion with this campaign on behalf of the Christmas Tree Fund is that received from Dr. and Mrs. I. 'G. t Bogart, which reads: "No one Th Kingston appreciates more fully the real true patriotic spirit of your | paper than 1 do. I think the stind { you take most stimulating to us all. i I enclose ten dollars for your fund.' "We also show a large range in girls' and children's slippers, 45¢, 60c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50. 98c -- 6 Boz. Camisoles. Samples in all the delicate shades; fine lace trimmed; val- ues to $1.75. $1.25 -- 8 Doz. Silk Waists Good quality white silk; new sivies with fine lace trimming; large collars. 98¢c -- 10 Doz. Voile Waists New styles, just received, large or small collars in fine qual- ity voile. Reg. to $1.50, all sizes. $2.98 -- 4 Doz. Crepe De Chene Waists. Correct styles, good quality, in all the wanted shades. "A Clean Sweep in Coats Every ladies', misses', girls', and child's coat must move. We have -too many and mean to clear them in a hurry. Every coat has been marked at prices that spell saving. Come and see them and get our vrices. Every garinent new this season and up to the minute in style. All Our Millinery Clearing at Half Price Saturday. T. J. O'CONNOR TT "Haher Up Street, But Always Lower in Pics, ™--"--" SLIPPERS FOR MEN AND BOYS Brown Leather Romeos with elastic sides, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50. Men's low slippers in leather and warm felt, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00. Boys' slippers, real leather, $2.50 and $2. ' FOOD PROBLEM IN BELGIUM. "Everybody Appreciates Slippers" Bread Made From Fermented Flour, Straw and Horse Hair. News from Liege, Belgium, re- ceived through the consul-general for Belgium in Ottawa, indicates that the food problem is about as serious as it can be. The ration of bread is.regular, but is often hardly fit to eat, being prepared from fer- mented flodr, containing straw and horse hair, as well as all sorts of other debris. Bread from Holland could be used, but bging of a heavy quality it becomes mpuldy before it can be distributed in Liege. As one result from want of food a great number of workers must abstain from going to the mines and shops. It is not difiicult to imagine on what short rations are the poor children' of Belgium living--the children of the heroes who checked the Hun in his first mad rush to conguer Paris. It becomes a duty as well as a privilege for us to do what we can for those who indded proved themselves our saviours. The spirit of Christmas should arouse us to do our utmost for the children of Belgium, but food. FROM CHRISTMAS TO CHRISTMAS YOUR GIFT OF: . Furniture Remembered. Make it Practical. Campbell's Furs Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. (- 20pm. Prin. cess St. who ask not fancy gifts, TURKEYS-38¢ to 35¢ LB, Point to Prices Much Now. Local Conditions Not Advancin _~ Turkeys will sel} from 33c to 36¢ a 1b. this Christmhs, according to # | the latest notice by the merchants dealing in them, ; There sgems a plentiful supply. This country is having an advant- age over the United States in the turkey product, as the prices there .Let us suggest such useful gifts as: Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat 'Coats Fine Fur Setts, all kinds. Caps, Fur Shoes Fur Lined Gloves PASTEURIZED MILK AND Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Octal Tout by H. I. Smith. Milk test ed 3.2 Buiter Fag A big comfortable easy chair or rocker; a folding card table; a music cabinet; a tea table or cruet; a silk work bag. Hundreds Phone 2083 *4 JOHNSON STREET HOT WATER BOTTLES ALL GUARANTEED 4 At All Prices. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41. S------------ FOR YOUR XMAS CAKE | ~ New Raisins New Currants Table Raisins Table Figs "Crawford's Grocery "Good Things To Eat." wr ~~ New Peels -- Hickory Nuts | | Cinderella," 'Suitable Gifts for Christmas © A giftof Footwear bs.5 gift of aconomy and good sense. Som _ ber of the family; useful and 'a = presents, 8 + "Very Good Eddie." "Very Good Eddie, " the Marbury- Comstock Company's great. Princess Theatre (New York) success, which charmed Broadway for an entire year, broke all attendance records in Chi- cago for six months and recently scored the hit of the year in Toronto and Montreal, is coming to the Grand for two nights, next Monday (and Tuesday, Dec, 17th and 18th, Local playgoers will be fortunate in seeing the s#me great cast which de- lighted the metropolitan cities--with all its musical wealth, consisting of # score of jolly and tuneful numbers that have been the singing and danc- nig craze of the country for the past year, with its smart comedy, which, jl keeps an audience laughing continu- ally, with its wonderful scenie pro- ; duction and its beautiful frocks and sowns, and with its fascinating swag- Jaer fashion chorus. + "Very Good Eddie" is undoubted- Hy the best musical comedy of the past dozen years. It is snhart, bright and highly diverting, and different from all other musical productions. i Maude Adams Coming. The very intéresting announcement is made that Maude Adams will be seen at the Grand for one night, next Wednesday, Dec. 19th, when she will step forward as the heroine of J. arrie's new comedy, "A Kiss x This play had its origi- nal production in this country at Miss, Adams® hands in New York last wine ter. The play easily duplicated the { success it had scored in London, it I ranning out the season. . Mr. Barrie | bas had rare skill an furnishing Miss + Adams with delightful heroines to rtray. © Some one has added that iss Adams has had rare skill also |e making so many of the dramatist's | FR ON heroines so lovable. Among the have been advancing steadily in the last fow years until now the Christ- mas birds are "out of sight." Be- cause of the farming conditions here and the fact that practically all of phe farmers of this. district raise turkeys, thé city supply hal not been allowed to go sufficiently iow to allow for much increase in price. Induction at Cataraqui. The Lord Bishop of Ontario will visit Christ Church, Cataraqui, Sun- day, Dec. 16th, at 11 a.m., when he purposes to hold the service of the induction of the new rector, the Rev, T. Austin Smith, into the par- ish of Cataraqui. Hear Hardinge, H. H. Dewart's partner, in the Liberal Rooms, to- night, at eight o'clock. 25 YEARS AGO [KiNGsTON EVENTS Joseph Franklin shipped fifty-seven tons of hay to England to-day. There are. 175 members of the Royal Templars of Temperance in Kingston. Calvin & Co. hive a big staff of men at work on Garden Island in the building of a tug and barge. HOOD'S| PILLS: | Purely vegetable, Best family cathartic, roles that Miss Adams has fade sal} charming one easily rcealls Babbie in "The Little «Mi ie ' be Throgsell'in "Quality ie Wylie in What Ee And who is =| who ever saw "Peter Pan" that n ething for every mem- £ the boy who wouldn't To this group of chi fine | cters given life A od art must mow be 'add Mice f the ttle Ly 'who is hel A tech from Ota Seopa most severe' a i FARMS FOR SALE | H a Wool Lined Gloves nitted Gloves Men's Winter Hats Winter Caps. By making a small deposit any fur article will be placed aside until wanted. CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store, of articles which are particularly suited for gifts. AT JAMES REID'S The Busy Store with the Christmas Stock. Phone 147. -- Farmg-fa HOT WATER | BOTTLES Guaranteed for One Year. Price, $1.00. and you can now take mo re time to enjoy your Raper, snd magazines. ARE YOU F ULLY EQUIPPED for Tending? I mot, have yo ur eyes examined and glasses made ' J.J. STEWART, Opt.D,. opican mad Opposite Po st Office, Kingston,

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