OO ~ Production Thcreased effort and ciency Jn labor, omy apd less waste in livin {idirg up capital by har eff er Hy and greater savings, will enrich you and country. men at more your The men and wo It 1s easier to make money than to save Savings Account at The Bank of Toronto wi "els save what your Increased effort provides, GSTABLISHED 1858. in ky 119 Br in BANK K oF TORONTO May include a hesutiful box of Christmes Chocolates, a bottle of fine Christmas Perfume, or a box of faney Christmas Stationery. Your inspection invited -- our stock is varied and large. A small deposit will ensure your choice being set a = D: Branch Post Office. Bulbs Bulb Bulbs Just Arrived from Holland ~-- Plant Now, TAXI SERVICE RING 960. All Limgusine Cars Kingston Taxi Cab CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs. Gentiemen's MORE Overcoats. 374 King Street. Ys AR HN Stop, Look, Listen! AND BUY Our Christmas Goods Are Here. Conte and buy early and often at The Bon Marche Phone 1844, Cor. King & Earl The Leading Fle he promptly. 230, A Anh WANTED Fifteen Hundred Turkeys. Fim 8 15 i ch ihe I De competed by December 13¢h: Get: oun prices. The pldee be et a hy ¢ Notice Election | Volunteers All those interested in ll election of W. F. Nickle || who would be willing to volunteer their automo- biles for use on Election Day, kindly communi- cate with Headquarters, Unionist Government. i Phone 2399 home must produce to cover war's waste. Canada. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, .Y, DECEMBER 14, 1917, GRAND HOUSE wr oor and [Saturday Matinee Saturday at 2.30 A modern military melodrama in 4 . Acts, by Walter Howard. 10--Stupendous Scenes--10 200--Thrills and Laughs-----200 The War Atmosphere as it is in Lon. don. The glitter of the conflict and its sublime humor as well. i Direction of Daniel Frohman. 7 Days Leave Now in its 10th Month at Sir Henry Irving Treatre, London Eng, and still playing to record-breaking business. Prices--Mat. 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1. Evening -- 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON 3. NOW ON SALE. The famous Broadway success yon have been waiting for. The Marbury- Comstock Co's original production of the smartest and brighest of all musical comedies. Very Good Eddie! Just as presented all year in New York with its great cast, its 1,- 000 laughs, its charming melodies, its fascinating dances, and its fa- mous swagger fashion chorus. Hlection returns by special wire For the Boys at the Froat. CHOCOLATTA Containg The Chogsinte, Sk and Bolling Water ui! Neo Cooking Milk eR Ine or equired. D. Couper, Phone re. Supe: Pein of announced before, during and after the performance. PRICES: 50c, 75¢, $1, $1.50, $2.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE, Wed. Dec. 19th Charles Frohman "Presents. PLANTS F OR XMAS. pt JPximugus; Primula nts, erusalem © Plants, erry Choice stock of Christmas groceries and vegetables. ' i's! 210 Division St. Phone 345 ADANS = In a New Comedy By J. M. Barrie. A KISS FOR CINDERELLA XMAS Gift Suggestions For Men. Umbrellas--Gold and mounted, $4 to $10. Military Brushes--Ebony and Ivory, $2.50 to $8.50. Canes--Gold and silver mount« ed, $2 to $12. Links--Gold, silver, 30c to $15. Stick pins--73¢ to $35. Signet Rings--Gold, $4 to $12. Wrist Watches--Gold, silver, and nickle, $6 to $25, Safety Ragzors--dillette and Autostrop, $53 up. Writing Portfolios -- Leather, $2.50 to $10.00, : Walletts--Leather, 85¢ to $4. Cigarette Cases--Silver and Leather, $2 to $13. Fountain Pens -- Waterman, $2.50 up. . Penclls~--Gold and silver, $1 to $8.50. silver Ivory, $5 to $13. Leather to 84. Prices d0e, 75¢, $1, $1.50, $2.00 Seats on Sale Monday. 'Griffin'S Thurs., Friday, Saturday PARAMOUNT PRESENTS BILLIE BURKE ARMS and "the GIRL =--ALSO-- Valeska Suratt --fN-- WIFE NUMBER TWO SECOND EPISODE THE FATAL RING OPERA 2 NIGHTS de. 17TH] S0e; six $1; one HELP WANTED A MAID FOR KINGSTON GENERAL Hospital THREE OR FOUR MEN TO WORK IN the rink. Apply at the rink. W. E. Bonter, Manager. ---- eee EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVANT, Apply in afternoon or evening to Miss Dwyer, 64 Barrie St A GIRL AT ONCE; NO WASHING OR ironing. Wages $4.00 a week. Ap- ply Mrs. Buchanan, 35 Brock St, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, FAMILY of three. Apply in the evening to Miss Denoghue, 80 Welllngwon St. WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD GEN. eral servant. Apply in evenings to Mrs. B. W. Brigstocke; 7 Wellington street. wn STENOGRAPHER; MUSA, SE quick and accurate at figures. Apply, stating salary expected, to P. O. Box 64, oly, i TO WORK IN MATTRESS FAC. Jory, to run power machine; paid Rither by day or plece work, Ap- . ply Mattress Factory, 666 Princess St. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM A WO- man, wishing ro work in the coun- try; no farm work: family of three. Apply i age and wages expected Box N 14, Whig ce. WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF this paper do business with you? Your Re rartisement in these pages would give them the opportunity to do so. For particulars phone or write British Whig Pub. Co. SPPPPLPLPTIFTITIRITIIION . FIREMAN WANTED; HIGHEST 4 b wages paid. Apply A. Davis & 4 pSon, Ltd, mnery, Hingston. 4 Sas aaa sass a.s Lass s sass > PPRPTPTTTITETTTTTIYTYYT FIRST CLASS PAPER CUTTER, preferably one familiar with paper boxes, to take position as foreman in a large Toronto paper box fdc- tory. 'Bxcdllent opportunity for promotion, State age, ex rience, salary required. Send references. Apply Box 412, Whig Office. A SITUATIONS VACANT. MADE DAILY INTRODUCING TO neighbors new doméstic products reducing cost of Hving. Send ten Sona for actual goods for selling ples. Gar! son Company, Brantford, Ont, PERSONAL MARRY AT ONOE -- IF LONELY; write me; and I will send you hun- dreds of descriptions; congenial people, worth $1,000 to $350,000; seeking marrage: ' (Confidential). Ralph Sevae, San Francisco, Cal, NIsHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. BUR) board. Apply Mrs. Beardsell, 32 3 Ontario street, EXHIBITION Physical ol Bayonet Fighting Training School In Aid of Halifax Relief Fund way DEC. 14th, At 8 P.M. ADMISSION, 25¢, H i | "The A FURNISHED BUNGALOW OR FUR- nished flat. Apply Box No. 1412, Whig Office, A LIGHT DELIVERY SLEIGH; PRE. ferably ome with bobs. Apply im- mediately, Siving particulars to Box 1213, Whig Office SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part yment of new Panos and po ro Lind. , Limitea, 121 a a BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING TI bicycles to Geo. Muller, 378 "King street, to be cloatied Sy Store: for winter; aiso hallow ground and FAY Phone 1032. TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER- chants and buginess men in East ern Ontario can connect with a ood, side \ine applying to Box Whig ce. letly eou- | fd aia? wB ANE TO BUY ALL KINDS OF Fetters iinet 40 hing In She hav for sale. Shaptr , 46 Pria- cess street. Phone 1337. WANTED --- OLD FALSE TEETH don't matter If broken. I pay § to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Balti- more, Md. MANY RIG ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a little ad this size. The oost is so Mttle and the Tre- sults s 50 ble. We will gladly give you Juli Portions. all at the office us a postal today. Britian he Publishing Co. TEACHERS WANTED. People's s Forum A PAIR OF SMALL RUBBERS for a, child (new). Owner may have {same by calling at the home of Mrs. James Wright, $42 Princess street, city. OHILD'S RED MITTEN, OWN. er may have same by caldng at Whig Office. BLACK PURSE, CONTAINING sum of money. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office CHILIFS WHITE LAMB GAUNT. let. Apply 171 Raglan road. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE. one finding anything and oni to reach the owner may - y repo The "British Whig. tisement will be printed in this column free of ge. "Found articles" dees not in- hae ithe GP ty 321a e ese, ost, ma: - vertised for in th coli LOST LONG BROWN BONE KNITTING needle. Finder kindly return to Whig Office. BLACK FOX FUR MUFF ON SUNDAY might, on. Bagot or King i Streets. Reward for return to Whig Office. PARUEL ADDRESSED TO W. B. DAL- & Sons, Limited. Finder will an rewarded by returning to own- ers. BLACK AND WHITE HOUND WITH one ear split, Rhetween Bagot and Montreal streets, on Saturday night. Finder ase phone 1101, Ming 3. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO. 6, Portland, Protestant; duties to commence January 1st. Apply, stat. ing salary, is Jarry Watson, Sec.- Treas, R.R. . 1, Harrowsmith. ROTESTANT, HOLDING second class professional certifi- cate for S. 8S. No. 11, township of Kingston; duties to commence, Jan. 3rd. Apply, sting salary and qualifications, to HA M Sprodle, Westbrook. FINANCIAL PRONTENAG LOAN AND - ment deletys it Tnodrperassd 1883; Presigen, H. Smith, a a SEs we" TF 1 rties, municipal an manager, 87 Clarence St, RK ingsto VIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Ins assets TOT Tie RC which c Ts the Deimited I habiney of 'city Rroperty, insured lo possible rates. P. NITURE Fi DRISCOLL, FUR er. Call or drop a card. 23 John street, PAINTING, HARDWOOD FLOORS AND furnimire finishing; priceg reason- C. Hebent, 26 Plum. St, Phone 2070. ' The Public Are Invited to Attend the Liberal Rooms, 338 King St. Friday at P.M. Dr. Richardson IN ENVELOPE, BETWEEN 4 Colborne street and James' Grocery, corner of Colborne and rrie, Finder kindly return to 4% Colborne street and receive reward. BLACK AND TAN DEER HOUND, 'with white breast, four white paws, scar on top of head also, steel grey deerhound with yellow ears. between barryvale and Flower sta- tion, at the head of Clyde Lake, in the deer season in November. Find- er kindly notify R. Duncan, 20 York St. STRAYED. ITH TO THE EMISES OF J. L. McMaster, RR, No. 3, Gan- anoque, a black and tan hound. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for adver- ising and expenses. { DEC. TO LET FURNISHED PARLOR BED ROOM, suitable for man and wife, or two young men. Apply 229 Brock St. OFFICES IN LAREN CE On ST. niSRAN. 79 Clarence street. y STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. Shandite Slean and any MoCantre e Agency, Brock Phones 326 or Rol WARM, UP-TO-DATE, FURNISHED rooms; steam 'heated; near Cathe- dral, Apply Mrs. 8 J. Smith, 263 King St. WELL FURNISHED HOUSE, HOT AND cold water, ern ocomveniences, from Jam 1st, nl Zapot street, near Earl. Phone 442. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OL dry, airy rooms; Br own ook ag BAR key. Frost's Storage, &* Phone 526; res. 989. TWO WARM AND BRIGHT FURNISH. ed rooms with board. Central lo- cation; aM conveniences; gentlemen preferred. Rates reasonable. Ap- ply 282 Queen street. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from rid one thinking ot using _ olassified advertd SL tint: 'De mi e to he you. tish Whig Pub. Co. » $40; NEW BRICK; ALL MODERN @oams, hardwood foots; cholo, central Jocatton. Geo. A. 'Bateman, 67 Clarence St. OFFICE WITH ALL CONVENIENCES, central. GARAGE ON GARRETT ST. G. A. BATEMAN'S, 67 CLARENCE ST. PAGE SEVEN . FOR SALE. HEATER, KING NATIONAL. 301 Ear St THESE EFFECTIVE AD litle. Once. os three EO one week, $1.00. OAK DESK, FLAT TOP, FIVE ers and cupboard, cheap. Street. Phone 326. GARDEN LAND -- 13 miles from Kingston. apy to oR a. merrison, Cataraqui, fario ONE-TON FORD Truck i first ny condition. Bo W. G. Cralg & Co, or Boyd's i LAST OF THE DAMAGED WHEAT, for pig feed. 50 cents per bushel, Pring your bags. James Richard- son & Sons, Limited. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections, our Te A a] $30.65. Terms: $5 cas 1.8er r week. C. W. Lindsay, Amitod 121 Princess St. APPLY DRAW. 86 Brock A AUTOMOBILE TOPS, ENGINE HOOD covers make your car start nay in cold weather, Have your top re covered and curtains repaired, Tud- son's Auto Tops, Brookville. FARM, SIX MILES FROM KINGSTON, 150 acres; good house and out- bulldings. rst class land. Price $10,500. Terms to suit purchaser, Apply J. K. Carroll, Some OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. rs today sometimes use & ad Hike this, A phone call or a postal will bring you full par- tioulars about this department. British Whig Publishing Co, GE STOCK OF RXTEN TA bles 'and and ae ona, springs ond Rath wae Wo Duy buy Prone 1600 pasar 303. Prin Princess street. SO50--FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, CENTRAL location $1,400-BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, $1L400---FRAME, "gWO0 TO CHOOSE from; one with stable. $1, 800-SEVERAL BRICKS; ¢ ROOMS, improvements. $.00-=-RR AME; 7 "ROOMS; IMPROVE ments. 33,500-RRICK 10 'ROOMS; ALL MO ern, ' wo $4,500-BRIOK; ALL MODERN; GAR. age; 3 to choose from. $3,000--~BRICK: 13 ROOMS; MODERN improvements, 8 ROOMS; $5,500--BRICK 3 ALL MO- dern. VERY LOW PRICED to quick buyers on y G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence. SEVERAL houses terms. DENTAL A, E. ENAPP, LD.S, DDS, Office, 258 Primiass street Phone PR J; LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, "~enan Dingess and Bagot streets. Phone 626. DRS ota, 15h Wallington rd oC Dewar, DDS. LDS. assistant, Phone 348. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DONS I one cent until you read w nes Free trial becri, 4 HESS Or: ri su pus A om Finance, 608 Dearborn St, Ee DR. REEVE, Nerve Years of ex ce enables me to treat difficult cases gesatu ily. Call, or state case 18 Carlton Street, Toronte. DRESSMAKING MISS" RICHARDSON, DRESSN AKER, having resumed business, solo! orders for fail and winter ork Address 202 Alfred st