Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1917, p. 14

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PAGE EIGHTEEN - . -- _ LABATT IS MAKING A SPECIAL Ale and Porter \ FOR FAMILY USE Made from Malt and Hops, exactly like the Old Reliable Ale & Porter, only lower percentage of spirit, It is absolutely pure snd superior to anything made in that line in Ontario, many prefer it to the old brands for summer and social drinking. : TRY IT. JAMES McPARLAND 79 Princess St. 1 door above Elliott Bros. Phone 274. FRESH LAKE ON- TARIO WHITE- FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Co. ARMS FOR SALE Neart the city, prices. E----------m W.H.Godwin & Son 89 Broek: Street Phone 424 at low SnmEmEREEzEREETYE I ed i ---- nT) » { Save Your Coal Soward's Coal Co. Phone 155. James ATTENTION ! United Grocery 138 Princess St. Wirst shipment of fish to arrive this and get. particul Also a Inrge sh famous Chinese en. SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Martin's Potate Flour, regular price 23e, sale price ... . 22¢ Corn Starch, regular price 15¢; sale price, 2 for ... ... . 2e 500 Ibn cholee dairy butter, 47e¢ Ib. Overseas Boxes, all sizes, See our window for candies, stockings olates, United Grocery. BEN LEE & CO. government -week, Call ent of the istmag and choe- HR TES LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLS In effect Sept. 30th, 1917. Traine will' leave and arrive at Oly Depot, boat of Johnson Street. ent. - Lve. City Arr. «.12.20 a.m. . 2.58 am. , 19 Mall .. .. 13 Express . , 27 Local .. ., 9.45am. 1 Intern'l Ltd. 1.41 p.m. 7 Mall .. .. .. 3.00 pm. 3.35am East, Live. City Arr. City Mail .. .. .. L40 am, Express . .. 2.58 am. m. 217am 3.36am all .. .. ..12.20 p. 12.52 p.m y Intern']l Ltd. 1.08 p.m. 1.38 p.m No. 28 Local .. . .. SD. 7.27pm Nos. 1, & 7, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro Hamilton _ Buffalo, London, _Detroi Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montrea! Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Halifax, Boston, and New Yor Pullman accommodation, tickets all other Information, apply to, J 18 . 18 6 14 Hanley, Agent. Agency for all ocean steamship "es. Open day and night . City 12.57am 1017am 2.12pm John, For and Countryside Frontenac SANGSTER, Dec. 14.--Wood eutting is the or- der of the day. A few of the young men have been up for medical ex- amination. D. Conway, Fermoy, has | moved into Patrick Cochrane's house. Mrs. A. Le Gray, Glendower, at Martin Corcoran's. Miss H. M Young is at Patrick O'Connor's, Mrs. T. Babcock and Miss Anna O'Connor at Thomas Young's. M. Daley at Thomas Burns', Burridge. T. Young spent Sunday at T. Birrett's. ALLEN, WOLFE" ISLAND. Dec, 20.--Reoads in. this vicinity are in bad condition . A number from here attended the concert held in the C. M. B. A, hall, Marysville, on Tuesday evening. The schools in this section have closed for Christ- mas holidays. A few ybung folks intend taking in the concert on Fri- day evening at Marysville. 'HOLLEFORD, Dec. 19.--Pte. Dwight Walker is home from overseas, looking fine. A r.umber from here will attend the cat- tle show at Hartington to-day and to- morrow, Miss Reynolds is prepar- ing the school for a Christmas tree Friday Quite a number are hauling wood to the surrounding villages: Rev. Mr. Ball, Verona, is conducting a series of servites in the Free Meth- odist Church here. Frederick Bab- cock is confined to the heuse through illness. Ray Babcock is convalescent A. Redmond spent Saturday in the city A gang of no are' cutting 1 wood the Canada Company lot, ladjoining John Martin's farm, and are camping in one of Mr. Martin's houses. T. Haggerman ,of 'Rose- dale, has been with a number of farmers de-horning their cattle. Mrs Stanley Babcock and Russell spent a couple of days last week with her parents. Mrs. A. Thompson, Hartington, was a recent guest of her brother, James Walker, and Mr. and Mrs. Snider, Unionville, were at S. Martin's. Miss Ida Carslake spent the week-end with Miss Mabel Mar- tin, C. Murphy is at John Bab- cock's. Robbie Freeman, Desert Lake ,is staying with W. Babcock for a time. Quite a number of ladies from here had the oppostunity of | casting their ballots on election day. | Leeds on son 1 | LOMBARDY. | Dec. 19.--School will close on the 21st inst. for the Christmas holidays, | Michael Doyle, Syracuse, N.Y, is vis-| iting Mr. and Mrs. T. Toohey. Miss | M. Dooher has returned from spend- ing a few days with friends m-Smith's | Falls. Mrs, R. Rady returned on Monday from visiting friends at For- far. J. P. Ryan; New York, was a WEI Passenger Service Halifax and Bristol apply to Local Agents, or The Reford Co,, Limited, 50 King Street East, Toronto. Robert recent visitor at his old home here. Miss Edna Houze, who is attending' Faculty in Kingston, came home on Friday for the Christmas holidays. John Gardiner and family, who have been hving in Smith's Falls for the past three years, have moved back to their farm near here, _ Quite a num- ber from this vicinity attended the poultry fair in Perth on Friday, Miss Mary Alen, Hinchley, N.Y. was home for a visit during the past few weeks. 1 General Agents, | Lennox and Addington] For particulars of sallings and rates TT | { 'he TRANSCONTINENTAL Lv. TORONTO 9.00 P.M. TUESDAY, THURSDAY EJ AND SATURDAY Ar. WINNIPEG 6.00 P.M. THURSDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY Connecting at Winnipeg for all Western Canada and Pacific Coast Points f Grand Ti ian Gove: t Raitw; Time Table and all Information from an 8 runk, Canad "nmen ays, BATH. Dec. 20. -- Lance-Corporal Allan Hawley, of the 5th -C. M. R.'s, return- ed home a few days ago, after being overseas nearly two years He was given a hearty welcome by the vil- lagers on his arrival here. The vis lage gave a majority of twenty-seven votes: to the Unionist candidate, W. J. Paul. In connection with the ba-! zaar given by the ladies of the Meth- odist Church last week the debate had to be postponed owing to the bad roads. Miss Ella Shephard, of ..Canadian Pacific.. 'California Offers Unsurpassed Attractions For The Wi e Winter . : eo Tourist Warm Sea Bathing -- Golf -- Tarpon Fishing, Etc. 3 Homelike, Moderate-Priced Resorts as w as the mote palatial hotels. : Choice of Routes: : See that at least one portion of your ticket » y reads: . - "VIA CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCKIES." i W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. © Full particulars from ¥, Conway. CPA. Corner Princess and Wellington Strets, Kingston, Out.. Phone 1197, Welland, is home for the Christmas holidays. ODESSA. | Dec. 20.--Fred. Sproule, Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sproule. Mrs, William Jen- kins, Napanee .is the guest of her wparents, Mr, and Mrs. George Watts, W. T. Hodge, Trenton, has beem | spending the past week with his fam-! ily. Charles Babcock, Wilton, has 'moved in the stone terrace on Main street, News From Stella. - Stella, Dec. 17.--The ice bridge has once more formed across the, { bay, but ap to date there has been mo crossing on it. 'The island has certainly received its share of snow in the 'past week." Owing to the Brockville, Dec. 20~Anvern chee factory, at Fairfield, one of the larg- From The fis | { the -head best 1 equipped in this section, in the plant ese had been shipp Iding wa¥ owned by Sam Serbian Workman Killed. Belleville, Dec. 22.---N. Tanczuk, a middle-aged Serbian, while engaged in his work at the Canada Cement Works, was accidentally struck on with a revolving piece of machinery, and was terribly injured. His death resulted on Thursday from a fractured skull. 'An inquest in the case was not considered necessary. Belleville Curling Club. Belleville, Dec --At a meeting f the management committee of the Belleville ieling Club skips = were chosen for the Ontario Tankard, Dis- trict 1p x) ¢ games » games mbership a ward to a very s G.T.R. Car Looted. Belleville, Dec. --A + consider- able quantity of meat and lard was taken from a G.T.R ear while a train was standing for some time on a line in this city. About 100 pounds of pork and some lard was found this maqrning near the railway tracks, 22 Trenton Man Fined $350. Belleville Dec... 21. -- Manley Tripp, a resident of Trenton, was fined $350 for selling liquor. R. Arnott, license inspeétor of this city, was the informant in the case. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 14th, 4ke young friends of Lance-Corp. Dorwin Smith, Consecon, gave him a surprise party at his home and pre- sented him with a pair of military brushes in leather case. Walter McKenzie, the veteran Reg- istrar, Picton, confined to his bed for the past few weeks, is so far recover- ed that he is able to be around again, Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbs and two children, Picton, left on Tuesday to spend the winter in Southern Califor- Te __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. OUR CLOTHES have the HAPPY Faculty of putting men at theirease That feeling of being well dressed which RT CLUTHES ALLEN LIMITER supply, gives a man self as- surance and a sense of being at home in any surrounding. - D. S. Collier, 214 Princess St. --- In Brockville on Monday at the residence of the hride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel E. Lennox, Miss Etta Albina Lennox was united in marriage to Pte. Charles Stonebridge, Belleville: " The trustees of Bloomfield P blie School have established a 2 Sis PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Visit This Dairy and Decide for Yourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oficial Test by H, B. Smith, Mik test. ed 3.2 Buiter Fat Phone 2083 Factory Burned. nia. Science department. mms #4 JOHNSON STRERY Special Xmas Offer GOOD UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE The Aeolian-Vocalion With a Cliglee Selection of Records -- Delivered to STYLE "ER" Included with this of- fer are the following: The Phonograph -- A Style "F" Aeolian-Vocalion in select. ed mahogany. This is a full- cabinet model with ample space for record albums. New Tone Arm --- This in- strument is equipped with a new Universal Tone Arm and ard make of records. No ad- 4itienal attachment required. Records -- Inclided in this offer are 24 record selections. calion needles. These needies are of finest grade steel. MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS sound box for playing all stand- Needles -- 200 Asolian-Vo- There should be mu- sic in your home on Christmas Day, and every day. And what bétter music can you wish for than that of the, Vocalion, the new and greater phono- graph that you can play? This wonderful new phonograph, one of the Aeolian Company's latest and most not- able productions--far surpasses anything hitherto known among such instruments. In richnes and mus- ical depth, in delicacy and clearness of tome, the VOCALION is su- preme - Bach one of the thrée popu.ar models in this special offer, in- cluding the moderate- priced Style "F" $125, has all the tonal su- periority that has giv. en the Aeolian VO- CALION world-wide re« nown. A NICE LINE OF NORDHEIMER AND STEINWAY PIANOS 'Ro 5 3 k * . T a STYLE "H" Included With This Offer Are the Fol- lowing: The Phonograph -- A beautiful Style "B" Aeolian-Voealion in fin. est selected mahogany and oak. New Tome Arm---This instrument is equipped with a pew Universal Tone Arm and sound box for playing all stan. dard makes of records. No additional attach. ment required. RecorduIncliuded in this offer are $15 worth of records. Needlen--200 Aeolian. Vocalion needles. This instrument is equipped with the Gra- duocla, the revolution. ary fone control device for playing the records yourself, Monthly: Payments as low as oD WE All three of the Vo- calion models shown here are beautiful in design and finish, and are equipped with the Vocalion Automatic Stop and with Tone Arm and Sound Box for playing all makes of records, . In the Style "G' at $155 and ""H'" at $225, you have not only the advantage of listening to the instrument as a regular phonograph, but in addition you may control the ex- pression by means of the GRADUOLA. With this fascinating device, you may put your own feeling into every re- copd you play, The instruments specified are three of ous most popular and best selling styles and y 11a a. COssories as specified, make an op- portunity to purchase 'a phonograph on terms you will not want to miss, . ou for a Small Payment Down STYLE "G" Included With This Offer Are the Fol. lowing: Q The Phonograph -- A style "(0 Aevlan-Voea- Hon in selected mahog- any or oak... This is one of our most popular models, New Tone Arm This instrument is equipped with & new. Universal Tone Arm and sound box for playing all stan- dard makes of records. No additions] attach. ment required, Recordn--inclrded in this offer are 30 records Needles « 200 Aeolian Voealion needles. This instrument is equipped with the Grad. ula, the revolutionary tone control device. Monthly Payments as low as $8 Complete Outfit . $167.75

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