Told In * Twilight Naaadianaanad eT lie (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers aul] over | Canada, Will make a charge of 50c| for inserting an engagement, maz- ridge or reception announcement.) - . * Hon. and Mrs. H. W. Richard- will entertain at a family dinner Alwington" on Christmas night ' * * s Mrs. J. N. S. Leslie, dinner . and Emil will entertain at on Christmas night . . street, . Dorothy Chown, "Sunny- left on Phursday for Whitby cipal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family arrived in town from Montreal on Friday Miss Edith McMartin, the guest of her aunts Johnson, street * . Hamilton their Montreal, is the Misses and Mrs, R Part- Christmas Gifts Skating Boots for men at $4.00 and $4.50. Professional style hockey boot, our special price $5.50. We have a full line of rubbers and overshoes whith make a very acceptable gift. ~ Skates Sharpened -- Jack Johnston's Shoe Store 70 Brock Street. (EVERY EGG GUARANTEED) jl} Chown, at ridge and their ghildren, Toronto, ar® the guests of Mr. @nd Mrs. R. Easton 3urns, Frontenae street, Capt Frank Ryan left this week for New York Miss Dupuy, Wellington street, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dupuy in Brockville. [} Mr. and Mrs. McGrail and their family, William street, left to-day for Ottawa Major and Mrs, Bolston Carr-Har- ris and their young son expect to spend Christmas with Judge and Mrs, Morrison in Toronto. Mrs, Ilva Martin returned home this week after an absence of two years in England: » * Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Livingston, To- ronto, are with Mr, and Mrs. C. Livingston, Barrie street, Capt. William Steacy has been granted ten weeks' leave and is now on his way to Canada. Capt. and Mrs. Steacy and their wee daughter 1] expect to be with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Steacy, King street, for New Year's. Capt. W. Kent Macnee is the guest ll] of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Union street. * * * i W. L. Uglow is the guest of his 5, Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, Bar- 'apt. and Mrs. Morton Hall and Hl their young sons are leaving to-mor- row to spend Christmas in Galt. Miss Macaulay, King street, left on Friday for Peterboto, where she will pe the guest of Mrs. Charles Abbott. . * . «Dr. and Mrs, James Reid and their family, Essex, are expected to-mor- row to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowie, Ear] street, Q. M. 8. and Mrs, Small will spend Christmas with relatives jn Orillia. Miss Penson, Queen's University, left yesterday to spend the holidays at her home in Hamilton, - * . Miss Edna Chown, who is attend- ing Branksome Hall, Toronto, ar- rived home on Friday to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. Y "Sunnyside." Gordon Smith is leaving on Mon- i] day to join Mrs, Smith in Toronto, POACH, BOIL OR FRY FINEST CREAMERY Butter, 48c The Win. Davies Co., Limited Phone STORE "OPEN EVEN. INGS TILL CHRISTMAS Everything in stock to make the Christmas season bright and SHOP EARLY We will store your gifts and deliver them the day before Chairs, centre tables, library tables, Chesterfields, happy. Christmas. brass beds, rugs, etc. ASTER'S REG.-AG.-DEPT, 597. Victrolas and Victor Records. A new depart- ment with a clean and up-to-date stock. "T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD. where they will spend Christmas. J. A, B. Smith, Alfred &treet, left on Friday for Chicago to spend | Ohristmas with his son, H. J. Smith. Miss Violet Mullinger, of Brooklyn, N.Y, is spending the Christmas holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mullinger, 291 Brock street. . * * Miss Verna for Toronto, Germaine left today where she will be the guest of aunt and uncle, Major and' Mrs. Miller, Riverdale. Mrs. A. C. G. Luke, Perth, who spent a short time with Kingston friends, has returned to town. Mrs. Bedore, Renfrew, is spending a couple of weeks with Kingston friends. * * * Mrs. P. E. R. Miller, Napanee, left on Monday to spend the winter with her daughter in Gladstone, Mich. Mr{ and Mrs. H. V. Finnie, St. Catharines, and children, are with Mrs. W. H, Wormwith, Earl street! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woodrow, Picton, are in Kingston to spend a couple of months with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Collier. * * The marriage was solemnized quietly in Ottawa on October 3rd in St. Patrick's parish rectory by the Rev. M. J. Whelen of (Miss Dorothy Margaret MacGillivray, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mac Gillivray, and Lieut. W. Hep- burn Thompson, second son of Col. Best's -- For -- Camersa. Toilet Setts. Manicure Cases. Brushes. Mirrors. Chocolates Perfume. Fountain Pens, Ete. a A bigger and more varied stock than ever. Bay now. At Best's Popular Drug Store, Phone 59. Branch 2018 \ a el] re went a Feelings are only Dn In the Midst of Other Obligations Christmas, with its spirit of good will thas its mission to fulfil. we would all be the poorer without. Our stock of desirable, useful gifts is Sammplete now, and an article sent from here not be an extravagant ane. : Smith Bros. Clocks, Umbrellas, Cut Glass, Diamonds. awakened then that oe a Es WEELEY I, MOD. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin- alion are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by. us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience. : And We Use No : Drugs. Keeley Jr, M0. DO. '] can quote the same price as the Am- | erican puplishers and save you the! and Mrs. Andrew T. Thompson, Of- tawa. Mrs. Cecil' Burns acted as matron of honor, and J. R. Booth was 'groomsman. Only the imme- diate friends and relatives of both parties were present. . * * Mr. and Mrs, Richard S." Waldron announce the engagement of their daughter, Isabelle. Mary, to Lieut. John Hamilton Roberts, M.C., Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Roberts, Vancouver, the marriage will take plaee in Lon- don, Eng., on Wednesday, Dec. 29th. Foe W. J. Rochefort, Montreal, is the guest of his paren#s, Capt. and Mrs. Anthony Rochefort, Bagot street, for the holidays. Mrs. Stratford Dawson, Montreal, is leaving for Kingston on Saturday to be with her parents, Canon and Mrs. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Mowat, To- ronto, have left to spend Christmas in New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. C. Pelletier, Brock street, left to-day for Quebee to spend the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. J. 'A. Tremblay. Mr. and 'Mrs. C.. B.. Nichols, Springfield, Mass., have arrived in town on a visit to the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCul- lagh, the Armouries. Miss Crowley, Ogdensburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Casey, in the city. * - * Friends in the city have been in- formed of the marriage on November 12th of Miss Jule Bowes, Buffalo, to G. Madison, New York City. Miss Bowes spent several months here visiting her. sisters, Mrs. W. Gour- dier, King street, and Mrs. E. J. Metcalfe, Princess street. The wed- ding has<just~been announced as a Christmas surprise to her family and friends. (Continued on Page 14.) ROYAL BANK REPORT . Have Increased at Rate $7,000,000 a Month, Montreal, Dec. 21.--The annual statement of the Royal Bank of Can- ada for the fiscal year ending Nov- ember 30th is the most convincing exhibit ever issued of the almost amazing progress the bank has made during the past few years. The statement of the bank is full of examples of how the Royal has been able to use its very large assets to the advantage of the country, hoth in meeting the rapidly increasing re- quirements of the Government in connection with war financing and at the same time adjusting itself 'to the increased requirements of its many customers. Under ordinary circumstances bank statements have little of inter- est to the general public. It is just the opposite to-day, and the various accounts of our leading banks are being closely scrutinized, not only throughout. Canada, but to a still greater extent in the principal fin- ancial centres of the world. A glance at the general statement of the Royal would seem to indicate that it has enjoyed one of the most remarkable periods of expansion ever reported by a Canadian finan- cial institution. This follows partly because of the absorption made of the Quebec Bank, but to a very much larger extent it is undoubtedly due to the organization . and important connections which it has effected in every. part of the Dominion. A féw of the outstanding features are a gain of over $82,000,000 in assets during the twelve months. These assets' now stand at $335,674.- 186, as compared with $253,261,427 in 1916. The close relationship the Royal enjoys with the general public of the eountry is reflected by a gain of over $52,000,000. Indicative of the bank's govern- ment business is an" increase of over $20,000,000 in Dominion and Pro- vincial Government securities; a gain of, $9,600,000 in the deposit in Centrol Gold Reserves and an ad- vance of $4,000,000 in Dominion notes. ° With its very much larger assets the Bank has evidently been able to handle a larger proportion of the in- creased business offering in the coun- Ary, as reflected by the gain in cur- rent loans to $102,358,027, ad com- pared with $86,936,631 last year. The profits for the year amounted to $2,327,979 equal to 18.03 per cent. on the capital. The reserve of the 'bank now totals $14,000,000 as against the paid-up capital of $12,- 911,700, Assets of A Monthly Gift. _ Send a subscription to one of the Yeading American publications. We Canadian postage. The College Book Store. ---------- i Completing the Cabinet, Ottawa, Dec. 22.--1It is likely that Sir Robert Borden will leave the capital on the day after Christmas for a few weeks' holiday. On his re- turn the Prime Minister will take up the task of completing the reorgani- zation of his Cabinet. He has stat- ed that the Ministry will be compos- ed of equal numbers of Conserva- tives and Liberal Unionists, and that further representation shall be given organized labor. Some 30 promin- | ent labor men from all parts of the | Dominion have been suggested to the Premier. James Whitcomb Riley Poems. The Riley Child Rhymes, Love Ly- rics, Farm Rhymes, Songs O' Cheer, Songs of Summer, Song of Home, Songs of Friendsuip. Beaut¥ully bound, at 60c each, The College Book Store. - Hockey Teams Practice. The Kingston Junior Hockey Club has entered an intermediate and a junior team in the City League. On Monday evening the first practice will be held from 8 to 9 o'clock. The City. Hockey League wiil have i an organization meeting on Thurs- || day evening next to arrange for the || season's games. Some surprises are |} expected at the meeting in the way of officials for the league. Juvenile Books. The Bunny Brows and i RITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. EMRE RRR EE ER RRR ERR EER Rae i : Probs: Fair and cold today and on Sunday. HEINER RENEE ERE ERR Re n : Tonight & Monday The Store Reriaing Open Tonight Until Ten O'Clock--Please Take : » Your Small Parcels » THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS ON SALE TO-NIGHT 'ONLY. . CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS 300 boxes Swiss embroidered fine lawn handkerchiefs -- 3 in a pretty gift box -- worth 40c a box. Tonight .. .. .. . GIFT TIES 120 pretty novelty ties, all are boxed in holly gift boxes -- and are regularly priced at 25¢, 35¢ and 40c. ' Tonight .. .. .. .. .. .. FRENCH KID GLOVES v » 240 pair real French kid gloves, Perrin Freres make -- in colors black, tan, brown, white and white with black points. Each pair in a gift box. A regular $2.00 value. Tonight .. .... .. ....... ... co. ... $1.50 SILK STOCKINGS 180 pair Radium and Crown brand silk hose in black, white and colors -- made of fine silk, with heavy lisle garter top and toe and heel -- all sizes. Tonight . . WOOL SETTS 120 girls' wool snow setts of caps and scarfs, in all the wanted shades -- worth $2.00 a sett. ' Tonight .. .. .. .. .. .. «+i. 31.80 MEN"S GIFT SETTS 96 gift boxes of men's garter and arm-band setts -- in all the wanted colors. Tonight .. .. .. .. LACE TABLE COVERS 48 only beautiful battenburg table covers, with embroidered cen- tres -- all of handsome designs -- regular $6.00 values. As an extra special attraction Tonight .. .. GIFT UMBRELLAS In all silk and silk and wool tops, with plain and novelty han- dles -- for men and women; each umbrella is handsomely boxed for gift-giving. Special values. Tonight. .. .. .. WHITE VOILE WAISTS +120 white voile and organdy waists, in tailored and dressy styles --all sizes; regularly sold from $1.50 to $2.00. Tomlght ..... 00, on (oh, a ps SEE OUR WINDOWS THEN COME INSIDE The store fairly radiates the spirit of Christmas -- with its hun- dreds of practical gift suggestions. Please shop early tonight and on Monday. 7 N & EEEESNEEERNENNEESEENEEEE EEE ANNE RNR AN ERE RRA --_-- 19¢ .. ... $1.00 . 50¢ cee. $2.98 .. .. . from $2.00 to $3.50 .. 98¢