THE DAILY PAGE TEN _ THE GROUIDS OF PPE IN THE CASE OF MARY BASIL VS. ARCHBISHOP SPRATT. Defendants' Solicitor Charges That | the Trial*Judge Submitted Evidence That Was Irrelevant and Embar- rassing, . The grounds of appeal given by ~ J. Rigney ,solicitor for the defendant mm the case of Sister Mary Basil v Archbishop Spratt and others, from the judgment pronounced by Just jritton Hn the 8th of Decembery ar as follows: House of Providence with the acts alleged" by Mary ithority to act on behalf of the the dants, the Sisters of Charity of House of. Providence, in author- izing the said acts, and the plaintiff's action as against the above named] fendants should be dismissed with [claim as defen the of {have been disposed of without a ju court room were prejudicial to a f trial of the action as against the ¢ fendants, ast I'hat the damages. awarded were' excessive and unwarranted by the evi- tr jin ] that the | ly submitted evidence wartanted the learned trial jud king out the jury. notice, earned trial judge improp which was rikir altérnative ,the defendants th under the circum- s it was impossible to. obtain fair trial of the-actidn before a jury, | for the following reasons i That a jury could not distin- the evidence which was. appli- | That there was no evidence to con- to one defendant as distinct | nect the defendants, M. J. Spratt, the another, and the learned trial! Roman Catholic episcopal failed to properly point out to tion of the diocese of Kingston, and | them and distinguish between the Dr, Daniel Phelan with the acts as|evidence which was applicable to oné alleged in the plantiff's statement of [as distinguished from those portions | claim. of the evidence which were applicable | : That there was no evidence to con- to others nT i Read the second section nect -the Sisters of Charity of the (b) That the plaintiff's statement of day's Whig. fair trial of the action New Fountain Pens. corpora- | judge |.cap, from $230. The best on | market. you, oO was embarrassing and irrele the plaintiff and the |vant. and the publication of 'the same Francis' Regis, had |in full in the local papers prejudiced lefendants in obtaining fair trial the action, and the action should | ! { | ry. {¢) That the demonstrations in the air de- and the publications in the local papers during the course of the ge and er- r= : Hall has granted exemption Let us show you our new seli-filler | number of C.P.R. employees. of to- mm F---- i p---- To Christmas Buy- ers of Useful ifts You Can Save Time and Money By Shopping Here. We Have Just What You Want at the Right Prices. Last Word NOVELTY UMBRELLAS, the newest thing in this line. FANCY BLOUSES, voile and silk, from 98c to $6.50 SILK UNDERSKIRTS, all shades to clear, $3.50; other lines at special prices. HANDKERCHIEFS, all prices from 5c up, in Christmas boxes. COLLARS, a dainty gift in organdy, corduroy, pique, and crepe, from 25c up to $2.25. BOUDOIR CAPS, every price from 19¢ to $2.50. CAMISOLES, in silks and crepe de chene, in a variety of colors and prices. TEA APRONS, from 25c up. SCARFS, see our wool scarfs at 98¢, $1.50 and $1.98. FURS, a few very fine fur setts to clear at sacrifice prices. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Mendels Kingston's Exclusive Ladies' Wear Store. 136 Princess Street. : Opposite Randolph Hotel |) | | But The expenses this year ill be many thousands more than as thing used i surgery or medicine or food, is much higher + { Fountain Pens, equipped with safety | the Nibs guaranteed to please all in holly boxes, at Uglow's, - BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1917. INCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS or GEXERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. © Ring up $45 for sweet cider. 'The pupild of Victoria school con- tributed this week $153.51 for the relevant and embarrassing and Which | Halifax relief fund. must have prejudiced the defendants! 1 the eyes of the jury and prevented | W. Swain, piapo tuner, 100 Clergy street west. Orders left at McAu- ley"s, or phone 564. The tribunal sitting at the City to a A choice box of Xmas. chocolates will make "your girl" happy. Get it at Hoag's. ! Three returned: soldiers have been given work as clerks in the post office during the Christmas rush. What about that bottle of choice perfume you want? You can get it from Hoag's. Mrs. Kelley and Miss Gladys Mil- ler, Kingston, were in Napanee this week at the burial service of Master Fred Miller, formerly of Napanee. A kodak or camera will be a suit- able present for your son, daughter or sweetheart. See them at Hoag's. Thanks to the Weather Man, the islanders were able to cross the ice Saturday morning for the Christmas market. ; Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry two expert turners and will assure eptire satis- faction: C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. For an infraction of the Ontario Temperance Act, William Teeple was fined $400 and costs or three months by Magistrate Farrell; and Charles Lasher was remanded. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms ow balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Joseph Bowes will leave for Brant- ford, his native city, tomorrow, where he will spend Christmas with friends. Kitchener and Toronto will also be visited before returning. New books for Christmas gifts, all the latest books by the leading writ- ers, at Uglow's. Pte.'Samuel McElary, of Ottawa, who went overseas with the 80th Battalion, has been killed in action. His son, Pte. S. E. McElary, of the 73rd Battery, now in hospital in Kingston, is a' son. New books for Christmas gifts, all the latest books by the leading writ. ers, at Uglow"s. Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. €. W. Lindsay, Ltd. John Woodruff, of Cataraqui, was a very much surprised man when ne reached the market Saturday to find that he was minus a quarter of beef he had in his sleigh. Whether or not it was stolen or fell off his sleigh he does not know. The "Nativity of Christ," a sacred Christmas cantata by Caleb Simper, will be given in First Congregational church, Sunday evening, Dec. 23rd, after regular service, commencing 8.30, to accommodate friends from other churches. Silver offer- ing. The first of a number of trawl- lers being built to the order of the Department of Naval Service was launched by the Kingston Shipbuild- ing Company, Saturday morning. The boat was christened "TR. 19" by Miss Patricia Sowards, daughter of J. F. Sowards, Vice-President of the company. Prevost, Brock street, has receiv- ed a large shipment of men's and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri- ces. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth overcoats at a very reasonable price and guarantee first class fit. 3,000 Books at 60c. Two large shipments, delayed by the freight situation in the U.S. re- ceived in stock to-day at the Col- lege Book Store. ® EAT WAR VETERANS| LIEUT.COL W. G. ANGLIN Is! ELECTED TREASURER. { | Gifts to Two Returned Soldiers Who | { Do Not Belong to the Association | | ~The G. W. V. A. Assists All Re- | | turned Soldiers. N | The Kingston Branch of the G. W.} V. A, held their weekly meeting Fri- { day night, and it was largely attend- | | ed A letter of appreciation from ! the mayor of Halifax was read. A motion was, carried instrpeting the | secretary to send $15 to each of two | returned soldiers as a Christmas pres ent with the view of assisting them. These men do not belpng to-the G. W. V. A, but are returned soldiers, and the main object of the G. W. V, A. is to aSsist all returned comrades, i According-to the by-laws any offi. { cer failing to attend at three consecu- tive meetings relinquishes his posi- tion and a new officer be elected to replace him Comrade Lieut.-Col. Anglin was elected by acclamation as treasurer. The secretary was instructed to write letters of appreciation to W, F. Nickle, M.P,, and Mayor Hughes for the active part and interest they have taken in the welfare of returned sol- diers. A committee of three was appoint- ed to deal with the by-laws of this branch of 'the GW. V. A personal letter Borden was received by. the Great War Veterans' Association thanking them for the support given the Union Government by returned soldiers and their families. «A beautiful wrist watch, engraved, was presented to Comrade Street,who leaves for Toronto, in appreciation | of the service he rendered this| branch of the G. W. V. A. during his | stay in' Kingston. A motion was carried that Com- rade Ryan be tendered a vote of ap- preciation and support for the letter which was recently published in the | local papers. . It was decided that the next gene- ral meeting would be held the first] Friday of the new yéar from Premier See Uglow's Special Book Tables. 500 books at 25c each. 6500 books at 35¢ each. 500 books at 40¢ each. 1,000 books at 60¢ each. 200 (special) at $1.00 each. The above five carefully selected tables containing the best at the world's popular and standard litera- ture, will make selecting holiday gifts a great pleasure to hundreds of our citizens. Make your selection early. R. Uglow & Co. A Letter of Appreciation, = The following letter is from a gen- tleman who had been treated in the| Kingston General Hospital, and has been one of its warmest friends ever since: "Please find enclosed a cheque for $25 as a donation to your maintenance fund for the hospital. ~As, a citizen, I feel very proud of our hospital, and the good work it is doing; and I hope this position is sufficiently shared by the citizens in general so that your financial requirements for the current year will be fully met, I am your very truly, ------------" The Official Returns. On Saturday morhing J. B. Wal- kum, returning officer, made his of- ficial return as follows: Nickle, 4,- 451; Richardson, 1,674; majority for Nickle, 2,777; spoiled ballots, 30. Had No Complaints. After fitting on thousands of square feet of the Barrett specifica- tion roofing in the last season we did not have one complaint during the late thaw. If you have any | roofing trouble bring them to us, | we will solve them for you. Sim- | mons Bros., sole agents for the | genuine Barrett specification roof. A box of choice cigars makes a suitable Xmas. present. Get them On Approval means just that: You can't always decide as conveniently here as at your home which instrument and which records (if any) will suit you. We make the matter easy by sending a complete COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA outfit wherever yousay,so you can take your time about it, The picture. illustrates the $145 Columbia model: Its appearance is dignified and artistic; the shapely cabinet is mounted on casters, and in all the details of finish, this is an exemplary sample of what the best Canadian craft can produce." It is equipped with the Columbia Individual Record Ejector, the the last word in the many exclusive features possessed by all Columbia Grafonolas: Other models as low as $24 C. W. LINDSAY Limited, 121 Princess Street. ~ Mayoralty Announcement Ladies and Gentlemen: At the request of a large number of citizens, who have waited upon me _and presented to me a numerously signed petition 'requesting me to offer myself for Mayor for a second term, and having had this petition reinforced by an almost unanimous request from my colleagues in the City Council, who have been associated with me dur- ing the Jast year, and who have asked that I stand again, I have consented to accede to their request. 1 do this with some reluctance as I have always felt that the hon- ors should go around, and -in addition, us my retention of the office will mean that for another year I shall be obliged, as in the past year, to sacrifice my personal and private business interests. But at a time like this, when the call of duty comes, 1 feel like many other citizens who have responded to that call, that if I can be of service, | should set aside my personal preferences or desires and respond whole heartedly to the eall. It is in this spirit, therefore, and in no desire for mere office, that I answer the call, and offer myself again as a candidate for the mayoralty for 1918. If elected 1 shall "carry on" as in the past year, endeavoring always to do my duty fairly and efliciently and honestly, J. M. HUGHES. Carrie Jacobs-Bond New Numbers. | The publication of the Ladies' There's a Cottage in God's Garden, | World, a monthly magazine with a The Soul of You, A Little Bit of | circulation of 600,000 copies, will Honey and Betty's Music Box. 40c be suspended with" the January, each. The four for $1.25. Special,! 1918, issue for the duration of the at the College Book Store war oii an There 18 now only forty-five ma- Miss Maggie Sampson, an aged | jority against Hon. Frank Oliver in maiden lady living alone in a wood- | Edmonton, with 34 polls to hear land cabin near Normandale, Ont.,| from. lost her way in a snowstorm and Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Struthers, perished. | Brockville, are. visiting in Kingston, Considered what a pleasure the gift of a pair.of glasses will be to father, mother, brother or Christmas and we will examine the eyes and make the proper lenses after the holiday. Open R. J. RODGER "Where the Clock is on the Walk." year. We mention coal, milk, eggs, butter, meat and and still going up. We look to the generous people of sister? You can give them on evenings 132 Princess St. ef a SEE We have a fine line of Portable Lamps at reasonable prices. Call and look them over. ; Yu { X 3d { Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. 'Needed drugs; but these are only a few of the tems; every- Kingston for 2 noble responce to our strong appeal.