Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1917, p. 10

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PACE TEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 191 7. STRICKEN IN THE STREET Completely Restored To Health By * Fruit-a-tives " B82 Sv, Vaux St., MoxreraL. "In 1912, I was taken suddenly ill with Acute Stomach and in the st t. treated by several physicians for nearly two yeéars, and my weight dropped from 225 pounds to 160 pounds. Then several of my friends advised me to try "Fruit. n-tives"!, 7 begat to improve almost with the first dose, and KE using them, I recovered from the distressing Stomach Troubie--and all pain and Constipation were cured. Now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise "'Fruit. a-tives" enough', H. WHITMAN. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Trouble dropped I was Tobin's Peerless Boxes for Overseas And Choice Stock of Groceries. ~ Thompson' s Grocery 4 PRINCESS ST, gf XBL hone a7, FRESH LAKE ON- TARIO WHITE- FISH AND TROUT All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Dominion Fish Co. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AL CV VV VW VV VV VV VV CATARRH; { S ) yi 4 BLADDER {2 1 I 13 hy 4 o Belloved in 4 Beware of counterfeits o 4 AAARAAAAAAAAAAIAIRAAA. VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANA er ----------. ""Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE esa Office, Royal Insurance Bldg MONTREAL : PBRCY J. QUINN Mansger, Ontario Bransh FT eronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ Lightning Hitch Quick Hitch Boys' , Men' s, Wo- men's. William Young, one of Brockville's best known citisens passed away on Friday morning at his home, follow- ing a very hrief illness. The deceas- ed was born near Mallorytown sev: enty-three years ago and had résided in Brockville for aboug fifty years. The death of Mrs. A. G. Dobbie took place at St. Vincent de Paul hospital, Brockville, Friday. The late Mrs. Dobbie had been a resident of Brockville for thirty-one years. fh leap @ ternal BLIZABETH STUART PHELPS Working In the Name Of the Christ Child OME thirty years ago there lived S in the city of Washington a young . girl, the daughter of Richard T. Merrick, a distinguished lawyer, says the Survey." A serious injury,' due to an accident, had left her an invalid, confined te her couch. .The Christmas ] season was fast approaching and amid the preparations for which the happy family were busily making, this young 'invalid, reared in luxury, cenceived the desire of clothing in the name of the Christ Child some poor babe who was to come inte the world in poverty. She made a simple but complete layette, sent for a friend the holidays, who she knew could find the very | mether who needed such gssistance, and one small child was clothed in the name of the Christ Child. The Christ Child, society, founded 27 years ago, distributed 139 layettes last year. Not one request has ever been refused to an applicant indersed by its visitors. And from this has developed the material relief depart. ment, which clothes and shoes chil- dren, furnishes a fortnight's outing, a brace for a crippled leg or a book from the library, There are no religious qualifications. Active members con- tribute a definite number of hours' work each week, and anyone may be- come a member by promising to an- swer the Christmas letter of a poor child. Washington numbers 1,000 mem- hers, and there are more than 4.500 in all, including the branehes in 22 cit- tes, ) From her couch, where she has lain for more than '25 years, Miss Mer- rick directs and leads all the socl- ety's work. St. Nicholas Day and Christmas. A writer in the Pall Mall Gazette thus speculated concerning the amalga- mation of Christmas eve and St. Nicho- las eve: "Perhaps the amalgamation of the two festivals was brought about by motives of economy, the giving of -presents on December 5 and again on December 25 constituting too heavy a toll on parental purses. That this was the case appears to be proved by the custom prevailing in Catholic Germany, where St. Nicholas duly appears in each home on December 5, and, inquir- ing into the conduct of the children, rewards the worthy with fruits and cakes and lectures the unworthy cn the duty of obedience. He then asks the Christ Child to bring them at Christ mas, and on the morning of that day they usually find the desired articles in the shees which they placed overnight on the hearth. This variation of the original Nicholas eve custom, for so long obsolete in England, probably ac- counts for our possession of Santa Claus in his present form. He is supposed to have been an importation from America about 40 years aga (as a little earlier we had derived the Christmas tree from Germany on the Initiation of the prince consort, hus- band of Queen Victoria.)" The, Brawn and Brain ofa boy are not made out of books or sermons. They are built out of foods that supply in well-balanced proportion and in digestible form every needed element. ments are found in Shredded Wheat Biscuit, a real whole wheat food which contains all the material for building the human body. A perfect food for growing youngsters. Its (crispness encourages thorough chewing, . which develops sound teeth and healthy gums. "Children like it and thrive on it. It is ready-cooked and ready-to- eat. * For breakfast or any meal with milk or. cream. Bade 10. Candesinmmn.r ml These ele- | December By J. C. OLIVER. MONTH far days and nights renowned, Joy fraught, lictions IAfe"s annual « rospective thought, pensive memory recalls smiles the tears. - | The hopes and jous of youth, i 'of vanished years, And sighs to see the havoc, Time has wrought famed! rouned the Where hoary month! In 7) | north and east | For festive { with hallowed bene- | learing house for ret the ioves | sad, that | regions of the | The song of bird and rippling of the | bzgok 'have ceased, Nature's thousand charms summer days have fled Boreas reigns, fierce God wind and storms winter all of verdure, into brown and while transforms And leaves no trace of life and beau- ty sped And There of And O happy month! When keen anticipa- tion, sweet, greet With gifts the friend, the kindred near Winter closer draws his icy tered chains The heart expands and love unselfish reigns And speeds its largess to the ones most dear. As INlustrious month of most illustrious birth! Good tidings, earth A heavenly choir announced when Christ was born. No other birth such mighty portent bore, This Prince of Peace whom hecven and earth adore. How thrills the heart al thought of Christmas morn! peace 'and joy to all the The First Christmas Day Told For the Littlest Children L ISTEN Christmas day. { far away from here, that.some shep- | herds were watching their flocks one i night. The sheep were resting on the | grass, the little Inmbs were fast asleep | | beside their niothers, but the kind shep- i herds were not They were | watching that no harm should happen to thé sheep. Perhaps they were looking up at the stars and the beautiful moon above them when suddenly there appeared a | wonderful lizht in the sky, brighter l-than the moon, or stars, as if the sky had opened and they saw within asleep. fet- | 1 of | Flies swift on wings of ardent love to | the lover or | dear little children, and | you shall hear about the very first | It was in a country across the sea, ! the glory | While the shepherds were looking up, | wondering what was the cause of that! | { came near to them and said: "Fear not. I bring you good tidings which shall be to all people. This day is born a Savior, and ye shall find the babe lying in a manger." And suddenly the angel wat joined by a" multitude of the heavenly host singing praises to God. This was their song: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, good twill toward men When the angels had gone back to {heaven the shepherds said they would £0 to Bethlehem and see this Savior of whom the angels sang. They went and found him, a little baby, in a sta- ble, with no cradle to lie in, only a manger for his bed. was Jesus, who when he grew up said: "Let the little children come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." His birthday was the first Christmas day,'and ever since that time we kept that day as a Joyful and happy one. ~ That little baby | ++ Nothing disgusts a gir: more than to have a young man make a bluff at kissing her. CAT. when he doesn't want it. A cold is a good deal like a street A 'man can always catch #t | ! strange light, a beautiful shining angel | "We never have coffee at our house, because I can't make good coffee" Have you ever started right --with Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL BRAND' * COFFEE ? In ¥%, 1 and 2 pound tins. Whole--ground--pulverized--alsc fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk. 188 "CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. Commencing Dec. 1st, we will give a reduction of 209, on all Fit-Reform OVERCOATS Good fitting, up-to-date garments. 7 AS KYOUR GROCER FOR: Charm Tea IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in Kingston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. Inspection Invited. Crawford & Wals Tailors. Princess and Bagot Streets. Closely Related There's a closgr relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars Sine you may suspect. Right feed mea! better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your leed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Pears, Sweet Grapes, Fruit, Lemons, Figs, Dates, and Mixed Nuts, candy, Christmas candy, Chocolate all prices. Holly. Special this week -- Sweet Oranges Prompt Delivery. Grape Fresh home made boxes and candy canes of dozen for 25c. Phone 2168. Charlie Dafnas, Prop. Special Xmas Offer GOOD UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE The Aeolian-Vocalion With a Choice Selection of Records -- Delivered to You for a Small Payment Down There esliodid be mu- sic in your home on Christmas Day, and every day. And what 'better music can you wish for than that of the Vocalion, the new and greater phono- graph that you can play? This wonderful new phonograph, ene of the Aeolian Company's latest and most not- able productions--far surpasses anything hitherto known among such instruments. ' STYLE "F" Included with this of- fer are the following: In richnes and mus- ical depth, in delicacy and clearness of tone, the VOCALION is su. preme. The Phonograph -- A Style "F" Aeolian-Vocalion in select- ed mahogany. This is a full- cabinet model with ample space for record albums. New Tone Arm -- This in- strument is equipped with a} new Universal Tone Arm and sound box for playing all stand- ard make of records. No ad- ditional attachment required. Each one of the three popular models in this special offer, in- cluding the moderate- priced Style "F™ $125; has all the tonal su- periority that has giv- en the Aeolian VO- CALION world-wide re- nown. Records Included in this offer are 24 record selections. Needles -- 200 Aeolian-Vo- calion needles. These needles are of finest grade steel MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $7 COMPLETE OUTFIT $135.20, All three calion here of the models Vo- shown beautiful in design and finish, and are equipped with the Vocalion Automatic Stop with Tone Arm Sound Box for all, makes STYLE "H" Included With Offer Are the lowing: are This Fol- and and playing of records and oak. New Tene instrumen In the RT "G' at at $225, not only the advantage of listening to the instrument as a regular p 1onograph, but in addition may control the pression by means of the GRADUOLA. With this fascinating device, You may put your own feeling into every. re- cord you play. $155 and dard makes you have No addition ment required Records--Included r this offer are $15 wor you el recogds. CX Needles--200 Vocalon Ae needles . This instrumen equipped with ti duola, the vevolut ary tone control device for playing the records yourself, rilan STYLE "G" Included -~ With This Offer Are the Fol- lowing: he .Fhonograph A tyle " Aeollan-Yoca- lon in selected mahog- any or oak. This is one of our, most popular models New Tone Arm instrument ig With a new Universal Tone Arm and sound box for playing all stan-J dard makes of records No = additional attach- ment required. Recordu--Included this offer are 30 records Needles -- 200 Acolinn Vosalton needles. This instrument is equipped with the Grad. ila, the revolutionary tone control" device. Monthly, Payments s low as Monthly Payments as low as $10 Complete Outfiy $210.00. The instruments specified are three of our most popular dnd best selling styles and ° with the accessories as specified, make an op- portunity to purchase a phonograph on terms you Will not want to miss. «This equipped in Complete Outfit 167.75 A NICE LINE OF 'NORDHEIMER AND STEINWAY PIANOS R. J. RODGER Exclusive Representative 132 Princess Street

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