Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1917, p. 2

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| i f § EL re ar at a 'ook's Cotton Root Compound, Wormer | i PAGE TWO o ' i i | | | --What the Merchants Offer to the| at 10%, and 209, Discount. The Day After Xmas Bring Your Check to John McKay, Limited, where you wili get: The Finest Furs, The Best Values, For the Lowest Prices in Kingston, 10%, and 20%, on all Manufactured Furs, 109%, on Muskrat Coats for women and cdon and fur lined coats for. men, 207%, on Persian Lamb coats and children's muEkrat coats, 20% on all stoles, ete. muffs, Remember) McKAY made furs are all marked in plain fig- ures. Goods are not marked up then discounted down in * this store. Come and See the Bargains, December 26. John McKay, LIMITED. Achievement Through Glasses. Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Our metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. fg -- Ex-President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our spec- ialist's advice. Consultation free, 1S Asselstine D.0.S Registered Optometrist, 342 King Btreet THE BUSY OPTICAL STORE. -~ 'e, reliable re; ine. nn eceipb pamphlet. . THE COOK MEDICINE C6. TORONTO. ONY. (Fermee Windus! At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each, Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juley ... ... 10e, 12%¢, 15¢ ib, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. Evaporated Apricots 15¢ 1b. Bweet Cider ,., «++ 40c gal, W. R. McRea & Co. ==! Golden Lion Grocery alae arocery. Yin. . Home Bargains ! $1600--Charles St., 6 rooms; electricity; deep lot. $2250--Quebec St., new brick, 4 rooms, furnace, B. and C, $1400--Alfred St, 6 rooms, Barn, large lot. ' $2200--Alma St., 6 rooms, fur- nace, electricity. McCann's 86 Brock St. Phones 326 or 621. OWERING high among the imper- ishable attributes, cherished as : distinctly British, is Fortitude. It permits us to make merry amidst alarms, to smile when smiles seem foreign to the heart. Therefore; in this hour we wish you all that Christmas means, and hope the days to come, rich in sunshine and prosperity will be yours. INCIDENTS OF THE Dy "°™ | | | APPEALS HEARD. Judge Lavell Handled Another Grist of Appeals on Saturday. Judge Lavell has still a long lis tor exemption iro military NOTES 'AND ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST. {| LOCAL OF t of Happenings In the City. and Vicinity some , medical > for thé most lzimed that the examination was not a Readers of the Whig, t medical t cider, j co t on not be issue hist as OW Christinas ae Bob be issusd. on} i E. Warren ,174 York, marine A veather will likely bé the| engine helper, 1 Christinas feature tlis year. { p. Lo A box of X chocolates | 2. farmer, to cputinue : will make "your girl" happy. Get Joshua Circle, 51 t at Hoag's anager, disallowed < The postmen had a very heavy day | H L. Smith 185 Johnson, mem- Saturday Cheer up, the worst is of Smith Bros rm yet to coms McKee 7 Plus Kingston Hockey Club wil « until May 1st, 1918. practice at covered rink at it \. Lemmon, 181 Alfred, general o'clock , until July lst, 1918 W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy |. I , | street 'west. Orders left at McAu- | lowed pending medical examination. ley's, or phone 564. |: G. E. Kelly 213 stores were crowded im Arts, until May Ist, 1918 | shoppers all Monday morning Vo W.oG. MeCutche n, final drive w with W. G. Craig In the a | rell, } Merry Christmas Ring up 645 for swee armer Princess; A choice to-night. with The ill take place to-night nce of Magistrate F & Co, . Upper William, the police cour | stu Ist. 1919 1 yout that bottle 'of choice | | perfume you want? You can get | until May 1st, 1918 ~ it from Hoag's. | A. H to Phe railroads reported a very] heavy traffic both coming in and 80- | ing out of the city. Mr. and Mrs. John street, will celebrate wedding on Christmas "Day. | A box of choice cigars makes a | suitable Xmas. present. Get them A. L.. Blacklock, 163 Alfred, stu | at Hoag's. | dent missionary, until May 1st; 1918 Seventeen biz loads of mail were R. A. Whittier 382 Alfred, student, taken out of the post office for until May 1st, 1918, morn- T . Deamude, {until May 1st. 1918, . Father C. J. Mea has been B. Dennison, 57 Mack, disallow- | presented with a purse of one thou- | od pending medical examination sand dollars by Kingston friends as! Leo Hart, 10 Alice, to continue as | a Christmas gift | driver in the fire department. Our will be, open all i J. Wesley Karl, 100 Victoria, fire- We will have the man, allowed. Christmas morning delivery. Aus- | W\ I. Chamberhain, |tin's Red Cross Drug Store, { ~The president of the Board of | Trade has received for the Belgian | childrens' health fund the following subscription: Stephen 10. ployee of Imperial Laundry, until Class 2 is called y se Andrew Nesbitt, 273 Alfred. mana- Anderson Bros. until Jan, 1st, | Litton, their Earl| g golden | IR W. T, Grant, Brock and grocer, until Class 2 is called Nelson, dis- | Queen's student, } store 1 Christrgas. 190 Clergy, tion William H until Class 2 Roughton, | "WW. Eidon ,219 Division, em- ployee of Lindsay Co., disallowed pending medical examination. WwW. J. to continue .as chemical engineer, is called A kodak or camera will be a suit- { able present for your son, daughter | or sweetheart. See them at Hoag's. | For an infraction of the Ontario | Temperance Act, Quinton Kirker {and James Flinn were each fined | $10 and costs in police court Mon- | day. To Prevent The Grip. Colds cause Grip.--LAXATIVE BROMO - QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. Faint heart never won fair lady," | said a Portsmouth girl to her gentle- | man friend the other night. "No, {but it won for me exemption," said { the city chap. In his sermon at Cooke's church | on Sunday the pastor, Rev. E. R. Mc- | Lean had a special Christmas mes- | sage. + The choir rendered Christmas | anthems. | Now is the time to have your | piano tuned. We carry two expert | turners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Marsden Kemp has recovered | gency hospital. [ from a'very severe cold and is try- [ ing to catch up with his long defer- red engagements in Napanee, Brock- ville and vicinity. Before County Magistrate Brad- shaw, Charles Smith, of Sydenham, was fined $20 and costs Yor an in- fraction of the Ontario Temperance Act. C. R. Webster prosecuted. Kingston temperance leaders are literally "tickled to death' with the Christmas box that the Union Gov- ernment has given Canada in the shape of a bone-dry Dominion in the very near future. . We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange .easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Mrs. S. Williams, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams, jr., and little daughter, Beatrice, of Battersea, '"~ left to-day for Sharbot Lake to spend Christmas with friends, The death oceurred in Chicago on Nov. 28th of F. J. Kane. - His widow, his father and mother and one bro- ther and one sister survive. De- Mrs. (Dr.) G. Wesley Bell, who has been spending the past week with friends in Ottawa, returned home Saturday, accompanied by her sister, Miss Roespooner. Dr. Charles S. Johnston has gone to Trenton te be assigtant doctor in the British Chemical works emer- ceased was a member of the Knights of Columbus. - Now is the time piano tun We carry' two expert tuners afid will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. | The current left on an electric | l to. -have your We wish our friends and patrons, wher- ever they may be iron at the home of Mrs. R. A. Me- Lelland, Earl street, was responsible | for a fire at 11.15 o'clock on Satur- | day might, when considerable dam- [nge was done. | Capt. Frederick Reid, of the On- tario street fire station, is making ® shipment to Halifax early next week, and would like citizens who are sending goods to do do so as soon as possible. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms ob balance. C. W. Lindsay. As Rev, J. D. Elli told his Queen street {lock on Sunday of the splen- did action of the Union Government regarding the liquor traffic, and said this one act justified its existence. The Government should be publicly thanked for its work. The sum of $46.80 has been re- ceived from Fingerboard school No. 6, Pittsburg, per Miss S. Thompson, {and $47.75 from South Lake school coneert, per Miss Thompson, and the same credited to the Red Cross fund, J. H. Sampson, treasurer, Bank of Toronto at Gananoque. Prevost, Brock street, has receiv ed a large shipment of men's and youths' winter overcoats and suits, which he will sell at very close pri- 0PS. In his order clothing depart- ment he has a full range of cloth overcoats at a very reasonable price and guarantee first class fit. 'A letter just received by Canon FitzGerald announces the death on Dec. 3rd at Waterford, Ireland, of his only brother, M. V. manager of the Bank of Ireland at {that place. Death was due to heart | route, He was fifty-four years of age, : { A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and trust that it may be one of plenty. We thank them for the enormous fur busi- ness we have had this season. ! Store open tonight from 7.15 to 9.30. Closed all day Tues- day. : To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO-QUIN-! INE Tablets. Druggists Tetund ey If it fails to cure. BE. W. io VE'S signature "on 'each 'por. || C. { J Category C.| treet, carpen- | Johnston, 12 Orchard, disal- | Albert, final year | 23 Sydenham, | disal- | ! Ma Hawley, 38 SWilliamp- student, | Porter, 242 University, en disallowed pending medical examing- | Hartman, mica worker, Embury,-131 Alfred, student, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917. > ~ ir A large 'stock of all editions here after 8.00 p.m. standard and popular numbers. ligent staff is at your service. Last Minute Warnits. See advt. on front for LAST MINUTE WANTS. The Phone 919. Rm wk [RS + Music. Christmas is not Christmas without music. College Book (Last Call for THIS SEASON'S NOBBIEST STYLE COATS, PRICED UP TO $25.00 EACH. TWO SPECIALS TONIGHT, $10.00 and $15.00 EACH. (You save $5.00 to $10.00 Each) DAINTY NECKWEAR FOR LADIES, 25¢ TO $2.50. Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE -- : = --------, { RAISED THE LEHIGH. | Foo BUILDERS SUPPLIES own ; Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking Co. i Succeed in Important Job. i | The Donnelly Salvage and Wreck- | | ing Company succeeded on Saturday | EE ----------------ee-- | in raising the steamer Lehigh, sunk | | in the Welland Canal recently when | it collided with a bridge. Her port | bow was badly damaged. The cargo | | of coal is being sold to local parties ¢ | at Welland and repairs to the steam- | or will be made at Welland by the | a on Tour alte, Wellgnd Shipbuilding Co, The Le- | "Giet acquainted with your own | | Frame, metal ciad, to your or- der. They ean be built in see. tions, at our factory and quickly | high will go to Cuba in the spring. ear by Keeping it In your own 5 MGLIN & 00. Railroaders Exempted. | The tribunal sitting at city ad cil chamber has granted exemption to the following employees of the C. | P. R.: R. Nolan, W. O'Brien, J. F.| O'Hara, O. C. Robb, M. Reckert, A. E. Robilliard, J. F. Sarco, W. E. B, Sta- pleton, G. R. Stewart, Li Robertson, M. Welsh, J. Welsh, J. Whelan, R. Whitz, B. Burking, L. Deslonses, H. McAuley, W. J. Major, C. Morin, W. Woodworking Factory, ber Yards. Bay & Wellington Kingston, Ont. Office hone 66. Facto. y Phone 1415. WE CAN SOLVE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEM . All Street Cars Stop at the Corner. New Methodist Hymn Books will be in general use at the New Year. in cloth and leather will be on sale All the latest Books of All Kinds. Let us recommend any of these to you. An intel- page of second section today Store, Phone 919. Have opened an office and store corner of Brock and Bagot Sts., Savage's old stand, carrying a full stock of - TIRES Automobile Acces- sories, Gasoline Don't forget we are doing busi. ness as usual in the above lines, | Agents for REO CARS. Geo. Boyd, Prop. Phone 201. BUY A VICTORY BOND Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS | W. F. Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. H. Switzer, G. W. Armstrong, George Arnold, J. A. Bertrim, J. E. Brodie, F. P. Brown, R. Carpenter. Soldiers' Diaries. A shipment of absolutely the best Soldiers' Diary on the market com- bined with the necessary French words and phrases in general use%in 'France. Preserves a most invaly- able record of a man's greatest period of his life. Price $ The Col- lege Book Store. ---------- Dominion Aliancs Pleased, Oliver Chown, president of the docal branch of the Dominion Al- lisuce, received telegrams regarding the liquor Order-in-Council passed Saturday. The crowning trivmph should be recognized in every church id ap- . . 'H. . for thanksgiving in the churches. "Send congratulations to the Government. Praise God . " Had Splendid Trade. R. J. Reid, the Princess street furnic ture dealer, is very thankful to his ; friends ir § Tt, A : st Christmas trade since he commenced hosiness. Mr. | Reid wishes them all a Merry Christ. mas and a Happy New York woe Lamber, Cstl ang Weed wee) r tes Liggett's Chocolates MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE % Bagot and Princess Streets. | A new solid brick dwelling on . Union Street. Hot water heating, all im- provements, with sun parlor, $1000; immediate possession A semi detached dwelling, with im- provements, on Markland St. For $1500; easy payments, A frame dwelling, with large stable, on Pine street. 'or $2350. Place your popert selling list. Fire Insurance E. W. Mullin & Son Sellers of Real Estate, Cor. Johnson and Divisicn Sts. « Phones 530 and 1456. on our CANDY SPECIAL 30c Full Pound Page & Shaw, Chocolates . . .. $1.00 Ib. Lowney's Chocolates "

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