Ss Te So / ; een . MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 191 0,5. 2100, of Ostia, Sorgen TLR. [ROSS HARRISON |" Li | agent here, spent the week-end with | ) y 2 : relatives in town : INSTANTLY KILLED ' om S er fl 4 11] + 'Mrs. Cecil N. Palmer, of Brock- | . v | ] : { ville, is here to spend the holiday'| Young Kingstonian Was Killed. PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 7. [Season with her grandmother, Mrs on Sunday While Flying at { Flora Bullis, King street. Miss Susan Fort Worth, Toxas, ) Mayoralty Announcement | McKellar, of Montreal, arrived here open- | holidays with her parents, Mr. and Another Kingstonian has been t, he! Mrs. James McKellar, Garden street. | added to the already long list of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Lewls, « of | men whose lives have been sacrificed | Miss Ellen Crook, a well-kng Montreal, arrived yesterday to spend | in the fight against the Huns. This | resident of this city, died last evening | a short time with the latter's moth- | time ft is Ross Harrison, 276-Rideau | at her home at 330 Univ ersity avenue. €r, Mrs. J. J. Moore, Charles street | street, who was instantly killed on{ The deceased had been a resident of ------------ -| Sunday while flying at Fort Worth, | this city for many years, She was { Texas. an Anglicdin and a member of St. WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, Cadet Harrison is one of the most James' Church She' is survived by Ey . widely known: of local young .men|iwo sisters, Mrs. H. Noar, of Mel- A. Williamson, | Frank Briceland Is a Candidate for | who have answered the call for ser- bourne, Australia, and Mrs. E. Ball, treet, left "yestérday for Bos- the Reeveship. { Yice. He was born here just twenty- {of Ottawa, and three brothers," Ar- n, Mass, to spend the holiday sea-| wore Island, Dec. 21.-- The muni- | JOU years ago, and attended the |thur, of Syracuse, N,Y.; Herbert, of son there with their daughter { ieee | local schools, ineluding Regidpolis | Toronto and Frederick of Hamilton, p i illne q oe | €ipal pot is n | \ on account of illness, and is still €on-| Dee. 24.----The local Town Council | ¢Pal po beginning to boil. Frank College. Two years ago he returned -- fined to his home. : . | has made arrangements for all the | Briceland has announced himself as from the west, where he had' been William Potter. James Sophie, Princess street, is| polls at the municipal elections be-|® ¢andidate for the reeveship. engaged in construction work of| . ; H-know i highly confined to his. home quite seriously ing in tharge of returned soldiers. | The heavy snow storms have various kinds, being an engineer on| __: oer we +3 ie ig ed il. | "Tt is understood that Mayor O'-|blocked the roads and impeded traf- that work. Last August the Royal MN 1e 19th ot hi a ia Miss Helen Mabee, student at Mc. | Counor will not accept another no- | fic. "Jack" Crawford has returned Flying Corps proved attractive to Wits S the 'person of William Master Hall; Toronto, arrived home| ymination for the position. The | home after a successful season sail-| 'him as a means to serve his country, | p, 3 ea on pore sixty-five years to-day to spend the holiday season | pames of Councillor George A.|ing out of Montreal. H. C. Hogan| and he was.takep on as a cadet offi- hi ly ny on as Sy Vos en with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. | -| Smith, Reeve 'W. J. Wilson, 'W. J.|and family have taken up residence| cer for the pilot branch. For some or ge erry y Cron Trak Mabee, Stone street. Carleton Ma-| Gibson, 'George Dowsley have been in Dr. McCarthy's house on Main | time he trained at Deseronto, and it Railw P Hi milton About twenty- bee, student at Woodstock College, | mentioned for the mayoralty. | street. will be remembered that he flew palwaY: i Evid uy iy returned home to-day to spend his The quarterly meeting services of | The farmers are keeping more| Over the city on the last Sunday that em Ed the positign of ohict holidays: with his parents. the Cananogue circuit of the Kings-|sows this year than they have in a] tN® aviation school was running on Ar the REY Hospiral Word as repeived Sere by Joa ton district of the Fires Methodist long time. Miss Kate Conley has here, Aloungyite Te sehol lo Fraime veafs. He moved tives recently of the death o ouis | church opened in that church here Ww + g| 1€xas, he continued the. instruction, W 3 ce yeals. 3 Bedard, a former 'resident of this| on Friday evening with District setuid Some after visiting friends) op 4" wag proving himself splendidly |t© W i years ago, belly ap town, which occurred in Schenectady, | Elder Rev. R. 'Burnham in charge. rownyille, N.Y, adapted to the work when this acei- | Pointed ¢ let engineer ol the aon N.Y, where he has been located for # | The services were well attended. The agricultural meeting was held | gent happened. The family are try- | Works Department. For thirty-eight of supplies that | yesterday afternoon to spend her | The Late Miss Ellen Crook. . Ladies and Gentlemen: (From Our Own Correspondent) Calgary, Altd Dec. 22. --There .was another large who has been spending the past two offering of live hogs at the market | weeks here th her sister, Miss Es- yesterday, all of which was taken byd sie Delon King street. has left for local buyers for shipment, the Price | per western hor te ! still holding at 17¢. a Ib. | "Mr. and Mis. W " Patrick O'Brien, Stone street, who King | ' accepted a situation in Kingston re-| Lently, was compelled to return home At the requist of a large number of citizens, who have waited upon me and presented to me a numerously signed petition requesting me to offer myself for Mayor for a second term, and having had this petition reinforced by an almost unanimous request from my colleagues in the City Council, who have been associated with me dur. ing the last year, and who have asked that I stand again, I have consented to accede to their request. 1 do this with some reluctance as 1 have always felt that the hone ors should go around, and in addition, as my retention of the office will mean that for another year I shall be obliged, as in the past year, to sacrifice my persénal and private business interests. But at a time like this, when the call of duty comes, I feel like many other citizens who have responded to that call, that if 1 ean be of service, I should set aside my personal preferences or desires and respond whole heartedly to the call. It is in this spirit, therefore, and in no desire for mere office, that I answer the call, and offer myself again as a candidate for the mayoralty for 1918. If elected 1 shall "carry on" as in the past year, endeavoring always to do my duty fairly and efliciently and honestly. J. M. HUGHES. We have a fine line of Portable Lamps at reasonable prices. Call and look them over. Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Rome, Dec. 24.--Pope Benedict has given to the Associated Christmas message: "The Holy Father sends to the people of America his cordial greetings and prays that they may take to heart in this time of strife and suffering the Co true lesson of Christmas- Bethlehem Steel 'B' tide, the lesson of unfal- || Crucivle "+ tering courage and sacri- it. Sutkie fice of self. : Mexican Pot "More especially he Rep. Steel .. calls upon little children, |v. 8. Steel to whom this day belongs, li "ee to "pray with all their Atlantic aut hearts to the Babe of Bethlehem that He may protect their loved ones and give back to the world that peace.which he came to bring upen earth." Am. Smelters . .. B. & 0 ... . C.P.R. Press this Erie ... ... Marine ... ... ... Marine Pfd. ... N.Y. C ... CLARRTERLIY EEO EEPROM NRE ORV ORTMEAA EON CVO SORA " Security First* EXCELSIOR INSURANCE | FE COMPANY Best Christmas Wishes to You and Yours. Reading Southern Pac. Union Pacific Alcohol .. Am. Loc. Anaconda Head Office: Toronto, Can. HAA ORS ST EEA SEA arg F-------- ® © Have You Considered what a pleasure the gift of a pair of glasses will be to father, mother, brother or sister? You can give them on Christmas and 'we will examine the eyes and make the proper lenses after the holiday. Open evenings fait io attend the funeral staff of Gananoque High School, of |eradicatior of weeds and weed seeds. | been received. his wife, three daughters, Mrs. E. J. ing. Graduates of the school during school staff, were given an increase tion. He urged the farmers to raise| €hts, the survivors are his two bro- | Norman, Knigston. The burial took neth Bishop ,who left here with the | have decided to give the proposition [their bit at home, by aiding in great-| ®t home. Deceased attended St. a son of Pte. Moses Bishop, who is| prietor of the Provincial Hotel, cele- | ®Very effort should be made. { --)| Quotations Furnished by Bongard of pneumonia. and George Ellis, who has been lo- [their part ip a manner that was a New York Stocks. J. P. Sinclair for treatment. brother, Deputy 'Reeve Thomas I. realized. bonfire in front of his house, kindled | relatives. W. E. Meggs, Toronto, is jin the chimney of Samuel McQuade'ss doctor's children, who thought the | Erlen-Hurd arrived from Alexandria|©f beautiful honey out of the chim-|. Last Word number of years. Mrs. Peter Pelow The Board of Education, has made {in the township hall on Friday even- ing to ascertain further particulars, Jears he had peer § Hemibes of Cress and Mrs. John Phillips, of this town,| an increase in the salary of Miss Re- |iNg. A very fair crowd was pres-| but beyond the fact that he was *'in- gent. .ovge, 0. his d am of Flee sisters of deceased, left for Schenec-! becea Edwards, art specialist, on the |€hl. Mr. Harkness' subject was the| stantly killed" no further word has:|icaves to mourn his demise besides e Annual "At Home" of the|$150 a year. Beginning January | A great many. points were gained| The deceased was one of three | Hartrick, Te Fa F. & Nye, teachers and pupils of the Gananoque | 1st her salary will be $1,150. The from the speaker. Mr, Stonehouse (sons of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harrison, | Detroit, an ai, e EN i od High School was held Thursday even- 'Misses Bain and Stiles, of the public [spoke at length on greater produc-| 176 Rideau street. Beside his par- | also two sons, William, Detroit, 5 l , ity ce i ilton on Saturday after- the past year were guests of the even-| of $25 each. more hogs and grain, and raise all| thers, Charles, contractor in the city, | place in-Hami ] ing. . The committee in charge of the | the heifer calves aro the dairy herd. | 8?d Thomas F., resident engineer in | noon, Dec. 22nd, to Hamilton ceme- Ptes. William McDonald and Ken- | night classes for technical education | yo claimed the farmers could do| Quebec, and one sister, Miss Olive, | tery 80th Battalion, and were recently in-| a trial for at least three months, be- | production. The boys in the tren. | MAY'S Cathedral. STOCK MARKETS valided home, arrived in town on | ginning early in the new year. jches had t be To and to a oa Wednesday evening, Pte. Bishop is| Nell McCarney, the veteran pro-| 0 ¢. and to do f one i erson & Co., 44 Clarence St,, still at the front. bratde his eighty-first birthday on | A concert was held in the C.M.H.A. Pope Benedict RB) } 8. Fol Ma . Edward Gillespie, Brock street, is Friday last. { hall on Tuesday evening and it was oward 8, Folger, Manager. confined to his bed quite seriously ill| William Ellis, of Kamloops, B.C., |a decided success. The children took || Sends Message ---- A young son of Mr. and Mrs. Vie-| cated in the mining district of Nip- {credit to the school master, D. J. tor Mirandi was taken to Kingston | issing for the past year, have arriv- {Cosgrove. The concert was in aid of General Hospital in charge of Dj ed here for a short visit with their | the new Catholic church and $70 was Mayor Fergus J. O'Connor had the iL, aM Par). iis ; misfortune to break one of his toes Mr. and Mrs. Ford Gillespie, o | on election night as a result of the | Ottawa, are holidaying in town with |, 17 Juhe a swarm of bees settled J , { house, Kemptville, and on Monday by some of the more 'enthusiastic! in town to spend the holiday season Unionists, © The light frightened the | with his wife and family. Miss L. |last Mr. McQuade took fifteen pounds house was on fire, and they called | yesterday to spend the week with her |ney and left enough to feed the bees him.. He at once got up, and in his| parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hurd. 'over winter. i" INI till THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told in a Pithy and Pointed Way. Senator Tudhor has been mention- ed as successor to Hughes as Pre- It is in Hot Pursuit of Kalendine's | mier of Australia, #8 Forces, An earthquake shock of great in- (Canadian Press Despatch) tensity was recorded at Gonzales Petrograd, Dec, 24 --A Caucasian Heights observatory, Victoria, B.C. A "yy Tock i . "" » army of 100,000 men is advancing on | A balloon flew from Akron, Ohio, ; Where the Clock is on the Walk. 132 Princess St. the rear troops of General Kalen-|to Toronto, bringing a party of five, -- dine, the Cossack leader, -according two to Brantford and three to Toron- to an announcement made by the| to Bolsheviki Press Bureau. ARMY IS ADVANCING. Norntan Follett, Toronto, is un- ' der arrest as a result of an alleged illegal operation performed upon a War Tidings You Can Save Time and Money By Shopping Here. We Have Just What You Want at the Right Prices. NOVELTY UMBRELLAS, the newest thing in this line. FANCY BLOUSES, voile and silk, from 98¢c to $6.50 SILK UNDERSKIRTS, all shades to clear, $3.50; other lines at special prices. HANDKERCHIEFS, all prices from 5c¢ up, in Christmas boxes. COLLARS, a dainty gift in organdy, and crepe, from 25c up to $2.25. BOUDOIR CAPS, every price from 19¢ to $2.50. CAMISOLES, in silks and cre colors and prices. TEA APRONS, from 25c¢ up. corduroy, pique, The British armed steamer, Ste- phen Furness, 1700 tons, was torped- {oed and sunk in the Irish sea. Six officers ahd ninety-five men were lost. The Bolsheviki Government has pe de chene, in a variety of a SCARFS, see our wool scarfs at 98¢. $1.50 and $1.98. ob : FURS, a few very fine fur setts to clear at sacrifice prices. ore on 3 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND : Kingston's Exclusive Street. mt o ndels sent emissaries to revolting provin- ces to try to restore amicable rela- tions. Notwithstanding reports of the activity .of the Japanesg army and navy, it may be stated positively that Japan not only has not moved but does not intend to move troops to Harbin, Viadivostock, or else- where. Italian troops in repeated attacks have succeeded in fuiihar reducing the dangerous salient "which - the Austro-German invadefs = recently drove into the Italian lines in the Monte Asolone region on the moun- tain front. In London Capt. Gerald Warn- er, of Winnipeg, is appointed assist- ant accountant-general. Seven thousand decorations have been conferred to date on members of the Canadian expeditionary forces for valor in the field and for out- standing war services. Seven offi- cers and twelve men have gained the coveted Victoria Cross, Enemy forces which had crossed the Piave river at Piave, Vecchia, have been driven back over the river, the Italian War Office announces. Sir Robert Borden left on Satur- day for Virginia, where he will re- main for two weeks. i It is reported that the Ukrainian troops have occupied the headquart- ers of all the staffs off the Rumanian and south-western fronts, Emperor William has informed his Government that he contem- lates going to Brest-Litovsk if the iplomats arrive at an agreement, in which case he will endeavor to as- semble all the sovereigns and re- gents of Europe in a peace confer- ence, as was done after the Na- poleonic wars. | ---- a _-- i A Good Wish. A truly bappy Christmas to rich and poor, old and ung; but espe- cially to those who Have remenibered the on General Hospital as it] tries to bring health and happiness | back to the sick and suffering. gifts. small or large, have been very! much appreciated by the manage: { ment, 3 . ? Ont, Mayor mn, C. R. Somerville . S14 Dr. R. W. Shaw were mominat- bo girl now in the hospital. Thirty-three thousand children of soldiers were made happy at the en- tertainments provided by the Sportsmen's Patriotic Association in Massey Hall, Toronto. 5 The Women's Union Government Association in Montreal will con- tinue as an organization, giving a loyal 'but not slavish" support to the Government. Louis Pearce, a well-known dairy farmer of convession 6, Norwich township, South Oxford, suddenly dropped dead while chatting with the mail carrier. The Rotary Club of Belfast, Ire- land, has sent a message of sympathy to the City of Halifax in the recent disaster, together with a contribu- tion of $250, Announcement is made. that John R. Lamb has been appointed assis- tant general manager of the Bank of Toronto. For nearly three . years past Mr.. Lamb has held the position of superintendent of branches, and previously that of western superinten- dent. BRIDE MEETS TRAGIC DEATH. ; ere -------- Capt. Chipman Drury Has Been Greatly Bereaved. Word has been received of the death of the wife of Capt. George Chipman Drury, son' of the late Ma- jor-General C. W. Drury, CB, for. merly of Kingston. Mrs.sDrury,who was married on November 24th last, was injured in an automobile accident at Pine Hurst, N.C, and died on a train while being hurried to New York for an operation. ! Canadign Casualties, Presumed to have died--A. Pat: erson, Brighton. Died of wou 5--A. J. Smith, Frankford. Wounded and missing--G, Mec- Murray, Lorneville; H. F. McQuaig, Lancaster. oy Wounded--O. G. Drinkwater, Col- Vice, Renfrew; L. Wingate, Pem- broke; A: 8. Cullen, A. A. Peters, Kingston. Gassed---R. Joliffe, Peterboro. "War -- G. Rothwell, Cobourg H. J. Bedard, Trenton. -------------------- Toronto Mayoralty Fight. troller Cameron are hard at it. The picture illustrates the $145 On Approval means just that: You can't always decide as convenienfly here as at your home which instrument and which records (if any) will suit you. We make the inatter easy by sencing a complete COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA outfit wherever yousay,so you _can take your time about it. Columbia model. Its appearance is dignified and artistic; the shapely cabinet is mounted on casters, and in all the details of finish, this is an exemplary sample of what the best Canadian cral'smanship ean produce. it is equipped wih the Columbia Individual Record Ejector, s the the last word in the many exclusive features Fossessed by sll Columbia Grafonolas. Other models ad foie a fog C. W. LINDSAY Limited, 121 Princess Street. LIVED HERE FIFTY YEARS. borne; J. Monette, Pembroke: A fpr. Charles Agger Died in Ottawa on faturday Night. Mrs. Agger. widow 'of . the late Charles Agger, of Kingston, died the residerice of ber soncin-law. Ric ard T. Lake, 166 Kent street, Ottawa, | members of the sorrowing family cir- on Saturday night. Mrs' Agger was | cle have the sympathy, of man ; born in Limerick, Ireland, and came | friends, both here and in the Capital, Toronto, Dee. 24.--Jt's a four- to Canada when young, being a resi- cornered fight for the mayoraity of [dent of Kingston @r over half a cen- Toronto. Major C. H. Riches has {tury her hushand conducting a shoe- anounced that he will remain in the making business at No. 36 A Ww SYS he street for some vears will stick. Mayor Cltureh and Con- years ago she moved to Ottawa, and oad resided since with the only sur- a Notre ' Dame About viving daughter, Mrs, R Lake, of that city, The funeral occurred ar Ottawa Monday morning. service being held at St. Patrick's Church, after which the body was placed in the vault at Cemetery. | Deceased was well-known in Kingston. The -- -- Air Raids on England. (Canadian Press I teh y ; London, Dee. *31.--Two Sunday alr raids' on English Cost towns were defeated and several enemy alr machines brought down, - /