THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. By Maude Iall, 'Nothing that has come from the marts of fashion lately has excited such admiring comment as frocks for the kiddies, There Is something about them that gives a feeling of intense satisfaction to mothers while they 'delight the youthful wearers. Paris "emphasizes sltmness of outline, yet uses plaits on almost every other model. No more material than is ac- tually necessary is permitted if one is to practise conservation in dress as well as in food. What is\lacking in fabric, however, is made up in" unusualness of color. for never were so many "off" tones geen in children's fashions as this season, Of blacks and grays there are goodly numbers, of course, for Junior modes always follow the lines of senior modes; but equally import- ant are the greenish-yellows, jade greens, faded pinks, dull reds, etc, One can do a great deal with vel- low, especially in linen or one of the linen substitutes. The modish tones combine well with brown, which is also exceedingly fashionable for juve- nile dresses. A quaint little frock in eld yellow linen has an Empire yoke cut with large armholes and a very deep neck to show tan batiste. The neck and armholss are crocheted with brown cotton, while the collar and cuffs of the 9 THE CHIL i "1" Jaca. © whic! te build, by the rafiway at a som a guimpe of palefw guimpe are hemstitched with brown. though {h> makeun of the dress is delight-; hasque-ltke waist The effect is very striking, fully simple, Brown plays a conspicuous part in in vogue for Combined with two or-threa shades of green on a back is pleasing. One tiny model in tan chambray has a the About the bottom of the skirt fold of plaid in the color + Over the aist there is worn a little square bo- pelt of black suede. 'Repeat the cross- lero also of plaid, the turn-down col- the plai 80 youthful frocks. much ground of tam it plaited skirt front. is a bias scheme just with a panel at described. far and cuffs being of batiste. Gray and black check gingham is rina ni $10.00 to i } { Tes ranging $100.00 are given cach year to the THE ROAD. i 1 i f A used for an old-fashfoned little frock which has the skirt gathered to a buttoning straight down the back. . The modern touch is supplied in a large round collar and cuffs of white linen and a belt of black satin with fringed ends. A model in faded pink cloth cannot but carry distinction, especially if mother is in search of a party frock. Trim the lower edge of the gathered skirt with three rows of cross-stitch- ing done In black silk and hide the jointure of skirt 'and waist with a stitching in the decoration of the collar and cuffs and use fancy but- (tong for the adjustment, arranged at the front for a change. | A great deal of black is affected by | &irlg in the "sub-deb" class, for they | are rather exacting in the matter of [apn for semi-formal wear. A pret- ty model gains youthfulness by a col- lar of palest pink satin and a belt of black satin .lined with pink. The skirt 'has a broad box plait at the front to stimulate a panel and there is a side plait on either side of the box-plait. At the sides the skirt is gathered. The long rather close sleeves flare slightly at the wrists, » There are delightful things in dim- Tey for tiny tots. 'One of the best models so far produced has a plain skirt hung from a tiny yoke trimmed with embroidery and. held together with shoulder straps of self-material, The edges of the straps and yoke are finished with buttonholed scal- lops, but bordering the large arm holes are countless little pearl buttons sewed on with thread the color of the dots in the dimity, . The guimpe is of handkerchief linen and is made en- tirely by hand. A serge dress iz indispensable to the wardrobe of the filette as every one will admit, there interest centres largely in a new medel with plaited I skirt attached . to a long semi- fitting waiste fastening at the side, The neck is in a rather deep V and finished with a large collier of white silk figured in moire effect, Dresses closing in surplice effect and with front extensions that may be manipulated in various ways are in excellent . vogue for the kiddies. Many display touches of black either in buttons, edgings or stichings in- troduced upon the skirt or waist. There are many models designed for wear with guimpes of white organdy or batiste for the guimpe arrange- ment is the salvation of many a frock, saving it from frequent tubbing. Hand-work is employed freely in the decoration of children's clothes, even rompers being ornamented with embroidery. The latest designs in rompers are attractive as well as com- fortable and little fellers as well as girlies enjoy them for the nursery, or for year about the house during the morning. Guide to Patterns, The fashions shown on this page are Pictorial Review designs,., Num- i L dhe Jul Li AN rning nr ssen. er -------------- MAYBE BUYING MATCHES Never Struck You As Being An Important Job. But It Is. It is important that you buy none but EDDY'S CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING "SILENT 500s" The matches with "no after glow," EDDY is the only Canadian maker of these matches, every stick of which has been dipped in a chemical solution which positively ensures the match becoming dead wood once it has been lighted and blown out. dhe So for the words "Chemically Self-Extinguishing" on x, bers and sizes are as follpws: Child's Dress No. 7519. to 8 years. Price, 15 cents. { Dress No, 7566. Sizes, 6 to 14 years. Price, 20 cents. | Costume No. 7480. Sizes, 13 to] 17 years. Price, 20 cents. | Dress No, 7561. Sizes, 6 to 16 years. Price, 20 cents. Dress No. 7542. Sizes, years. Price, 20 cents, Child's Dress No, 7518. 6 years. . Price, 20 cents. ! Costume No. 7478. Sizes, 13 to 17 years. Price, 20 cents. | Girls' and Juniors' One-piece Gym- | nasfum Suit No. 7437. Sizes, 6 to 16 years, Price 15 cents, | Girl's Dresses Na. 7530. Sizes, © to 16 vears. Price, 15 cents. Girls Guimpe Dress No. 7539. Sizes, 6 to 16 years. Price, 15 cents. Pictorial Review patterns on sale! at local agents. Sizes, 4 4 to 10] Sizes, 2 to) { RT 'Wood's Lhosphoding, in oid Poros Tare Ee athieu's SYRUP OF TAR & Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH . Sold in generous size Bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.