aseaataaad aaa a SY 12 PAGES \ YEAR TERMS OF RUSSIA | msm cous SUIT THE TEUTONS === Who Virtually Accept Them But Cannot Bind sacs simi. Themselves Unless Russia's Allies Also Recognize And Carry Them Out Honestly. H, C. Nickle Mayor Hughes a Royal Military College Cadet British Whig ... ... .., .. ,e ! ¢ Standard Publishing Co. ... ... .. : 7 4 X At Davis & Bon .. ..i ir .. ; ; = ) LAR fle | R.C.H.A, Cantéen . .. re swe RR » SE i N. C. Polson & Co. Macnee & Minnes . . (Canadian Press Despatch.) New. York, Dec. 27. Virtual acceptance of the peace terms | offered by Russia was made by the Central Powers, in a state- ment issued to the peace.conferonce Tiesday by: tount-Gzeryin, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister: The Teutonic allies. however Einnot bind themselves to the Russian terms unless | Russia's allies also recognize them and carry them out honestly | toward the Central Powers, oo Peace without forcible annexations and indemnities is | Dr. J. J. Harty . .. agreeable to the Central Powers and they will 'conclude a gen- | Mr. and Mrs, R. N. F. McFarlane . ... Canadian Ordnance Corps eral peace immediately on conditions equally just to all belli- | gerents, Parcel Post & Letter Carriers - Ald. H.W. Newman .., .., ... Mr. and Mrs, 4. Ju Whiting A. B. Cunningham .., ... Dr. and Mrs, J. C. Connell ,.. W.G.Cralg&Co. .., ....... Robertson's Jad. ....... The Central Pawers™are the. Russian condemnation of the prolongation of the war for the purpose of conquest. i Gount Czernin agrees that the people have the right of self- definition, hut says that subject nationalities must solve their | problem under the laws of the countries 'under. whose sway they live.y.s ' ) i "The Entente Allies up to this time have not recognized the Ancient St. John's Lodge, AF. lawful right of the Bolsheviki Government to rule Russia and Anderson Bros. .. .. .... Mrs, 8 .F. Kirkpatrick .. they have noi agreed to the terms Russia proferred at the be- | ginning of the Brest-Litovsk conference. 301 ---- LAST EDITION FIRST DRAFT CONN Distisis To Suly Ma Rajurdless of Names Already Sat. TWEE DENIS RE. TO RECEIVE THE RECRUITS TO BE CALLED oU'T, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER "REMEMBER, THE KIDDIES !" | Men to be Sent to Reinforce Battal. fons From Their Division----Dis« tricts With Most Unmarried Men Will Supply Largest Number. Ottawa; Pee 27==The first draft of Class A under the Military Service Act will"be required to report at var. ious divisional headquarters on Thursday next, January 3rd. All preparations have been made to re- ceive, equip and train the men of | the new drafts and about 20,000 is | the number expected to be ready by the date set." Twelve battalion des Pots with accommodation for 2,000 | men each and with headquarters cor- responding with the headquarters of ithe twelve military divisions and dis- tricts have been established. The officers in charge of the mobilization | and-training will so far as possible be men who have seen active service i overseas. It is stated that a) uniforms and | equipment necessary to fit out the | new draft immediately are ready and I | that no time will be lost getting | still putting some confidence in the! down to intensive training at once, .| submarine canipaign. The civil au-| [ thorities, who are better acquainted | Geo. Robertson & Som, Ltd. .. . .. Dr. & Mrs, Bogart ., ... ... "rn wee J.B. Carruthers ... ... ... Cataraqui Lodge No. 29, Kingston Shipbuilding Co. . .. Custom House ... ... ... . Major G. I. Campbell ... ... Col, and Mrs. Perreau .. F. Atkinson Wray .. ... . ... Mr. and Mrs. H. Hitchen , .. . Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. W, H. Macnee... .. .. .. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. J. N. 8, Lestle .. ., ..". | Mrs. Margaret Dever ... ... ... vee oe, Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Calvin . .. treme Velvw MacDonald and Barbara Gibson . . R------ ee Mme. Kyasht and her husband, Captain Rogesin, posed spe- clally for this photograph in London. Captain Rogosin recently returned to England from Petrograd, where he fought for the Kerensky administration. ~ Think They Lack Sincerity. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Washington, Dec. 27.--Conditions su rounding Count Czernin's proposals for basis of peace cause officials here to feel some apprehension for their sincerity. There is great disposi- -- ae en $ tbe se ee we tion to feel that the object of the German plenipotentiaries is simply to protract negotiations as long as possible without any expectation of an immediate peace agreement. } The American Government has not changed in any respect with regard to its determination to enter into no agreement with a Government whieh does not allow the free will of a gov- Great War Veterans' Ass'n, ... . J.M. Farrell ... ........... Alan G. Stevenson ... .... .. Capt. John Donnelly .. ... ... .. Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Oglivie ... Rev. D. M. Gordon ... J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ... SOE ses see seen an FINAL VICTORY | with the possibility of revulsions of | feeling for the delays and failures, | {and who are also affected by Aus- | trian pressure, appear to b® anxious | {to make peace even at the cost of | the abandonm®ieNof cherished { NOT EXPECTED signs. Whether they will be able to' Men Drafted Territorially, The new men who are desiined to provide reinforcements for the bat- talions overseas will be gathered ter- ritorially and will pe disposed over- | Seas according to the 'territorial ar- rangement at present in force. carry their point depends, apparently, | . on whether the military -authorities | That is, men who have been drafted can absolutely depend on the troops.) in the Toronto, Kingston, Winnipeg My informant believes this to be still| or other divisions will go to rein- the case. jenn regiments whose natal division : -- : was Toronto, Kingston or Winnipeg WORKERS ARE UNDERFED, ™ avwraws mommy. | 5%, (0001, or eer I aNy , : 4 o official figur Ty - Some Papers Regret It; Others Are; ile as tothe gh al, "Satistied. In the varfous districts under the first draft. The 'proportional num- bers vary considerably in varfous dis- tricts. In some a great many lodged by the Military Representa- tives of the.tribunals are still pend- ing. Im others many appeals lodged by the men themselves for exemption erned people. nr LAST TEUTON SUPREME EFFORT To Reach the Venetian Plain Before Winter Checks All Operations. THE ALLIES DETERMINED NOT TO PERMIT ENEMY REACH SUMMITS. Capt. and Mrs. Peters -. . « u's . Sergeants Mess, Queen's Military Hospital Mrs, H, Staley ... ... A Uriena ... ... R. Meek... ....... Mrs, E. J. B. Pense . John Hickey .. ... Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick Midland Shoe Co. .. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs ... ve. av vE, Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Stanley, Clinton, N, ¥..... BY vn sae see va tou vate vite an George Masoud ... ... ... " F.R Anglin ... ... ., ...... te wey FE SS Lend-a-Hand Circle, King's Daughters' Mite Box, Post Office ... ...... ....... ve os Major G. L. Starr .-.. ... rWs Sud wu, Mrs, Jeremy Taylor ... .. . Mrs, M. Easson .. .., ....!... Yeu "Teddie" and "Jack" ... .. Archdeacon Dobbs ... .., ... See sis 'aun ue Miss L. Mowat ... .. ..... Patdeia ... ... ese ui Mrs. T. H. Jamieson .. ... ... Miss Emily Smythe ,.. . .. Mrs. W. D. Carmichael . , A. E. Day on Se ey. eae 8. Cohan, Confectionary & Ice Ontario St. ... .., .. .. Mrs. John Carson ... ... .. AFriesd ,.. ....... ... Rev. W. T. G. Brown ... ... "he tse sae aa ue Miss Charlotte J. Macaulay ... ... ... ... Bessie M. Sanderson . .. Mrs. A. Mackie ... ... Mrs. John Hunter ..., ... A Friend Paty wes A Friend, Wolfe Island .. . Santa Claus, jr. ... A Friend ... , Miss Baxter ... Harold' Anglin ... Murray Airth .. :.. A Lover of Kiddies . . Wm, Bushell ... ... ,.. ian Mrs. T, W. Mills ... ... From a Friend .. ... ... Rodger and Molly ... A Soldier's Wife The German: People Are Betraying No Great War Enthusiasm Now. Asolone last week. These two ex- amples of splendid courage and figh- ting ability give Allied officers the highest hopes of the Italians' ability to pin down 'the ehemy to his present position. i THE BREAD RATION IS INSUFFI- CIENT FOR THEM. NEW YORK STOCKS SOARED ON. THURSDAY. German Losses in Flanders Heavy -- Pre Civil Authorities Anxious to Make Peace Even At Cost of Abandoning Cherished Designs. ; 4 are still to be heard. The "Hague, Dec. 27.---I obtained Co od nl : today from 'a neutral recently re. No Consideration For Numbers Sent. turned from Berlin, whom I know ' Out of He 400,000 men estimated hata, BSR : 0 come under the first class, about to be a careful and experienced ob half have been found to be medically server, information in reference to fit for service. Of these it is estim- the state of public feeling in Berlin ated that at least half will receive ox. over. the food conditions there. He |' emption for various causes, The drafts will be called without assures me that, compared with those much consideration for the numbe Which existed when he was in Ger- already sent under the 'voluntary' many a year ago, the food conditions 'System for particular distriéts, The now are better, and, in spite of com- reason for this {is that it is not ex- plaints, food is, on the whole, better . distributed. The bread ration is pected that the first class will supply : : much more than the 100,000 requir- arlor, 168 roughly, five thick slices a day, and ed. This being so the district which Ge. "% the quality is distinctly superior to has still the most unmarried men the bread now available in Holland, available: will provide the most for though much darker. There are two meatless days a week, but my in- (Canadian Press Despatch.) New York, Dec. 27.--Stocks soared at the opening of the stock mar™et to-day denoting the Satisfaction of the financial community with the President's decision to take over the rail- roads. 'The advances ranged from two to eight points in the railways lists, all standard shares being bid up furiously. tetse ee seen, TO CR TEP PPE PRP Per Pre? SEPT PIP FPS PSP LES The Snow Has Curtailed thé Bringing up of Food For pip Teutons--Ital- «ian Resistance Is Strong. With the French Armies in Italy, Dec. 27.--The Teutons are making their last supreme éffort to reach the Venetian plain to-day, before winter irrevocably checks all operations. Snow and ice are already checking offensive possibilities through all the mountain region. The winter, never- theless continues unseasunably open, As yet there is no sign of heavy Snow having fallen in the mountains, Yet the passes are gradually being covered with a mantle sufficient within a week or ten days more to check the enemy's operations. Already snowfall has curtailed the bringing up of food tQ such an ex- tent that the enemy has been forced to substitute for massed attacks the drive of special troops, carrying emergency rations, These forces fight until relieved by others, like themselves, carrying equipment for four days' service. 'The Allies. are determined not to permit the Austro-Germans even to reach the dominating suminits of Aslago and Grappa. . The Austro- German decision to accept their pres- Passengers Saved. ; 25 ent front for the whole winter has (Canadian Press Despatch ) vite saimne cme nae en an 25 been 'further indicated by their fev. Lo on, ae 37. ~Fhe Britian The British Whig's Christmas Tree for the children of soldiers overseas 5 Si » ls 4 erish fortification of the Plave into a Naamer | reed Dial a, to-morrow afternoon. Fhe ground floor will the west would follow immediately permanent front, while offensive Portuguese East Africa, according mothers. It has been arranged to peace in the east. All it expects is! efforts are concentrated: against to a despatch to the Times from Lis- * (that after peace in the east it will Grappa, to improve permanent posi- | bon. The passengers, numbering begin to dawn in the west. Mean- tions there. 250, were saved, as was the cargo. time, from top to bottom, the watch- The resistance of the Italian army i : rw ni at Asiago equals that exhibited by Unverstyy eS? Ring street, or : Word Wat. We must nol vat: Flanders Losses Heavy. May Have to Pool Coal. The knowledge is now spreading Washington, Dec. 27.--Fuel Agd- among the people of the real extent Jhinistrator Gaitiels stated at oe of the losses in Flanders. It was the nate ng y readin; rr h information It the war continued very long the nd NB6 arrest bY the a. amen: would be compelled to thorities of the minority ist (Canadian Press Despatch.) Jool soa} Hogton ite Tite Sonable leaders in Rhineland throughout Ger- | Paris, Dec. 27.--1In the week end- spect. ft _ the rafiroads until many, and the vigorous action taken. ing Dec. 22nd dne Frene were centralized. ' against the Haase group, although of mo they were finally permitted to go to ge was sunk by Stockwell for the summer, They | Submarines and, mines. No fishing have absolutely refused permission ; Vessels were lost. od ------------ - 3 Dies in Prison. Now. Scheidemann is still busy in Stockholm, where he claims he is Halifax, . Dec. 27. --Carmello Sofie Morbiito, working 'for_ peace all round. through the Italian woman who was found guilty of the murder a Separalg peace with Russia. . Summarizing the situation, whilst of her husband, at Pi as 3 r Pictou County Jail. : . to rheum | : reve TWO GERMAN ATTACKS ON VERDUN FRONT FAIL London Reports Hostile Are tilléry Activity North and East of Ypres. (Canadian Press Despatch) Paris, Dec. 27.--The Germans made two attacks on the Verdun front to-day, but were not able to break through the French lines, ihe War Office. reports, Secee seraa dn the draft. THE KAISER'S FOES IN GERMANY GROW The Newly Organized ,Inde- pendent Social Democrats e More Powerful Washington, Dec, ing fish and goose. A fairly good dinner of soup, fish, goose, fruit and half a bottle of wine, would cost 20 marks. The bread ration is not suffi-} cient for the working classes. Their food is admittedly of poor quality, biit=not sufficiently to provoke dis- turbances with the present state of public feeling. ADMIRAL SIR JOHN JELLICOE, (Canadian Press Despatch.) | { | i | | i : | formant had no difficulty in ohtain- ' . rr | 1 London Reports Little, " (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Dee, 7.--Except for some hostile artillery activity north and east of Ypres, there was nothing to report last night. London, . Dec 27.--Prominence | given to the retirement of Admiral] Sir John Jellicoe, first sea lord, in| { favor of Vice Admiral Sir Roslyn! Wemyss in the morning newspapers, | is commensurate with his great repu-! tation and the place he long has held in public estimation. Nothwithstanding recent animadversions concerning the - miraity from some quarters several \uChnE Govern newspapers treat the announcement| = G n a roundabout way as a sensational surprise and two or| iermany. ' The new Independ- 'three accompany their remarks with Te harty aa Niimded last Apri dur- warm expressions of regret. ! nown as the Gotha Con- TEe Daily Telegraph, one of these, | ference, and is represented as now calls for a fuller official statement! having 120,000 members. The Goy- and reasons for Admiral Jellicoe's| ernment Socialist party had over a 1etitement. On the other hand the milion members when the war be- Daily Mail, which long has campaign-| gan, but this has dwindled to less ed against Admiral Jellicoe, says than 200,000 members, and it {s be- openly that it cannot pretend regret. tween the latter and the Berlin BOY. It. adds that Bie rie Guades, Best ernment that serious difficulties are lord of the Adm ¥, -deserves the... thanks of the country for shrinking os tne circumstances wader water alt from a painful duty. The Times, |, pnistice was concluded between Ge though less frankly outspoken, 408! 1any and the Maximaliste of 3 i. not conceal its satisfaction and sees 12 Yaximalists of Russia, in the change the determination of the Government to give the younger men a chance. It says: "We heartily congratulate the Government, having once taken a decision, on accepting | its Tull consequences at once 27.--The newly i nt Social Demo- Third Attack Broken. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Paris, Dec. 27.--Three attacks were made by the Germans last night on the Verdun front east of the Meuse. At their third attempt the Gemmans succeeded in reaching the French lines but, were driven out. immediately - with heavy losses and leaving prisoners. A STEAMER WRECKED. Went Down in Delegoa Bay--All Victory Not Expected. He said: ""Therd is.po visible en- thusiasm. It is. not true that the public generally expects final victory as a result of the Russian nezotia- tions. On the contrary, at the pres- ent moment they are only elated by comparison, because the prospect of peace all around' resulting from these negotiations, their elation would give way to depression if they found the war was not at an end and further . fighting was necessary. There is no real bellef in the possi- bility of forcing the western front. It is also wrong to suppose that even the general public imagines peace in officials *% 4s se ses se we os es tees sssnevann "Rea aes cee ne an $4 20s ane BER AE san are Horsemen Plan Races, Cape Vincent, N.Y., Dec. 27.--At 4 recent meeting of the Cape Vin- cent Horsemen's Association, held at Leininger's Hotel, the followin of ficers were = elected: President, Claude W. Cole; vice-president, Frank D. Fitzgerald; secretary, Fred L. Burdick; treasurer, Edward D. Fitzgerald. The association has decided to hold its annual dance at the firemen's hall on Jan. 16th, The proceeds of the dance will be used in connection with the races hich ihe Msaciation, will pull oft on the ice some time uring the pre- sent winter, © War i= Eleven British ships were sunk by German submarines last week. : : The German Kaiser was nearly killed when the British bombed rMannhein. Sir Rosslyn Tenyes is nade first lord of the Admiralty and John' Jellicoe becomes a peer. { . Germany's attempts to secure Ads tro-Hungarian co-operation in the offensive on the western front are un- {derstood to have failed, ------------ Secretary McAdoo is appointed | . Director-General of Rallways to take control of all roads in the United tes.' It is stated that there will be op- Fisher's re-elec- the Fourth Army in its recapture of WHIG CONTENTS, I--Russian Terms Suit the Teutons, Fal: Vietory Not Xpected me Effort; First Draft on Jan. 34. I--Mujor Sears' Wife Killed; In- cidents of. the Day. Big Task; Market Re- rOPty « +--kaRtorial; Wait Mason's Rhymes: Things. That Never H n. S--Utilities Commission; Mayor's Banquet. : 6--Local News Briefly Tad T~Amusements;Announcements: S--MiMiary News; Theatrical The- mes, Schoal Lesson; Making mes. : 104A Western Anulversary;: Praised y Frengh. HU--Late Youthful Fashions Ills 12-dn ari of Sport; Bringing Up er = wn -------------------- FRENCH VESSELS LOST. > ATTACK. ] 27.--Monday's raid on the German 1 ia the first an exact reprisal n alr murders in to Two. of Them Were Sunk by _Sub- marines or Mies, FEE ggst = 5 ° PEPE 4 2402000 i Sir Charles Gordon of Montreal, who has been appointed viee-chair- 5 . man of the British War Mission in (the United States, has arrived ati made to return fo Bugland all Bre ish subjects in this E ; ilitary . authorities are unwil-; Washington, and will take up Lord b : { position to Mayor tion in Ottawa. The Go 15th, dled on Ch possible - advances Northeliffs's unties until ithe latter! ha efilisted in ue : us, they are returns after the new year. forces. tot . : sd ly i . re - To ts $ .