._, THE DAILY BRITISH "THE UTLITES COMMISION \PPRECIATES THE SERVICES OF | | CHAIRMAN 5. H. TOYE. { Will Have tw Increase Interest Bond Issue--Collecting Depart- |} oh . J he would soon ment to be Moved From City Praise wa Buildings. for pro express- eep appre e splen- lone du ¢ t R. H. Toye, missed at express be restored year by the whose on t i also a to health i ed Mayor Hughes such an excel between the ( mission the City Council mayor i the connecting link twe these two bodies, and Mayor 1s kept the Council rmed * what Commission has done during the year accounts were ace Tom The her The Utilities Commission lent in necessary Lo hold another Wednesday afternoon tie business ¢i/ the year sence of R. H. Toye, who Y. Chown was appointed chairman, City Treasurer Bartels that $100,000 of the (« imission's band issue was béing carried t Bank of British North Americ: til the end of June next at cent. [The Commission decided apply to Parliament for permission | E. J. Hartrick to increase the- interest on these | R. N. F, McFarlane bonds, as they could. not be sold at | E. Stanford the lower rate provided. It is likely | Miss Frasso ~the rate will have to be made 6 per | Mrs. Finn cent. "Members of the Commission | Geo. Bearance were of opinion that a good portion | Kingston Fire Brig: of the $100,000 could be sold to the | MoKelvey & Bir citizens, as no better investment | Wm. Newlands & could be secured Pay list, Dee. 19th The Commission expressed its|J. Evans Eratefulness to Gordon Kribs, of the , 8. Anglin & Co Hydio-Electrical Commission engin- |T B. Angrove eering staff, for disposing of an old | Angrove Bros, generator which has been in use-for | Bell Telephone Co twelve vears tor $4,500. The gené- | J. B. Bunt & Co rator originally cost the « 200. | Burke & Graham ' D. L. "Wilson, the utilit| new | Canadian. General collector, will 'be bonded to the Co . ' amount of $10,000 Canadian Meter Company, A new set gf by-laws drawn up by Ltd the city auditor and solicitor were | Canadian Pacific adopted A. Chown & Co. "On the 21st instant the Utilit W .B. Dalton & collecting department city | Dept. 'Militia and buildings will be moved to the new Dolan office on Princess street Drury The Commission early in the new Eddy 'Co., Limited rear will decide as to what city offi- | Frontenac Lumber and Coal cials it will re-engage for its special Co : work. It made a special grant of | Grand Trunk Railway $100 to City Auditor, Muir fo thg | Gréene, Tweed & Co splendid work he has done for it dur Hydro-<Electric Power Com- ing the past two years When the mission collectorship was vapant r some ! Imperial found meeting cond In the is ill, G acti to ide ab well the These paid: Davis & Farnum H.W. Watts Pay list, Dec' 12th Bradden & McKegney rdered reported ordered } $6,000. 004 Ss Electric Ry Sons Defence in ethe 1,099.97 $50.77 Oil Co.., Limited A FEW OF THE MANY LETTERS JUST AS RECEIVED FROM THE FAR WEST. [HH November 19th. 1817 TTI DR. BELL, V.8, Dear Sir, KINGSTON, ONT Some time ago | received atrial bottle of your Medical Wonder, Today | gave it a trial on six head of cattle which had become bloated on frozen grass, and in very bad shape, but as I had the trial bottle on hand and after reading directions telling me not to get exciged, 1 gave them from 30 to 40 drops and within 5 to 10 minutes | saw the cattle were get- ting over the sickness and were alright in a little while. So please find enclosed $20.00 for twenty bottles, and send it at once to Yours truly, J. I. Ernewein, Frobisher, Sask. December 3rd, 1917 DR. BELL, KINGSTON, ONT Dear 8ir,--I enclose' cheque for send me some more of voir Medical W onder. It is most cer tainly a great seller. (ive me your prices on gross lots. Yours truly, Geoffrey Green, Domremy, Sask. HANH 5.00 for which please June 18th, 1917 DR. G. W. BELL, KINGSTON, ONT Dear Sir I am sorry not to have sent your moneybefore but expect to have some soon and will send you $40.00 which I owe you. Please do not give the agency to anyone else as | know I can sell a large quantity around here. 1 have a lot out now but it's all good. When a gan comes and tells you his best horse is sick you cannot refuse him a bottle when you know you, have the stuff that will cure him Buta lot wait till their animal is about dead before they come for the Wonder. My neighbor says one bottle saved three horses, two cows and a sow pig for him when he had no 'hopes for them. When my money comes in this fall I am going to send for a big order of all your remedies this, = EL E a o = EE = Ee = = on = E w= = ao fa E = iu = L Yours truly. John Anderson, Plunkett, Sask. Special and confidential terms to agents sent by return on application. Observe the rule; send an order for $25.00 worth of Wonder Medicines and receive your commission Territory, outlit and supplies by return express. Do it now. DR. BELL, Kingston, Ont. DR. THOS. SOMERVILLE, Asst. 7 0000000 LC ecm et tetra str nm OCEAN HOLE ERT HY 21 Se = = | J. Laidlaw & | WaTtér |-McKelvey & Vf | Geo | New | Northern Ele 2 Overland MAYOR. HUGHES" BANQUET REGAIN It is non So easy to REGAIN good eyesight as it is to RETAIN it while it is good, At the first sign of eye trouble, consult us, "We are eyesight specialists," J.J. STEWART, Opt.D, Spucian sna Opposite Post Office, Kingston, NNN AAA An 3 ~ ALLENBURY'S FOODS ' ALL SIZES SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. : Phone 41. : ANN Ni CANNED SOUPS for Cold-Days CAMPBELL'S SOUPS -- 21 Kinds CLARK'S SOUPS HEINZ TOMATO SOUP - VAN CAMP'S PEA SOUP 'Crawford's Grocery, hE Phone 26. : ; Gurd's Ginger Ale in 2 Dozen Cases. jcame from W. F. Nickle and Dr, J. » WHIG, - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. PAGE FIVE -* eter é THE CALL. TO PRAYER ana | King's proclasation setting as a day of nationai prayer throughout the Empire is 8 ruggle for: fhe triumph of st difficult phase tle intrigue to perpetuate the wrongs al- ready: comt @omplete the cated ourse "At suv time | to prayer th we m would call may have the ¢ to the tory of our cause will 'be gained or essary "This victor pohsibility re which rests upon us, a the blessing Almi grateful for the I + wi goal, lét our « us seek to e enlightened in yurage in facing WOri 1 i "1 ther year, to he reby appoint Ja alt the churches throughout my Dor clamatipn b he | Jawksen Press { Kingston Sand sand Gravel Co Kingston Shipbuil Kingston Window Co Son Lamb Jas. B 0s Mcleod W. Milo Mueller England Resta. Sales Room John M. Patrick W. J. Paul Phillips Electrical Co Robert J. Reid James Richardson & Roddy & Monk Réney © €o Simmons Bros Standard Meter Limited, Stevenson & Hunter | Treadgold Goods Co. R. Uglow & Co R. Waldron George Wright City of Kin on Public Utilities sion Sporting Commis ! important 823.78. AT THE FRONTENAC CLUB ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT. | D. M. McIntyre, Chairman of Ontario | Railway Board, Was a Guest-- | Fine After Dinner Speeches. The mayor's banquet at the Fron- tenac Club on Wednesday night was very enjoyable The company was large--sixty or more---and in good spirits. They dined on choice foods HUGHES to an abundance of good music from a stringed orchestra, and when cig- ars were passed were ready entertained, for a fine array of splendid after-dinner speakers were on hand. dayor Hughes gave the first toast, "The King," and turned over the remainder. of the pro- grangme to Dr. W. W. Sands, who cleverly filled the. duties of toast- master. The mayor came in for much praise for his efficient work in 1917, his unremitting attention to the dut- ies of his office, his geniality and tactfulness, and every body was satis- fied he was the right man for the mayor's chair for 1918. All sincere- ly hoped for his re-election by ac- clamation. Not an alderman was "Ledrd to express other than loyalty and devotion for the competent and painstaking chief magistrate. This was markedly emphasized by the presentation of a lawishly equipped travelling bag, the gift of the alder- len and the city officials. Ald. Hugh Nickle voiced in fitting terms the esteem in wHich His Worship was heid and the cordial relations that had existed between the mayor, the aldermen and the officials dur ing the past year. The mayor graces fully acknowledged the gift, comphi- mented the ¢Ry fathers and the civic heads for tg business. and hoped if he was resglected the happiest of relations would continue to be maintained. . tide Qf free civ v God upon our endeavors. © With hearts'---] the sacrifices. we may yet have to make before our I day of prayer and thanksgiving in in | leagues of | ed and powerful in Ald. Armstrong and C. C. | Geonr Smi to be George Smith, opening their good attentions TSO. refund " apart the first Sun- right and liberty is The enemy is striving tion. We hae yet to ore than three years ago, we dedi- upon you to devote a special day lear-sightedness and strength nec- Uy if we steadfastly remember the nd in a spirit of reverent gbedience ich nas led us so far towerds our our understanding and %ortified in nuary 6th, the first Sunday of the ninions, and require that this pro- ld. on that day." fund humor and ) acknowledged the complinients paid He told wita considerable wit of his endeavors to honor LaSalle, the founder of Kings- ten, by naming a street after him and. the crashing. . of. his youthfai pes. But with' force and fldency 1e urged that 'Kingston should hon- or the name the man who landed Anglin's Bay, was given three Kingston's water front, nd made this place his headquart- ers Other places' had honored his name, and why not Kingston He suggested that the new causeway should bear 'his name. of speech, y A Flow' of Oratory. Ex-Mayor F. J Hoag honored "The Corporation of 'Kingston with preciseness, and the flood gates of oratory were opened when Alds. O'- Connor, Kent and Wright lauded the old Limestone City Mayor Hughes proposed "Our Guests," and there was some spice and wit in the graceful speeches of-ex-Mayor D. M McIntyre and ex<Mayor J. L. Whit- ing They refiipddeed in a happy f Ald. S. 8. Corbett fe ty hit off "The Utilities Com- 'and the responses of G. Y. Chown and R. F. Elliott were point- Ald. Boyce in happy fashion toast- "The Board of Education," an body devotedly serving the community.' J. G Elliott re- sponded. Ald Litton recognized he City Officials" in a fitting vay, and O. V. Bartels, treasurer, spoke in thoughtful strain. "The Ladies" found devoted champions Folger "The. Press' as a power and aid to good government fas acknowlelged, and the happy gathering concluded at 11.30 pm. Few happier gather- ings have been held than that given ed y AERA EEE ENE ERE EER Ladies' Colored Spats and Leggings py 1 The prettiest shades of fawn and grey ever shown in this city. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. . Abernethy's Shoe Store' § EEE NNA EEN ENE EA REN NRR RENAN ENRARENEAN ANSON | Campbell's = FINE -- 1f you were given a cheque for a Christmas present, the place to invest it in § of fine furs. We are showing some very attractive values In neck pieces and muffs. Lynx Setts, $20 up. Black Wolf Setts, $335 up. Coon Setts, $21. Alaska Sable Muffs, $18. Mink Marmot Muffs, $10. Natural Wolf Neck Pieces, §8 aupe Wolf Setts, $40. This is the store for big va- lues in fine furs. by His' Worship this year. KINGSTON, Dec. 15.--Members all present. Minutes of last meeting adopted. E. Donnell appointed. overseer of Sydenham road from Keplar church to Loughboro boundary, 1917-18: Andrew Howie, overseer the Port- land road from Sydegfianm . road, to concession 5; and G®rge Draper, Pathmaster for road division 46. The: taxes of William Sickler for 1917 tschool rates excepted) on ac- count of loss by fire were refunded. Miss Noble's taxes (school excepted) for 1917 were also remitted. Der- ward Hartman made overseer of road from W. G. Smyth's Fane to con- } cession 5; Thomas Graham, path- master for road division 33; and W. E. Cordukes and G. 6G. Smyth audi- tors Bailiff and clerk of division court paid according to law. M Graham paid $2550 for breaking roads. E. Moore paid $21 for seven yays' work. = Motion, Stover-Clark, that Mrs. Kitchen be paid $6 bonus on 40 rods wire fence, .. Accounts paid: $45.22, Frontengc Lumber Co., 1,190 ft, plank: $1.20, Walter Clogg, inspecting sheep; $25, George Topliffe, one sheep killed and one worried by dogs; $3.75, | road; $5, George Smith, cutting brush: $is.75, William Sickler, bonus on fence: $14.25, George Smith; drawing and breaking 15 loads' stone; $12, Wil- Ham Dowling, bonus on 80 rods fence; $7.50, Hoy Leonard, interest on nate; $25, 'Catabaqui Red Cross Society; $8.25, H. J. Harpell, siatute labor tax; $30, George Irwin, support of James Fisher; $4, Perey Wright, drawing and putting in tile; $3.50, H. C, Orser, putting in tile culvert; $6, George Draper, bonus on 40 rods fence; $12.50, Peter Morley, repairing road and ditching; $1.85, Whig 'Publishing Co., print- ing; $4, Arthur Howie, road from Colling Bay brook; $1825, Standard Publishing Co., account; $23.25, Rupert Ayles- worth, one lamb killed by dogs and bonus on 36 rods fence: $1.30, P. Judge, ifdgpecting sheep, $4.50, Geo. HamiMon : bonus én 30 rods fenee; $19.70, R; §. Hawkie, one cord of wood, boduf on 40 rods fence and work on d; $1.50, Charles Purdy, Sr. wood fer hall; $75, M. B. Bin- nington, Willlam $3. u 20 réds 79.15, George Rob- taxes, error in as- | sessment; 324.75, 40 Reid, break- ing and spréadink "23 tons of stone. Coungil adjourned sine die. The Bright Speeches. In a neat speech Robert Meck pres' posed "The Parliaments of Canada," predicting splendid things foggy the. Union Gévernment. Able responses W. Bdwards, who looked forward to good results from the new Govern- ment. They expected the solving of Canada's problems in a way that will command the dians. Anthony Rankin, M.P.P. discussed Ontario's work and dwelt for some time on the work of the Highways Comniission. J. NM. Far. rell toasted "The Board' of Trade" approval of Cana-| Services as assessor; $1, refund dog ? Cotlter, bonus on | Ho 3s CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. For the Cold Wea- ther Get a GUARANTEED HOT WATER BOTTLE. And be warm and comfortable. v mawsn ~------ a THE NEW SEASON BRING NEW HOME THINGS Every seeker of new furniture will find an interesting assortment; no matter which room you wish to furnish. Living room--Chesterfields and large luxurious rockers and arm chairs. Reid Quality Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 for Personal Services. [--------R Have Your Car Over- For the Boys at the Kroat. CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk and Sugar, Prepared Instantly by Adding Belling Water Only, No Cooking or Milk Required. For Sale By D. Couper, Phone 76. 841-3 Princess St. hauled and Stored for the Winter AT THE Central Garage, 3085 Kiag St. ED, WALSH - - Proprietor. 2 " ¥ " » : Prousé's Drug Store.:" Phone 82. he -- i = , a H.C. Merriman Successor J. A. Boyd - Dealer in CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Pears, Sweet Grapes, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Figs, Dates, and Mixed Nuts. Fresh home made candy, Christmas candy, Chocolate boxes and candy canes of al] prices. Holly. Special this week -- Sweet, Oranges, Prompt Delivery. Charlie Dafnas, Prop. o 25¢, dozen for Phone 2168. GROCERIES MEATS, FLOUR, GRAIN Hay and Straw, Choice Stock of Christmas Groceries and Vege- tables. Phone 847. 611° Princess Street . Many Good Bargains . * Remain The big Chrintmts rush is over, but we still have a'line stock of men's and boys' ¢ over. cont, subs, Year, sweater coats, enps, mox, boots, shoes and rubbers, - ' Come in and wee what venity! good hargning we: can give you. 271 Priveess Stree pt 25 YEARS AGO The cold weather caused the burst- ing of many water pipes and there is a great demand-tor .plumbers. pure, very of so 8 why it is so an efficient, alert bods, and Francis ~Gebit- tensive impro ts tod." teria eae et Thomas Lambert and William Mar. iit will be. candidates for school trustee in Frontenac wards. A. Ellis bas prepared to hasmade to plans for ex- Economizes Space Saves Housework Simple wa Sanitary The TABLE conceals a completely made BED ready to sleepin. Requires No Wall Space--TWO NECESSITIES IN ONE ¢ 4 r for the * of the Table that went't Bed" Ask Your Dealer for ihe "Story of the flat wenvto Rod" or R.J.Reid