Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1917, p. 10

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PAGE FOURTEEN In AUTOINTOXICATION ORSELF-POISONING fhe Dangerous. Condition Which Produces Many Well Known Diseases. HOWTOGUARD AGAINST THIS TROUBLE *FRUIT-A-TIVES"® -- The Wonderful Fruit Medicine -- will Protect You | Autointoxication means self:poison- Ing, caused by eontinuous or partial constipation, or insufficient action of the bowels, Instead of the refuse matter passing daily from the body, it is absorbed by the blood. Asa result, Zke Kidneys and Skin are overworked, in their efforts to rid 'the blood of this poisoning. Poisoning of the blood in this way often causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Disturbed Stomach. ' It may pro- duce Headaches and Sleeplessness. 71 may irritate the Kidneys and bricg on 'Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Gout, and Rheumatic' Pains. Ii iv the chief cause of Eczema <= and keeps the whole system wnhealtlvby the constant absorp tion into the blood of this refuse matter "Fruil-a-tives' will alwavs cure »uion snloxication or self-poisoning -- as "Pruit-a-tives "" acts gently on bowels, kidneys and 'skin, strengthens the bowels and tones up the nervous system. b0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250, At all dealers or sent postpaid os peceiptof price by Fruit-s-tives Limited, Ottawa. IA AA AA AAA MAAN NS Girls! Use Lemons! Make a Bleaching, Beautifying Cream i! Migs May Hiscock, The SEPSIS SIRE TL r bE b bbs i Told In Twilight the Whig, i other papers all ove; make a charge of 50¢ engagement, mar announcement. ) . Hereafter, with nada, will I inserting reception * ® vOLice mor an lage or tContinued from Mrs, Campbell Lane, Montreal, is givigg an informal dance Sgturday night for her son, Arthur Lane, home rom the Royal Military College, for the holidays. page 1.) * ew Mr Henry Joseph, Montreal, is giving a small juformal dance Tuesday evening next, for her son, Gratz Joseph. * =» Miss Irene Stanton, after spending Christmas with her parents in Bar- riefield, has returned to Buffalo, N.Y MF. and Mrs. E ville, spent Christmas Mr. and Mrs, Patrick family, 64 Rideau street, Miss Jean Ram versity, iz spending the holidays with her parents at Ingersoll Bomb. Geo. J Battae Kingston, are the guests of ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. cis, St. Thomas Sergt Daws has returned to Kingston, aftér spending, Christmas, the guest of Peterboro friends S. Murphy, Joyee- the guest of Joyce and and wife, the lat- H. Fran- ~ «. eo Williwfn Stoddart, Kingston, is spending the Christmas holidays with his-family at Deseronto. Ljeut, Sherman Young, headquarters in Kingston, was relatives in Picton for the holiday Clem¢ Gracey, Kingston, was dt Deseronto for Christmas Miss Wgnes McCleHand, spent Caristmas in Kingston * - - now at wilh Picton, Misa Kdith McMartin, who ha been the guest of her aunts the Mis ses Johnson, Karl street, returned to Montreal on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and Miss Jean Taylor, Johnson street, have returned from Bowmanville, where they spent Christmas with the Rev. Samuel and Mrs. Sellery. Capt. E. C. A. Crawford, who has receftly returned from France, spending a few days in town, - - - is Miss Hazel Browne returned to Ot- tawa on Wednesday and Miss Ruth Hubbell left for Montreal after spending the holiday with their grandmother, Mrs, H. Hubbell, 'Bagot street, Mrs. William Hiscock, Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hiscock, 'Barrie street. Mr. and Mrs. Clargnce Chown, Montreal, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, Barrie street, | is visiting relatives in Montreal, { * » » Lieut. Jack Christie, Ottawa, ex- | pects to leave shortly for Kingston. | | b | [The juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re- markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams, Care should be takén to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such.blem- ishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweet- ly fragrant lemon lotion and mas- sage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands, It naturally should help : to soften, freshen, bleach and bring » "w.qut the roses and beauty of any skin, it simply marvelous to smoothen . rough, red hands, A Stubborn Cough ¢ Loosens Right Up This home-made is & wenden for qu result; quick ». and t and positive action of The prem this simple, naive home-made rem- in quickly healing the inflamed or he throat, chest n s 0 hial Fibs and breaking up t t to be used has ca 4 any other ly. Under its healing, soothing n good nl red y it ng bet ter for ronchitie, odtenest, eroup, ng cough, brone! asthma or coughs, ' T 1) cough . ° Bake this splendid Song syrup, Forth) ton 10:0: bottle and GI ta a ea o bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup | ad OUNCES ~~ v oF - much bétter Josh, syrup tian, you could uy | and children love its pleasant taste, » is a Sheclal and Jirhly con- edntrated compoun genuine Norway | pine Strat and i i8 known Fhe world 1 vase and cer- stubborn coughs | f PE hen be 5 Bi REC | the holidays with Miss Reta Wilkinson is spending her parents, Mr. Mrs. -W. Wilkinson, Alfred street. : Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, Kingston, {18 the guest of Miss Edna Thackray, Montreal. > - » * Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Foster, Tren- ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ada Vere, to Roger B. Macfarlane, of the Molson's Bank, Sutton, Que: The marriage will take place in Trenton, Dec 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Swaine, sr., Colling- wood, Ont., will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Swaine, -jr., Montreal, for New Year, ? Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Swaine little sons 'left for their home in Montreal after spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.- Brough, Barrie street. and * ® Miss R. A. Spooner cums Rye he and™her Ottawa to-day after spending Christmas with her mother sister, Mrs. G. W. Bell. THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Over 40,000 German women are now working in the mines of Ger- many. Several Holyoke College girls ure working as drivers of milk wagons, Tliere are over 6,000,000 country girls in the United States. Kimura Komaka was the first wo- nan to make. suffrage: gpeeches in Japan. There: are over $0,000 registered]: women nurses in the United States. Princess BEudoxia of Bulgaria is said to be the real ruler-in that coun- |, try. Girls in Eastport, Me., are earning as high as $52 a week packing sar- dines, 3 Girls are employed as messengers in all the municipal offices in Port- lazd, Oregon. r Saloonkeepers in Hartlepool, Eng- land, refuse to sell intoxicating li- quors to women. Elsie Yick, a Chinese girl, is in the chorus of the Ziegfield Follies. Eighty per cent of the women elig- ibi6 to vote in the United States are 'married. Mme. Currie, discoverer of ploon- fum and co-discoverer of radium, is an ardent suffragist. In New York state {here arg over 1,068,000 women over #1 years of age who are unmarried or widowed. |' Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, 'wile of President Wilson, has consented to head the girl scouts of America. Dr. Caroline Finley is at the head of America's first unit of women phy- clans now in France. Dr. Mabel H. ¥. Bancrot of Orange, N.J., bas been appointed a medical r a» Realm 7 ; say of Queen's Uni- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1917. -------- Of W oman- decorated by King George. inspe sion of ari Oklahoma ! their men worker to war, with women » thesTour and g brush-making gland, only one, the Ar * Beviety of Brushmakers admitted women a A large turer | girls to skilled war. Marion Cappell, recently drawn a a juror to try Police ( hief Healy Chicago, is the first called to jury service Mrs. Elizabeth years of age, has heen o Sandy Parish ch hin England, for 58 year Mrs. John J. O'Brien, Moorhaven, Fla, has fined her $10 One her horses broke law by straying from corral and trampling gardens Six Hobolen (N.J.) are now the purpose of men off the streets in companic ship with soldiers and sailors Marguerite Chaffee, who plays part of Marion Summer, a girl, in the Boomerang, is a cousin of the late General Adner Chaffee who served in the Spanish- Ameri war. . meniber piano m employing the place hanics on ac Eastern now take me wom vacaf count of woman e that Kemps VET in ity now of t mayo ol ociety women acting as police for keeping women young wo society an Miss Anne Morgd¥i, daughter of the late J. Pierpont "Morgan, has been decorated by the French minister of agriculture in recognition of her ser vices for the peaple of devastated ar- eas of France, In the shops the Grand railway at Stratford, Ont. male employees have heen directed to wear overalls so as to lessen the danger of accident by catching cloth- ing in the machinery An official report from the con troller of. Great Britain shows how dependent England has become upon the farm. labor of women In county alone over 1,500 women are employed in farm labor of some sort Miss Roberta MacAdams, newly el- ected member of parliament ir Al berta, Can., trained nurse and when she is not busy with her legis lativé duties she is on duty in the Canadian military hospital at Orping- ton. vo. Sawmill and. logging eamp opera- tors in eastern Oregon believe that because of the labor shortage which is certain go occur next spring, they will have to employ women to act as of I'runk the fe- one 1s a | thefteet of { practi 1 Many NEW ZEALAND NURSES DECORATED BY KING GEO:. These New Zealand nurses, some of whom were aboard the torpedoed Marquette, * men sted act of Away to w old-time binding Chinese women is still ed in some parts of China Thirt women wearing khaki re working as pipe fitters Ne Jersey chemical custom of plant Miss Elsi secretary to Colonel woman official at civilians are being be officers in the army Miss Anna .Ansbe VeedsQur Ind., has served nc Gunther, who acts Wolf, Pla where taught marshal - WOMEN ARE NEEDED TO HELP IN WAR Women can be usefully employed in pursing the wounded, in making up the soldiers" kits, and a thousand other Ways. y Canadian women are weak, pale or anemic from woman's ills. For young girls just "entering womanhood; for women at the critical time; nursing mothers and every woman who is "run down," tired or over-worked--Doecto: Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a spe cial, safe and certain help, It can now be had in tablet form, procurable at an good drug store, or send Dr. Pierce, It valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo, N. Y,, 10 cents for trial pack age. Branch offi e, Bridgeburg, Ont. St. Catharines, Ont.--"I have take: Cn Dr. Pierce's Fav orite Prescriptio during expeectanc when I felt especi ally in need of a tonic and it bene fited mo greatly. 1 always take pleas ure in.recommend ing 'Prescription . to young mothers because I know it will never fail to J. H. Fawcerr, 8 Beach St. Stratford, Ont.--'I think Dr Piereo's Favorite Prescription one of the best medicines I have ever known for the ailments of women. 1 hadifor quite a long time been all rumddwh, weak and nervous. I doctored, but nothing seemed fo give me relief until I began taking 'Favorite Preseription.' This models gave me syeh wonderful relief that I am glad to recommend it to others."--Mzgs. A. Goowix, 60 Brant St, do A Some were recently ~~ A A Sy all lawbreakers t the law even if gun and club The Women's W. Va, voted a a Wagnerian oj Several French this country ipstrac how to cut, sew cloth. Out of the 120 girls amina fo Government ser 97 qualified Mrs. 'Maurice noveli is the come head of at she will uphold e has to use her in Wheel ' e holding' of at city re mow our glue in girls balloon ting and who took ex- in vice at wshington, Hewitt, the first woman to be- the aeroplane factory in Great Britain «* Under the provisions of the War Times Election Act, over 1,000.000 Canadian women will be entitled to n tl rections f the famous battered down Hindenburg writer of Iic- wife of The v Mich., including supper them rand Rapids, 1,300 meals, , dinners and he soldiers camped near The overse National Le Wo vice will have charge of t replanting the ruined France. Miss Maria L. York socie on many relief division of the » for men's » task in orchards of Ser- Wetherill, a New has risked her life asions while transport- ing wounded soldiers close to the French battlefront | Mrs. J. Borden Harriman of New York has started on a special tour of British munition factories to see how the British wbmen are doing their bit ' Miss Julia Ricket ming for the pres class of the Univ the f girl to be a that office. Approximately 70 per vent. more women are employed in the account- ing depattment of Central of Georg Railway Company to-day than were employed a4 year ago. About 70 women are enrolled un- der the charter of the Grand Lodge of Women Free Magoss in England. America distinguished in having only one woman who is a member their body. She is Mrs. Quatrone, wife the second secre- tary of the Italian embassy in Wash- ington. She is by birth an American and measures are being taken by the English grand master to establish an American lodge Branches are al- ready in process of formation in Aus- tralia, Ireland and Scotland. 0c who is run- ¥ of the senior) y of Chicago, is irst idate for 0) the is so far of GILLETT CO.LTD. Apportioning the Blame. Mamma was one day Biting her fingernails at dessert, and little Johnny was moved to ask the reason why "Nervousness, dear," answered his mother. "It made me so un- easy to see you swallow your grapes whole that I didn't know what I was doing. You'll get appendicitis, if you're not careful." A. few days Mer, however, Johnny's mother 4s herself taken ill, and the case was diagnosed as appendicitis. An operation was performed and the patient was relieved. The sur- geon discovered that what had cats- ed the trouble was the presence of a small piece of finger-nail in the appendix. "It was all your fault, Johnny," she said. 'This would never have happened if you hadn't swallowed those grapes whole!" The engagement is announced of Annie Luella, only daughter of Mrs. James Muldoon, Smith's Falls, to G. Howard Eager, of the Bank of Ottawa $taff, Haileybury, the mar: riage to take place quietly in Janu- ary. Christopher Humble, a Brockville carter, died suddenly on. his sleigh on Wednesday. HAS GREAT FOOD VALE HE food value of cocoa has been proven by centuries of use, and dietitians and phy- sicians the world over are mm Z 2 2 = j enthusiastic_in ments of it. It is said to con~ tain more nourishment than i ever,should cocoa,--"Baker's" of course. IT IS DELICIOUS, TOO Trade-mark on every package Made only by WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Montreal, Can. Dorchester, Mass. Established 1780 REGISTERED TRADE MARK a OI X= their endorse- be a high-grade ROCs SE EEE OREO Use Newbro's Herpicide IN TIME AND YOU WILL NEVER NEED FALSE HAIR Wearing false hair fis a harmless deceit of which many lddies are guilty. These women are all objects or sympathy rather than criticism. Early neglect in the care of the Sealp Jag cated the loss of s0 much air that ir personal appearance is sadly marred. Fo correct this de- fect they resort to artificial hair hoping by so doing to hide the re. sults of their earlier inattention to the details of their toilet. These un- fortunates are deceiving no one but themselves as no artificial hair no matter how cost- ly, ever has the snap and luster nor can 'it be pretty and at- - tractive as natural hair. Most ladies would resent any impu- rt as vec amps and Lt. nd yet very many permit their natural hair to become so dull, brittle and lusterless that it looks no better than that bought at the store, | | that it finally loosens and drone out. | There is a preparation, sold and | guaranteed by all dealers, the intelli- |gent use o i i ff germ. It of all accumulations and the hair shine with the luster of life and | bpauty. oS Remedy a ves | Herpicide, rigi Tm- | Remedy for Dandruff. {can you add more to your personal {charm and attractiveness than b i the use of this remarkable and wel GONE} ph Jrudealp p i} account of its astonishing merit and its de- lightful and ex- | averywhere amon | may purchased sizes at all drug' foods counters, Applications obtained at the better Darber and hair dressing parlors. pt of 10 cents in postage cover cost of ing and Ch Dep 3 any ing bowkiet, The refreshing effect, the nutritive elements and the delicate flavor in cach cup materially enhance the pleasure of the meal. For soci- ability or for food value, Japan Tea is the choice of the discriminating hostess. Govern- ment inspected and unadulterated. "The cup thal cheers but not inebrigles.

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