JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29,1917. ~~ PAGE SEVEN v vies ! = % ere i Farouy ios Christmas, oye to Winnipeg with James Rich- | » - - 1 urned home on Thursday. ardson; where she. will spend . the ; < . "i Major L. F. Goodwin is In Ot-' winter Probs: Very cold tonight and on Sunday. awa, } Miss 'Madele Wilson, New York, bo. GREETINGS! Mrs. A. Beecroft, who has been in | is the guest of Mrs, T. R, P. Power, New York for some time, is the, Ear] street. ~~ w * : A BOR ar per purenta, Mr. and Mrs. "Ns: "Andrew Foreman. who has {TO NICHT AT CTEACVC I e been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Capt. A. G. Maclennan is spend- |'W. B. Dalton, went to Mentreal for ' ing a few days in Ottawa. Christmas. x ; oa . * " " a " : : yo HAPPY TEPER PP EP PIRI P EPIL Eb ibe » Mr. and Mrs. R, F. Segsworth is ; Miss Hilda Hague, Boston, is the | expected from Toronto to spend Mrs. Beil matron of Queen's | SUES of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. | Néw' Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. Military Hospital, entertained at an | 9 BE. Hague, University avenue. B. Dalton, Johnson street. LIB informal ( hristmas dance last even- Mrs, Willian Gordon, Toronto, is $e ' ; ing at the Court House for the nurs- | Wit§f Miss Wilhelmina Gordon at the Sir George Foster leave for R : » J , a ing sisters at the hospital, whieh | Prificipal's residence. The firat curling tea of the sea-' Hd Booth, -hai-veturned from«New Mr, and Mrs, George Bickham have son will be held on Wednesday FX. 3 te Th ae returned to their home in Montreal Ww . when Mrs. R. S. Waldron, the pre. | Miss Foster, of the Y.W.C.A., Is after spending their Christmas i Store Open Until 9.30 sident, and Miss Letticé Trndy and | SPeDding the noliday season in New | tion with Mr. Bickham's parents, Mr, York. om (+ d Mrs. me i : 3 Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Chown, Usii- land Mes James Bickham, 27 Charles Miss Ada Bireh will be the hostess es. . > MISSES' WOOL SETTS 60 only, in all the wanted shades -- consisting of caps and scarfs. yeraity avenue, left to-day for Co-| Misses Ella and Cecile Neil, Kings- mn : Tait re "bourg, where they will be the guests Shri i i S08- ning &C. the '1€ guests 'ton, spent Christmg th The nurses-in-traini { 0 a, wie they wil Be 5 spent Christmas at their home on - wv - Hotel Dieu werechostesses at an en- Brock street, Gananoque, { joyable dance on Wednesday even- M sai WE, 'Mrs, D. 8. Robertson, Montreal, is! : Made of soft fleecy brushed wool. ing. Mrs. Clarke® Taylor, Gananoque, |ip Ottawa, visiting her son, Hugh] ¢ : : Popular Drug Store. s ' B the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Robertsohand Mrs, Robertson, Tonight $1.50 e 5: Branch 2018 Mrs. Ashby, Williams streét, was $4 fiaston, Barrie street, Wallace, --~Hickham and Alfred ny : v Mrs. J. Kennedy thas returned n vi : * hostess at the Bridge 'Club this at-| : : oy Frude have returned to Camp Rath- ' terfioon, from spending Christmas in Toron- | hyn, Deseronto, aftér spending their LADIES CASHMERE HOSE % --_---- 3 ue ¢ holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James : a : ; ra ea There will be a high tea at the Mrs, Adams returned to Ottawa on | Bickham; 27 Charles street. ! 170 pair fine wool cashmere hose; Penman make, with full fash- { \| Cauntry. Club to-night. d Wednesday after spending Christ- Messrs,. Kenneth and Tom Ruddy Sg mas with Mr.-and Mrs. James Craig, attending military college at Kings- 2 3 ioned seamless leg. ' ' Jonson street. ton are home at Woodstock, for the : IR M 0 D 0 Mrs. Francis Botterell, Montreal, x x winter holidays, ' Vel. Ve is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J r Tonight 50¢ § a Stajor' T, Ashmore Kidd has re-| ~ Miss Florence Eiliott, Barrie «Cappon, Barrie street. turned from Burritt's Rapids. ¢ r)\ Street, has gone to Toronto to spend BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS 96 only heavy all wool sweaters, pull over and button on the shoulder styles, in sizes 26 to 32; the colors are brown, rose, Rus- sian green and maroon. Priced regularly from $2.50 to $3.25. Tonight $1 95 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craig, Ottawa, | the next ten days. from Toronto. Reginald Winter has returned ' r . ) who have been with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Leahy, . Miss Elsie Saunders has returned W. G. Craig, Barrie street, left yes | Of Ottawa, were visitors in the city [to Ottawa after spending the holi- { terqay for 'Cape Vincent, where they | for a few days Yast week. day with her mother, Mrs. K M. will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs, » Saunders, Alice street. Frank Sackett. , i [ Major F. B. Eaton, 'who has been ' = Miss Eleanor Lyman is the guest Bert Yates, Kingston, is visiiing lin town for a few days, returned to | of her aunts, the. Misses Lyman, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Yates, y c Carleton Place. Those people (and they Ottawa to-day King street west. P , W y Stay ~4 | rof. and Mrs. W. « alka: w fi al Bioko wie i. Dr..Gandier, California, is visiting are many) who dread the To and Mrs. WO. Walker, who Miss" Agnes Richardson Will_re- | nig parents at Newburgh. > ordeal of an eye examin- aim _ Mr. and Mrs, Willen Coates and : ] HW mB % : " ill : t : {the South as soon as he sufficiently a was much enjoyed ,, Miss Marion Booth, who spent | recovered to be moved frdm the hos- : 2 3 Christmas witli hor" ster, "sent ey A SARA BR | MISSES' WARM WINTER COATS. *® 15 only, swagger New York styled coats: made of heavy frieze: cloth in sizes 16, 18 and 20 -- these are regularly priced to A I I ER EEO Tonight $12.95 4 ation are agreeably aston- ||| . EEE ay | family, Napanee, ent Christmas % 2 ; . | ll with relatives in Kingston. ished to find that, as made ||| li Mrs. John Doyle, Wemyss, ac- by us, it causes no pain, 9 @ > fl] companjed by her sister, Miss Rita discomfort, or inconven- ew ear S) S DeWitt, are spending a fow days in ' fence. hi ll] Kingston, the guests of the former's | . || daughter, Miss Zita Doyle who is | Skating Boots for men at $4.00 and $4.50. I Jurse-fu-training at the Hotel Dieu. . . ll | Hospital. : | Professional style hockey boot, our special - fil "Vis Mary 01atin, Kingsggn, spent | | 3 ll] Christ vith he ] pV. And We Use No IH price $5.50. Bo Cn ar. Toy : | * * e We have a full line of rubbers and overshoes fh vii ana Mrs. A. EPat ts 9 - Limit . : Drugs. which make a very acceptable gift. fl) Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Hol- , , : : " -- Skates Sharpened -- | ven Mrs. Aleta Asselstine, Napanee, | : a. few Jars wis Week 10 Kings. NEESER NAS NENA, Kesey Jr, MOD. |} Jack Johnston's Shoe Store f+-ie cocn mec mam the marriage of Miss Margaret | cs, ¢ p s. Oart- 1 iristmas with Dr. and Mrs, Cart 226 Princess Street { | Campbell, Marysville, to Rev. E. Os- wright, University avenue. borne 'Walker, Tyendinaga. / § n Page 14. 70 Brock Street. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Judson and IConnEYe) on Page ) | 3 Go - | family, Napanee, spent Christmas Big Union Majority. { . mE Ee - =» jain pr. and Mrs, Nash, Albert Belleville, Dec. 29.-- Sheriff Mor-| Nh} sq. ng on . ~ - rrr Se ---- ; i 7 rison, returning officer for West| Grae Mr We Posts aud Hastings, made his official declara- : 9 - s ' Kingston to remain over Christmas Hon of the Voie sant W the facent t mer' "s f election in that riding. here we . a a I Loriners Si hain polled 8,572 votes, of which E. G. Mand Mis. O.A. Aylesworth, Porter, Unionist, polled 4,494, and ii 'Newburgh, were Christmas guests of | » U , od 4,434, For correct information regarding the hidden message Rey. Rural. Dean co ap. Swayne, | R. J Graham, Independent, polled awn. = erik ." t y ' ,078, a majority o or Mr. . concealed on the myst ous scrap of paper |'4 Rene Book® ter. It is expected that his majority Sergt: Leslie Henliry, of the CC. A.| Will be larger by the overseas vote, Was he a German Spy ? | Brora MEO he BSL OLMS| sda, representative ot w.| ATTRACTIVE FURNITURE and CARPETS dry T. Pember, Toronto, will be at Ran-| - _ PE -- Ca lise, Fration Duper, Nepaoee. | euiemiber, Toronto will be ot Fan Everything to Make the Home Comfortable at spent Christmas at her home in [day, Jan. 9th and 10th, with the fin- a moderate cost. Kingston. : est stock of human hair goods for Miss Mary J. Legault, Kingston, |ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Adams is See our new dining room suites in walnut, ma- ¥ ba 0g eS Miss } eg Aq is d I holiday: ith h capable of suiting every lady and gen- . . naKgiill tae cn dhd ' rr Riviog Mr. A Mrs, To he tlemen ol: will give them the best hogany and fumed oak. Prices to suit all purses. a ¢ z "7 2 3 Cornwall, 'of satisfaction in every case. Re- : : - Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly and ' member the date. Rugs, Curtains, Linoleums. ' { em "peter, vakonl . . I \ Cy mral 8S ' Miss Olive Hambly, Napanee, spent At Brockville on Wednesday Can- e Tr 00¢e ' {4 Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. [on F. D. Woodcock united in marriage y Ww? & ' : Kelly. Miss Margaret Alice Horton, Lans- ; ~ 3 RR ; Mr. and Mrs. T. 8 Henry and Mr. done, and Mr. Alexander Herbison, and Mrs. McIntyre, Napanee, spent Caintown, ane d oy Buy Your Records for Your New . % This ls » reproduction of the mysterious scrap of paper. | I : Victrola in our new Victrola De- ~~ i its ary & Practical | ol rtment. GERMAN AGENT'S Noted Criminologists Suggest é ly : kd 4 NC Cr. partmen {I QUARTERS RAIDED |: Solutions . S10e Dresr Making] Jae CSE . Watson and I id a mirror and reflect i (¢ (Continued from Page 1, Col. 7) Jess Hid the Tay of bb he hia to' decipher errons ----------------------------------eee eo { ' po the papers sed was tor Ba) the hidden message. Sherlock Holmes. : : folded worn "scrap of paper." I i t a selected one I should read every 4d Inspeetar Doulan for the first time in |pri/ ~~ BeSinning at a avers third letter. 1 Delleve'T ut . . ; t Prepared Specially for This Newspaper ny, Yeats of service bowed his head y should soon solve this mystery. --Arsene Lupin. y Phone 90. . was completely baffled : : and the hidden message of the uncanny | Y Selecting a capital letter as a starting point and Pictorial Review : Jumble of letters remained a profound a = Select ny or third letter would surely » X produce some vesult.--/nspector Scott. P Il ed 3 Skilfull D d "Canada Weekly" offers the following series of cash prizes, at pe 1s both panetied and of which the first is $500.00, for the correct solution of the skilfully draped has frst call among - . . i - he gr abo € eriou ssage T ~ \ the models for dressy wear, t y nya # Me - thie scrap ol paper, : 3 vorely straight designs being left for : | eneral use. Here is pictured ONE HUNDRED CASH PRIZES mee ' era Hers Ja gitiered 1st Prize. ..$500 8th Prize... .$15 | 15th Prize 2nd 9t! 8 iv 10 a no Kw. , 4 - : § \ line, the plaits at the top forming a | 16th © A grand total of vA draped effect at the sides, whily tho Wore MO 10th «D010 [Ah ie FY : 9 rT "ae 11th «o.v 5 | /18th Yiilaes $SL117 , \ broadeloth Medium sico ea 12th wo 5 1 1%h : i | | requires 3% yards 34-inch broadcloth ws 13th 4 th 2 | to be awarded | ot 6 yards 26-inch eatin. ik i § used In arranging th ad 14th 5 . ; A "pattern of the skirt on the materia] cee .e OINS PORTERHOUSE Ro asts RUMP = EEswwesm The Win Davis Co, Linied Phone 597 HON. E. N. RHODES pail, ! ment of W. BB, Northrup, ex-M.P., : : TO BE SPEA the former position. He ie th wt 4 Pe in ones. Expected That the Soldiers' nl vp ered : Vote Will Return Nova Scotia Man. Ottawa, Boe. 26. --Two other im- Fortaut peiticus to il are the clerk- » of the} the Ws oe ct + am a pT hd Commons, Many, ID 5 the Tow,