Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1917, p. 5

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E---- ee -- 1.400 CHILDREN MDE HAPPY At Christmas Tree Event in- the Armiurics | on Friday Aftenoco. WHIG RAISED THE HONEY NECESSARY TO ENTERTAIN CHILDREN OF SOLDIERS, | "Five Hundred Soldiers Wives Also | Treated--Six Huge Trees Were| Beautifully Decorated--The Ladie Whe Assisted. The dreams of anticipation Christmas tree event equal those held fin the days when their daddies were here were realized at the armouries on Friday after noon when over 1,400 children of sol- diers overseas were entertained by! the committee in charge of the ad-| ministration of the $1,000 raised for the Whig Christmas Tree Fund. Five "hundred mothers were also entertain: ed, La { of al witich would | The event was a success bevond all hopes and to the ladies and other workers who have done so much the thenks of those hundreds of children and mothers go ont Six Immense Christmas trees were lined along the rear wall of the ar- mourles. Due to the splendid work of members of the Engineers under Lieut.-Col. P. 8, there innumerable lights strung through the trees which added won- derfully to the general 'effect, "Min gled with the branches and showing all manner of colors were of tinsel, Benoit electric were | decorations colors and bunting that added to the beautiful picture On the trees and piled on long tables were the presents for .the children, It would: he absolutely impossible | to give a list of what the kiddies re- flags, Mayoralty Announcement Ladies and Gentlem At the request of a large numbed of Citizens, who have waited upon me and" pre signed petition requesting nfo for a second tom, and having had this petition reinforced by an almost unanimous request fro the City Council, whe have I have" consented to accede t with some reluctance as I have always felt that the hon- ors should go around, and in additi n, as my retention of the office will mean that for anofher year I shall be obliged, as in the past year, to sacrifice my personal and But at a time like this, when 1 like many other citizens who private business interests. the call of duly comes, 1 fee have responded to that call, t should set aside my personal respond: whole heartedly to the call. therefore,~and 'in no desire for mere the call, and offer myself again as a candidate for the mayoralty for 1918. If clect the past year, endeavorin and efticiently and honestly. ALLENBURY'S FOODS ALL SIZES SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41. i the Santa Clauses announced the namgs| 1,400 children who have sacrificed and the dolls and other things which | their husbands and fathers for the, '(". Nickle were at the big entrance to | the armouries | vited to bring their baby carriages| 1.400 children and the deep appre- been associated with me dur- ing the Thst Year, and who have asked that I star g always to do my duty fairly J. M. HUGHES. ceived their ttle ones. of the armourles these mothers and their In almost every case the hers overseas, and some of them never return... However, 7 | the mothers and children were smil- Task. ing Santa Claus called out their: Hemming, wife of the| TAMes If it was "Willie Jones, DOC: tog fois yg Be Le hi the! Willie would go forward and receive ¥ , deserves é reat extent } o . th y chi arcel 01 1 the are n credit: of organizing the large stafl R02 pee) Boys? '3 Reniseds Wiig, h necessary Lo carry out the undertak-| po1iay « 2: ineve ing She: had the earnest co-oper.| delle Liat thére would be ation of all of the chapters of the Daughters of the Empire --Frontenac Victory Las e, Cataraqui Annan- dale and Prince Charlie--and the of ficars worked with her in getting the] embers of those chapters to do their ptmost in making the event a 'suc cess. There were hundreds of ladies,/ dside from thelist published below,| who should be mentioned, but under | the circumstances it- was difficult tol = ecure all of the names. The thanks] MCCESSary to repeat the name to the : : a ane | crow 11 ew ly s e of the children and of the mothers for| ho rd. " ri oy epiua I seine 10 their work is sufficient, however, to] '*'€ received parcels or presents of make it Know. that their energies) same Suly, and. 4 ere indeed apps have not been expendéd in vain, } hen led by. their mother to the { long tables where the "eats" were In one end of the armotries on the | sérved : . crowded balconies the R.C.H.A band { At, the south end. of the main played during the afternoon. When | fioos were long lines of tables which the presents were béing * distributed were filled to overflowing with all and when the refreshments were be-| ying. of nice things. There was ice ing served, in the opposite end of the! cake and coffee and such building, the hand discoursed music t re that -appeal to the ap- that added much to the afternoon's pet of a healthy child Every Pleasure. The selections were pa-| 0" Lo carefully looked after by triotic i d popular and were well, the waiters and waitresses who had received by the people | volunteered for the- work It was : {Fun to-watep the tittle eyes ws thoy: 1 | There were piles of dots] ana undres ture The fico black wit} {ldren bed pid books, horse bloeks, was and hundreds of such things, that t delight to the soldiers' kid- bro are dies. will as Mes. DR la- no $0 ion » Calling Out the Names. | This calling ont of names by Santa Claus, ably assisted by offi- | cers of the garrison, members of the { Chapter which had charge of that. particular tree, and soldiers of the garrison, took - considerable time. Seine were not close enough to hear heir names, abd later fit would be Crowds Watched, The balconies of the . armouries | were lined with people who were in- terested in watching the Christmas | The whole affair was a tremend- tree. event for the children of the! Cus success There were no un- oldiers. They watched with nterest ('happy incidents, but great pleasure way in which each of the six| was evinced by the 500 mothers and | tried to take in! the pretty signt of the treés and Santa Claus and still remain attentive to tweir food. £0 to gladden the heart of kiddies at| cause of the Empire, and it is the Christmas time | happiest of New Year's that the Lieut.-Col. W L Whig wishes every ona of thew. " The organization for the distribu- tion of the.presents was. pérfect. The of a mother or sister or friend and| alphabet was divided up, and the one more children, many | Bames of those to receive presents in baby carriages and in arms pass-| Were placéd in these divisions ed through, they by | that there was no confusion. rch either the charge af one H. Macnee and H As each little family or 0 werky directed colonel or Yr Nickle to| Chapter took tree, the tree on which hung their presents. | From this list, as stated above, there Each mother had a card that intro tare omitted many names of duced her and the greatest possible Who should be mentioned. They also kindness was shown. They were in-| deserve and receive the thanks of ladies | ciation of 500 mothers work. directly for where 'made into thé big main floor, their the 'heat from the furnaces it more comfortable td dress a ia. mn, Ladies Who Assisted. Letters "A" and ""B"" tree was in li charge of Annandale Chapter, 1.0. |! D.E.--Mrs. J.B. (Carruthers, Mrs. T. || D. IR. Hemming, Mrs. C. F, Con- | stantine, Mrs. H. R. Duff, Mrs. J. | Cappon, Mrs. J. M. Strange, Mrs. k }a. (B. -Pense, ) lor, Mrs. Saunders iss Strange, Miss Mowat, Miss Ferguson and Daly. ith Letters "C." "DD," "BE," "F" i! " in charge of iCataragui 'C ji LO.D.E.--Mrs. W. H. Macnee, i}! S. 'A. Calvin, Mrs. 'C. N. Mrs H. C. Nickle, Mrs. J. L. Whit- ing, Mis. N. Fraser, Mrs. W. R. P, Bridger, Mrs. H. C. Wotherspoon, Mrs. Ingpen, Mfs. (R. J. Carson, Mrs. ji! P. C. Stevenson, Mrs. P. 8S, Benoit, || Mrs. F. Macnee, iMvs. J. N. 8. Les- | lie, Mrs 'W. 'Leslie, Mrs. Brigdestock, | Mrs?"R. B. Kent, Mrs. 'T. Z. Woed, Miss Hora, Misg L. 'Callaghan. Letters "H," "LI" "J," "K" and "L" tree in charge of Frontenac Chapter, 1.LO.D.E.<--Mrs. T. G. Smith, Mrs. 'D. G. 'Laidlaw, Mrs. John Mec- Kay, Mrs, W. T. Connell, 'Mrs. R. S. Waldron, Mrs. H. N Robertson, Mrs. F. 'Mahood, Mrs. H. W. Rich- ardson, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. F. Phillips, Mrs. (F Welch, Mrs. G. Emery, Mrs. W. W, Gibson, Mrs. G. Y. Chown, Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Mrs. R. J, Gardiner, Mrs. Arthur Ellis, Mrs. 8. Roughton, Mrs. W. T. Minnes, Mrs. L. T. Best, Miss I. Kidd, Miss Minnie Crothers. .. Letters *,"" "N» <Q,» up» "Q" tree in charge of LO.D.E. S. i . Mrs. . | Kirkpatrick, Mrs. i} Mrs. (Prof.) Stone pherson, Miss A. Frances Wilson. i 'Letters "'R," "8," "T charge of Prince Charlie LO.D.E.--Miss IB. Smythe, Miss Gordon, Mrs. M. Pense, Miss L. Swift, Miss Tandy, Mrs. E. Ounning- ham and Miss Eya Richardson. { Letters "U," "V.,"" "W" tree . in | charge 'of Victory Chapter, 1.O.D.E. --Miss H. Campbel], Miss H. Me- Kay, Miss E. Carruthers, Miss G. Folger, Miss M. Hemming, Miss D, Folger, Miss 'R. Rogers, Miss 8. Kirkpatrick, Miss G. Merrick. NOMINATIONS ON MONDAY THE CIVIC REPRESENTATIVES H. en: Mrs Pei vean, sented to me a numerously to offer myself for Mayor my colleagues in again; 0 their request. 1 do this ly { hat if 1 can be of service, | preferences or desires and It is in this spirig, office, that I answer od | shall "carry on" as in and La 'Sale Chap- H. T, J. Cole- Te Mrs. 8S. Bidwell, Mrs. W. iE. Mac- M. Gibson, Miss tree in Chapter, It ts nov so easy to REGAIN it while it is good. At the "We ave good eyesight as it is to RETAIN first sign of eye trouble, consult us. eyesight specialists." . J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. Thuis 4nd Opposite Post Office, Kingston, ' ARE TO BE NAMED, And It Is Expected That All Will Be Elected by Acclamytion--The Places of Nomination, The civic nominations for Mayor, aldermen, utilities commissioners and school trustees take place on Monday. The mayoraity nominations will be in the city hall from ten to eleven o'clock. It is pretty certain that Mayor Hughes will be re-elected by acclamation. The Utilities com- missioners will also be named at the city hall, and a contest is not an- ticipated, The aldermanic and school trustee nominations will in the wards from twelve to one o'clock and ar- jraungements are under way to elect eyorybody by acclamation and save the expense of holding elections in these strenuous times. The places of nomination in the wards are: Sydenham Ward at No. 88 Wil- fam street; Patrick Daley, returning officer. . Ontario Ward, at City "Council Ch + Alexander Jamieson. « St. Lawrence Ward, at Stratford stort, Princess street; A. E. M. Los- combe. Cataraqui Wal, at No. 72 Queen street; W_ J. Cla £ERIY Frontenae Ward, borne and § Ward, ut corner of Divis- ion and Unjon; William Perry. # Even'a crook ban band out a straight tip if he wants to. No, Eva, dsu't always what it is smacked ap to be. : {part of Canada, -, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1917. = DAY TG, SA (ARE: ISSUING: NO FIGURES ORDELIS GO OUT FOR MEN TO REPORT FOR SERVICE. Military Service Commission to Keep Figures of Number Called a Secret --Men Training Here, The public is not to be allowed to know the numbers of men being call- ed. under the Military Service Act from this district or city or from any The reason for this is difficult to understand, particular- ly .as the numbers under the volun- tary system were issued periodically. The order to report for duty reads as follows: ' "You are ordered to report for duty at the headquarters of the De- pot Battalion at Kingston. "Failure to obey this grder will render you liable to punishment by the civic courts, as well as making you subject to be taken into custody at any time as a military offender, "You will retain this portion of the order and will present it upon your reporting at the headquarters of the Depot Battalion. Keep it carefully as your means of identifecation." Accompanying the order is a war- rant for transportation, : Apparently the draftees for No. J Military District will undergo their preliminary training before going overseas at Kingston, as all men, 'ex- cept those near Ottawa, called up un- der the Act, have beeir ordered to re- port in this ity. PRIMROSE BORN IN PICTON THE FAMOUS MINSTREL TO VISIT THERE NEXT SUMMER. He Has Been in Kingston, But Has Never Visited His Native Town Since He Left It. Calgary Herald Contribution Born in Picton, Ontario, {Hn sixty years"dgo." - Probably I would never have at- tend Pantages Theatre that Satur- day afternoon if thgse words in the Calgary Herald had not held me speli-bound. And these words follow ed "George Primrose has danced his way into millions." | 1 wonder how many of the older resideniSgf the town, if-any, have 'any recollection of a family of that name or even know that boy. was born in the more a town is now with his seven minstrels touring on the Pantages Circuit of- fering nightly a navelty which is ac- claimed to 'be one of the best in vau- deville this _season. To sjep behind the scenes of a theaf® for the first time and meet and shake hands with this one entertainer was a privilege. He told me that his'parents left Pie- ton-when he was-a- {ew months eld and although he had spent a sum- mer as. near ,to his native town as Kingston had never visited Picton. "But," he added, "l.am going there next summer." So 'some day' perhaps, a tall eld- erly man with thin visage and a most engaging smile will walk sob- erly down your strepts and vou will nbver" giess 'Whatorawvonderful skill and grace of motiow are concealed or what laurels he has wen. 'Another thing I learned 'too--that he nas never had a' féot trouble, corn nor callous, and he attribéites. it to al- ways wearing the one make of shoe. Though how through his long life he has always managed to get the same make puzzled me, but I never spoil a good slatemeant by: asking ques- tions. JACK AND THE BE . LE -- An of Very Great Anterest Coming, Kingston will have iti éhanve to see the noted William Fox fairy speec- tacle, "Jack and the 'Beanstalk," for four matinees and four nights; begin- ning Monday, Dec, 31st, The noted picture, which has caused a sensa- tien, throughout the country, epens at the Grand with a Monday matinee and will continue giving two perfor- mances a day. The elaborate 'production of "Jack and the Beanstalk' enlisted the ser- vices of two directors, C. M. and 8. A. Franklin; of 1,300 juveniles, and of J, M. Tarver, the biggest man 'in the world. Tarver'stands 8 ft. 6 inches tall. The two principal roles ii this epic of the screen are taken by Fran- cis Carpenter and Virginia Lee Cor- bin. Their work 1s undoubtedly the most amazing display of historionie ability the shadow stage has ever seen for players of such few years, The film version of "Jack and the Beanstalk" cost William Fox more than $500,000, as the photo-fantasy was months if thé ;making in Old and New' Mexico, fn Hawaii, and in the greater valleys of California, A large part of the fortune spent on the suhject went. into the erection of the wonderful walled city and tanto the construction of other massive and complicated settings. Although "Jack and the 'Bean- stalk" has an especial interest for the younger generation, the film is not limited-in its appeal. It is a produe- tion for all children between five and ninety, for it is the youngsters' com- edy and the grown-ups' drama. On the printed page, the story of "Jack and the Beanstalk" has always been counted as one of the most en- grossing ever written. The fireside tale. has been translated into a score of languages and has been handed down for scores of vears as a price- less heritage from some anonymous story teller. Event "Practically: of te which al th ngston, 2 meet the Wanderers Hockey Club at the St. Nicholas Rink on Saturday night. will be in the die 1 JV, "plays point for the Dongln on | ; is in training for the aviation service now. He ex- peta to leave in a few weeks for HOCKEY BOOTS MOCCASINS SNOW SHOES LEGGINGS SPATS m---------- re OVERSHOES, ETC. PAGE NINE EENEEEEENENEER 3 A im -« ™~ Our stock of winter goods is well assorted with the best quality of mer- chandise at popular prices. » Abernethy's Shoe Store = = a Campbell' -- FINE -- Furs If you were given a clhieque for a Christmas present, this is the place to invest it in a sett of fine furs. 3 We are showing some very attractive values in neck pieces andemulls. Lynx Setts, $20 up. Black Wolf Setts, $33 up. Coon Setts, $21. Alaska Sable Muffs, $18. Mink Marmot Muffs, $10 Natural Wolf Neck Pieces, §8 Taupe Wolf Sctts, $40. This is the store for big va- lues in fine furs. { CampbellBros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. "For the Cold Wea. ther Get a GUARANTEED HOT WATER BOTTLE And be warm and comfortable. Aa 23 YEARS | Sean Alfie Pierce, mascot for the Prin- cess street Baseball team. met with a serious accident. He fell out of the hay loft at McRae's livery and suf- fered serious injuries to his head. Meat .was dear on dhe market to- day. Beef sold at $6 gor cwl., land pork at $9 per ewt, Abraham, Shaw will probably be chairman of the Board of Education next year, 3 E. C. Hill and. E. 0. Sliter tested their pneumatic bicycles on the ice in the harbor. Victory Loan, i At the request of the Finance De- for the delivery of Victory Loan Cer- lificates, Thursday and Friday next urday afternoon, Jan. 5th, Parties wishing to take advantage $100 bonds! io. $74.11 and $10 $89.11 partment the Banks will be open from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. and all Sati of the discount and pay in full can do $0. 3 $50 bonds--$39.55 and $5 ..$44.55 THE NEW SEASON BRING NEW HOME THINGS Every seeker of new furniture will find an interesting assortment; no matter which room you wish to furnish. Living room--Chesterfields and large luxurious rockers and arm chairs. Reid Quality Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 for Personal Services. Closely Related There's 'a closer -relationship be- tween feed, poultry and dollars than you may suspect. Right feed means better birds, quicker returns and more money. For bigger dividends lon your poultry, let us supply your feed. The kind you need is here, and our advice is free for the asking. W. F. McBROOM 42-44 Princess Street. 5 We have o fine line of Portable Lamps at reasonable prices. Call and look them over. ) ; 'Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Streets. ari HR ----_---- The New Yeur right.- To have your cyes carefully examined by us sand correct glasses made for your eyes, will mean untold benefit to you and a decided step to greater successe We are eye-sight specialists. R. J. RODGER "Where the Clock is on the Walk." 132 Princess St. ------------ ry el h fib. . SARA sve woman who wants 2 beautiful, durable tobi: oo Fra Cg dG d ust and for i} If yout dealer dovin' * IS aml a mae 4 dob "BLUE BONNETS" -- A New Fabric with New Features, ere fat sod dhnble. Wiis vty of 0s | WHITMAN. & CO. Ine, 881 Broadway, New wk ; bonds--$395.54 and $50, Dbonds--$791.08 and $100, $445.54. 31000 $891.08, John Beil, won 'ot Mr. o " and Mrs. "Picton, has gone to To- here he has accepted a po-; | GROCER J. A. Boyd I crocoLaTTA |

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