Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1917, p. 2

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mB ERROR oes a i gang . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1917. mp -- | MOST HALF A CENTURYNCDENTS OF THE DAY a Iw. H. WORMWITH CONNECTED |: rome } i} R JCAL NOTE ND ITEMS OF WITH WORMWITH PIANO co. |OCAE TES . AND ITE Pi : © @ | : . \ { . | GENERAL INTEREST. x \ rr esented With Gold Watch \and 1 \ Chain by Employees on Occasion | Hagpenings In the City and Vicinity {I » : - of His 'Retirement--An Address | --What the Merchants Offer to the! v ~ : : Br Aro | Hoare of the wo Send New Year's Cards to ycur friends tonight. A full stock of Tite .plariperi. Bure been workili 'the Gibson Art Line is still obtainable. There is ample time for them | rs these days to reach your friends New Year's Day. | Januar y Fur Sale-McKay's LE | [Sr sg on 00 Japuary Ladies' Home Journal Now On Sale. Start: the New - ! pipes} | lex's, or phone G64. ~ Year by subscribing 'at special rate of $1.50 in the city, $1.75 post- : 1' Re Dr Wallace Kingston, pres ri k Napanee Presbyterian paid to any part of Canada 6r the United States. hurch oa Sunday . ' A A : Mrs. Lalley, 12 Russell street, was | Daily Papers New Year's Day. Toronto morning papers on sale removed to the General Hospital in 3 1 - { James Reid's motor ambulance. on the arrival of the train. ta . . . | Now is ihe time to have your |l Saturday Evening Post for December 29th. Delayed in the train piano tuned. We carry. two expert . . > | turners and will assure entire satis- service, received today. 4 ~% faction, C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. { { The churches were -slimly attend- we sien re wu ose | TL y@ College Book Store y Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- | | y | (| mented wines. | Ph 919 Phone 919. MEN'S FUR LINED COATS l yy City Engineer Mc lelland re posts | one dg ' D J Good "Beaver Shell, Mink, Marmot or Muskrat linings, with fur | | that during 1917 the building permits ' Store Open All Day New Year 8 Day. Men's cdirl lined coats with fur collar 25.00 ede de, | $35.00 {amounted to $150,705, as compared | i s collars . | | Pe $184,321 for 1916. Ns : sm : md] A 135.00 up | i Six citizens were in Police Sourt a : --- en rn' Coats, McKay 'made 8 | nda charge ith not| ° Men's Coon pats ny black broadcloth shell, lined with | : =| Monday morning « harged with not | Women's Fur 4 » $35.00 | | shovelling their walks of snow. Two muskrat, good fur collars : RO. : , g My | | were fined and four were dismissed WW 's Muskrat Coats : : rR $60.00 up 1 EX-ALD. W. H. wopMw#y | were fin i | ed. | Watney pa (as $23.00 Ex-Ald. W. H. Wormwith is re-| The remains of the late Cadet Ross ' Widrens Mo $4.00; Fur Mifls, $4.00; Hur Stoles, $4.00 tiring from the Wormwith Piano | Harsjsan; R 1 ( Fi ete placed in St. { " . ' Y * ! . . . A \ q , i rhi he has een | Mary s vauit monday morning, | Men's caps and fur collars, muskrat, beaver, otter, Be rsian li Company, with which he has been ) | ) 3 o \g. | Lamb, Ete - ll| connected for the past forty-nine | I'hgre was 3 mihdy ner) | amb, Ete, x oe 3 dav rening are | "Now is the time to ave your- a w Otter Persian Lamb, years, On Saturday evening there | I 1 ) Men's Gauntlets, Miskrat, Raccoon, Otter, « Was a most pleasant gathering at | Plano.tuned. We carry two expert | JI 5 i Friend a Happy AER $12.50 hi ' 3.00 up; Fur Stoles, $3.00 up. . the works, when the employees pre- | tuners and will assure entire satis- | FOR WOMEN-----Mufls, $3. Pi ! ' Hl| sented Mr. Wormwith with a gold |*faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Wishing Our Many watch and chain on the occasion of | On Christma morning Mrs. WwW. | his retirement. The gift was acconm- | Spooher, Albert street, visited , New Year: panied x hy an 'address, which _be-| Queen's Hospital and treated each : spoke of the high esteem in which | patient to a bag containing fruit and : -- on | ) 0) M KA ll! Mr. Wormwith is, held by the staff. candy, } te i! : - The employees in their address Mrs. D: Coulter and little daughter, - | C 9 pointed out that Mr. Wormwith had | Anna Rose, are the guests of Mrs. T, " And in thanking them, ave wish | J 1 k | . ie 3 pad 0 ' to say our aim will be to cone for half a century. been connected | Tob.n and Mrs. T. MeGuire, Ports- ) 1 149-157 Brock Street. with the plant, and that his genial | mouth J. Coulter, Sr., broke his tinue to merit their confidence. . li| presence in the factory was always |ankle. on the ice at Tichborne, Kingston's Reliable Fur House. ii | an incentive for the best. We will rent You a plano, and at NV ' * | Outside of the factory Mr. Worm- | end of six months if you feel like ( i . fi| with has a wide circle of friends, purchasing instrument we will al- ee Sa 7 all of whom wish him much joy and | low 'the 6 months' rental on pur- oe = happiness. } chase price, and arrange easy terms . ° ; Mr. Wormwith replied most fee]- | on balance. ©. W Lindsay, Ltd. : . | ingly after the watch and address . mi Ios. od Dr. A. W. Richardson has receiyv- had. been presented to him. Ernest|ed word that his nephew, Flight- Achievement Hughson made the presentation on | Lieut. S. Richardson, Montreal, of behalf of the staff. the Royal Naval Aerial Service. has May it bring compiete victory to the . Jewelers been missing since the 19th of De- cember, when he was flying over the : & I h Through ?Q| German lines. Allies -- And be'to all peop es a appy . SALE I We will rent you a piano, and at r - end of six months if you feel like . Glasses . . -------- purchasing "inst#§ment we. will al- and ros Yous ear , ' 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT SALE| low the 6 months' rental on pur: P pe y : {OPENS ON WEDNESDAY. chase price, and arrange easy terms Ex-President Roosevelt on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. was awkward and stupid as oN ill Be Dis. Ronn op 648 Toy ou ndsay, 1. a or until he suddenly dis- Fine Stock of Goods Will Be Dis R i , Flight Lieut. Geoffrey E. Cushing { ors for Sal pat REcoULd at se prags oA Earns January was killed in a flying accident at Suf- ' . Ord taken a8 much as other le -- . The Whig has an important an fas Eres ae Wont Som me Revd : a rtant -1 2 arv ollege 5 p ' He tells us that glasses nouncement to make to the people.of fo ibe ge nh - fe. Fay : changed his career. the city and district to day, mn that Little Miss Chambers, of Parham, ' Yours may be such a case. the usual January sale at Living- | was removed from. the General Hos- Odme in and get our spec- ston's, Brock street, will open on | pital to the train in Corbett's amb ® -~ ialist's advice. Widnasilay Morng, Janaary 2nd , Jatice ba ki to Jeturh to her wenty per cent. discount is to be ome, € had e e, } ; Consultation free, allowed , goods purchased at this | some time ago. Ber, Jeg amputated ' sale, and with such a splendid stock Prevost, Brock street, has recelv- . as this firm carries, it affords an ex- ed a Jarge shipment of men's and JS Asselstine Relient opportunity for a shoppers | youths* winter overcoats and suits, * 0 take thas . . : | ¢ advantage of} this offering. | which he will sell at very close pri- ) 2 s 1 } Registered Optometrist. The sale is an annual affair, and in ces, In his order clothing depart- our er . * ® 848 King Strest view of the fact thatthe prices have ment he has a full range of cloth THE BUSY OPTIOAL been given such a big boost owing to overcoats at a very reasonable price war. conditions, it will be well for all | and guarantee first class fit. who possibly can to take advantage Ray Cassidy, eleven years old, son to take AMzance, hut who, for of the offer made by this most reliable | of Mrs a VA yy ol pr ° ' . . William Cassidy, Sheffield, N Phone 700 z i a Ba i ewman& Shaw one 700, : ate. Y At the . is of interest to note that at this Kingston Ist Wetnestay to unde . ' As ten per cent, bi nll deaths Golden Lion Grocery sale the selling price of alk goods are £0 an operation for ajoendicitis. The THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE # 78-80 Brock Street. . are thousands of men whe. hast made na thelr minds n are due to aeeldents-- and many marked very plainly, and are always | htle 1 ] fellow survived only twenty men Abbsrently of sound health disposed of at the price quoted minytes. die su ly, the danger of delay ( 1 The firm has been holding these em einl ymen ; 8 Abjiarent, hut there 13.8 Freas Fancy over sales for many years, and will con- To Cure a Cold in One Day. = ny uninsurable, which tinue to do so It is certainly a great Take LAXATIVE BROMO-QUIN- en comes as unexpectedly an opportunity for all, as' woollen goods INE Tablets; Druggists refund a Sapident tern tree y are Selling at the highest figure known money if it fails to cure E. W i iy the world, due of course to the GROVE' } BOY. | Ly A F Safe war. While the*war lasts no person 30¢, S signature is on each box, When Looking For a or In one pound sections, 25 cents each. knows just how high the prices will } H Real Es a 3 Fresh California Prunes, nice and y > ome or a - Fire and Acci- i Fees BUILDERS SUPPLIES ewey soar." Next year it may be impos- Ladies' Home Four if wicy ... ... 10e, 1B%e, 15c Ib. | rex g ; me Journal, Hvntoratod Péaches, 2 io 'for 5c. is ¢ aged Wi on eany pres: January issue now on sale. Also FIRST BAPTIST NEW ORGAN i tate Investment, re- Bvaporaiell Apricuts toy het ty clothing and. gentlemen's furnishings, train rvioe ak. Fost. delayed by BEAVER BOARD | member the name [ Sweet ree Bee Hes and also affords the mothers aiv op- bo : 3A ? . ¢ | ¢ portunity of securing boys' suits of College Book Store. Open Nights. . WAS USED FOR THE FIRST TIME hi wine Tar MULLIN d SON the very -finest quality at a reason- v : ™ YN SUNDAY. aste. room in the attic § | an able price."- We would recommend Kingston-Caps. Vian. Stage Service ON SUNDAY may be turned into a mice | . | all the mothers to take in the sale. 7 & Monday, Dec. 31st, . : ") A new brick dwelling on Col. . { Are od warm, cheerful den or bedroém A visit to Livingston's shows a very stages will leave Swift s Whart, foot | Rev. Douglas Laing Preach The / y Bar lingwood St., 7 rooms, furnace, . A visit ngston 0 big | OF Johnston St. at 1 p.m. daily excépt| Bishop of Ontario in St. George's | | DY the use of BEAVER BOARD. 8-piece bathroom, good cellar Golden Lion Grocery attractive display. The two big Sunday for Cape Vincent a No muss, no dampness while and yard, for $2800. This is . : stores are filled to overflowing with ' a v on Sunday Evening. the work is in progress. area) bargin . } : a stock that is sure to catch the, eye The new organ recently installed Any hand an ca ol . x and to please. It is a firm that at the First Baptist Church was |} itn Lohuly. vian can apply lt wi detached dwelling on Div. | stands for service. It has the very used for the first time on Sunday, and He on 8t., all modern, . best goods, and the staff of clerks are » ' . : gave entire satisfaction. most obliging and painstaking. T hey : 3 Sydney A. Salisbury presided at Sa EE nave been with the firm a long time, ] A stone dwelling on Division | the organ, and handled it well. The and know the business from A to Z. choir rendered a finé musical pro- Street, modern, with barn and The firm has a special advertise- "|i gramme, the anthems being especi- 5 ANGLIN & C0 lf ®arden, lot 66 x 182, $2000, ment in to-day's Whig telling of the . . ber Yards, = A small dwelling, near. St. ally good. The, organ cost in the a big sale which opens Wednesday neighborhood of $2,200 and the con | I* mien Church, with barn and RXEMFTION DECISIONS 'Sregation was much impressed with : X nhouse, $1,900. IXEMPTION SIONS. ts work, Bay & Wellington reets, . ! Rev. D. Laing, the former pastor, : y Kingston, Ont. . E. Ww. Mullin and Son Made by Judge Lavell on Saturday : s preached at both the Sunday Services | | Office Phone 66. Sellers of Real Estate, ; Afternoon. 'and delivered forceful sermons, Factory Phone 1415. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, a Juke Lavell made the following > : SE Gir a Wi | Phone 539 and 1436. eciwions in exemption cases on Sat- an . George hedral. urday afternoon: af RL Bishop 'Bidwell officiated at the|®®e= Lumber Coal ans Weed www John J. Burke, farmer, 416 Mont- 5 X service in St. George's cathedral on real street, disallowed. > oa : Sunday evening, preaching from the Edward K. Robinson, clerk, 167 [ text, "He that Wait upon the Lord Alfred) pending medical examina-/ LIRG i ¥ill renew their strength." The tien, category C. andi " ji bishop referred. to this war\as be- Thomas T. Killingbeck, mail t ing not only material but spiritual carrier, Plevna, disallowed. . and to those on our side it wo : Stanley King, farmer, Plevna, dis- necessary to renew their spiritual on the stairs adds a riche allowed. | strength to carry on successtullly, 7 h i - Hamey © L Hamilton, hardware 4 1.1 was a very Inspiring address, bes ALL THIS WEEK - ouse. clerk, 147 Pine, disal ed. i} -------------- ! ; oT : 4 R. Buckley, Grand Opera House | . } ; employee, 143 Neleon, disallowed. TEE pe To Prevent The Grip: , CANDY SPECIAL y hit irs can suppl ; Rdward Gowyn, Express 3 Co em- x , Colds cause Grip. --LAXATIVE : i} stax we ployee, rincess, disal ed . | BROMO QUININE Tablets remove on ye ety uty an d ! iE! Harold F. Muller, teamster, al {the OY There is only one "Bromo ? - Be variety, busty » + Qlngitin. So $e EN Si 2 Gh ir oun Earl, until May 1st, 1918. | A pon box. 3¢c. James W. Harrison, stenographer, |i : ~~ I AE Cao Page & Shaw Chocolates . ian 3 Corrigan, disallowed. : Canadian Casualties. | > 2 : , Albert W: Marspall, grocer, corn- |} ; > wounds--H. L. Howe, 8 _. 0s er Bay and Montreal, until March '} . Bester, Omemee. | 9 5 1st, 1918. . =X Da wounded---A. 8. H ' s Chocolates $s 0 wa William Hackett, plumber, 358 nfrew. : Bagot, alomory © 3 | : | Wounded--H. Honeyborrie, Al- Chocolates . . Samual B. Dusharm, farmer, Long (iI le ; monte. : hes y Lake, disallowed = | umes R. Cronk, farmer, Moun || : NN Year's Day Ragen. » : rove, category B. ll "Poton - papers w | George E. Cronk, farmer. Moun- : . - on sale on the ES of the trains tain Grove, to continue as farmer. |} y J} st The College Book Store. Open aif] gl WwW. OM ine, farmer, v } a § Saks. to continue as farmer. ety il A Larmon, farmer, "Oso sta- {| Mies b wi Pianos to rent. C. W. Lindsay, | tion, to continue as farmer, \ : ' fad

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