(9 _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1918. 0 _-- PAGE TWO ssEmsnmnan nnn nEm RRR Nekay's al (Lo I Clearance \EhoAa Sale All Maiiuiactured Furs Subject to Discount. Men's Fur Lined Coats . $25 up- = Canadian Coon Coats . $125 up Women's Fur Lined Coats, Fur Caps $7 up 5 $3 *» Muskrat Coats for Kids, $20 up . $160 Muskrat Coats for Women, $3 up p---- = INCDENTS OF THE DAY|? LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS GENERAL INTEREST. oF February Cosmopolitan Now on Sale Five Short Stories Happenings In the City and Vie indty | = =--~What the Merchants Offer to the] Readers of the Whig. A.M Rankin, M.P.P., enbam on Thursday. W. Swain, piano tuner, 100 Clergy | street west. Orders felt. at MeAu- 1} fey's, or phone 564. The 'snnual meeting of the Can-| adian club will be heid.on Wednes-| 'lay evening next at thel City Hall is engaged for Thursddy. | Now is the time. to have your | piano tuned. We carry two expert | -turpers and will assure entire satis- | faction.. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. ! The applications of farmers for| éxemption Trom military service hav | been almost completed by Judge La- oll. . A. Wr Sirett has heen acting on| behalf of the farmers. Ring up 645 for all kinds unfer- mented wines. - A meeting of the Board of Agri- culture is being held at Sydenham to- day (Friday). Addresses are beifig given by Mrs. M.+A. Tomlinson and E. Stonehous Dame Beatney. Kingston, has his suitcase stolen from Broeck- ville station. Later the case was found on the ice minus a suit and other wearing articles. We-will rent you a piano, and at end 'of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the -6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on halance. C. Lindsay. Ltd. Mr. and Mrs, James Hickey have returned from Chatham'after attend- 'ing the reception of profession of their daughters, Sisters St. James and Sister Margretta, at the Ursuline College, Now is the 'time plano turned. We carry two-gxpert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. i Janes to rent. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. W. MacDonald, an Ottawa fire- man,. coming to Kingston to join the Artillery corps was tendered an ad- dress and a handsome military wrist watch by his comrades, William Black, Montreal, in court to-day, was fined $10 and costs for having whiskey' in his possession. This was the first arrest this week and two bobbies were engaged. in the work, We will rent you a piano, and at Four Novels Saturday Music Sale . . All the Big Popular Hits: Over There, Goodbye Broadway, Wheré Do We Go From Here, Hawaiian Butterfly, Long Long Time, Somewhere in France is Lily, An Irishman's Dream, Oh Johnny, Joan of Are, For You 0: Rose, Meet Me at the Station, One Day in June. Six Special Articles . Two for a Quarter was in Syd- The College Book Store, Phone 919. Open Nights Phone 919 Wishing Our Man Women's Persian Lamb. g Uur Many F i : Fur Stoles RA $3 up Gauntlets, $10; Caps . . Hudson Seal Coats . . . $90 up Buckskin Pullover Mitts, $1 pair Everything i in Furs Manufactured Must Go. td. Kingston' s Reliable Fur House John | n Micky " 149 to 157 Brock St. MEN ARE SAVED TO SERVE Friends a Happy Lines that spall S-A-V-I-N-G-S for econom- ical shoppers. New Year. to have your oy And in thanking them, we wish to say our aim will be to cone. tinue to merit their confidence. . Black Sateen Underskirts, in all sizes; worth $1.25. Saturday . . 75¢ A clearing lot of New Model Corsets, med- ium and high bust; broken sizes from 20 to 30; a dollar-corset on sale Satur- day morning . . 69¢ Smith Bros. : Achievement Jewelers Through Glasses. Ex-President. Roosevelt ° Was cp sest des and- stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see ' as much as other boys. He fells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. ST ------------------------------ HUSH SOUR | i | i i i | falist's advice. . Consultation free, A Friend [375 AsesineD0S in Need [ig us 'When the fire comes a reliable 1 Conie- in and get our spec - Insurance policy is the friend in nedd that rote the owner from loss. The best thing to have Is FIRE INS URANCE "dt comnts little 10 earry, hat 15a wighty comfortable our rates. Learn what we Shee you and what It costs you. You'l) be free from anxiety with Sue ot these policies as your best HONEY : i Fresh Fresh Califofain Prunes, nice and 1.5. R. MCCANN [== 80 Brock § Phone 336 or 621. ° Xxaporated A evn ae __Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover In one pound, sections, 25 cents each, + 10e, 123%¢, 15¢ Ib. JPead 2 Ibs for 25c. BV ciated hes, ne: W. R: McRea & Ga A ------ | caNoN FITZGERALD GIVES AN ADDRESS ON "MISSIONS." At the. Week of Prayer Meeting Held in Bethel Congregational Church on Thursday Evening. There was a -large attendance at ithe week of prayer meeting held in | Bethel Congregational chureh .on \Thursday evening and at which Rev. T. DeCourcy Rayner presided. The address was given by Canon W. F. { FitsGerand of St. Pauts church, {whose subject was "Missions." i Canon FitzGerald sald that there | four areas in the jhistory of missions {or rather the history of * {sion." .Incthe apostolic time we nev- er doubt 'that the church itself was ithe great mission power; as every in- {dividual realized that the first buysi- ness of a Christian was to make other people Christians, so the church seemed to be doing hothing by limited instruments while it was all working with power in the Holy Spirit. It was in one sense doing nothing but ' spreading from the Apostolic , time when the ' whole c¢hurdh was launched = upon thie world to be itself fhe Christianizing power. This wae the first era of missing; and on ideal era it was. Pass on a century or two, said Canon FitzGerald, , and you are struck with the fact that the work of great missionaries is no longer the work of the whole church, but of amazing men, of great saints filled with the spirit of God, going forth without scruple, conscious of God's pewer. You see such men as Pat- rick, Ulphilas, Columba or St. Mar- tin, © You see the great 'Personal Era" of missions. & Men triumphed through the cross. This era was followed by what- gal. [shall call the governmental era of missions. The time when kings and conquerors gave to. tribes the' choice between Holy Baptisiz and = the sword. Then come such strange events as the successful propagation of Christianity in Russia by such a body as the Teutonic knights. We ought to reflize that the crusades and the Inquisition were the natural sequence and consequence and cli- max of Governments taking it in hand for their special imperial busi- ness to convert = the hesten world, The, history of this era is sad' rewd- ing. The next éra in the history of mis- sions is that which is known to us . The era of societies. societies are banded together upon principles. They engage enthusiasm, they enlist fanatacism, considerable ey are after all, societies within a society, whose age, special business it is to do this In conclusion Canon Fitzgerald : "God help and lead us to- wards a unity of heart and The Mis- } end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al. low the 6 months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The. ward of the Children's Aid Society, reported missing at Violet, hy Inspector Jack, has been located. He was found by the farmer he was living with, hidden in the hay loft where he had remained for two days, Grip Follows The Snow. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets taken in time will Prevent Grip. BE. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30ec. Coats $10.00 A clearance in Ladies' Black Coats, sizes 18 and 34 only; also tweed coats in sizes up o 38 only, Priced at $16.50 and $18.50 each.: Saturday, your choice . . $10.00 Remnant Sale Orders taken for HUDSON SEAL COATS | Het re ail This.is by far the best place to buy your furs --- shrewd, careful buyers who have looked around tell us'every day that "this is the place they can get the most for their money. No douktful discounts here ev- eryvthing marked in plain fig- ures. There has been a BIG DEMAND FOR FURS. this winter and the tendency of the market is towards ad-. vanced prices, Our long ex- perience as manufacturers and the BIG VARIETY OF FURS weé show makes it easy to choose here. Our big stock comprises coats, muffs, stoles, and setts, including everything from the lowest to thé highest priced furs. We are "speetal h ists" in the making of BU DsoN SEAL JACKETS purpose {i in co-operating with Him, conscious furniture by fire on Thursday night. galore. .A WORTHY CAUSE. es Subscriptions Needed Fw Needy Portsmouth Family. 'The municipality of Portsmouth has suggested that the Whig receive and acknowledge subscriptions for 'the relief of Mr. and Mrs, Hearn, who lost their home and all their he Whig gladly assents to this. e family has been left with practically nothing. It is a sad case, as the father, a returned sol- dier, is lying dangerously - ill in Mowat Hospital. Subscriptions may also be handed to James Halliday, | reeve of Portsgouth. The Whig is to-day pleased to acknowledge the following subscriptions: Louise Rebakah Lodge No. 10 From Two Friends Tattle Serre i E. Freeman, ing 'Barnes, RR. 3 K Wool Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Flannel- ettes, Roller Towellings, etc. Bargains Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. 3 W.F Slory Place Your Property Aine ll on Our Selling List. 1918 CALENDARS |! We are offering this week three renl bargains, Arrangements can be made for Inspecting the pro- perties with os at any time. $2800 -- Collingwood St, wolid briek, a $3900 -- Union brick, modern, immediate DoRmensio "., - Each grown-up per- son calling at our of- fice, will receive a _pretty calendar while they last. furnaces, electric light, mod. een improvements, and gure enn, FIRE INSURANCE E.W.Mullin Office Phone 66. Per vo. 1415, Eom su popularity of REXALL _ CHERRY BARK Ea SYRUP a her many other Will relieve, yer on oe he aney hack. v : Rt WERE ty co . Eases. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE and Princess ¥ w= Karl St, double brick, i wi® hot water snd hot air