- - ? . ¢ § THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY; JANUARY 14, 1918. PAGEFIVE ILADT | | SEERA SAA ent process, the world still pulses and Si MESSGE OF ~CONORT = 2 pon ER GOODS! TO A BSORROWING NATION = iThe prophet then turns to the move-« "COMFORT YE MY PEOPLE." ments of God in history, to the "God EI . ' 4 i § 0000 fof our fatherss known of old," and A Sermon Preached in Sydenham! fiids there-the same wisdom and Street Methodist Church on Sun-| power. Because this God is present | * Our Stock of Moccasins, Snowshoes, Overshoes, Overgaiters, Leggings, Hockey Boots, is the + largest and most complete in the city. day Morning By Professor W. G.|1s Word ever manifests new powers) "ALL AT RIGHT PRICES" . HHA ---- i Yom - : express the sublimity and strength of God." This creation is'a living press " "Out of the High Rent District." OComar's Ladies Exclusive "The grass withereth and the flower ] : {fadeth, but the Word of our God! Speaking on the theme "A Mes-|stands forever." Nineveh has fallen, 3 ® sage of Comfort to a Sorrowing Na-| Babylon is about to. fall, but the new 5 y thon," on Sunday morning in Syden-| Jorusalem shall arise as 2 witness ham street Methodist church, Pro-|and servant of the Highest. , fessor W. G. Jordan used as his text| He falls back upon the faith that , the words: "Comfort ye, comfort ye! his nateon is "elect," that it possess- "Opened Saturday Morning and Is Now In my people, saith your God." * Isaiah) es a spiritual and imperishable trea- 1 . XL.-1. He called attention to the sure. «But with him it is not elee- Full Swing fact that it was a hational message| tion to favoritism, privilege and mon- . given to the Hebrew people a. one Bpoly or mere national success. It is EXTRA BARGAINS > ¥ has survived many centuries it still! could not rise to his lofty height, but i speaks with a fresh living voice. It! his thought was clear and his mes- In Every Department Come and See the comes from a poet-preacher who ex- sage pewerful. This led him to a Great Values. = pressed his teaching in picturesque | deeper view of the suffering; he saw ' by a great idea often bursts into song. | gatorial, buf also sacrifical; a disci- We do not pline which-prepared for higher ser- and we are not sure of the exagt|vice. He hoped thaf Israel might be place of "his abode. The national|of service to the great heathen world Jordan. si STOCKS MUST BE CLEARED Regardless of Cost. We want the room -- * Our loss is your gain. Come tomorrow. know the man's name, of their darkest hours, and while it|a éall to service. Many of his people forms and when. iis mind is stirred{that it was not merely penal or pur- situation that he faced is pretty welll and his faith has been justified in the known, but his particular personal circumstances are vague He is not dealing with any small local politics, but with a world-movement that has jerushed his nation, and' that drives him back upon great first principles. His wonderful prophecy was written long course of history. Y ! 2 1 ' Y : . Abernethy's Shoe Store " ) » as Yord of comiort is stitl mebd: FT ME SER RENEE that we can only gain eonsolation in Nn, - sorrow and strength for new service | 2 by a 'faith that links us to God and {ff : to the fate of the world. Our little in one of the most tragic periods plives may have a larger meaning if |}, of Jewish, history, when. the Jand | linked to the life of humanity. We Established 1854 Starting Another Year In Our Honorable Furniture and Under- taking Career. " Satisfied customers who years ago have bought their furniture here, when starting house, in turn have sent their child- "ren to buy and'receive the same satisfac- tion that they themselves have had. ' This year with our enormous stock and abnormally low prices, insures another twelve months' success. T.J.O'Connor 260 Princess St. . Telephone 800 : Higher up street but lower in price always. was most. desolate, the temple in| must 'life up our eyes on high in ruins, and the flower of the nation|the same spirit of reverence and faith and learn that in God alone is the source of our strength and the hope of humanity. aptive in a strange land. Here' he gives the character of his rommission, the nature of his mes- sage; he is called to comfort an af- licted, helpless people. He will write v "Book of Consolation," he will give "omfort to those who are in distress ind liable-to despair. 4 This is a new note in Hebrew pro- ( l R ; | t d phecy. The great prophets were very noo y sensitive to their surroundings; they vere in the best Sense preachers to heir own age. The preacher's busi- 1es8 is not simply to 'repeat the There's a closer relationship be- tnowledge and traditions derived tween feed, poultry and dollars than 'rom the past, he must apply the you may suspect. Right feed means averlasting and ever-growing truth better birds, quicker returns and to new needs. The earlier prophets more money. For bigger dividends on your poultry, let us supply your Ieed. The kind you need Is here, and our advice Is free for the asking. were heralds of judgment and in W. F. McBROOM ome cases messengers of Hoom; this 42-44 Princess Btreet, ' SPECIAL PENSIONS. Are Attached to Those Who Have Won Decorations. Accarding to information which 'has reached military headquarters from Ottawa, the winners of war decorations are to have special pen- sions, The pension attached: to the Victoria Cross is ten pounds a year, With an additional five pounds a year for each bar added to the cross. If the soldier .is killed 'before the award is made, no pension is grant- ed, . ¥ he is killed after the award is made, one year's grant goes to the man's estate as a gratuity, 'and._mno pension jis to continue after -a sol- dier's death. The gratuity of twenty pounds goes with the D.C. M., with an additional twenty .pounds for each bar added to the decoration. If the winner of a DIM. is granted a pension, the gratuity will: not be issued, but in place of it an' extra sixpence per day will be added to the pension. If the pension is a temporary one, a proportion of the twenty pounds will be paid to the man or to his estate in case of death. hTe same conditions attach to the winning of the Military Cross, The above pensions or gratuities ap- ply only to private and mon-commi: sioned. officers, and mot to officers, but in case a man wins any of the honors and is later granted a com- mission, he receives the awards up- on promotion. The gratuities are to be paid in England by the chief pay- 'master of the Canadian forces, but will be recovered by the Canadian officials from the Imperial Govern- ment. In any instance where a win- ner of any of the above decorations has returned to Canada without re- ceiving his award, application should be made to the district paymaster, naterial on difficult discussions con- from where it will be forwarded to rerning faith and works: there are the proper authorities. 10 'social topics' for society is bro- i -------------------a-- keh up and must be crefited anew. He is . s driven back to the beginning; it| RESUMING UNIVERSITY COURSE ' ! NEILSON'S 's not to man he looks but to God. . Ince again it had to be proved that if| He Lost 'a Leg and Portion of an CAMERON (something new) 'he nation is to he saved it must be by . Arm, BEAUMONT. + great faith in the living God, and a Driver Harvey Wilson, Carleton 'rue thought as to the meaning of | Place, went Rote from Kingston for {lf human life. 'a week «with his mother and his Special" at a nd. The thought of this God he pre-| grandfather, Robert Morgan. Har. [ll "PCC i sents in the forefront"of his mes- ys any on Seal], Sropped is : y sage, He claims that. the God of | Stu al eens University when Israel created the' stars that the[ WAr awoke the world to arms. He rouse Babylonians worshipped as gods. |198t a leg and a portion of an arm "Lift up your eyes on high and see through a shell that killed hig horses : "Yor and several~ 'companions. Aftep who hath created these things)' The many months in hospitals he re. 30d who made fie world e th make covered Sufticlently 0 endure the 2 ne + Be ourney to Canada. eds s - words to. show that no words can journey a is sl} yn et st tt Pl Asia At the recent large sales of Raw Furs, the prices have ad- man {is the bearer of a new life. In heir day the nation was prosperous, self-satisfied, arrogant, it needed harp rebuke. But this prophet must meet tragic sorrow and deep-seated skepticism. The nation has been nortally wounded in its patriotism and pTefy; its land, its institutions all le in ruins, Man cried out: "Jehovah ares nothing for our fate and will not vindicate us as His people before the world." > How does fhe prophet meet this! dark situation? Looking merely atl the surface we might be tempted to! say, by dealing tenderly, making his appeal with noble rhetoric and using sweet musical speech. True so far, but that is only the outward form which corresponds to an inward reality. To him in _the hour ef his people's distress there can be no somfort save in a gpeat thought of God "and a great call to service His: message has rich inteflectual content; it is what we call a great theology, its roots are th the past, but it is fresh and living. He is not L roncerned with small questions of Sixty years reputation is our guarantee. Reid's High Quality and Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker with Motor Hearse and Ambulance. ----N \ | ALLENBURY'S FOODS warms ALL SIZES ' ""SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41. - WhichChild Is Yours ? If your child is backward in school, be sure his or to stand the strain. "Our Examinat ion Tells." J. J. STEWART, OPT. D. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. vanced materially on practically all furs, and this means that all furs for next season will be ad- vanced in price. Take advantage of our press ent low prices, C HURRAH The Problem Solved. Reduce the High Cost of Living By Buying Fresh Fish of Ml Kinds at UNITED G CERY, 13 Princess Street, HALIBUT HADDOCK SALMON Cob WHITE FISH HERRING SME SHRIMPS MELTS © HADDIES FILLETS KIPPERED HERRING 1 Delivery te All Parts of the City. "United Grocery. | Ben Lee & Co. : 138 Princess St, ------ FRESH CHOCOLATES JUST ARRIVED H.C. Merriman J A Boyd . Dealer in GROCERIES -------------- MEATS, FLOUR, GRAIN Hay and Straw, Cholee Sok of Christmas Groceriés, snd ége~ =a tables. Phone 847. " 611 Princess Street er eyesight is able Also a supply of "Satarday Phone 207 | ~~ - California Fancy Walnuts 11b. Packages. * : : Libbys Sliced Hawaiiah Pineapple, new fruit just arrived. ~ 2 New Canned Blueberries. : Crawford's Grocery, dér imilitary care, though resuming 'his university studies. In a few months he expects to have the plea~ sure of a mew bone in his aim to Nervous | replace the one destroyed by the en- emy. In appearance he is stout, Headache strong and sterling, and he views his | tuture unembarrassed By his handi- caps. ; 1 ? Was the Source of Much Suffering for This Kingston Lady Until Her Sis- ter Ti er How to Restore the Nerves and Banish "Which One Shall 1 Marry?" Headaches. ls There were Mrs. 8. Topliffe, 64 Union street, Kingston, Ont., writes: «Si "A few months ago I was suffering from nervousnéss, headache, sleep- Saturday ernoon and night. This | drama is presented in allegory and is very interesting. A very capable * BOYS BEEF-SKIN MOCCASINS, REG. "Good Things to Eat" ey Phone 26 ULAR, $250. SIZES1TOS. -- S189 SL BOX KIP BLUCHERS, 1 TO 5. SPECIAL, - i lessness and a general run-down con- dition. While visiting my sisfer, who was using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, she persuaded me to try it, saying she was sare it would help me. 1 secur- ed a box, took it, and continued the Jfreatment until I found myself great- ly benefited and able to sleep quite well. From the benefit 1 have deriv. ed, I would recommend it to anyone Suffering from nervousness and run- down system. dn Hd "I have also used some sof Dr, Chade's Ointment, and find it a very good Sintment 18 keep in the hoee.* If you have. been reading the ports published in this paper TY day to day of cures effected by Dr. company produces it, with Ruth Lee in the. leading role. - The settings are exceptionally good. 'The moral of the play is the vision of choosing happiness to riches and luxury with- out happiness. ---------- Canadian Casualties. Killed in Action--W. Teske, Buck- ingham, Que; F. Tapner, Chandos. s Accidentally Killed. -- Lieut, K. Andersdn, Lindsay, Wounded' -- A. 'N. "MeGibbon, Vankleek Hill. fon 0 Il--Lieut. H. T. Roger, Westboro. Missing -- E. G. Wurtele, Ottawa. {| Mogan | Chase's Nerve Food you will have some idea of the great good it is ac- complishing. . x In 'fact it cannot fail even in the most extreme be-| value fn boys' overcoats from § tole 10 years, in blue and gray, at $3.50; 8. Special from § each--could not be bought wholesale for the above price. ot wie who erm true. worth ee hy ct eg id on account of its delicious fla. vor and pleasing aroma. = 2 joy real comfort . Ep oumiort | Henderson's our buckle 4 oWomen's buckle Overshoes, $2.50 and 2 Women's Higheit: Buti. Overshions. = - withhigh heel, $4.00, sn E Girls' Overshoes, 2 buckle, sizes 11 to favor of the 'power