Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1918, p. 7

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- 3 TN Ey ee---- -- Je BANK or TORONTO Head Office, Toronto, Canada. Capital .. .... Reserved Funds no THRIFT FOR CHILDREN Give your son and daughter a lesson in thrift by opening for them a of Toronto. The Thrift Habit, acquired by the children, will be wort} #ayings account in The Ban lar intervals, i more than the dollars it costs you. Bayings accounts for small or large sums invited at all branches of this ¢ Bahk: 'Geor ge B. McKay, Manager. .. .. $5,000,000 .. $6,555,000 Help them add to it at regu- FOR rear, on Johnson street, near Albert Apply to J. K. Carroll -- Frame House, Stone Foundation, Four Bed 1 oom, Summer and Winter Kitchen, B. and C. SALE Lot 25 x 110 ft. to lane at street, $800 cash, balance like rent. Agency, 56 Brock St. SUFFERING From & weak run-down condl- tion, enused by continued coughs, colds or bronchitis? We would advise the use of Wampole's Prepara- | tion of Cod Liver Oil | It's a good general tonie and lung tissue builder. Lerge bot- tien $1.00, Hoag's Branch Post Office. Kingston Ontario, 170 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers dally; funeral designs and wedding bouquets to. order. Out of town orders given special attention. tn, SWIFT'S Oleemargarine Brookfield Butter, Cotosuet, Lard, Premium Hams and Bacon, Belogna, Headghpese and Sausages, can be had fhesh Friendship's 210 Division St. Phone 545° m---------------- { Carpenter and Builder "R. BILLENNESS J alizsing Store Frouts and Fite Rem x Bulldings of all ESTIMATES 1: EXPERIENCE Ve. Address 272 University A We have just received our new goods for your Christmas Cake and Now Walnuts. 'New Currants, ow New Almonds. ----. Choice Oranges and Grapes, Mixed Cindies and Chocolates and Nuts, : L New Peel, E. H. Cor Montreal and Charles Sta, : Phone 1263. b NOW THEN WAGSTAFFE'S PLUM PUDDINGS At All Grocers. KINGSTON. COVERED RINK 0. HB: A. SENIOR Dentals vs. Queen's Friday, January 18th Admission H0¢, Reserved seats 50¢ extra Plan fur sale of seats opens, Jan, 17th, at rink office at 10 am. Game called at 8,15 pan, FOR SALE. 233 acres, 50 miles from Winnipeg, six miles from smart town; close to schools station and elevator adjoining frm; moll loamy: unimproved. terms to quick buyer, or trade for city property, GG. A. Hateman, 67 Clarence street, Bridge and the Dansant Cotillion (with Favers) Fauey Dancing viation Dance. Under the Auspices of Cntaragui Chap- ter, LODE, City Hall Saturday, Japuary 26th. Three to Seven O'Clock. Admission Soe, Tea 23¢ extra. Exerybody Come and Help the Chap- ter raise funds for patriotie purposes. F.J.JOHNSON - - Leading Florist Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets and Cut Flowers our specinlty. Orders filled promptly, Phone 239, 115 Brock street, » : CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. ~ Ask Your Grocer for New England Bread Only the highest material ob- tainable Manufactured only by: The New England Bread Factory. ° Collingwood Street. v Phowe 618. : GERMAN AIRMAN KILLED Max Muller, One of Germgny's Best, Meets Death. Vice-Sergt. Max Muller, one of the most successful German airmen, is re- ported. Muller was killed in a fall resulting from a defect in his engine. He claimed thirty-eight' victims. in aerial engagements 4 A deserter arrested at St John's, Que., has secured a writ of prohibi- tion against the magistrate, contend ing that Military Service Act cannot be enforced against him Bb use it is unconstitutional. : Two section men, C. Cunaingham, Waterfomd, aud J. Carpenter, Alvin. killed mear ~ Abvinston ston, were A { when a smowplough was upset by & At Kasio, BC. six women are inning 'as aldernianie candidatos in yms, Parlor, Dining |' bs Eany |. Amsterdam, Jan. 16.--~The death of ently ar OPERA GRAN D HOUSE At 230 PM. *1.. CONTINUOUS £1300. Daily Performance Polite Vaudeville A Five Reel Metro" Wonderplay AliasMrs.Jassop The 'Pathe News, Comedy and Other Features, 10¢ Evening 10¢; Reserved, Je Extra Thurs. Jan. 17 Matinee Any Sent The Comedy Néw York Laughed at for 490 Performances. Ie EST RISES] I A Smart Show for Smart People. "The funniest comedy New York © has seen In years."--N.Y. Times. As appetizing as a cherry in a cock- tail. A laugh with every tick of the clock. The show Toronto Newspapers ene dorsed so strongly. a5 Prices, 23¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50. Seats Now on Sale. Two Nights Commencing Friday, Jan 18th Matinee Saturday, Children 23c. F. Stuart-Whyte Presents The English Pantomime ReBINSON CRUSOE With a Company of 30 - Including all the favorites of "Alla din" and a score more. Prices, 23¢, 850¢, 75¢ and $1. Sat. Mat. 25, 35, 50, 75¢. 'Seats Now on Sale. TODAY ONLY + . Lasky Presents . Julian Eltinge, in The Clever Mrs. Carfax. Also 3 Gladys Brockwell, in "The Branded Soul." And Our Great Seria] "The Fighting Trail" Thursday, Friday, Saturday "The Lone Wolf" STRAND "The Theatre With the Organ" Mon., Tues. and Wed. Double Feature Bill Clara Kimball Young "The Dark Silence" F. X. Bushman and * Beverly Bayne, in "The Adopted Son" COMEDY REELS Matinee 15¢. Evening 235¢ COUNCIL IN CRISIS The Crown Prince Hurries to Berlin--Western Offensive HNinted At. , The Hague, Jan. 16.--The Vos sische Zeitung states that von Hin- denburg and Ludendorft arrived im Berlin on Saturday morning appars tly for a new official statement Crown F es iso a. Berlin and Was | } an' Saturday morn by the Kaiser. x = Th Journey of the Crown Prince to Berlin appears sudden. as. he was in Aix-la-Chapelie on Friday night, Says a prisoner's statement, and ap- rival of Ute foners. In some. quarters ju that the Crown Council ) with the a env, Alte running day 'westward, Only thorough ous ly tit the mumicipai elections Emily Stevens in ONE NIGHT ONLY | 7 Crown Council. "An that the} ~/ . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1918. SS ERANNNNSNNNEENANNNNNERERRRRNNND i------ The Peop le's Forum | ---- ____ PAGE SEVEN _ CONDENSED ADVERTISING _RATRS First insertion, secutive | , aif charge for Minimum . 'ome imsertiom, "35e) three insertions, 50c; six $1; ome. month, $2. 1¢ a word. Each com . thereafter, J. HELP WANTED A COOK GENERAL. APPLY IN THE evening 10 18 Wellington street. GOOD STEADY MEN TO TAKE charge of stores. Apply 'A. Davis & Son, Litd. A MAN AN ASSISTANT TO SHIPPER, all dowide work, YA. Chown & Co., 252 Bagot St. EE A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE. work, Small family, Apply 172 Johnson street, GOOD MAID, ONE WHO UNDER. stands waiting on table, Apply Verdun, 232 Brock St. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPER, to work in econfeationery store. Good wages and steady work. Ap- ply P.O, Box 522, Gananoque, Ont. IANOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED AT ONCE Permanent position. Twenty - five a week and overtime for good an Tram provided, + The Sun, I o oe + + PEEPPIF Sed PPP PRP bidd ddd Boys and Girls at Oberndorf- fer's Cigar Factory, Ontario St. WHY NOT LET THE READERS OF this paper 'do busimess with you? Your advertisement in these pages would give them the opportunity to #9 sg. For particulars, phone or write British Whig Pub. Co. FIRST CLASS MAN TO TAKE CHARGE of three Stokes & Smith Machines. Good opening for a young man to stlart rwith a grogressive Tordnto Paper Box House, State experi- ence and salary expected. Apply Box 661 Whig Office, (GIRLS! With or without experience, on sewing na knitting machines. Light work; highest wages paid while learning. Apply Rat SERRE Home By Pictorial Review \ } H : i 1 IL Ey . JACHEY i / DAT / r A model designed especially for development in the tills and gerges. The jacket has applied bor-plaits of the front. At the back there is a doz-plait below a square yoke. mime bes tent oa oh + 1f developed in Poiret twill or one of the fashionable serges of this sea- son, this tailored suit will give ex- cellent wear. The jacket has a bos: (WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF 6ary & Practical Dresr Making Lerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper - A Tailored Suit for Service, : 'POSITION WANTED, YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS Housekeeper to resnediable wid ower, in or near Kingston or Ports. MOU, Ne OLIECLON LO IRA Worn, Apply Box 116, Whig Office AGENTS WANTED. Ji Kx WANTED; MEN TO INTRODUCE MAR. velous household discovery. Ex. perience unmecessary. ' Big money. Linscott Company, Branttord, Ong WANTED GENERAL WANTED TO RENT A FARM NOT TO exceed 150 acres. Apply to A. M, Irish, RR. No. 3, Harrowshith, Ont, ee ---------------------------------------- FURNISHED FLAT OR ROOMS FOR Hght house-keeping, Address HW, Brivish Whig, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or In part payment of new planos and grafanolas. C. W,. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. BICYCLE RIDERS TO BRING THEIR bicycles to Geo. Muller, 373 Xing 'Street, to be oleaned and store for winter; aiso skates hollow ground and sharpened. Phone 1032, TRAVELLERS CALLING UPON MER. chants and business men in East- érn Oatario can connect with a good side line b Appiying to Box |. +. W., Whig Office, fotly econ. fidential WANTED=OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set... Send by parcel post and receive theck by return mail. PF, Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, Md. TEETH; RENT, DWELLING HOUSE, NOT less than eight rooms. Must con- tain all modern improvements. Pos. session immediate. In reply state rent and street location. L.R.G.D., » cars Wii * y 8. cond-hand furniture, toves, have the second-hand ule Shapira, 46 Prin- cess street, Phone 1387. INTENDING PURCHASERS OF TYPE. writers will learn of something greatly ito their advantage by first consulting we. Apply in the first instance to Box H.C, care Whig office, MANY BIG ADVERTISERS FIRST started with a litle ad this size. The cost is go little and the re- fAsults so big. We will Slaaly give ou full particulars. all at the FOUND A RUBBER ON Owner may have same by ap- plying at 414 Albert St. LEATHER MITTEN, . Dee. 17th, 1917, with fur around A LADY'S wrist. Owner mw by ealling at street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. ~ TISED FRES. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so Dy. repontin The British Whi "Found articles". does' pot in- clude lost dogs, cattle, ete. These, Ir ios vertised for in the 8. The adver tisemeni will be printed in this column fred of charge. ¢ FOR SALE. THFSR EFFECTIVE ADVTS, | : ttle, Snes, ei three vines $be; one week, SECOND HAND AUTOS ROUGHT AND sold. Apply io Bert Stansbury, 163 Raglan Kuvad. Phone 769. ALBERT ST, nay have same 821 Princess GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND - TEN selections, your own choice, §3u.86, Terms: §5 cash, $1 per wek. C. W. Lindsay, Limlted, 121 Princess Bt. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS: & the facts to th departs, British: Whig Publishing Co. LARGE STOUK OF EXTENSION TA. t bles and dining chairs, br 1 china cabinets, also ds, springs and mattresses. We buy all kinds of second hand furniture, J. ompson, 333) Princesg street, Phone 1600. 2 3 $LO0OFRAME, 8 ROOMS, CENTRAL RED Finder please notify owner, at 299 BLACK LEATHER Ing typewritten lectures, SPANIEL PU Earl street. A BLACK SABLE MUFF, LINED WITH Vellow, towered satin. return to Whig Office day morniug. Min to Dr. Myl¥ks, 79 STRAY 'P, SATURDAY. location. $1,400--BRICK FRONT, DOWN TOWN, $1L40-FRAME, TWO TO CHOOSE rom; ' one with stable, SLYO-SEVERAL BRICKS; ¢ ROOMS, improvements. . $3,000-FRAME; 7 ROOMS; IMPROVE. ments. Reward for JASE, CONTAIN. Wednes- der kindly return Willam Street RICK; 10 ROOMS; ALL MO- n. ED; | ONTO SOUTH HALF 8rd yearling steers, some by provin ing expenses. RR. No, 1, Con. of township of Olden, on Jan. 5th, 1918, two black and White vf Parham, Ont. - $4.500-BRIOCK;: ALL MODERN; GAR. age; 3 to choose from, $5,000--BRICK; 13 ROOMS; MODERN improvements, ' $5,500 BRICK § ROOMS; ALL MO« arn. OF LOX 3, IN Owner: can' have roperty and pay. iard A. Cronk, SEVERAL TO LET VERY Low PRICED to quick buyers on ea houses ay G. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence. terms. OFFICE WITH ALL 3. A. Bateman, 67 OFFICES IN CLARENCE 87. CHAM. o A. B. Cunningham, street. ieee STORAGE FOR FURNITURE OR MER. chandise, clean and dry. MeCann's Estate Agehey, 82 Brock Bt. ra. Apply t 79 Clarence Real Phoned 326 or STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, airy rooms; Tay, rost's © Rueen street. Phone 526; res. 989. CONVENIENCES, Clarence street, FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND IJV ment BSoclety; Incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H. R. Smith M.G.; vieespresident, W. F. Nie. oney Issued on eit kle, K.C. and farm perties, municipal an country debentures; mortgages pur. aL ogg sale; 08 - terest allowed R. C Oar wright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. our own lock and - y Storage, 299 IVERPOOL, LONDON AND GG n office or drop us a postal today. British Whig PubHshing Co. EITHER FURNISHED HOUSE oR housekeeping apartments furnished of four or five rooms, or sitting room with two bedrooms for officer and wife. Best references. Reply to Box 10, R.C.H.A. Officers Mess, Teds du Pont Barracks, or Phone oo +H 1 plait et the center-back and applied HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH by wits 4nd sin blo removed permane THIS DEPARTMENT glad to hear from ot using ol Write or Phone us about be able to help you. y Whig Pub, Co. Fire Insurance Company. Available Assots $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of city prope insured st lowest possible rates. Before renewin old or giving new business rates from Strange & Strange, IS ALWAYS any one thinking @ Saventisias: it e British UNFURNISHED ROOMS (2) ELECTRIC light; tot and cold water, on bath mom floor; abou from car line; re respectable party: 121, care Wiig, PERSONAL i RETURNSD SOLDIER DESIRES LADY fuiend fn city. ce. Ap T ONCE -- IF LONELY; MARRY A write me; and I w dreds of descrip people, worth $1, Seekin Ralph % . and all gro ish marriage; vde, San Francisco, Cal. Agents, Phone 335. . t three minutes' asonable to good Address Box BUBINESS CHANCES . oo y INVESTORS WARNING DONS INV one cent until you read Finance, and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors.R Free trial subscription. Su ful Finance, 608 Dearborn " Calcago. ply Box 115 Whig ~ REEVE Nerve Specialist » Years of experience enables me - to treat difficult cases success- fully. Call, or state case py let- ter. 18 Cariton Street, Toronto. {11 send you hun- tons; congenial 000 "a $350,000; (Confidential). DENTAL ® box-plaits in front. The skirt is a side-plaited affair," with high waist. line. In medium size the entire costume requires 51; yards 54-inch material. : . Although both%the Jacket and skirt are illustrated, today's home dress. making deals with the butting of *he Jacket only, If possible hse a 1abla long enough to accommodate the full length of material required for the Jacket. Fold .it in half, then place into position first the upper sleet section, the large "0" perforations ttt P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or dro street. - = DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, ving resumed bust orders for fall and Address 202 Alfred street. LEGAL EE ------------------------------------------------ BA. 8. EB. KNAPP, L.D, DDS, $ffice, 2358 Princess strest Phone a card, 23 John DR J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot stronts. Phone 624. : -- Mr AR nt, REY war, oes bE. ssslstant, Phone 348/ X: ' DRESSMAKER ness, solicits winter work ARCHITECT resting on a lengthwise thread. Op- posite the sleeve place the froat, the _ Straight edge running pardllel with the selvage and the large "0" vor forations on a lengthwise thread The pocket is laid to the right of the front, then the applied plait is slip. ped into the little space remaining between the pocket and undérslesve sections. Place it disgonslly on the ~erge, but be sure to have the large "0" perforations resting on a length: wise thread. The yoke and collar are laid along the lengthwise fold of ma- terial, the right and back being place ed to the right of these sections. and 2iso on the lengthicise fold. The 'straight edge of the underfacing is Jaid even with the selvage and the lower slegve action rests on the ma. terial in such a way that the large = a Horatio arp on a lengthwise T ~ On the whole, skirts are. not as B. COUNNI and solicitor. 78 Clarence str WANTED NGHAM, BARRISTER law office, eet, * HELPERS, HANDY MEN AND LABOR: ERS, CA ULKERS AND CHIPPERS. . HIGHEST WAGES PAID. - CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE LOA COM. * PANY, LTD. - : much. lengthened as was oxpeeted from early-season advices. While the njtra-short skirt {3'no more; the length in many instances is adjusted to the lines of the individual figure. parently intending to await the ar- German repatriated pris-| x cents. Bkirt No. 4774. "Bizes, 21 to 37 inches waist Pictorial Review Jacket No. 7294. Siz os, 34 to 48 inches bust. Price, 20 Insurance! - XN and night] of 7 8 Price. 15 eants. ey

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