THE CHIEF CHARM OF LOVELY WOMAN : Soft, Clear, Smooth Skin Comes With The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES". 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto, Nov, 10th, 1915. A beautiful complexion isa handsome woman's thief glory and theenvy of her less forfunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear skin ~=glowing with health --is only the' natural resull of pure Dlood. "1 was troubled for a considerable. time with a very unpleasant, disfiguring ash, which covered my face and fors &lrT used applications and remedies | without frelief, After using "'Vruit-a- tives' for one week, the rash is com- pletely gone. [am deeply thankful for #he reliclfand in the future, I will not be 'without * Fruit-a-tives", NORAH WATSON, &0c. a box, 6 for $2.70, trial size, 25¢. * At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Frulledives Limited, Ottawa, JOAN M. PATRICK Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Sult Cason, Trunks repaired and refitted, | 149 Sydenham Street Government FISH PRESH EVERY DAY OLEOMARGARINE DAIRY and CREAMERY BUTTER Buy Here and Bave Maney. C. H. Pickering, 400 & 492 Princess Street. Hi ough Remedy ALWAYS RELIEVES And is PLEASANT and SAFE. - Have You Tried Oleomargarine Yet ? If not, we carry the best along with a full stock fee groceries, at = of cho X Thompson's Grocery 204 Princess St., Rhone 387. Don't Neglect yougstomach. Keep it strong d well. When food disa- 332 King Street, - Resldence Pa x By . Copyright, 1915, by Bundle of clothes and reach malacey stick owner grasped it tenficiously léngth, Without trying to dise the clasp Woodhouse gripped the wood mid: at at ) NEE Pra. "Son of a pig!" near the érook of the handle with his left_Hand, while with his right he ap- plied torsion above. The crook turned on hidden threads and came off in his hand. An exploring forefinger in the expased hollow end of the cane en- countered a rolled wisp of paper. Woodhouse pocketed this, substituted in its place a thin clean sheet torn from a cardcase memorandum, then screwed the crook on the stick down on the secret receptacle, By the light of a match he asshired himself the pa- per he had taken from the cane was | what be wanted. "Larceny from 'the person--guilty," he murmured, with a wry smile of dis- taste. 'But gssault--unpremeditated." The conveyance trundled down a long it of stone and stopped by the side of a Black bull spotted with round eyes of light, The driver, scenting a tip, helped Woodhouse lift Capper to the ground and prop bim against a bulkhead. A Ubos'n, summoned froin Le Vendee by $he cabby's shrill whis- tle, heard Woodhouse's explanation with symptaby. : "Occasionally, yes, m'sien; the pas. sengers from Marseilles have these re- grets at parting," he gravely comment- ed, accepting the Yicket. Woodhouse had rummaged from the unconscions man's waliet and a ¢rinkled note from Woodhouse's. Up the gangplank, feet firft, went the new agent of the Wil helmstrasse. The one who called him- golf "captain in bis mwajesty's signal service" returned to his hotel, bor for Alexandrig via Malta, bearing a very sick Billy Capper to lis destiny Five Tours later the Castle liner Cas: fle Claire. for the Cape via Alexan- dria aud Spez glirect..salled out of the old port, et pasdengefs a Cap tain Woodhouse. : CHAPTER IV. Ny 3° 32 Queen's Terrace. UST before the Castle Claire raised the breakwater of Alex. andiia cane ® wireless, which was posted dt the head of the silagn companionway: cr Germany 'declares war on Russia. Ger- may fAving column reported moving through Luxemburg on Uelglum. The fire Wag set to the grain, Upon landing Captitin Wandhouse's tirst Tmiginess was to go to a hotel en | the Grand square; whicly ig the favorite | stopping place of officers coming dows from the Nile country. He fought bis wiiy through the predatory hordes of yelling donkey boys and obsequious paused for a second behind a screen to the desk! = _ 5 y : "Alsi, a rodom With bath everlook- vers coul" the desk smiled a welcome. | "Perhaps" o. (A se MWabdhonse turned his back on the ed for the} Gibraltar?® Even in his coma itp} | i | 0 At dawn La Vendee cleared the har# dragomans, at the door .and entered | the palm shaded court hich served Hag office "and lounge. Woddhouse of palm leaves and cast a quick eye around the tourt. - None of the loung. | 1 ers there was known fo him. He strode ing thie gardens on the north. side The Greek clerk behind Woodhouse sunswered THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Lines" EAPL DERR. BIGGERS the and ROBERT WELLS RITCHIE the Bobbs-Merrill Co "Um! When is the frst beat out for Woodhouse asked. "Weil, sir. the Priucess Jat i doe to sail at dawn day after tomorrow," the Greek answered judiciously. "She is reported at Port Said today; but, of course, the war"-- away. y "But you wish a room, sir--nice room with bath, overlooking" -- "No," "You then?" "Not bere," brusquely and blinding square, | He strode swiftly around the statue | of Mehemet All and plunged into the | bedlam crowd filling a side street. | With sure sense of direction he thread- | ed the narrow alleyways and bystreets until he had come to the higher part of the mongrel city, near the Rosetta | gnte. There he turned into a little i French hotel, dituated far from the disordered pulse of the city's heart. A | sort of peusion it was¢, known only to { the occasional discriminating tourist. Maitre: Mouquere was proud of the i anonymity his house preserved and ab- bored poor, driven Cook's slaves as he would a plagne. In his &ap de Li- berte one 'was lost to all the world of | Alexandria. | Thither the captain's baggage had | been sent direét from the steamer. | After a glass with Maitre Mouquere { and a half hour's discussion of the i day's great news Woodhouse pleaded {a touch of the sun and went to his | room. There he remained until the | gold of sunset had faded from the i mosque of Omar's great dome and all | the city from. Pharos and its harbor {ledge of masts to El Meks winked with lights. Then he took carriage to the railroad station and entrained for tamleh. What South Kensington is to London and the Oranges are to New York, Ramleh is to Alexandria---the suburb of homes. There pretty villas lie Mm the lap of the delta's greenery, skirted by canals, cooled by, the winds off Aboukir bay and shaded by great palms---the ore beauty spot in all thi hybrid product ef cast and west that is the present city of Alexandria. Remembering directions he had re- ceived in Berlin, Woodhouse threaded shaded streets until be paused before a stone gateway set in a high wall. On one of the pillars a small brass plate was inset. By the light of a nearby arc Woodheuse read the inscription. on it, "Emil Kech, M. D,, 32 Queen's Terrace" He threw back his shoulders with a sudden gi {which might have been taken for that of a man about to make a plunge, and rang the bell. The heavy LY a y all the space of i open a tall Numi- he He nod- ded| an affirmative to Woodhouse's question and led the way through an avenue of flaming hibiscus to a house set far back under heavy shadow of acacias, On every hand were gardens, rank foliage shufting oft this walled yard from the street and neighboring dwellings. The heavy gate closed be hind the visilor. with a sharp snap. One might have said that Dr. Koch lived in pretty secure isolation. Woodhouse was shown into a small room off the main hall, by its furnish. ings and position evidently a waiting room for the doctor's patients. The Numidian Bowed and disappeared. Aloné, Woodhouse rose and strolled aimlessly about the room, flipped the covers of magazines on the table, pick- ed up and; hefted the bronze Buddha on the onyx mantel, noted, with a care: less glance, the position of the two windows in rélation te the entrance door' gud the folding doors, now shut, which doubtless gave 'on the consulta: tion room. As he was regarfiing these doors they rolled back, and a short, thickset man, with a heavy ane of iron "gray hair and black brush of beard, stood between them. He looked at Woodhouse through thick lensed expected to find a friend, Woodhouse passed out returned into the leIngaye to his stare a curl: * Woodhouse turned' P { like mine | have' te intrude'--it Was haf" and "indrade™ as Woodhouse gave these words--*"hecause I coul | not be here during sour office hours. You will pardon? Dr. Koch's eyes widened just percep. | tibly at the bint of a Germanic strain {in his visitor's Speeth--just a hint quickly glossed over. But still be re | mained standing in his former atti- tude of Ainnorance. "Was the sun. them, too hot to ber mit you to come to my house during regular office hours? At nights I see no batients--bositively none " "The sun--perhaps" Woodhouse re- | plied guardedly. "But as 1 happened | just to arrive 'today from Marseilles and your name Was strongly recom- mended to me as one to consult in a case such as mine" -- "Where was my name recommended to you and by whom?" Dr. Koch inter- rupted in sudden interest. ; Woodhouse looked 'at him steadily. "In Berlin--and by a friend of yours," he answered. § | "Indeed?" The doctor stepped back | from the doots and motioned his visk tor into the consultation room. "So a friend--a friend in Berlin told you to consult me, eh? Berlin is a ous way from Ramleh, especially in {these times. Greater physicians than 1 live in Berlin. Why"-- ' "My friend in Berlin told me you were "the only physician who could help me in my peculiar trouble." Im- perceptibly the accenting of thg aspir- ates in Woodhpuse's speech grew more marked; bis_foice took on a' throaty | character. "By some specialists my | life even has been set to end in a cer- | tain Year, so sure is fate f6r those af- flictad like myself." "So? What year is if, then, yon die?" Dr. Koch's strangely detached eyes--those eyes of glass glowing dim. {ly in the shadow--seemed to flicker | palely with a light all their own. Cap- | tain. Woodhouse, sitting under the white spray of the shaded incan- descent, 160ked up carelessly to meet the stare. : : "Why, they givé me plenty of time to enjoy myself," he answered, with a light laugh, "They say in 1982" "Nineteen thirty-two!" Dr. Koch stepped lightly to the closed folding doors, trundled them back an inch to assure himself nobody was in the wait. ing room, then closed and locked them. He did similarly by a hidden door on the opposite side of the room which Woodhouse had not seen, After that he pulled a chair close to his visitor and sat down, bis knees almost touch. ing the other's. He spoke very low in German, "If your trouble is so serious that you will die in 1932 I must, of course, examine yoa for--symptoms." For half a mifute the two men look. ed fixedly at each other. Woodhouse's right hand went slowly fo the big green scarab stuck in his cravat. He pulled the pin out, turned it over in his firigers and by pressure cansed the scarab to pop out of the gold backed setting holding it. The bit of green stone lay in the palm of his left hand, its back exposed. In the hollowed back of the beetle was a small squire of paper folded minutely. This Wood- "house removed, unfolded and passed to- the physician. The latter seized it avidly, holding it close to his speecfa- cled eyes and then spreading it against the light as if to fead a secret water. mark. A smile struggled through the Jungie of his beard. He found Wood- house's hand and grasped it warmly. "Your symptom tallies with my diag- 'nosis--1032," he bégan rapidly, "Five days ago we heard froni"the Wilhelm. stragge you would come. We have ex. pected you each day now. Already we have got word through to our friends at Gibraltar of the plan. They are waiting for you." | "Good!" Woodhouse commented, He was busy refolding the thin slip of pa. per that had been his talisman and fit- ting it into the back gf the scarab. "Woodhouse--he is alreAdy at the Ho- tel Khedive; saw his name on the register when I landed from the Castle this morning." Now the captain was talking in familiar German. "Quite 80," Dr. Koch put in. "Wood. biouse came down from Wady Haifa yesterday. Our man up there had ad. vised of the time of his arrival in Alex- andria to the minute. The captain has his ticket for the Princess Mary, which sails for Gibraltar day after tomorrow at dawn." "WHO WILL WIN THIS BATTLE?" Your kidooys arc the fliers of the body. If they become inactive and fail to elim, innte the wasts matter, they are apt to throw the who's mechanism of the body out of order, tuus toxic poisons can ae comulate in the system and be as deadly LJ x oF . Besides catsing the ninor silments rhopmatism, sciatica, lumbago and back ache, neglect of the kidneys is apt tc dev, into mors sbrious diseases, such ae 1h te or Monesin the bladder. body of toxic poisons--clean the bladder and Kidwers and cure the twinges of rheumatisni with Apuric and you win the hattle of Iife. An Tavalids' Buffalo, N. Y., or bran ofiice, Bridgeburg, Out., 10 cents for trin i : SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1918. 97 Piece Dinner Set and lovely Silverware GivenTo You penny of cost this magni.' Y ficent complete 97.piece English Dinner Service and a lovely set of half-dozen Wm A. Rogers teaspoons, plates, 12 bread and butter plates, 12 sou ta gravy baat, pickledish, and a 'salad a Pils The beautiful set of Teaspoons are in the Ee { i OU can secure without a >, ! &) We are determifled 10 establh 3 Lite Building Blood Tonic and Nove Bas deal rel resentatives in all parts of Can: dy to their friends and neigh! cent preminms, rl h oe 2 La PTR: Apis 3 Bo a pec 0 a 3h bad Each dinner service is guarahteed full size for famil famous Wm, A. Rogers French Read our Wonderful Offer } putation for Dr. Edson's Famous | crve Pills and are sparing no expense to secure rep i ada who will help us by iatrbduciog this famous rem. bors. That is why we offer to give away these magnifi. = YEAS TA La Et ny =a y use. its 97 pieces colnprising 17 cups and 12 saucers, 12 tea plates. 12 dinner tes, 12 sauce dishes, 2 platters, 2 oval covered vegetable dishes, a cream jug, covered sugar bowl. a hgndsomely decorated in rich floral design and wilVsurely delight the most fastidious housekeeper, Camation design with French grey handles and brightly polished bowls. Will you sell just 12 boxes among your friends at only 25¢, per box? You can easily do this because every one ou know will be glad to learn of this Erand remedy, Its one of the world's best known prescriptions, a tried and proven remedy for weak and impure blood, mervousness, indigestion, consti We pay all delivery charges on these Canadian Teaspoons Genuine Wm. A.Rogers make ~the most beadtiful pattern ever seen. cent spoons will delight any housekeeper and they are isfaction in wear, anaemia. In all run down conditions of the system it will be found a grand blood | builder and revitalizer, and as a general tonic for blood and serves it has no equal Carnation French Send No Money Just send your name and address to-day and we will send the 12 boxes postage paid. You will be able to self them quickly and easily because | every purchaser of a box can obtain a beautiful gift of fine silverware from us free. { Thea return our money, only $3.00, and we will promptly send you, all delivery 1 charges paid, the beautiful set of spoons, and the handsome dinner set you can also | receive without selling any more goods by simply showing your fine reward among | your friends and getting only six of them to sell our goods and earn our fine prem. iums as you did. We pay all delivery charges right to your door. REMEMBER YOU TARE NO RISK. You do not spend a cent of your own money, We trust you with our goods until sold and if for any reason you cannot . solf them we will take them back and give you beautiful premiums or pay you 2 big cash commission on the quantity you do sell. Write if you wish to take ad. | vantage of this liberal offer. It gives you the opportunity tife-time. Address X26 These magnifi. aranteed to give every sats Grand Promiutas ------ td A ----------- No. 1932 lister od to pir. Koch's out? lining of the plot with set features. Only that he was acutely alive to every detail. Said le: "But Woodhause--this Britigli cap tain who's being transferred from the Nile country to the Rock--has he ever served there before? Wohon | get thére--when. 1 am Captain f Woodliouse of the signal service--1 wil} be embarrassed if 1'do not know the ropes. : "Seven years ago Woodhouse 'was there for a very short time," Dr. Koch explained, --changes all around in the rersonnel of the staff, I don't doubt. You'll have no trouble." his eves showed broken by the captain. "Qur friends at Gib--who are they, and how will I know them?" The- doctor bent a sudden glance of suspicion upon the lean face before him. His thick lips clapped together stuble nly. Ing questions! In my time at Berlin the Wilhelmstrasse taught that all or- ders and {nformation eame from above --and fron? there only. Why"-- "1 suppose in default of other infor: mation I may ask (he governor to point out the Wilhelmstrasse men," Wood- house answered, with a shrug. "I was told at Berlin I would learn all that was necessary to me as I went along; th ore 1 supposed' -- $ "Come, come!" -Dr. Koch patted the other's shoulder with a heavy joviality. "So you will. 'When you arrive at Gib 'put up at the Hotel 8plendide and you will nut be long learning who your friends are. 1, for instance, did not besitate overmuch to recognize you, and I am under the eyes of the Erg. lish here at every turn even though I am a naturalized Enclish citizen--and of undoubted loyalty." He finished with a booming laugh. 2 "But Woodhouse--youn have arrang- el a way to have him drop'out of sight before the Princess Mary sails? There will be no confusion, no slip-np?" "Do not fear," the physician reas. sured. "Everything will be arranged. His baggage will leave the Hotel Khe. dive for the dock tomorrow night, but it will not reach the dock. Yours"'--- "Will be awaiting the transfer of | tags at the Cap de Liberte~Mouquere's little place," the eaptain finished. "But If he has, why, | "New governor sijice then | Silence between them 'for a rhinute, | "Ala, my dear friend, you are ask. | the man bimseif--you're not thinking of mur"-- | : : "My dear 1932," Dr. Koch interrupt: | ed, lifting protesting hands, "we do | not use any such crude methods. They | are extremely dangerous The real | Captaln Woodhouse will not leave | lexandrin--by sea, let us say<for | many months, afthough 1 have me | doubt he will not be found in Alexa | dria tbe bour the 1'rincess Mary sails, The papers he carries--the papers of identity and of transfer from Wady | Halfa to Gibraltar--will be in your bands in plenty of time. You"-- den electric buzzer somewhere in the | shadowed room was clucking an alarm. | Koch pressed a Lufton at the side of | the operating chair. There was a sound beyond closed doors of s one pass- | king through a ballway; tront dood opened and closed. (Continued Next Saturday) The Egyptian Pyramids. i The pyramids of Egypt are thirty. | eight in number and stretch for some fifty" geographical miles nlong the western reach ol the Niie: Valiey, Just where the Liblan desert and the cultivated land struggles for exten- sion, or from nearly opMpsite Helio- polis to past the sité of Memphis, Of the whole number, only one, the' first, most porthern, or "Great Pyra- mid," is & true pyramid; thirty-four are metre imitations---ie., only ap- proximately true----while the remain- Ing thiee scarcely deserve to be classed as pyramids at all. ~~ Danish West Indies. In the Danish West Indies the blucks far outnumber the whites, ang in some places all the business, 'many of tho estates, and practically all the Government offices ' are von+ trolled by them, yet there is no cause for complaint on the part of the white population. Civic and business matters are run as well and every- thing goes on as smoothly as if a casians were adi storing the af- - The doctor stopped abruptly. A hid. | | The International Mfg. Co.,Dept.D 68 Toronto, Ont. Se "BLUE BONNETS" -- A New Fabric with New Features. ** Blue Bonnets" meets the needs of the ho % utiful, 0 that weary without wernkling, repel Sus an auncirs pert. Adil aL tailor-made dresses. sport coats and skirts, chi # garments, petticoat, ete, Alsodrap- eries, furniture coverings etc. Guarsateed dye fast and dunbler Wide variety of ex. quisite patterns. with same of dealer and If you desler doesn't carry "Blue Bonnets" send ua ie we will sesd him samples and notify him of your request. __ LESHER WHITMAN & CO. lac, 881 Broadway, New York Hae --~-- Women Relieved A > Home Women'¥ dis rdérs always yield Ffrom the very: beginning of the nt to the mild, t effeative, of Orange Lily Within two ree days after commencing its use the improvement bheéogwes no- ticeable, anc 8S improvemant cons tinues until the patient is completes ly restored. Orange Lily i8 an ap- plied or local treatment, and aots directly on the w manly organs, re- 1 ng the cong lon, toning and edt circulatio in the diseased en of the value of this rem he treatment, abrolutely FR stamp and address MRS, ts evarvwhere strengthening the nerves, pars. in order to convince will send 'a $i-cent box each lady sending me her address, W. LADD, Windsor, Sold by 1 ot tt AP Pt dai 1 soft igh fe # Few Drops When Corns Hurt, ~ Pain Stops! Corns Lift Qut Don't let corns ache twice! Lift any corn or , callus off with fingers-- Here's magie! No Any corn,| Put a few drops directly upon, whether hard, soft or between! any tender, aching corn or eal the toes, will loosen right up| lus. Instantly the soreness dis: and lift out, without any pain. appears and shortly the corn This drug is called freczonc| or callus will loosen and can be nd is a compound-of ether dis. | lifted off with the fingers. covered by a Cincinnati chemist Freezone doesn't eat out the Ask at any drug store for a: corns or 'alludes but shrivels small bottle of freezone, which! them without any irritation. will" cost but a trifle, but is Women! Keep freezons on sufficient to rid one's fee of| your dresser 20d apply a few every corn or callus. Tt is the| drops whenever a corn begins most marvelous drug known, | aching. Pain stops, corn goes! humbug! Post FAIRY PALACE DOLL HOUSE, 3 BEAUTIFUL DOLL SETS, RING R EE AND "PRINCESS PAT" DOLL od presents sae Just think girls Wo will give you all these | Perfims. 1p want voi to try tham snd oan gra al ately without cost. First | aw deficinas they sre, With your sample we The Biz Beautiful Fairy Palace Doll House. | will send Just 3% havdecme big packages to #0 Mig and roouty that it will hold & whole | introduce among your friends At only 100 family of dolls: then a real Wash Set, conrint- | each, That is sass. Open your sampls package ing of wash tub, 'wash Joanl, wringer, iron | and ask everyone to try » Fairy Berry, Every, and stand, big clothes basket, clothesline and | ona fost loves them «ther perfume the breath, A little ease full of dolly clothes Ped : then | purify the mouth and leave & dv Vigh gg Jase. you Ket & five-piece hakihg wet. containime | ing fragrance. Freryons takes a package or hakabaard, rolling pin. potate master, mixing | two at onvn, #0 son will sell them all very Tow) and basin ; the besutiful baby doll carr: | eickiy. Thon patirn or money pely, $3.30. ge you 8ge ahve, handsome as ar be with | and we will promptly send you (he big gett a fine parasol and Anal, and & | hous, complels wash set. vakifig set, doll Joely oid shell ring sat with beautiful spark. | corriags aiid ring. Just as vom sed thems, and . Apher. lash bas not least, every girl ann | ths Jovy big "Princess Pac> doll you ean ~ over 164 igh: Ian "mudefa-Oamady" | A190 Tevaive far simply tng your grand beauty, with unbeeakable heed, aud she js | PIUVRIX AMOUR Four frie od geting only drooncd complotely from head to foot, real | UN7w8 of them 16 sell Fairy Ferries and sam Shoes, y dress and bat. i our lovely promicien as yon dl. : GIRLS Write 10-4dy and wa will tend you Write today ghis-Wa army 10 stand payment of xf ory Free ag of igy Berries, | chases on your prorents and (von con's sett sit {he ay hd Sandy Confed Presth | will Takes the i Address THE FAIRY BERRY CONPANY. i bork aml FY9 You proses fuk what guy do well DEPT. EB. a2 TORONTO. ONT. 130 MATHIEU'S SYRUP | OF TAR Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, "Whooping Corel Rhine Ete. ! ghortly, dnd he turned the register | around fo tend the Sates af ogi! cent comers. On- the. fivst 'giage he A ilantic Port, mod found. nothing interest him, buy i ET ooula | an Sian ie Jan, is. ae among The arrivals of the day before A Be ; and: breadstuifs in Cubs 'were con-! he Maw this entre: "C. 6G. Woodhouse, : i So aed By : : 4 Capt Rig. Service: Wady Halfa." Ate ; a. : er it Was entered the room numb | RE # : ondbouse read right over Ge name MATHIEU'S SYRUP i: a sovereign-tanic combining | the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening vigtues of COD LIVER OIL. : . Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of sucha grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. SYRUP is the only i by No Flour In Havana, remedy whose ree mitations of doubtful valve, ish. canssd to crop up All Kinds of Fresh |