= She Daily British KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 191 BATTERY OF HEAVY BRITISH FIELD PIECES AND THEIR CREWS ON THE ROADSIDE NEA R NEUVILLE VITESSE, BRITISH WEST FRONT. 3 Russian inl soldiers of the "Btatalion of Death" assembled in front of their barracks at Tsarskoe Selo, fifteen miiles south of Petrograd, the seat of two former Impfrial palaces." The "Bittalien Germans get the re range of «& shell-torn tree on whidh the Freneh have v of Death" remained Joyal te the last to the ierensky Provisional Government and the Alligé, has never been disbanded, and is still counted as an effectiv military unit. -- their telegraph axd tclephone wires. , "Nikolai Leslie; Prime Minister and head:ol the Bolshevist Government, addressing Rusbian soldiers and workingmen in front of the Winter Sir F Niwas Carson presiding at a popular sale in London of Brits Palace, Petrograd. The stand on whick Premier Lonine is speaking can be seen on the extreme left of the picture, right, by Lady Curzon, and, on his left, 3]. Bodin Navy, §; = hE gs - Wo ps bandits. #