PAGE. FOUR - = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1918. THE BRITISH WHIG! party issue, and between. the war ry does net' lie in its financial | PREMIER HALTS THE policy (and nothing, else mattered) jcTedX or in its material resources; | TALK OF SEPARATION . , it les in ity of the p< tion to | of Sir Wilf ability popula of the Unionists and rid 1 ate them effective. We can make I . Lautier there wis Lo hesitation 4 J thein. effective only by hard work | Denies There Was Disloyalty : feciding., With the realization of U Every. 1 and. Woniz i hi : army iy ad eserans < our land, OB A aman i "| in Francoeus Motion Faith |i : and of our obligation to the boys Satignal duty 16,put forward ome- | n nfederation. ¥ ¥ Ir © rod oes 30m 5 1 ---------- overseas, there could be no hesita- | 1 ened : ing Quebec, 5 that will contribute toward win Jan. 25. Lomer tion, We stood by Canada : 85TH YEAR. " the war. It is a duty from which Gouin, Prime Ministe | My. Pettypiece is right There! no one who has health ar strer {lative Assembly, told his own people tt ig entitled to claim exemption in the province, in effect, that re- 4 ? when gr a : ffect, that x: conld be no hesitat tuty ein criminations against other provinces "land loyaMy so early otnted the could lead to no good, that despite way. Many of the Whig's ofd read- s FOR JOLLATY. {all difficulties and insults--which pe ros ers have dropped out--for the time We hope, despite the dole were the work of a few pedple, and why oT not of the majority of' the people being at least--pome in anger, some w Despite the shortage talk, ay oer rit a_people, re havi @ get 8 1 ) the ot: peS----1} Tan- with regret, while others have step- 2 Shffigien ho B alk adian_ Confederation was the only ped forward to take their places. A "New York Sun, system of government for Canada, few days ago a resident of a vitage on 7g and that all must conginue 10 work north of the ycity called at this of-] "My son wants to marry your LO ro, 1 hat. the Pr ht aye by i a " gr thd the Pro- fice, and said to the editofly: +v- pi 8aushiar. Can » Lops A psn vince of Quebec had not 2 at- re i » S01 ¥ ve > ~- 4 ."1 have never taken yo Paper. | thing to cook it with.' Baltimore Rocked Bl De Soul governyent. But the other night I wasn a store | American u 4 slanders, ang 6 ; 8 on " veciall 5 N= where the Whig and its attitude on f : ' 3 A yi Sinlayaity y und Semi-Weekiy by " a te oor Pudge, he eapnot take a bath, | y el. sacadtal hi a Tt WHIG PUBLISHING Union Government were being dis- He is 80 tar Stott > vince. The difficulties which C€0.,, LIMITED. tussed. One Joud-mouthed fellow | por when he gots into the tub province had in the past, he pointed swore he wouldn't have 'that rag of| The water splashes out. gut, Wete legal difticulties, nylon | 3) vig again: said he' Boston Transcript. or courts of law to settle, and In A TH ibd a Whig in his hawse agin; gad » P the past the/province had won in . 3 Was go to 8 t one sak i SE I - "ts h 2-1 going to stop it at once by \'Smith gave me a couple of sent ts the courts. J 3 to him, 'If you do, &---- you, Fl} sok (10 theatre to day." \| J N. Francoeur, father of the take it, and that will. even things|' "Toppjeed dts get ready imme- famous motion, in following. the Kaitorial Rooms Taare . Prime Minister, withdrew. his pro- f \ up! That's why I'm here, to-day, | Hately. g ; i ; \ | : a, P iE 8 why iy herq to-day "Po: and ph 5 You' H be in time posal. Consequently there was no / \ Fil { Hare's your mogey. fot ont 1 tts are for to ior opportunity for a vote of \ . EDL. . And he went away satistied and | row evening Cassell's Saturday Eg hr : * he " / to United 8 2. happy, just as he left us. Thera | Journal. S . A) oa am Weckly Edition) $1.00 | have fen other callers who weren't RT ¢ MAKE DESERTE ¥ : go : a ear, if not paid fn advance $1.50 ite so © 4 y He thought he saw an aeroplane ; AID PRODUCTION one Jo to Dito Btatce $1.50 quite so courteous or obliging. ae : . " NN i o aia" Fo sailing MFOuSH tieskl YON - bof Size 29 to 34. and three months pro v = ------ He ked again, and saw as i i i | --SONTHEAL FEFRBSENTATIVE SRWILDRERING WAR FIGURES. | 1%/00ked again, and saw it was. (Swiss Mobilize Foreign Refu- ; INTAT Ono of 'the few forel lowers 1 1. ant Have sssort."' "ho: sale ees and Set Them at W 00, . 0 ORONTS. REPRESENTATIVE © 6 of the few foreign reviewers |"I can't have no dessert." he said | @ t Work ; . Pure wool worsteds and serges. Bloomer ' y 'Aisa 38 COS ifi~ "When apples are so high!" Li Hoy ... 1005 Traders Bank Bldg of the war who discusses costs "In ippies 20. 5 on Land. o ONFrRD STATES REPRESENTATI :| stead of policies presents in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. pant. These suits were intended by the mak P.R.Nonthrup, 325 Fifth Ave, New York g 4 : i ----p-- Berne : 25 __ Hq of 11 ¥.K Nopihrup, 1510 Asn Bide. Chicago | Manchester Guardian a statistical Judge--Now, sir, tell us about ha rne, Jah, : "Half eae ors to be sold for $10, $12, $13. 50. ri OT 6 s aatare |v g 4 alati i" AP: yt J AR aye lak- 3 Letters to the Pditor ure pudlished showing of the tremendous wastage your martial relations; were they ge in Switzerland as desert- onty over the actual name of the|of war for three years past. The | Pleasant? ers or. in order to avoid military writer, stati a ~ y : Bilback--Pledsant enough, your {eervies i hair = ep fr ._ | statistics apply to Europes battling | gr mrt oy wanted Re service in their own country are fo Sa eo 0 en' S . 3 ua i Attached "is one of the best job nations, the United States being ex- . But they wanted to live On {he mobilized by the Swiss Goiern printing offices in Canada. me all the time.---Life. i A : ment for eivilian service. They have : cluded as a, beginner. Estimates, Fikitdry is the et fools been formed into companies of 150 The circulation of THE BRITISH )| Necesarily speculative, enter-into the "5, '0; ee i -- each under the supervision »¢ Swiss WHIG In nuathenticnted by the calculation, but these, the reviewer |y . 5 oo Fy! a hs __|officers, and have been set to work - - ABC asserts, err, if at all, on the side of ere's the man with soul 80 on the land to increase the agricul- - dead tural droMucti Thay ww rOORLY Audit Bureau of Circulations. "JH the under estimate. The founda-} Won't fall for it. Fara Be oven Thay Ju ree it tion of.the staggering figures rarely Florida Times-Union. a day, the same amount paid to Em gees the light of publicity. . Swiss eoldiers. T Draft - Official----On what ground hav. an 5 fa : i They are be assis v 3 Thadtoll of human life, as the re- {do you claim exemptioft from mili- | Swi oy Are Sefig Be viewer computep it, aggregates 9,-gtary service? : ; x meeting to protest against this | 750,000 men, most of them in the pug, Eag- Dis win, am being service. 1 Se -------------------- GH ok : it to mek de worl' safe fo' demok- Horse meat will not prove a very full flower of manhood. Thislasy. am it not? : ------ palatable dish to Anglo-Saxons, put | means that war's death roll exceeds| Draft Official--Yes; sure. ea. Penitentiary. some' ¥Hirty. ghops in London are al- | the entire population of Canatia by| Rastus, Esq.--Wal, Ise a "publi- Winnipeg, Jan. 25--Two years in arly ( Nori \ ean.----Judge. the Stony Mountain Penitentiary | ready selling it. nearly: 200,900 Nor is this all. ao was the sentence imposed on two! REN or obvious reasons the Joss of non-| i 04 he world knits with) you, | conscientious objectors to military | Trotsky has at last learned what | combatants, young and old, in the Slack and you slack alone. service by Magistrate MacDonald in all the rest of the world suspected, | army it sections cannot be |The things you knit, the police court. They were David ; ; . xe ay | May. perhaps. not tit Wells and Charles H. Edwards. " » ¢ ¢ ] that Germany's peace terms wero Sftitmated; or the number of war (7 8%: BeLERS NO. 1 Charles H. Edwards defied the au- |. Ranks with the Strongest 0 d he w only a smoke-screen. captives who perished in prison |yuc Loo Toole bad thorities when called up for. service. | HUDSON BAY 4 Veins," Oures Nervow ; -- . camps. ~ Allowing for losses in birth | with the lumps like rocks In a letter to his sweetheart, writ-| Gof, Menta got. nit re ws Worry, Dispos . The Senate insists on & war coun-! rate, directly due to the war, brings{In his amateur socks, ten shortly. after hie was ordered to Insurance Company Hear, Fasting Mem wots, Price $1 per box, ig ~ ell of three and Yo Wilson | the fotal loss of. population as af But your loyalty you've shown. report, he states: "1 eonsider this a One will ploase, ie will eurv. oid British submarine = losses are * again reported light) Evidently the menace is. now well under control. o ) 3 vg 3 $v | : ints or bit in plair, pke. on 1 oidhy Pa o vigorously opposes The cemtre | result of three years of war up to _-- Brooklyn Eagle, fos Elorious. _ privilege to FIRg INSURANCE ad Now pamoriel sie: ves. oie ou a (of disturbance will Whitt to Wash- | 14,250,000. Foes eg Oe NTR ud. AAT A AR sn olhun ous fren by die Rept ington for a while. Dividing the death roll #mong the Fatmers around Brantford bre About fifty years ago there was PERCY J. QUINN, at a temperature of 75 or 80 de- Ae a Warring nations. the sevigwer. come reaping a big harvest, dried maple an explosion in the same seam of Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto grees when It»has heen proven % ft a ' that 68 degrees, with proper hum. Otir fellow-countrymen iff Nova! putes Great Britain's losses at 400, selling readily at $25 a cord, while| cpal at Stellarton, N.S, known as the W. H. GODWIN & SONS Ldity, is & hénlthful femperatiive. ia 4 other farmers asked the se , ord Pit Explosion, in. which more » G Maintain a normal, even tem- Sootin are experiencing more thav gpg men, France 1,300,000, Gero no Dt pen a price than ome Iongred men vers their AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ' overnment perature in your home, storé or their share of catastroplifes ~these|many 2,250,000, Austria 1,750,000, | when they did not get it, returned] lives. Their bodies were never re- . 5 FISH buliding, by the use of our guar- days. The sympathy of the rest of | and Russia not less than 2,500,000, | home with their loads. covered. ; - : " Canada ip extended to them. Turkish losses and those of Italy ~-- : x » -------- | FRESH BYERY DAY Tyco Senne ------ tis 2 JON ih NE - Gaba Biitam 1s. copsiening the| 200 [ha mites combatants dd- " : THOMAS COPLEY DAIRY and CREAMERY Thermometers 550,000 to the total. . 1 x . adoption 'of decimal coinage' as we 0 Lie Lote BUTTER : n e . * : A . He ; have it in North Amertca. The Un- a ae 8 these totals Spgs Ri lin ; R mes : Telephone 987 Buy Here and Save Money, ited States reciprocates by adopting| .. coerauns th canting. anything done 15 ABe obi s y Burope's metric system. That's an suffering that Is the lot of the ; i I Et oy ver off all a C. Hi. Pickering, hich will benefit both wounded, On the usual ratio of ; . : of repairs and new work; also hard 490 & 402 Princess Street. i exchange whieh WwW ne Wo and a half injured to one Killed, wood floors of all kinds. All orders parties. fo wowided number about 3,500.1: + MEN OF PEACE : §0 Queen street, 0 oo DRUG STORE. 000, probably one-half disabled i } I * 1 reather, one ' b n times of peace I am so mild they say I'm harm-| emma . To Judge by oe ola had from effective civic life and labor. - less as a child. It grieves me sore to swagfa fly, to or 185 Princess Street. enw o On the material side of war the ; make a flea or chigger die. I hate all forms -of fuss Y -- > Pho eo 343 broken: loose and was heading to-j : and-strife, all quarrels which disfigure life, and I! : : n . direct cost to the various national BLE 3s quarre she , wards the equatory It must be would walk nine miles, I swow, before I'd figure in a soiewhere in the & vielnity of the treasuries totals $107,500,000,- { row. And nearly all the men I know were much the : reat lakes just now 000, a sum that would baffle the im- same, three years ago. We sat around the sunset tree, ! p grea Ph i agination in pre-war times. Sixty ||" any and talked of scraps across the sea, as folks will talk 3 i RE a -y of things that hap on some far corner of the map, of big y "Answering the critics and the per sont. of Whiy huge burden falls some wild tumult or affray on Saturn or the Milky \ noisy fault-finders, the British war|t© the Allies and 40 per cent. .to the va "Way. While foreign orn being girt, and fo All kinds fresh frdits daily; all kinds home made candies, OUR BLEND council snnounces its continued con- central powers. And the end is not y eign corns were being hurf, we moralized upon nd] | fresh every day; home made chocolates, all flavors; . Moir's : fidence in Field Marshal Haig. If yet. As Lloyd-George aptly puts it: i sin of kicking up so fierce a din, and told how glad chocolates by the pound, and Moir's, Lowney's and Ganong's ; w " Wwe were because our grand old eagle sheathed its|]'. chocolates by the bov, all prices. You save money by buying JAVA and MOCHA everyone were doing as. well as he 'We must go on, OF £0 under, claws, and sat as calmly on its perch as some white here. Prompt delivery. the future would hold less cause for hy dove upon a church. But since that eagle quit its apprehension. 7 \ . dream, and jarred the nations with ifs scream, we ga- : a a ' . ppm Ey . | PUBLIC OPINION 4 ther in the Blue Front store, and talk of: war forever- Phone 2168. Charlie Dafnas, Prop. y i more. Oh, how we'd make our sabres wriz, of 'not-bunged up with rheu- ey 3 . A citizen laments that the farm ma Oh, how we'd flay the Prussian hides, but for the stitches in our IS STILL IN THE LEAD ers no more bring to the city sleigh- sided! "i's rather funny, is it not, that 'we old 'guys should talk such rot, 3 The quality the same as always, ; . i and no advance in price. joads of cordwood, such as once de-| ? Growing Wise. and Tust to wallow in our ¢rimes--but that's the spirit of the times. x p Brock street Of toume ou RepeutS HEE" ingempare | ne Cir --WALT MASON. |S M06 They' b eadi th ar fan udendortf to resign indicate 3 A ; They're too busy veding the wat | 10, SER 2 Wifiine ie | THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN U all Go 0 1 : Jas. REDDEN & Co. By GENE BYRNES nusu y Phones 20 and 990. Eo] by The British Whig. tame when" the going won't be: so £ supplied. £00: Tho consordhip 1a an institution | 4 Why Worry? go : ee : E : : 11 'which aim to conceal from us a lot} (Brantford Expositor) : i Nie : Val H . 'of facts which the Germans know ules verybody pet a. Scare oa, ps = ons : ues ere eo SEER rom or he | Gh aaa a Some Se Sng HERE toe ae | n iS 6 conserv ONE J * ' aotlvods followed, declaring that tho 88 employment is _ plentity). und "NOU CERTAINLY DESERVE ; : Young Men's Winter Overcoats. , : be lulled into a sense of there is plenty c of money?in cula-| AN IRON FOR Made in shappy double breasted style, convertible = D Evowlelse tion; why worry Seno? NERVE TO Du detaelnble ou round belt, seini-Atting back; ned ith heavy ) 3 ~N FOR . . serge . eavy tweeds brown; belt fast 'spur them to No German Silver Pouce. : : in LIFE wit hile ied ers with buckle; Siren BY 0 42s. Tr Ro ow Nis ok (Providence Ju ) = sters in the lot, 1 : WAT Toe Keno dente Jona, o 3 specially priced for Saturday CH EEE | ERE ley = MensSuwmsizsowsizso. | El puRNACE want it, aiid intend to have it. but ETE BLA RIN of good uuality and: tweeds in. grey onl = not a German sl tlver. peace, ? Tok A ; : Ad ' 13 brown re fancy check patterns. ursteds wna trousers are % ell tailored | _ ECONOMIZE Mow. Abou Thos Wadd Sic. 5 gor f Sy a Si = a 5 sn BA 10 1a | A New Stock of Ladies High Cut Shoes DO NOT : a id a Tu color combinations, at 'very low prices for Saturdays. WASTE {anstuine? fg i Ne 3 : » | Iz from $5.15 to $8.45. i . = i} : e ¥ * M ; 's : : : ; on] (London rd : 3 ang z ~- . : vac on vn, Men's Boot $0.1 and $745 = Si ad Among the "Sharet pager 'B pr Ere Pream uis Sia Aq wd lB A' final clearance of LADIES' INTER BOATS at reduced HI: fario which sujported the Unlod|ggeq Apart from the delightful inf" f a ; s : pcs on Saturday. : Fefluced If ; Government in the late election was terlude of Christmas and the even Fai EET Bh TT g Visit our sore on SATURDAY and you will save money, : Holy bo E the Forest Free Press, of which H, more delighttu .Spproach to. tolt A J. Pettypiece Is editor and pros, ise amicinted or 3 pmiee nor ant weit Bets Svan tel | Cf 00 EELS fae ST Ef] FetofQueaSt of 'subscribers who ordered their jk Jt Si the yest' Wore June: Phone 9. ouis s Abramson,