Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1918, p. 3

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BROWN'S ELECTRIC STICK | Will quickly remove grease ov oll stains from any goods and will not injure the most deliente fabric, Simply moisten the spot, rab the stick over, and thes rab the spot ent. Seems Wonderful, but it really does It, every time, 20 Cents. { Popular Drug Stores. Phone 50. Brauch 2018 NEELEY iR, M.0.D.0 Those people. (and they are many) who dread the ation are agreeably aston: ished to find that, as made by us, it cduses no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ience:' And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. 226 Princess Street ordeal of an ey nine: ye Xa Hx: {and made up my mind to try Dodd's CARRIED ON DURING PAST YEAR : BY BOARD OF HEALTH Still Many Unstanitary Houses in the City--Need for Enlightened Meth- ods Sewage Disposal--The Mayor's Remarks. The anual report of Dr. A. R. Williamson, Medical Health Officer: 'presented at the meeting of the Board of Health on Friday afterngon Was an enlightening document, and for Special mention was made of the milk supply and the health officer expressed the opinion that at the resent tyme the supply was just ade- quate to meet the demands. Dr. G. W. Bell, milk inspector, had inspect- ed many of the sources of supply, and suggestions regarding cleanliness of cows aud housing have done much to ensure clean milk for the city. - Miss MacCallum ' was also praised for her efforts in inspecting the school children, a work which has prevented the outbreak of disease amongst the pupils. There are still many unsanitary houses within the city limits, but owing to the scarcity of suitable ac- ecommodation and restricted labor and supply market, this defect cannot be remedied until the war is over During the year a number of sewer extensions were made, and the num- ber of houses without sanitary fix- tures has been reduced almost to the vanishing point. It was pointed out that there was a need for enlighten- ad methods of sewage disposal if the Ir tt ae The Doctor -Did Not * Do Her Lasting Good MRS. JOS. ROGER DODD'S KADNEY PILLS. 80 USED Popular New Brunswick Teacher Tells What Splendid Results She Got From Dodd's Kidney Pills. Elm Tree, Gloucester Co. xh. ee Jan. (Special )- "wien the doctor 1 consulted failed to do me any lasting good 1 decided that my kidneys were the root of my troubles -O- Kidney Pills. "You may judge of the results when 1 tell you that I have not lost a day's work as teacher during the past year." That is the statement of Mrs. Jos. Roger, the well-known and popular teacher here.' Just how ill she was before using Dodd's Kidney Pills is best told in her own words 'My trouble came from a strain," she says, "and I suffered for thirteen months. "Backache, heart flutterings, scia- tica, neuralgia, nerwousness, dizzi- ness, and failing memory were ams Ong my symptoms. "1 took 12 boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills in all, and I can say for them that they have done me all that was claimed for them." If you have any of the symptoms that troubled Mrs. Roger, ask your neighbors if Dodd's Pills are not the remedy you are looking for. + a ¥ Foe E ff ' Bedding Ph ed HAL The large stocks we have heen carrying for the years enable us to offer very excellent values. mn, LO laid stress on the progressive work ber of the board. accomplished during the past year."ould also be heard to remark, sotto danger of typhoid and intestinal dis- eases was to be reduced to the mini- um, and a communication was read #om the Provincial Department of Health advocating the installation of a filtration plant. It was felt, how- ever, that nothing could be done until more suitable circumstances arise. After authorization for several ae- counts to be paid; including one hundred dollars to Queen's Labora- tory for some supplies, had been made, Mayor Hughes, who presided, took the opportunity to express hime elf as greatly pleased with the very healthful condition of the city, and to welcome H. Sharpe as a new mem- Dr. W: W. Sands voice, "The city Is very fortunate, but is ridiculously healthy from the doctor's point of view." ! \The Bajus brewery and ° Andrew MdLean wefe granted permission to 'eut\ice in the lower harbor and store it under the supervision of the sani- tary inspector, Those gresent were Mayor Hughes, Dr. & R. B, Williamson, Dr. W. W. Sands, Dr, L. E. Crowley, Nicholas Timmerman, H. Sharpe and E. €. Cain, "BATTALION OF DEATH" ORGANIZERS ARRESTED One of the Mugderers Of Ker- ensky Men Also Under Arrest. Petrograd, Jan. 26.--Twenty or- ganizers of a plot against the Bolshe- viki accused of inspiring the famous "Battalion of Death" to pledge al- jegiauce to the Menshetiki have been arrested. The entire unit, it was sta- { Fair, : Told In | [wilight § | wb bbbbidbid Among those taking part in the entertaimuent which some of the Daughters of the Empire gave at the Nowat Memorial Hospitsl on Thurs- day evening were: 'Mrs. Arthur Cralg, the Misses Devlin, Misses Mildred Jones, Jean Duff, Ruth Anglin, Marjorie Minnes, Kathleen Daly, Helen Campbell, Nora Martin, Elizabehh Ounnpingham, Eva Rich- ardson, Eva Martin, Marjorie Pense, Phyllis Knight, - Nurse MeDermott, Miss Virginia Fair, Messrs. C. B. S. Harvey, Hew Duff, Jack Renton, Masters Fawcett and Master Peter Supper .was served after the performance and the evening was much enjoyed. 2 Mr. apd Mrs. Hubert Ryan chap- eroned a drive last evening, the guests afterwards enjoying supper and an informal dance ai Lyen,™ the home of Mr. and J. 'M. Campbell, Emily street, Those present were: Miss Margare: Hems= auing, Miss Ethel Kent, Miss 'Doris Folger, iss Gwendoline Folger, Miss Marjorie and Miss Helen Canp- cell, Miss Marion Maedona'd, Major T. A. Kidd, iCapt. Frank Ryan, Capt. Vrooman, Capt. Grant, Capt. Stey- anson, 'Lieut. "Jack Smythe and Jin Swart, The students of the Faculty of ted, was held. in custody at its bar- racks, and bombs, arms and compro- ising documents were later found. The Battalion of Death, according to) this evidence, was prepared foreibly | to back up the Social Rovolutioharies of the Right. One of the murderers Kerensky Ministers Singareff and Kokoshkin has ben arrested. The Bolsheviki authorities declared the identity of all the asassins was known and other arrests might be expect- ed shortly. of former FOURTEEN SPIES EXECUTED. Two of Them Said to Have Been From Detroit. New York, Jan, 26.--@G. 8. Thomp- son, chalrman of the press commit- tee of the American Defence So- ciety, in an informal discussion at a luncheon given by the organization here, declared the society had been informed that the United States haa executed fourteen spies since the 'beginning of the war with Germany. "We are informed," Mr. Thomp- son said, "that up to date fourteen spies have been shot by direction of the military authorities of the Un- ited States since the beginning of the war. At least two of the spies Were from Detroit. We believe that this is the sort of information that the public should know." The marriage of Miss Agnes Lawrence to Kenneth Roy Finley, both of Tweed, was solmenized at To. ronto on Jan. 13th, Am Skin on Fire With Eczema The/ Most Torturing of Skin Diseases --Few Doctors Have Satisfactory Trogtment to Offer, But This Ointment Cures. St. Thomas, Ont., Jan. 26. -- Ee- zema's itch is torture, the skin seems on fire with the burning, stinging humor; at times it becomes almost past two Our felt mattresses are from two te three dollars under the market price today. FREE TT The same applies to every department -- Carpets, rugs and linoloums are being offered less than wholesale price today. If you require furniture or carpets this spring, it will pay You to buy your goods now and (We wil store them free.) T. F. HARRISON CO., LTD. ~~ 229 - 237 Princess Street. E (MAJESTIC BRAND) ull, rich flavor of fresh, sweet Fv en } | . Chase's Ointment. 60 cents a bbeen led with this terrible disease, could tear the skin to pieces. Yon dare not exercise for fear of aggra- vating the 'itching; neither can you sleep, for no sooner does. the body become warm than the trouble be- gins, and instead of restful, refresh- ing sleep, it is scratch, seratch all night long. "There is scarcely a mo- ment's respite from this maddening malady at any time. Of course you have tried medfly all the washes, salves, lotions and medicated soaps, but, like thousands of otbers, have been disappointed and disgusted. Mrs. Alex. Perry, 18 Ross St., St. Thomas, Out., writes: ®I cannot re- commend Dr. Chase's Ointment too highly, as it cured me of a very bad case of eczema. For six yoars I was ashamed to go mear my door when! anybody called, my face was so affect- I cob- sultéd severat doctors, but they conld not help me at all. When I heard of Dr. Chase's Ointment being géod for eczema, 1 tried it, and before I had used two boxes | could see it was helping me. Now, since my face is entirely - healed, they want to know how I was cured, and I certainly re- commend Dr. Chase's Ointment. 1 cannot. speak too strougly in its fa- vor, as 1 paid out many dollars for doctors' medicines, but did not get any relief until 1 used Dr. Chase's Ointment." \ jim You may be skeptical regardiy the ability of Dr. Chase's Ointment {0 eure you. Most people are, alter trying in vain to get relief from a host of remedies, but Dr. Chase's Ointment will not Ssappoiut you. You will be surprised at the marvel: fous control which it has over all itching, burning inflammation of the skin, and the wonderful healing pow-} It takes time} A ers which it possesses. 10 thoroughly cure ccgema, but Dr Chase's Ointment will do it. You will find relief after a fow applica- tions, and gradually and naturally he cure will follow. Besides beiug positive cure: for eczema, Chase's Ointment tomes useful in a mdred ways _in every bome for every form of skin irritation and ription, chapped hands and chil- box, at all dealers, or Edmapson, Hates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do tute. Imitations only 1 2 (mot be talked into accepting a substi- a disappoint. | | Friday unbearable, and in desperation you |: Dr. } Education entertained at a delightful social evening in Carruthers Hall on evening. About ome hun- dred young people were present and for several hours all enjoyed the dan¢ing. An instrumental and vQ- cal programme added to the enjoy- 'ment. - =, Among the guests at the curling tea on Wednesday 'were: 'Mrs. Ash- by, Mrs, D. A. Cays; Mrs. Norman Fraser, Mrs. J. C. Gurd, Mrs. R. S. Waldron, Mrs Gorrie, Miss Ada Birch, rMs Cartwright, Miss Henry, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Lettice Tandy. Mrs. Hodgins, Clergy street, was hostess at a young peoples' dance last evening, when the guests were friends of Miss Eileen Hodgins, The L. C. Reading Club will meet on Monday at the home of Mrs, K. M. Saunders, Alice street, .- 9.8 Miss Elda Macdonald, Gore street, was hostess at a small bridge on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, J. M. Campbell was hostess of the Saturday afternoon Bridge 'Club this week. 4 A number of girls show-shoed to the (Country Club for high. tea last evening. Miss Lettice Tandy is leaving next week ior Toronto, where she will be the guest of Mrs. R, F. Segs- worth. . Sir Thomas White is in Toronto, and will be away from Ottawa for a while, haying a rest from official du- ties. Miss ' Quinlan, Barrie, is visiting Mrs, C. C. McCrail, Tia street, Misses Grace and Susbe¥oster have returned to Kingston, after spending the past week at their home in Enter- prise East. : Mrg. Nelson Young, Napanee, spent a few days this week visiting friends in Kingston, Cie « * Miss M. F. Harrigan, Harrowsmith, is spending a couple' of weeks the guest of Miss M, E, Manion, Napanee. Mrs. J. A. Ruddick, who has been residing at her bungalow at Rock- huret, Que., this season, has left for New York and Atlantic City to spend the remainder of the winter, Miss Gandier, Newburgh, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Thomp- son, 'Napance. Miss Sarah Bowen, Pleasant Val- ley, fe visiting her brother, William Bowen, Kingston Junction, x - ® * Mr, andd Mrs, 'W. R, Givens, Mrs. Emma Secombe and Mrs. Neil oC. Polson, jr., are leaving next week for Florida. y Miss Henry, Napanee, is the guest of hier sister, Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, Union stre Mrs. Wilson and her children, of 'Calgary, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Smith, William street. Mrs. James Maclenuan, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ram- sey Duff, Princess street, returned to Toronto on Thursday. . 'Major Richardson, deputy A. D. M.8.. rag becn sponding a few days in Tcronto, ® 2 % Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes, Des- eronto. are here to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, Miss~Gladys Carroll spent a Tew days at her home Ia Gauanoque this week. § : Liedt. Ross 'Liviegston; Bare street, 18 visiting Mr. and Mrs, C. W. iLivingston in Toronto. . . : Capt. and Mrs. W. BE. Steacy re- turned from New York yesterday afl are with Mrs. E. T. Steacy, King street. 'Mies Edy Mortison, Toronto, is the gust her sister, Mrs. E. A. Stone, 'Earl street. - * * Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mallory, A hustown, announce the engage. ment of thir eldest daughter, Bessie Plorence, .to Morley Creighton, of Hawley. The marriage to take place early in February. . The engagement has been recently fannounced of yr Doris , daughter of Sir George. and dy Bury, Montreal, to Capt. James Stuart Allen, Vancouver, y occupying the position of in- ftructor in, a North unt versity. (Couticued on Page 14.) Pattern, subcribers mar be placed at| B%c. rate. The College Book Open nights. : WHIG, SATURDAY, 3 RURNERRERARNENEEN REL E REE NER RNR RRR ERR ER RE Special ter ot She. for fhe Bo. fa signer or 75c. for gner an y | 8: sto son 7' JANUARY 26, 1918. PAGE SEVEN Probs: Very cold today and Sunday; some snow! NEMEC ERR EAE ENN ERR TQ-NIGHT A EACY'S Form 7 to 9.30. AND ALL DAY MONDAY. Nod WHITE VOILE WAISTS. 180 New York white voile waists in a number of smart new styles -= made in plain tail- ored and novelty embroidered styles -- in sizes 34 to 44. These are splendid values today at $1.50. Sale price .. 98e LADIES' FLANNELETTE GOWNS. 120 full sized white flannelette gowns, suitably trimmed in sizes 56 and 58 only -- these are splendid value at $2.00 each. Sale PRICE x ....0n'c oii, ol i Sma NS eas TABLE DAMASK ' 150 yards bleached table damask full 62 inches wide: worth $1 a yard. Sale price. . . hs eae re BATH TOWELS bo i 25 doz. heavy Terry bath towels, bleached and 'unbleached, in good large sizes; regular 40c values. Sale price ae ae WHITE FLANNELETTE : 1080 yards fine soft fleecy flannelette; full 27 inches wide. Spec- ial value today at 23c a yard. Sale price . 6 yards for $1.00 "LA PARISIENNE" CORSETS id 180 pair fine French coutil corsets, with four strong garters, re- enforced front, aluminum steels, in the new spring models. These are special value at $1.50 a pair. Sale price cL 98¢ EMBROIDERY INSERTIONS . 800 yards of imported Swiss embroideries, in assorted widths -- regularly priced from 124 to 50c a yard. Sale price Sc WOOL WEARABLES 300 pieces of fine wool wearables, as tams, caps, scarfs, pull- overs, gpd suits, clouds and spencers -- in every wanted shade and style.' All marked in plain figures that are less than today's wholesale cost. Sale price .~. .. .. less 209% hehe ) Ready-to-Wear | ~~ To Be Cleared Regardless of Cost , Coats--See our specials at $8.95, $16.95 and $24.95; formerly priced from $22.50 to $60. Be Dresses--All our latest New York creations in the gmartest mid- season styles, priced from $12.50 to $60.00 each. Sale rich less 259%. _ a Millinery--Our entire stock of beautiful winter millinery. No >. reserve. Half price. ! - | January Specials | Pelt Lined Grain Leather Boot, for Outdoor Work: 5 : $2 89 LT Ses Our Window, © | ¢ Johnston's Shoe Store § we yy AT THE ; ' Maple Leaf Grocery 3 Cooked Menin of All Hinds | starr ae ! Headehoese; Empire . ra ] Ham Dologus; Jeilled Mosk, = Freak sssortment alware om oo The death of Mr. Wiliani Hender. ovestyed at a Mugering 's' maiden McFaul and she of age. a Art | Reeve Witham Pale) Cartotop i Tweed on Thursday |} Place. attending Lanark Cuunty illness". The de-|Councll his week returned: home | name was Matilda! Thursday, the otcasion being 13e was sixtwoine years [time of ais golden wedding anniver- sary on Thuriddy evesing.

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