Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1918, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1917. THE BRITISH WHIG wien h tied up "theis train for several [the western front, but we fail 30_hote FIRE HORSES. EXPENSIVE = hours. ~The public are not emlight- the presence of any of the Kaiser's ened as to how Sir Joseph regarded Six sons in the push. oe fm the hold-up--probably he turned Canada's Chance. COSTS $360 TO KEEP EACH ONE | | the tedious time to profit by reading vi Ra eal Bar) at bad THIS YEAR. tan he. Sal Yaitisieg ac ger Picture can Ei) Civic 'Committee Considering Motors | . izing of Fire _Department--The 1 -- ---- BIBBYS ---- station in a petulant mood. One|on war posters, Here's Canada's "| can weil believe it. The storm itself | chance to help 'put our big friendly Firemen Ask for Fifteen Per Cent. could not have been more blusterly Peighi TF. po - Increase in Wages. | = ie CRN Ee i= |W ' ai a 3 members on A'Gesday Shernoon ex~ 9 3 4 : - > x (PHiladelphia Record) ressed themselves in favor of: mo- HYDRO POWER A GODSEND. --Old Mother Hubbard, ah the fire department. Ald. Kingston's contract with the Went to the Eapboard ¢ coal, : Shows draw the attention of the 0 get her a bucket o ! members to the fact that this, year it would cost $260 to take care of ---------- each of the depariment's nine horses. ------ Last year it ®ost about $185. In - view of the increase he thought that : Ar seventy-five per cent. of this « Britain Aets. to motorize the department would ih . amount, or 900 horse-power, which (Montreal Star) be wise. Alds. Litton and = Millan | i i ; ilize Vv Coal is being sent to New York agreed that motor apparatus would i € Le. 8 pow b ng fully utilized, When from England so that ships may sail save money and give Detter seryice. yee 1 S pite the waterworks pumps are.commect-| 4 hreak up the traffic congestion in The committee will secure informa- a {ed up with hydro power, the whole|the United States. It has been the tion as to the cost of motor appar- 1,200 horse-power will be reauired. | fashion, even in Canada, to smile tol- atus and later on may have a recom- Then the Commission will figure on | erantly sometimes upon John Bull as mendation to make to the City Coun- renc e ul sizes 3 p a sturdy but somewhat muddling in- il b J | taking 2,000 horse-power at a 10W-| qividual, and to contrast bis business' A petition was received idm the er rate. There is no doubt but that | methods with thembustling efficiency members of the fire brigade, asking a market can be found for this.in-|of Uncle Sam. But the searchlight of for a fifteen per cent, increase in creased amount, in Kingston, for the| War shows things up a bit differently.! wages, owing to the fact that the 2 Ed 7 ri 3 aint | present wages were not sufficient to : Tacomot ive Works 'will become. a Dowling Breen Wedding. | live on. Furthermore, they were not ee 1 ys 12. 0 © te 0 2ISET Consumer and the people! 4 qufet but very pretty wedding |insured by the city. Chief Arm- » 8 vers in in, city Gi '00 | generally will adopt electrical heat-| was solemnized on Tuesday, Jan. strohg was asked tovsecure informa- by madi fe 3501 ers and other similar appliances in| 22nd, at the C hiirch of the Annun- | tion from Brantford, Guelph, Peter- 1-W "1 their households. ore electri. | ciation,' Chippewa, when Patrick boro and other places of Kingston's i { ) 8. The more electri . . i 4 he he fi 1 9 y ma sen smane o Hv Ci a + wilng and Miss eresa reen : + > i", coe 1 city Kingston uses, the lower will Dow} 1M T B mize as. jo. ¥ at te Temen Were $1.50 | be the rates. The Utilitie ; p-t wafe uilted in marriage. The BUD-| NT Da ae gan iu for ) a8, Tl} 8' up-town | tis so was celebrs ¢ ,' the men m be given a 8 : three months pro ris. tial mass-was celebrated by tlie e < P office with its fine display is ex-| pastor, Rev. Father J. H. McDon- | this year. 5 FEA REPRESEN ATIVE ge | pected to ald materially jn getting ald. The handsome bride looked be Tenders Jreived for cals Yan TORONTO (REPRESENTATIVE the 1 ; | charming in a tailored suit of dark | fyom.93c. to abuse es PC. iy 5 Traders nk Bldg. peop a to make a wider use of blue serge and a dainty blouse of were considered too high, and Ald. ee i 8 | ul en' Ss ver- . BH ATES REPRESENTATIVE: | electricity in their homes, Electrical white silk. Her hat was white plush Millan and Chief Armstroug were Northrup, 318 Fifth Ave. on York heaters will save startifiy the fur-|with' touches of pink and feather authdrized to purchase i the open nace so early in the. fall and will | trimming. Miss Anna Dowling, sist-| market, "The" fire hors require Letters to the Editor are published]. .. 3 ler of the gr y ridesm 1,50 bushels a year. Coa or m 1 and only: Sor lhe actus ame of the also save running it so hard in the I of the groom, was bridesmaid. | Fa Bye F tontiolt: to" the 3 8 2 > Dy writer, extromely cold weather. Hydro he wore a suit of purple velour | trimmed with white silk and a white | eed of more tarpaulins in order to Fa, jutached fs one of the best job|Power should be a great asset to |silk hat with feather trimming. The | save gqods at fires. Tenders. were - 1 Yr : ci printing offices in Canada. Kingston. It could not have come | groomsman was Thomas V. Breen, | ordered to be asked for six. dod : e e S, . at a more opportune time than the | brother of the bride. After the cere- Morris Kampolsky was ~awarde : The circulation of THE BRITISH || _. of ry r fot 18 | rony the guests returned to the the contract for making thirteen WHIG in suthentieated by the er when the fuel situa | pon6 of the bride's parents, where | Suits for the firemen at $22.50 each ue . ABO ¢ tion is sp serious and the making of | a sumptuous vepast was served. The! { asnd thtree for the chief and two Audit Burean of Circulations. electrical energy with coal is en-|bride received many useful and |captains at $30 each. \ « | dangered. beautiful presents from her rela- In attendanue at the meeting were --------------E-------- i To re ' Alds" Litton chairman), Anglin, Pe Tar the Bas bool pel tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs: (cha ), Ang a HY . Dowling will reside on the groom's, Chown, Hewitt, Clugston, and Mil- postponed until July. EXIT THE CITY HORSE. farm near Enterprise. ! lan, | 3 . ® : Automobiles have been fairly com- | ere he n 4 een ese ass arments Germany now threatens to drop | mon on Kingston's streets all winter | Five Below Zero. { SERGT, MAJOR © GROOM. WRITES. | 7 poison gas bombs on French ci'les, | With ithe exc -epjjon of the past few! The Weather Man is not going t oe 7 " Could fiendishness further go? * days. This, during a long period of let us have very much mild weather opular Kingston N.C 0., Present at ; i onions the worst storms ever experienced, is it.' would appear.® Monday it was | Official Opening of Hall, seventeen below zero, Tuesday nine} Mrs, R. L. Groom, 436 Division A Kingston milliner has just been |a performance worthy of note. How- ahove zero, but again on W ednesday | stroot, has Too weived a letter from her refused entry to the Unifed States. ever, when one sees heavy trucks im- morning the official record showed husband, Sergt.-Major H. E! J ~.She will await impatiently for a [mobilized because of the snow or the that it was five below zero. Lo W.0.; who is with the I fr : Bro: @ 5 chance to trim Uncle Sam. lcy pavements the question Suggests | Sadsine. In. Fameston. Guage Operating Company in SE EvA---------- - tself: 8 y the o } itself: how soon may the automobile Lesslie B. Quinn, of Querrin, | the menu and an account of a dinner 'OVER THE'TOP' IN 1917 ave 0d Hydro-Electric Commission at pre-1° put when she got there sent is for 1,200 horsepower of| ' The cupboard was bare, electrical energy from the Trent. So she froze to death. Wasn't it The Commission has only to use droll? +1 or unrestrained. £ BR i The Fire and. Light Committee A Philadelphia hospital is search- a ing for a perfect baby. Why search? |,1506 the horse? course of study with Dr. G. W. Bell, |open a new recreation hut' for the Isn't that just the kind of baby | London's experience in this regard, V-S. Archie Simpson, of Birch lcompany. The menu shows that the every mother owns? Hills, Sask., has just completed a company had a splendid inner and A------------------ as the Christian Science Monitor re- course of study, and has returned | the concert that followed is described Yesterday's news * despatches at- ports it, is in point. In the six years home, as being of a very high class. The nounced that Wie steamer Cork had from 1904 to 1910 Dondon's passemr| - account of dinnér and concert closes == bee! ; : ; an ger trafic was changed from a hans' ein Beak 1 Yetorm. | is 1s shortly to | with the statement that in honor of == h pee m sunk by a «submarine. Thej. Cab basis to a taxicab basis, mo- D8 effected ip fulfillment of he the French guests "The Marselllaise" I. INSURANCE || IFE COMPANY na sh hav ept £ . J 3 3 o 3 me should have kept her afloat t nit took the place of } Union Government's pledge. was sung. Criticism of British and American |O™0ibuses; and the day of the - Rasy as shown by the following figures: IE truck be expected entirely to dis- gisk., is in the city taking a special [held on Christmas day to officially Run your fires by the ther momefer; many. places ure kept nt a temperature of 75 or 50 de- grees when it has beep) proven that 68 denrees, r hum. idity, is & healthtul tciperature, Maintain a normal, even tem« perature in your home, store or buliding, wr the use of our guar. anteed cabinet members is just now pro- growler," or = four-wheeler, was ceeding with great activity in both |BORe forever. - capitals and in the press. All of A change in trucking from horse-| Ri lin Rh mes which makes for the comfort of the drawn vehicles to motors need not be enemy. expected at once. But the wartime "Ty co" "Thermometers | DR. CHOWN DRUG STORE 185 Princess Street. ., Phone 343. --d Yona, » Applications for New Assurances - - - -$6,191,154.50 Increase = = = $1,350,282.50, over 21%. SL uncertainties of grain supplies with ' In his recent speech the German |Which to feed horses, of which the ; i chancellor piainly tells France and [Present soaring prices of hay and: JANUARY GRIEFS her Allies: "If you want Alsace-Lor- |08ts are symptomatic, and the in- ae month of January is anyihis but merry, te 1 any ng but gay; for now were wa ng stra 8 Y> rdine, you will have to come and sreasivg realibility an economy of py and, chee, it hores us greatly to go the narrow' way. take it." Which is probably what |OPeration of motor trucks, make vir- We've cast old sins behind us, and passing hours re' they wil have to do. & tually certain the passing ' of 'the mind us how much we miss the same; but we have horse for all but pleasure use in cities, made our pledges--idne but a piker hedges--and we British labor, in days of stress | Already, over twenty business houses § must play the game. Oh, there are watchers near us, and temptation when it might be in- |in this city have discarded the horse "ha ae ion. wot Pad) clitied to waver, stands like a rock [in favor of the motor for trucking \ them prating, "There, now! We told you so!" When in support of the war until a con-|purposes, and 1918 will seo still : "} one bas vowed to glitter like some angelic critter, and clusive and saisfuctory peace is se- | greater developments in this respect. i +5 hurtin], habits kill, you'd thine bis ions would Dace cured. That fact should never be The only drawback will be that; in b i nol Nester i a ee forgotten. case of a food famine, we can't oat 4 his chances of being good are slim; they show by Sp ------------------ the motor car. smiles sarcastic, and criticisms drastic, they have no Floods in Germany, cyclones in 3 faith in him. And so, grown fired of striving, of vows Australia, violent storms in Rho- . A NEW DAY COMING. 4 too long sufviving, from pledges he breaks free, and : AAU FAN 4 while those vows are dying, he hears the women cry- desia, blizzards in Canada, volcanic] Charles M. Schwab, the American nE=i we knew how it would be!" The month of January is sad and sol. eruptions in Guatemala--the forces |steel magnate, foresees a social re- Total Income --- --. Bela ww aan $1/085,082.20 Increase - "$107, 882.55, the largest in history of the Company. Assets for Polioyholders' Security _$4,095,462.03 Increase Ji. 11,905.58 Substantial Increase in Surplus Reduction in Expense Ratio Per Cent. Total Assurances --$24,118,126,76 Copy of fall Annual Report mailed upon request "HEAD OFFICE: . EXCELSIOR, LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO. AE JAVA and MOCHA « it 1s th f Hh { 11 th 1d i ing, t ty f ' oF ture ae followin 6 sxkmpl | onion sbrobEhont he word. 1s | VHS WHINE, Well, wel!" Ha a pom se Mr ( A "| COFFEE of man in letting lose the powers of {an address at New oYrk he uttered ; f -- WALT MASON. : , destruction and death, these meaningful words: 3 4 IS STILL IN THE LEAD : Sa "We are at the threshgld of a new + COMB SAGE TEA x The quality the same as always, - If there is ogly three weeks' sup- {social era. This new order of things ; ' in 'price. ply of coal in Kingston, "th INTO GRAY HAIR Have Yo Tried and no advance sity of tonto yay Work sroat hardships for many, THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN : : : r of us. I is going to come upon us ENE BYRNES - Ol Yet ? introduction of electric heating will lsooner than we expect. 1It'is social BG 3 3 Darkens Beautifully and Re- * 'help. The Utilities Coqumission has | renaissance of the whole world. i stores Its Natural Color and ' If mot, we carry the best _ paved the way for thi innovation {Some people call it Socialism, others)' 'Lustre at Once. grade, along with a full stock a Teducing the rate. : call it Bolshevikism. It means but a : of choice groceries, at wa X i ------------ one thing, and that is that the man EL » a : Dr. Wiliria 7. Gretel, the hero ; 4 rr LADY a |. : ' © of the La ador--a surgeon, not a Who. labuty with his hands, whe does : rd oar be MAKING: ts Common garden sage brewed into Thompson 8 Grocery 3 Is a Toronto audience ae : ps to peopety. 8 he one who preeeereeimann] AX MISTAKE -- - SHE 2 ¢ 'a heavy tea, with sulphur and alco- 204 Princess St, Phone 387. ht Chrno an oh i, 7 0 4], | GETTING OF eh Ll Jed + factor in human life, and adds: "Wel oor coor that the ult] : oR / THE CAR 1 : ~ |luxariant. . Mixing the Sage Tea aud I. 5 © are free to do i day. mate adjustment will be for good. 8 fighting Recent developments in Russia and the threatened peaceful labor revolu- tion in England as signs of the comi- {Ing change. The times were ripe for some beneficial change. The labor and Socialist parties realize that the 50 ' : il, w i th- our for action is now. It is the duty| * ; Sos z FE IE : _ | tal appearance ho enoss. of our leaders, not so auch to op| | -- - By darkening a Wyeth's le aid ah as to help} | = "+ an Sulphur Compound, no one : e anid shape it aright. The com-| : a ! ; Hi eau tell, because it does it so natural Hing aristocracy of the: world will not] Akl XNA } EA be founded on wealth, or birth; it 2 Durham = and ¢ county councils are now con- : d sidering more stringent legislation try and the ort ihe change may]. 'concerning dogs and iw. tha protec-|come - dh sooner | we expect i. . tion of sheep, This is a subject ¢ 3 'which the Whig has several times urged upon the attention of the al _ erning. bodies of Frontenac county. A BYPRODUCT OF THE STORM. Eg "Two Koights Held up at Agin- oar ae ! Tae tue sfusticy is going to be re- {Le ot nar

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