PAGE TWO anti Ee ee Current News Portrayed in these Striking Pictures from Many Points. A scientific marvel that is of inestimable value in war operations. . The men*who control affairs in Russia. This is a representative group of Bolshev This instrument, known as the lightning recorder, gives warning of storms delegates from the various industrial centres of the country more than 200 miles away. There are several women in the-assembly. iki assembled in Petrograd to debdte the conduct of the Revolutionary Government. They are and include many Americans, so called because ny lived in the United States, although few of them are citizens, La We thought we bad a hard time with snow, cold and sleet here, but see what Chicago recently faced. ; Solving the transportation problem is no easy task, ae this interior Loeometivew that brought a train through' the blizsard frem Minneapolis, with a delay 'of only twelve hours. ng Ie P : view of the Los Angeles locomotive repair shop shows. This plant, the "largest in the world, reconstructs dozerp of old engines. Statue of Joan of Arc in front of the Rheims Oathedral, which, : J 4 though the cathedral has been practically destroyed and the whole city - ; : y er about it laid in ruins, bas so far come out of the fires of war without the General view of the -- British Corps Sehool where officers of the American Expeditionary Foreo in France slightest damage. , are learning British methods in modern warfare. The school is behind the lines on the w front, » ws. ei . of a Gasadinn howpital tent "somewhers ia From i RE ae ora . pai » : i - Sa AR = ap