"Out of the High Rent District." O'Connor's Ladies Exclusive Snaps In Every Department This Week. After taking stock we have discovered all the broken sizes and odd lies, and out they go. ALL ON SALE. At a fraction of their original values. Bargains that are real; COME TOMORROW AND SEE. T.J.O Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone' 800 Higher up street but lower in price always. A tt A tt tint AE Victory Loan Bonds Bearing 61% <. Due 1922, 1927, Obtainable in Denominations of $30, $100, $500, "$1,000. Price, 9879 and accrued interest Full informatiwn on request. WOOD,- GUNDY & COMPANY Canadian Pacific Railway Building Montreal. Toronto New York Which Child Is Yours ? It your child is backward in school, be to stand the strain. "Our Examinat J. EYES) Sule us Or her eyesight is able ion Tells." - STEWART, OPT. D. T SPECIALIST ) OPPOSITE POST OFFICE mm, ALLENBURY'S FOODS ALL SIZES SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Phone 41. i Oranges - 90c and 60c a- Dozen ~ Crawford's Grocery, "Good Things to Eat" Phone 26 = BOYS' BEEF-SKIN MOCCASINS, REG. | ULAR $250 SIZES 1 TO, BOYS' BOX KIP BLUCHERS, 1 TO + SPECIAL, $2.50. 5. ==| Chase's Nerve Food make up your =i you, and then = apd' signature of AW 'now open on all sides for missionary | « Securing of workers. Ifthe Christian =| the proof of the 5 Pn rane SH SAY ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG; MONDAY, FEBRUARY" 4, 1918. f Like CPR; im A885, Was particular- : lly interesting. In 1875 there were : {only two préaching places in the TO GREAT RELIGIOUS AWAKEN- ING, SAYS REV. H. It RIDLER | 0f- the Prosbyts growth had taken place in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec and New Ontario. The work now from a na- tional! point of view is tremendous tian Church to Take Advantage | when one sobsidets that forty per of Opportunities Presented. jot 2 ey Manitoba Es hed. = 25 8 foreign, and = EW China has haa a grea religious] oriers follow closely. At the pre- jawakening.,"" said ev. . . aler, lgent time there was a very great | missionary from Foo Chow, China, [scarcity of lonaries due to the { preaching in. St. James church on call of the colors, said Mr. Byrnes. 3 r | Sunday morning. 5 Rev. Mr. Ridler had been laboring {in China for fifteen years, and is at | the present time on his way home to England, on furlough. He -has a | wondérful ftory to tell pout the ; : | great changes in the social and re-1ing, ' His morning discourse con- ligious life of China, and of the op-|cérned * Law nd Grace. ~ With portunities there for service. The! Many SHCeriont ar Atations, oe doors of China, he declared, are open | Pointed out the way in which he for missionaries, and he regrétted| Moral law brought man face to face the fact that there were not more| With his own sinfulnes. The higher workers for such a big field He the moral law the more does sin ars : y : 5 ~ seem to abound in the world. Con- made a strong appeal for missionary victed of sin, man must turn to the Jork not only 8 China, bu} also in grace of God for salvation. He ecan- ndia, Japan anc rica. "Give all{not hope to live up to the law and you can to help on the work," he| thus save himself. The Christian said, "and do your best to send mis- | optimist believes the world to be no sionaries, for there is a great op-|{ worse to-day than it was centuries portunity there for service." iago. Man has not invented new "During the fifteen years I have|sins nor sunk to greater depths of been in China," said the speaker, "I| depravity as BISOTY i IE have seen wondegful results from the | one yet 3ll Zjerience Agree; preaching of the gospel. China has| With Biblical teaching that nan can : the | DOt 1ift himself by his own boot- had a tremendous awakening. She traps He must turn to God > ah ¢ clan | 8 aps. 8 t ou, Laas been awake hed from her sleep, | pence alone comes strength suffi- any oY filled with vigor, enersy | cient to save the individual and to (and activity. | save the world. The speaker referred to the { Who Has Spent Fifteen Years as a Missionary -- It Id Up To Chris- At First (Baptist. Rev. 8. J. Farm®dr, pastef" of the McPhail Memorial church, Ottawa, preached at. the First Baptist church Sunday. morning and even- put-| ting away of the idols by many of | the Chinese people. There had been! a great awakening from ignorance| Principal Taylor, of Queen's Uni- and superstition. The recent great | versity, preached in Chalmers Church political movement had accomplished | On Sunday evening to a large con- much. © The monarchy was now a | gregation. He took as his subject. republic, and the old educational | "Sacred and 'Secular," and 4s ex system had been swept aside and|from I. Corinthians iii, 21 and te modern methods adopted. The so-| Dr Taylor said that there is hos . cial life had been changed, and west- | Bacon in lite 50 desommiine as Rat tho greatest of ail the awakeaiges| BELO by Which to much o a man's SF 4S : .° | life is regarded as spiritually indicer- was that of the religious awakening | ent, while the definite religious side as a result of the preaching of the} o it was lost in reality by being sep- gospel. And this, to a great extent, | arated from the rest, The conten- was due to the work of the mission-| tion was that life should be all of a aries. Many of the idol temples had | piece. The question was of the na- been removed, and up-to-date | ture of the piece. The Principal schools had taken their place. Chris- | showed how impossible it was to tian day schools were held in many | make the distinction in music and of .the old idol temples. God had | literature without shutting out much {been manifesting His power in the! which is the fimest in both. The { work. There were now 500,000 greatest musie¢ could never be set to Christians, and while this might look | words. It was something in itself {just as a drop of water in a bucket,| Which had to be appreciated, In lit- yet there were 20,000 Chinese Chris- | erature, words of Browning were not | tian workers and this would go tol what is commonly Known as sacred, form a nucleus for the winning over| but they were the greatest teachers of the nalion for Christ. Just think | 3 ie aluaiognih ceitury. The dif of "the influence this would hive onl ras Bot in things but in men. The secular man. made holf things secu- { lar, the godly man li edgall of his | life to God. Principal Taylor at Chalmers, the next generation. The doors were work in China. The opportunity was at hand, hut the trotible was in the church did net undertake the work, | China, like Japan, would fall back] into materialism. - | a ¢ s "My message Lo ¥ou today, is that! : Co. . ------ haa ar you realize something of what is be-, AS THE RESU vr OFXGREAT WAR ing done in China, by the power .of VETERANS' TAG DAY. the gospel of Christ. The doors are . \ open. It is for the church to take Forty-eight Collectors Aided in the advantage of this opportunity." ! Street Collection--The Money to v be Used in Getting Furnishings \New Ontario Mission Work. fr Tor We Association's Club Rooms, Rev. J. DI Byrnes, district super-| . re Great . War Veterans tag intendent . if the Presbyterian |6Ye0! On Saturday was a great sde- church iff New Ontario, preached in | Sous, and Lieut. Topping, Ihe Socre 'Chalmers' church on Sunday morn- | tara-treasurer, fepor a $705.6 5, ing on the subject, "The Church and | Pe0PIe's offerings totalled 703-4 the Nution." Touching on the days Which is to be used in fitting' up'the {of more primative things in Canada, Association 8 club, building on Prin- Kingston in 1934 at which a man OR street corners soliciting conttibu- was appointed to look after the first | tions for the-veterans fuprters, and, mission field. In 1875 there was | the greatel Part of These Were lads the union of the various branclies of» 1° Pte. Seish tuitied B he Jorg: the church and the growth in the So Srounh any highest ~ was west, following the completion of [little 'Miss Angell, daughter of Cor- "== | poral Angel, who collected $57.24. MAKES A PERSON | The association is thankful to Lhe : Daughters of the Empire, the vonus > FEEL YOUNG! ladies -of Queen's residence and class rt [No. 27 of Queen street Methodist Mrs. Brown of Kingston, Ont., Tells | Sunday school, who aided in the eoi- How Differently She Felt When | lection. i Her Nerves Were Restored to | ~The Kingston branch of tive G. W Health and Vigor. | V. A. expects to be able to do some- 3 ------------ | thing real good for the returned, Mrs. G. Brown, l4 Clergy street) soldiers when it gets settled in its west, Kingston, Ont. writes: "A year | New. home on Princess street; so 8g0 last summer (I was badly run] 8enerously _offered to it by Brig.- and so nervous that 1 could | Gen. [L. W. Shannon, of London, down, not sleep at night, but would have to| Ont., one of Kingston's sons. ) The veterans are very grateful to get up and walk around. I had no : appetite, had pains in my stomach Mayor Hughes and the citizens of and back. I sent for a box of Dr, |Kidgston for the most liberal re- Chase's Nerve Food, and found it| Sponse they made fo the appeal tor gave such good results that I kept|lunds. ' up the treatment until I had taken five boxes. I have gained in flesh, my nervousness is gone and I can eat as much in one day as I used to in a week. [I sleep well, and have. not bad a sick headache for a long time. "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is wor a lot of money to any person that is suffering like I did; it makes a per« son feel young and fyll of life, not down-hearted and dull. I am glad to [ner gusnea it to all suffering from | } KNEW DONALD HANKEY . ---- Major W. 1. Grant Speaks on "The, Student in Arms." Major W. L. Grant, principal of the Upper Canada College, spoke Fri- day night in the Upper Canada col- lege hall to the students and their parents and friefids on Donald Han- key, author of "The Student in Arms," 'whose friendship Major Grant had enjoyed 'at Oxford, and for whom bis affection and admiration flowed 8ut in his speech with quiet d impressive idine Of the nervousness, sick headaches and run- down conditions." It feeds the nerves. That is the great secret of the success of Dr. Chase's Nerve {Foi That is why cures effected by this treatment are both thorough and lasting. The great difficulty when the nerves become exhausted is to get enough nourishment from the food you eat to restore the nerves. By supplying the elements from which Nerve Force is created in condensed and easily digested form Dr. Chase's Nerve Food feeds the wasted and depleted nerve cells back' to hedlth and vigor. 3 ¥ ' You feel the hencfit obtained by renewed energy and anibition, pain and wéakness disappear, : proves, the complexion takes on new color, and In a score of ways you find good this food cure is doing you. When you have decided to use Dr. ritish soldiers in\ the great war, Major Grant said: "All are great, yet here aud there we pick out one that" seems to typify the ideal for Which, we. strive." ~ . "The semlor musical and aris Stason of the. Young Ladies" College are fi Ew Toh ntind fo give if a faipchanee to cure ist on getting the ng genuifie article, of § boxes as dealers, | Og or 'Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, it Taronto. ' jwest; and in ¥914 there were 878 | preaching places undet the auspices-| erlan chureh. Similar | : EENREERRRNIN. J) | NEEEE wm « At the recent large sales of Raw Furs, the prices have ad- vanced materially on practically all furs, and this means that all furs for next season will be ad- vanced in price. Take advantage of our pres- ent low prices. Campbell Bros Kingston's Oldest Fur Store, EB SS Sp seal : od Ladies' cushion sole laced boots and oxford ties; low rubber heels; . "make good house shoes." ; Abernethy's Shoe Store emp aA RA PAGE FIVE - 4 | eee maesmm---- : Special price $2.25. TTTTTETSTI---- i, L-- A Chance to Furnish a Home at a Price that Would Ordinarily Furnish Two Comfortable Rooms. Dining room chairs and extension tables in walnut and quartered or fumed oak. The Leading Undertaker. PASTEURIZED MILK AND TREAM. Visit This Daity and Decids for Yourself, -- Batisfaction, Guaranteed. Oficial Tent by H. B, Smith. Milk tout. ed 3.2 Buttey. Fat. Phone 2083 . Ep Henderson's Coffee | The Morning Beverage Used by discriminating people who appreciate its Arno worth on account of iis delicious" fla~ vor and pleasing aroma. Absolutely. Pure Real Quality--Price Reasonable Henderson's Grocery Phone 279 59-61 Brock St. A square house to deal with. ---------- "BRINGING UP FATHER ABROAD" Pleased Large Audience at the Grand on Saturday. "Bringing Up Father Abroad," the third of a series of musical comedies, was at the Grand' Saturday afternoon afd evening and the patronage was 80 large that the conipany is to play a return engagement on Wednesday, matinee and night. The production fis the funniest of the Jiggs' serials and the large audiences laughed every minute of the play: The same principals again appear--Jobhn BE. Cain as "Jiggs," Ben B. Byton as "Dinty Moore," Robert J. Rice ais "Don Kellar," and Marion J. Ben- 801 as "Maggie." Blanche Newcomb. as Jiggs' daughter clever in the soubrette line. The girls' chorus is about the best trained seen here in some time. The whole production is of the kind that forces one to laugh. Some. of Jiggs" expressions - may. be strong, but his language is of the ey- ery-day variety after ail St. Mary's Cathedral Notes. - A collection was taken up in St Mary's cathedral on Sunday for Ar- menian relief, and also for the ers of the Halifax disaster, It wds announced in the cathedral yesterday that Christmas col age. lection amounted to $2,447.70 this being the largest except one ever contributed. suffer j 24 JOHNSON STRERY . ON APPROVAL - them in your own home. Hear os many styles and hundreds of records. THE J. M. GREENE MUSIC 5 CC ui { Cor. Princess and Sydenham . : Streets: : HUDSON BAY Choice meet || GROCERIES . Toronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON. ONT. « A at I -- an d Win ¢ 'No wrong can be done with a combination like this. It is designed for all indications of ill health, and is a reliable combination for everybody, - Wiampole's Beef, Iron and Wine is a fine tonic to take. A appetizer and just what you COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice! On and after first of May . James Reid aad be |