x PAGE TWELVE FEBR _1918. sas J COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS LOANED B= You buy six double-sided records, £5.10, and we let yom = W have this shachine and records for onc month free. : = = : ! [ uy BATTLE corner game as ever, His Jogo were | FULTON FORCING ™ : unsteady, his face crushed ang .T , s SULLIVAN'S BEST His body leaned, against hig will, -- WILLARD'S HAND -- : over to protect that awful place on nt aY ains PUGILIST DESCRIBES HIS 75-|his left side. 31 rushed him, smushed Has Signed Contract to Meet "ww WI {ILRAIN |him on the j knocking him agains An ROUND BATTLE WITH KI ¥ | the rope. pradtlaily nenseless. 1 was Ohampion AR Yi Suit- : rook to|ready to smash him again Whe able m. He Was a Game Flghte Ee something white was thrown from his Swamp After 'Twas Iver--"1 corner, falling almost at my feet. Cost $18,000 to Keep Out of "Pen" | charlie Mitchell had tossed his towel! world's heavyweight championship, The late Jahn L. Sullivan, former in the ring, and the battle was Woll. |is forcing Jess Willard's hand. Wil- heavyweight Hismplon o the world. . LAnet Xe had got. aboara Lous lard some time ago made a proposi- . . : 1 d kid b tt alwaks maintained that his greatestitrain ano 2 tion that gained--and still is gainin X 1 utton En ras with Jake Kilrain in Rich-| down the track, and somebody yelled | yn (iqespread publicity. "it ne Women S patent, gun mes a5 R field, Miss., July Sth, 1889. that it was the militia. 1 do not an offer to defend his Oa against shoes, with cloth and leather tops. eg- "1 have knocked out 143 fighters| know how I did it, but as a matter of RN foremost rival 10 tha Henefit of S . 00 - $3 49 and was only beaten once, andt then | fact of fact, that 1 went out of an ths. American. Red: Cross. of Some ular price $6. y now . . by a man who would not stand up| prdinary coach window head first. I dren ely At the Hi h and fight me," said Sullivan. "Of all| made for a swamp and stayed there in r x soclety. At & e time the : : the scraps I had. the toughest was|until the alarm passed. : champion figured on Fulton being op- Women's patent and gun metal shoes, but- ; nv bout with Kilrain, which went "I-got out of the sfate all right, posed to him. Fulton, it develops, 5 00 $2 49 38 75 rounds before I won but I was brought baek, and it sost is darermined to mate Willard make ton and lace. Regular $ UU, now o : . "We left New Orleans on a train|me just $18,000 to keep from going | good on his tentative promise to mee ri Then if you are satisfied pay us five dollars a month for packed to the roof, and even on the|to the penite tiary for a year, but li him. According to a report from : . 5 1§ h : five months. wl ave thi achine free for roof, and went to Richfield to hold| came out way ahead on the mill at{penver, the lanky plastengr, or, ra- Men Ss mahogany, tan and black call shoes; Tuy 12 records, $10.20, and you have this machine this Kilrain fight," said the old} that." ther, his manager, Mike Collins, has E lish h Re ular $8 00: one month. scrapper. | "When we got ready to seme = signed articles with Jimmy Hammil new Lnglish shapes. g . ' fight the sheriff climbed into the ring HANLON IS AMUSED. . r for a twenty-round fight with the on the turf and read the Riot Act and) champion at the Stock Yards Stad- now $5.79. ordered the crowd to disperse. But would Not Accept Presidential Chair | {um there, on any date sujtable to { Renand. the promoter, gave him an " nt, slipped $250 into his hand Even. as a Gift. Willard. Hammill offers Willard a argument, slippe 20 As ONL RE 50.000 + his hie i and he was hustled away. When we Edward (::Ned") : Hanlon way flat $50, ; 0 Yor his end, whieh, it is climbed into the ring both of us were quite amused when he heard that |stipulated in the contract, Willard ig strivped to the waist, with long tights | the Toronto Club proposed "to sup- | to donate to the Red Cross. as Pps Es and the heavy spiked |Bort: him in the International « boots that were worn in fights on the League presidential campaign. Mr. A EE turf fastened to our feet Hanlon is not a candidate and will w . irs A . not become a candidate. 18TH YEAR IN BASEBALL { *I'would not consider any Inter- th . = atic Plank 2 (ilrain W 3 h national League position even. if it Little Doubt But That Eddie Pla "je Bila » Was : athe was Jake| Were offered to me by acclamation,' Will Be in the Game Again |. He was a game man, was va18{,,iq Hanlon. The Baltimore. club This Season. Kilrain. He did not fight the stand- All support Arthur Irwin of New {up battle that I expected, but he gave Ye % Uppoty lames Price of New- Although at the present moment me a terrific fight. When we mov- aor ageinsl who avers wealthy Eddie Plank says he is through with ed to each other he came at me with ark. is stil a baseball enthusiast, | baseball, there is little doubt that the a quick left. I knocked up his arm |, has retired from active business | opening of the baseball season will} with my left and countered lightly and is taking life easy. He is the find him in the uniform of the New under his heart with my right as hel 00 0 ©" Baltimore club's nom- | York club and ready for service. The danced back. I Fashed in after bi; inees to decline the issue. )ld guard dies, but never surrenders. ting with my left, and betore Na p---- Plank is a veteran of the diamond. Then you can keep same and pay $8 per month for five knew how it happened he back- "SAMMY" IS THROUGH. He is 43 years old, and will soon be- monthe and " - de hine is yours for one month free if {ected Te ele itp gin his eighteenth season. There are un cove! machine is yours e ce i © } 2 a § 3 + rv, . jh in I b [ . A you buy fifteen records. comes in, putting your left arm Mr. Lichtenhein Decides to Give Up { only Swe ball Jlayess in the Big doar i around his body, yur right forearm |. His Interests in Baseball. EUS why ave oon in J g game ae i ) across his throat, and your right heel 4gSammy" Lichtenhein, of Mont-| er than Plank. They are Bobby Wal- "a - behind his left. Then with a sudden real, the big chief of baseball and lace. and Nap Lajoie. : A heave you can throw him over on his| hockey in the Quebec city, was in Pitchers may come and pitchers ar or an vin oom rel lire back. This was the 'trick that hil-| Toronto yesterday and had a long | may go, but Plank Joes on Toraver: rain worked on me for the first fall] talk with President McCaffery, of | Here are a few of the famous twirl- . of the battle, and the crowd roared. |the Toronto Baseball Club, From |ers who have come and gone since Couches, Chesterfields, Tables, Chairs and Rockers "Ag 1'was going to my corner Iihis talk it is almost certain that | Eddie's slim left arm began work- : tere said to him: *So you want to wrestle, | "Sammy' is through with baseball | ing for the Athletics in 1901: All Latest Designs and Finishes. do you? Well, I'll give you enough|as well as hockey. He has decided Matty, Brown, Overall, Walsh, Largest and Best Selection. of that. to get out of sport and let someone Reulbach, Rucker, Adams, Wiltse, : ; "In the next round I go to his body else tackle the proposition. : Yoel Chalmers, Mullin, Donovan, Harmon, : * : wits sounie of herd sights aud] dent Mob Hy IB HE: oc Nav |jack Powell, Mequilles. Bugs Ray jasty left under the eye as|ter fro McCrae, N 1 Joe Wood y: el the round opened. Then, seeing a| York, who is working hard to bring mond, Joe ood and Dubuc ® @® chance, 1 grabbed him apound the;about Sunday baseball in New Yor . i body. It nearly took the wind out|State. Judge McCrae states that} pamous Runner Now in France. Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. of him, and it was me that got the| Sunday ball is-almost certain to} oo 0 ost interesting War | a cheers as we went to our corners. come. It it does the International } to i a | oe E, Na I -- "I nearly ended the fight in the) League will operate: ers joa nas Viewpoint W over . ; fuird round, and J would bave been | ~~ follower of tracy athletics, was re- : this way: Wes i ANZACS ENJOY SKATING. ceived the ather day by a Phila- 5 i way: sparred. around: for a lB delphia friend of Ted Meredith-- little while, me. anxious for another . 1 : nas chance to get my hands on him. He|Men From CoMimonwealth Adapt Li the Saas Fuh is aow stalls | : > solv % ; ca . 8 con . isew he Watino show wher i came! Themsives 10 WWimter Bul io] 10 1st 15 the aut of Tisivg that he) The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD 3 3 e ope F A is probably flyin n the baitl o close, He was making pretty good| Military Hospital at Cobefirg is en- p oy J onl a BD 1 Also the Cheapest! -- are Nothing to pay on the machine for one month, then you pay play with his left for my face. After! joyed by mone more than some of Tout this ven) ay en this ot : \ 10.00 per month, for six months. e bad landed a few BT . {ter was written, some four weeks . : Now is the time to get a machine; only a few at these terms, he had landed a few times I slipped|ine Australian soldiers, who arelao, the former University of Peen- one of these leads and he drew back,| here for 'a few months' treatment | vican; ; 313 8 9 3 ' . . sylvania star was receiving the final in today and get best choico thinking that T was going to close.| pefore proceding to their own coud touches in his training a war Instead I brought my right over his| try, Fine expanses of skating sur- . . _ 2 vi 1g 8 t ~ s arm us hard as I could, and it land-| face are a great novelty to them, aviator. and Was expected go 05 . 9 9 : ed full on his jaw. He went down and skating, on ice, at least, Was! night's time. This means that, un- 111 ul like a tenpin and rolled over. His| not among their accomplishments, | jo53 some retarding influences has seconds grabbed him, and carried | put with their native keepness they | heen at work, the greatest quarter- ; hip 1» iia rg ile ihe rove have taken advantage of their OP" [miler the world ever knew is now ; are impr gnat d with a chemical solu- SPORTING GOODS CO. as roaring for 'Sullivan, Sullivan.' { portunity, and qualified hemselves. | taking his part in the strenuous air Safest because they are impregnate h -- fighting on the western front. ton which Tenders the stick "dead" immediately the match is ; ; a: . Dt . Meredith during. his training . ---- - Lr Or ow Wane 8 Draw, Eddie Collins Exexmpt. period in France in located near a Cheapest, because there are more perfect matches 'to the "I was playing for his heart all the| pqdie Collins will play second | smaller city fu the chateau country. sized box than in any other box on the market. time, and every time he led ou: with| pase for the Chicago Wyhite S0X| At 'the time the letter was written Wat time economy and your own good sense, will urge the his left, 1 tried my hardest to land: again this year. The $50,000 Star|meq had just ref¥ived his captain's necessity of buying none but EDDY'S MATCHES. nim in that same spot again, under| pag received -word that he will be the heart. Constant pounding on any " one spot is the most weakening form Manager Rowland. will have the -- ee) of attack, and his flesh on that spot,| same infield that played in the for a place may be six inches square,| world's - series last fall---Gandil, . i mA AAS TR Y : was cut and bruised by the thirtieth) Collins, Weaver and McMullin. Are Paying the Penalty. po) round. According to present indications, | The hockey team of the School of "1 had taken many a bard punch| ine White Sox may lose only one of | yiljtary Aeronauth Engi , and some hard falls duriag the battle| their regulars, Pitcher Urban Faber, 4 Touautics, - Engines z building, Queen's Park, which went | ® and long before the fortieth round| whose strategy proved too much for |, ging, Su last week ip ed ? : ar C he began to land on my stomach.| the Giants in October. ~~ "HapbY" |with an outlaw team, the Pittsburg | ® 2 3 a They had given me tea with whiskey| Felseh, who was married last sum-} A A, after being warned, has been | S . in it as a strengthener, and there was ; mer, will escape the draft under a |jeharred from competition in the : Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. too much whiskey. In the fortieth i > Oranges, 30c, 40c, 50c and 70c dozen; California Apples, recent ruling by Secretary of War | yilitary League by fhe excutive round I was yomiting after I had| Baker. 80c, 40¢c. and 30c dozen; Grape Fruit, 4 for 23¢ and, 3 for 20¢; i committee of the association. Tle compe back to my corner, Kilrain . ~ : _ Choice Pears, 6 for 25¢c; Lemons, 30¢ and 40c dozen. hg) aia y od . committee, on a vote, gave them an AT THE "8S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. wanted 10 call it & draw, diaw vou opportunity of with drawing from want in a little while," T yelled back the league or of being put oul. ; : at him, and we went on with the} } - 1 5 : fight. Sam Crawford Free Agent. : : : Lo and "I said that Jake Kilrain was | \ game, and he certainly was game ! Sam Crawford, famous old slug- Phone 2168. Prompt Delivery. CLEAN UP OF ODD LINES Fred Fulton, challenger for the wn L commission and was in charge of a section composed of sixty officers and mean. * placed in class four. Consequently er, is considerably w h : and he certainly showed it that day.| } : } krousht 9p over CAN ce : Ey _ pa the fact that he has been dropped > no ; Though he was erally beaten to al T=5n ne from the Detroit club. Major lea- Barn ip tn He could uot hit v O Sight do well - 3uting 1 ueldors . When one woman out of & hun- One swallsw may not'. make a of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. hard enough to bur ger poh ; : . Seteran, who harp still hit 'em with iio Bi A Tile ibe Summer. 3 " Linu pa ino hate ; McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. the call, only to be knocked down or ore energy and frequency than halt | patter with her. Every man has a rigit to keep his aT aot Sercot. Telephone 1083 thrown, and carried back. fot the youngsters who are in the min- |" 14 is awfully hard to generate any | opinion to himself. Princess Street. "The end came in the seventy: ors or. on their way up. In Addition, 1 respect for a man who wears a lot| Beware of people who never get fifth round. Kilrain came out of his he is not subject to the draft. of rings on his fingers. | angry. . : me SR a 9! ; BRINGING UP FATHER iw, u " en | A 'By GEORGE McMANUS, Pl JIGGS IM ae | : WELL" IF You 1} LEH + ™mE : y ' | BURE. THERE™S ONTH BR ) ns * RES i. a < a » go A BURGLAR : ; 3 of SSED pg | FAINY : ; Ie ; HAVE None IN THE HOUSE! : 2 : E 2} fe HM TO g : ; REAL BURGLAR = : : : BE Be OAL: : 37 ; {A ¢ ®