[News From Eastem Onarin S FROM THE DISTRICT PED. FROM THE WHIG'S | ANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. ODESSA PAYS $13 A TON For Its Coal Sup ply--Red Cross Con tributions, Canagi an R od Cr ing 'for a tea and ent this village hall for Brief Form the Events In The | Do untry About Kingston Are Told «Full of Interest to Many, Rov. A. E: Smart has been appoint- High School trustee for Madoe by County Couneil LG. Arber, Tweed, confined room with a serfioys attack pehial preumonia is stated that Rev. A, H. gay, has received a eall hodist 'church ig St. "Tite to Que pairs' sc : { handke ofS 4 pi ow Mrs Hospital cons :d of 6 60 proper 10 suits pyjamas an tol of | joe B. J. Oswald returned Going. Friday from spending a few days fo the Kingston, Mrs, R Ayelswort has returned from visiting } Mary's. J. D. McArthur and niece, + Migs | Mrs. (Dr.) Nixon, Ottawa. Miss Donset is spending a week wit ortson, Brockville, left vester- | on a trip to Kingston, Jamatea. | PAreRts in Verona. Dr. Sparting, medical health offi-| Michael Kelly, Bedford, spe jb, (Pembroke, has been operated | 33Y8 With his mother, Mrs. T. J bn tor appendicitis and complica- | 1¥> 1ast week Mrs. Sidney Sproul He is rebting easy, is visiting Mrs. Don Thompson fo: quiet wedding took place last few days. Mr. and Mrs, Williax dnesday at the home of Mr. Nog | MeCormack, Redcliffe, Alta, in Johnston, Sand Bay, when her [ Mave been visiting relatives, left hier, Lota, was married to | their home, spending a short time ter Haskin, of Lansdowne. The | Montreal en route. Miss Mary ung couple will take up residence | 540, who has been ill tor the pa ft the farm of the lafe John Landon three weeks, improving nicely Miss Gertie Clark, Lansdowne. : At Prescott on Saturday there seriously ill for some ing pd away leading resident in 'person of Joseph Dubrule, sr. The fuel question is becoming death was sudden. He had not | ius here. Latest reports are i feeling we 1 for a few days, but} $15 a ton, and wood, $11 a cord. attended to is duties as post- or up until Friday. He was in MAY FISH IN WHITE 1st year. . ---- Ontario Government Will Issue censes to Net Fishermen. Arnprior, Feb. 4.---The .Ontar Government is now prepared to is licenses to persons who will net in White Lake, about ten mile Aruprior, in order that a ready ply of fresh fish wi available ir this district White ke is a ver popular fishing regulations will Arnprior of an supply of fresh fish. is time, is ¢ a LAKE. Soldiers C thing Ww fool, ® Brockville, Feb. 5.--A large nun- bei "of the Hailway Construction and frestry -Cotps stationed hers are tring practical knowledge of the k that awaits them on their ar 1 in France and Flanders. They engaged cutting wood on a farm the Township of Augusta in re- pee to a request from the Cor. tion of Brockville. The men dining in a wood-workipg shop br the scene of operations and - ping in a cheese factory The is taking this way of meeting 'goal shortage, and it is expected A will be a great demand for tho stime fuel. . Farmérs and deal- are also supplying much wood rockville householders at prices h are considered exorbitant, 8 fro he k resort, no doubt Poultry and Auto Shows. Picton, Feb. 1.--Prince Edwari sociation and are holding the automobile a three days' exhibition at the Armories. with record sults. The entries number sthan ever, the birds shown Athens Public Library, thens, Feb. 25.---At the anvual ng of the Athens Publi¢ Library w board was appointed for the ping year. It is composed by the pwing: Mrs. C. F. Yates, Mrs. H. lornell, Miss Allen, Mrs. D. L. gton, Rev. Rural Dean Swayne, ® Holmes, Rev. 'T J. Vickery, E. flor, W. G. Parish. During 1917, t 100 new books were placed on shelves at a cost of $110. ance is larger. offered hy local merchants. Death in Cobourg. Cobourg, Feb. 4.---Mrs. nea Til Bulger, wife of James Bulger. o ei® ou inursday after a short ill- ness. She is survived hy three sons, John and Thomas, of Waterbury, Conn., and James, of town; daughters, Mrs. Frank LeSijeur, Remains in London, ronto; Misses Annie, Minnie, and Lillian. Brockville, Feb. 5.--Rev., G. W. flmer, a former well known young ER ident of Athens and Brockville, Secured Five Coons. fad been curate of St. Matthew's ie Bal ee Cings lican Church in London, has been erie. eh. = John. Kings nted rector succeeding Rev. Ed-| poniry of coons n gd Appleyard, who is now rector Voodstock. Julia tree of the lot. 'Nothing 1.9050 For Viaduct Property. rockville eb. H.----An award 160 has been made to John L. gton, owner of property ad- ng the G. T. R. crossing three west of town, through which duet is being constructed, The ators find that the township of bethtown must pay the costs. mn got five trouble nice © coon of and excitement. On January 24th the death place at Los 'Angeles, California, a formep resident of Brockville James ICemmill Marshall. son of the late Norton Marshall and 51 years of i FORD CARS 'The Ford touring car and roadster.aré the only cars on the market not advanced in price since the war, We have a lot of these on hand now, ordered for spring delivery, and have a few left that we can take orders for{ but will not take orders at present prices for any not on hard. Came in nnd select your car while you can get one at the old prices. We have a sam- ple oneston Ford truck, new model, on hand to show you. VanLuven Bros. Ford Garage : and age. ment of goods for january bags, 47 last 1 creeks are frozen spent few Kel Wii for in Mill- past who has be en | Ips gain- Coal, i Li- sup and the new assure almost inexhaustible County Poulyry and Pet Stock As- show | and five To- | on track.of a and traced them to their home in his bush in the tallest daunted however the tree was felled and John skins for his | took of in He was a Agnes CEES FROZEN 10 BOTTON ASD FARMERS HAVE DIFFI- UTY aN GEFTING WATER. of Philipsville -- Various Farmers Are Changing Plans. - Phillipsvillg, Feb. 4.--~The ¢ versary in the Methodist chure! January 27th was attended b congregations at hoth services Mr. 'MeParlape, the former pa preached. Owing to the storm Cyster supper and lecture was post- poned until Tuesday evening, when vy another large crowd was in att -- » ance. Moulton and Davison are kept busy with their bust si. Summer d and Company are also (cutting wood | for the farmers. Fhe farmers are n houses with ice 1, thick. The old { not remember of tl A New Boad to be Built Out } wani filling their thirty-four inche t inhabitant 3 ice sO { to | Mapy farmers find It difficul water for their s Mrs. A. Denny L | complication of diseases. Mr. and ei Mis. Peter Nolan attended the : a | ral of the late Mr. Sheridan n| Nclan's father. Many tenant tthelr machinery their new farms. very low with Mrs. farmers are and stock James Danby will upy . one of William Stevens' farms. Willlam Morris w occupy Carl farm vaeated by Mr. A new wan is going to oce A. Stevens' stock farm Moulton has sold his farm in concession. This township will of Government road commencing at the tha philipsville and ng north. y ground. William misfortune to freeze loose Thong the build one mile next summasi township line on Elgin road Best had one of his { n 1 v i Te | more | are os an excellent quality and the attend- Special prices were g Uj t } Opera House, matinee . flv, wife J 3 r. of His Majesty's Customs, passed away | THiS RUNNING WE eps a L ROADS ARE ADVERSHLY EF- FECTED BY COLD WEATHER Snow and Cold, Together with Labor Problems Are Bothering The Traine men. : Between a shortage of coal and of imen, the abnormal weather condi- tions the railroads dn this district are certainly having a hard time to keep running even approximately to schedule time, Practically all of {the trains are more or less late, Grand Trunk train No. 14 from the west, known as the International Limited, has been delayed for four, five and as much as nine hours al- most every day for. the last three weeks. On Monday the Canadian Northern from Yarker reached Har- rowsmith but had to return to Yar- ker after a long delay. Passengers {from the west arrived there at 6.30 p.m. city until 5 a.m. Tuesday. |" ~The-Canadian Pacific lett here at 10.45 "reached Knight's train am. Siding which but was there delayed until late in the after- The Grand | train | noon in the snow drifts. Trunk west bound midnight Monday was three ing the city. it has been a tremendous task to keep the roads running. The com- panies are urging passengers to post- pone or cancel all absohitely unneces- | sary trips. This is one of the. in- hours late reach- conveniences contingent upon war conditions. _ Against Spring advance in prices on every bi Hoenig ob limes « Our spring merchandise is beginning t o arrive and in a few weeks spring ¢ stocks will be complete. All linég are rapidly advancing i in price and if you can fill your requirements from t stock it wil 'be a considerable save. ing: We fave. a few very fine suits left in qualities of cloth impossible to get in future. - Saturday's prices will stand on Aprons, Hose, Gloves, Corsets, etc. FOR BO WORK. Advisory Committee Elected ofi- | cers on Monday Night, A meeting of mittee in coc peration work was held at the building at | night, Hpi representatives ' present from the different schools of the city. officers were electes 3 President, ¥. L. Newman; vice | president, J. 8. Lyons, sec¢petary- treasurer, 8. T. Lilley; organizer, C. WW. Simmons. It wis decided to organize a club! in every Sunday school whorever I possible. with boys' Y.M.CA. were Sunday The following 14,179 Struck Off C.E.F. Toronto, Feb. 5.--According to a report prepared by J. Warwick, soc- retary of the Soldiers' Ald Commis sion, for presentation to the Legis-| lature, the number of men struck off | the Capadian Exxpeéditionary Force | as medically unfit, together with i - tived members of {he Tmpdifal ser- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, fune- | moving | to | Dan- | and | Most of the stone is on | Monday and did' not reach the | Monday | the advisory eom- | 6.30 o'clock on Monday) HEARD IMPORTANT ts i. BOG ART VS. ox VERONA. { fe ASE OF DR BAB! 'Ww. P. Nickle, KO, Represented the | . Defendant and Made 5 Long Argu- His Client, A. Lavell presided at D! Tues sds ment for Dr. 1. £ R. , Webster, and ona, who was re- sented by W. F. Nickle, K.C. The for $30, for. professional es rendered by Dr. Bogart as n ing physician to Dr. Geddes, | who, some gix years age, attended Mrs, Babcock when she was ill Mr. Nickle, as counsel for the de- fendant, contended that Mr, Babcock had protested against the ment of Dr. Bogart, and, thereford, hould nbt have to pay toe suwuuls fined. He stated that in texal cases a lawyer can call in a consult- ant 'and charge the client concerned with the total amount, In medical cases, however, the consulting Jdoc- | ot had to look to the other doctor mn the case for his fees. The judge found that Mr, { had not made services of Dr, 1s bhetween ated hy C, cock, of Ver 1 was aw atavi Bahcock a protest agajnst the Bogart as consultant | beyond suggesting that some doctor nearer to Verona might be as useful. The judge also stated that Dr. Geddes wae better acquainted with the abil | ity, of the doctors available for } Stel and, knowing the pe- { culiarities of the case fram a phys- | ician's standpoint, was in a better | {ion to suggest a suitable con- ultant. In view of the facet that Mr. Babeock did not protest beyond that , he would be liable for t he fee. { ment was given for $25 for the { plaintiff. vase, oT WE | AMERICAN REPORT CONSUL'S ON OFFICIAL FELDSPAR. Predicts That Nxporis of Spar Will Exceed $300,000, or Three Times the Amount in 1917. { ¥Falix 8 8S. Johnson, Aferican { consul, submifs periodical trade re- { ports to 'his government. One of { them published in a recent issue of | the official commeteial reports reads: | "Both potash {are found in former and soda feldspart Kingston district. The contains 10 to 12 per cent. of soda. Prevailing prices are from {$4 to $4.50 per net ton, f.o.b., Can- | adian shipping point. The best time to purchase feldspar i 1 sason, as shorter hauls can be made over then frozen streams and marsh- es which are impassable in the. sum- mer; also during t winter months more teams are available, as the armers are not using their horses ield work 'here are at present grinding plants near N.Y., importing feldspar Kingston district., and the prospects are that more grinding plants will be built near the border in the near future. The circumstanee that the crude stone pays no duty upan en- tering the U.S., and the ground spar plants a duty of .20 per cent. ac counts for the location of the grind- «ing plant in the United States. "A cheap. rate could be contained by ha he feldspar sent to Kingston 5 then 'by water to Oswego, As coal barges from the latter return 'in ballast a low rate Pid thus be had. The value of feldspar exported from this consujar district to the United States in 1917 amounted to more than $100,00; this year's contracts will probably exceed $300,000. VON HINDENBURG IS J DECIDEDLY OPTIMISTIC He Says He Will be in Paris by Next April, Likely Fool's Day. (Canadian 1 The Hague, eo 10 two 1 > Roche from the ress Des a Feb Mravelt ers from Germany-bring an account the recent conference at Be which Field Marshal von Hinder receivgd the editors of thirty man newspapers and discussed foed situation with then. ors told Von Hinderburg next May there would be | Germany. Lo oy reply is,' i'shal, " that hy {in Paris.' Ger- the The edit- that by no food in field mar- I shall be ' said the next April 14, 120 NON OMBAT! ANTS Of Britain Done to Death by U- Boats, (Canadian Pre a8 Despaich) London, Feb, b.---German U-boats, according toy reply given by Andrew Bonar Law, Government leader, in the House of Commons to-day, have , done to deith 14,1206 pnon-tombatant | British men, women and children. Melbourne's seaside suburbs have (been devastated by a destruetive tor- inado. Several persons were Killed and a number injured. The damage is estimated at $100.00 It costs some people more to keep up appearances than it does to live, | Time is alwavs represented by men. 'Women are calendar shy. + Kind words are never lost--but they are frequently mislaid. Money talks conclusively, casionally it gets rattied. To argue successfully with a wo- e- 01 keep silent. but oc i vice and mien discharged before go- | Jing overseas is = ™ The weather extremely cold frou. Ontario to the Atlautiz £0ast, | while in the west it has turn2d much mi'der, with a chitsock blowing in 'Alberta and Southern Saskatenbdwan A fresh westerly gale is sweeping over the Maritime Frovinges. iGermans Were Teguise : ats Press Desi aT - Dardanelles is 1 1-5 miles, i TUESDAY, y, FEBRUARY 5, 1915. -_ wn Rn | ELECTRIC FIXTURES A --. SET TAT Sm Entire stock of electric fixtures and supplies are now being offer- ed at sacrifice prices. We are discontinuing our elec- trical depaftment and every ar- ticle must be sold to make room for our automobile and accessory business. Every 'article new and up-to- the-minute. Buy your fixtures now for the spring and save a lot of money. W.J.MOORE & SON WELLINGTON STREET MS \ 3 DE -- SHR EO -- \ me. oh mene advantage in price. EET REMAIN (ft THE SAME | NTiL after Unnistmas, at least, there will be no advance in Sonora prices. Comparing the Sonora, cabinet for cabinet; métor for motor, device for' device, with the other recognized phonographs, the. Sonora has a decided And when it comes to tone--there is ne comparison, could be desired than that given at the Panama Pacific International Exposition, where "the 'only jury which heard end tested all the p oy the Sonora ** the highest score for tone quality." The Soncra plays every disc Record made. I. MONTAGNES & CO., Canadian Distributors Ryrie Bldg; Cor. Yonge and Shuter Sts., TORONTO nol AS CLEAR AS A BELL = 3 The Invincible $500% What stronger evidence of this C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Gold Medal of Award ey Panama Pacific Exposition 915 i NII tA ANN THE TURKS TO TUNNEL THE DARDANELLES Parliament Asked to investi- gate Feasibility of New Bridge and Tunnkl. Amsterdam, Feb, 6.--The Turkish overnment, according to a Con- stantinople despatch to the Vossische Zeitung, of Berlin, has applied to parliament asking for application to investigate the feasibility of the ¢on- struction of a bridee'and tunnel con- necting Europe with Asia. There are two straits separating Europe from Asia Minor which might be used in a bridge of tunnel project. They arc the Bosphorus at the en trance to the Black sea, nnd the Dar- danelles, at the entrance to the Medi- toerravein. At its narvowest point the Bosphorus is 1,808 feet wide walle the minimum width of the Pontoon Bridecs were built aercss the Dare daxoiles then called the Hellespont By Xerxes, of Persia, and Alexander 'the Great, of Macedonia, hefore the J Christian aves. mv ; Bb. b--A detachment i of, mei troops last night atts the Fretich positions on the Che! "des Dames, on the Aisne front. 'official reports issued to-day by i | The the I War Office says the attack hs re. "pulsed." { § 1 i: | CENTRAL CONTROL BOARD. Government Is Contemplating Its Fs. tablishment, 'Ottawa, Feb, §5.~--It is siated hers ority that the Govern- templating establishing 3 a 'Control Board to operate all the Canadizn railvays on similar Imes to the Board which is in exist- nce in Great Britain. "The Impression appears to be growing here that complete nation- Ask your "GROCER" F or - SUNKIST SEEDED and 'SEEDLESS RAISINS "The Best for Pie or Cake. When your eyes trouble You that 'they 'Peanire special and carcfal attention. sts. We can give you this service for we are eyesight speclal- Years of cxperance has made us Fxperes in examinations of the eyes, and makers « [ correct Man'C'z. Opticinas "3 Op 'Optome! alization of railways' adopied by the Government. bas been such Grand Trunk Railway System traf- + wopringy for last wine days of Jans uary were $1302 645, $262,013. a onurse. R. J. RODGER trists. © 132 Priscess Sq, the Clock Ix ou the Sam, ered M.C., son of reeems-------- will not hy There | no particular dempnd (on " Capt. Hugh Pedley, the Rev, Dr. Pediev, Moutreal, has | been killed ig action. Capt. Pedley. went overseas with the 73rd Battal fon. He won ais Military Cross at Parachendaele The longer & man tries 10 prolong oft an argument the lees he knows 8 decterse . | about the subject.