Face Nothing But Running Sores FROM A ECZEMA No rest day or or night for those af- Micted with that terrible skin disease, eczema, or, as it Is often called, salt rheum, With its ughearable burning, itch- ing, torturing day and night, relief is gladly, welcomed. There is no remedy like Burdock Blood Bitters for giving relief to such sufferers; no other remedy has done, or can do so much for those who are almost driven to distraction with the terrible torture. Apply it oxternally and it takes out the sting- ing, itching and burning, and Jro- motes a healthy healing. , Take it internally and it gets at the source of the disease in blood, and completely and perman- ently drives it out of the system. Miss Mary V. Chambers, Anagance Ridge, N.B., writes. "I used Burdock Blood Bitters for eczema. [I had it when an infant, but it left me. Two Years ago it came back. I used doc- tors' medicine; but it did good only while I used it. At last my face was | nothing but a running sore. I saw in the paper what B.B.B. did for peo- ple. 1 took it, and today I am free from that terrible disease Manufactured only by The T/ burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Mil- A A A Don't judge a man by his size. The biggest fiddle in the drchestra plays the fewest notes Every man 'has his price, and it is greater than his neighbors think he is worth. Er Bt AAA AA Al NN [ Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Msctalising 34 Store Fone ang Fu. WORIMATES I BX Address PERIENOR University Ave. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, NN. Morris, 374 King St. BROWN'S ELECTRIC the$as socks, mufflers, etc., ceiving with her. Gauley, Bessie Melba Hoag Folger, Scott, G order-- 'really does" gestion, (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers all over Canada, will- make a charge of 50¢c for inserting an engagement, mar riage or reception announcement.) ¥ » * Lieut.-«Col. Walsh, assistant di- rector of veterinary services and re- mount at Shornclife, England, has s0 interested his wife and daughters, Mrs. F. Walsh and the Misses Walsh, Aberdeen street, in the needs of the men of his command that they and a number of girls have formed them- selves into an auxiliary to the Blue Cross Society--the object of the so- ciety being to provide comforts, such for the men. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Walsh, who is president of the society, gave her house and was hostess at a patriotic dance, Miss Going, presi- dent of the Blue Cross Society, re- Mrs. W. T. Fair also assisted Mrs. Walsh." The money realized will be used to pur- chase wool Boxes containing 1Chsistmas cheer and comforts have already been received at Shoracliffe from these energetic workers. Among those in attendance were: Misses Bessie Walsh, Beatrice Wy- dum, Loraine Shortt, Dorothy Nicol, Marjory Fair, Lucille Corbett, Gwen Gladys May, Mildred New- man, Muriel Waterhouse, Helen Libby, Rhena Hoag, Alice Goodwin, Marjory EMNis, Beatrice Lambert, Abernethy, and Veta Minnes, Messrs. Howard Ernest Broome, Harold Hooper, J. MeGregor, Charlés Ab- bott Courtland Elliott, Lieuts. H. McLeod and H.. Beckel, Messrs. H. Elliott, Palmer, Haffner, Young, Gibson, Forsythe and Alex- ander. *s = The Alma Mater Society of Queen's University held a reception in the NO STOMACH PAIN, GAS, INDIGESTION IN FIVE MINUTES 'Pape's Diapepsin® Is the Only Real Stomach Regulator Known. "Really does" put bad stomachs in overcome indi- dyspepsia, gas, heartburn, [oe on Saturday avenlilg 4 to welcome Prineipa! and Mrs, Bruce Taylor. Receiving with the guests | of hemor were: Migs Lottie Whitton, 'president of the Levana Society; ! Professor Manley Baker, hon: presi- My ' dent of the Alma Mater Society; and |= President J. M. Haglett. The gym. {was bright with many decorations, and the music of the college or- | chestra was much enjoyed. Some [very clever and happy speeches were made; and a delicious supper brought this delightful evening to a close. . - * The hostesses at the science dance which is to be hel in the Queen's | gymnasium on Friday evening are: 'Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Mrs. A. L. Clavk, Mrs. E. A. Stone, Mrs. W. L. Good- win, Mrs. T. 8. Scott and Mrs. E. W. Henderson,~ > ® * Mrs. Carr-Harris, Mack street, was hostess at the tea hour on Sat- urday in honor of her son, Cadet Lorne Carr-Harris, and some of his classmates at the Royal Military Col- lege. * * - Miss Wilhelmina Gordon enter- tained at the first of a series of teas on Friday afternoon, when her guests were some of the Queen's students. - % * 'Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Savary en- tertained the teachers of the Sunday school at a "book panty," which was much enjoyed by about forty guests. $$ 3» Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Wellington street, entertained at a very jolly children's party on Tuesday after- noon irhonor of Master Hubert. T. Phillips, a A Bank of Mont- real, left on Monday for Fort Wil- liam. W. Canroll, Tupsday in town. Mrg~ Campbell Strange, Barrie street, will be hostess at the L. C. 'Reading Club next Monday. Miss Lilias Saunderson is taking a course at Macdonald College, St. Anne de Bellevue. . x » * Mrs. R. J. Macdowall and Miss Elda Macdowall, Gore street, expect to leave for Florida about the middle of the month. Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. Daniel Phelan and Mrs. H. T. J. Coleman were hostesses at the Curling Tea this afterngon. Lieut. "Ross Livingston spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Taylor in Gananoque. Miss Aileen Folger was hostess at the Bridge Club on Monday after- noo. Mrs. Charles McDunnough, who was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A P. Christmas, Bagot street, has re- turned to Woodstock. - - . Gananoque, spent PAGE THREE ol ~ Probs: Much milder today and on Thursday. 1 * C0000 PRO PATRIA! WE STAND SOLIDLY BEHIND THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT WITHOUT PRO- TEST, and will remain closed from Friday evening at 9.30 o'clock until Tuesday morning. AND GO FURTHER to help in the problem of local coal conservation by closing our store each evening at 5 p.m., and opeiiing each morning at 9 a.m., during the month of February --Saturdays excepted. We would ask the kind censideration of the buying public by shop- ping when possible in the morning. A Sensational Two Day . Win-the-War Sale! Replete with bargains on the most wanted merchandise --- at less than wholesale cost. Friday evening, 9.30 o'clock. Coat Clearance! i0 only heavy all wool English frieze cloth coats; all smart new styles with full gathered backs and smart belted effects -- these swagger warm winter coats were formérly priced to $22.50. ale Price $6.95 NEW SKIRTS 48 novelty and tailored skirts, in the latest WAISTS : At less than cost of materials -- made up in fine French wool flannel, in creme with sky, tan, navy and black stripe effects' in all sizes; regularly priced at $4.50. , Sale price . . $2.98 and smartest styles, perfectly tailored, in all the most desirable materials and shades -- in plain and novelty effects. Sale starts to-morrow at 9 a.m., continuing to STICK Will quickly remove grease or oll stalus from any goods and ol Bot injure the most delieate Simply moisten the spot, rab the stick over, and then rub the spot out. Seems wonderful, but it really does it, every time. 20 Cents. Best's {| stomachs regulated. and sourness in five minutes--that ~just that--makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you 'eat fer- ments into stubborn Jumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undi- gested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coat- ed; your insides filled with bile and indigestible waste, remember the mo- ment "Pape's Diapepsin'"' comes in contact with stomach all such .dfs- tress vanishes. It's truly astonish- ing--almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmless. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back, It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their It belongs in your home--shwnld always be kept handy in Of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach regulator in the world. NJ) O00 ER VICTOR RECORDS VICTROLAS New Vick Records for F ehruary Are In. e Your Choi Furniture Cr Fe rlcuina. White Sewing Machines. TF. Harison Co. td i | have Miss Alice Goodwin, Alice street, was hostess at an -informal teg on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Mary Stuart. Blakeney and Miss Aileen Blakeney, of Ottawa, who are com- ing up for the Blakeney4Stuart wed- ding on Friday, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Stuart, Low- er Alfred street. - - » Mrs. Charles Abbott little Miss Charlotte ' have returned to Peterborough after being the guests of Miss Macaulay, King street. Mrs. T. D Hemming, King street, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fletcher, returned from Toronto on Tuesday. G. Y. Chown is in Montreal. Mrs. (Dr.)y James Kirk and son, Brooklyn, N.Y., are with Mrs. N. Wilmot, Clergy street, for a week or 80. Mrs. Kirk came to join in hon- oring her mother's birthday. Miss Dorothy Burton, in Belle: ville Hospital, where she had to un- defgo an operation for appendicitis, is improving nicely. Her sister, Mrs. C. W. Livingston, Toronto, is with her. (Continued on Page 10.) Dress Notions. Black 'satin overs, some of the new hats. Serge tunics are worn over black satin slips. Petticoats in changeable are favored. Almond green cloth is one of the pretty shades. Vests are a new feature of this winter's suits. Belts on coats have double breast- od closings. Japanese and colors embroidery is seen on | blouses. Coats of Pla are among the new ones. | THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM ee All Over Told in a Pithy ad Pointed "vay. The Rosedale; station of the C. N. R. was destroyed by fire. A registration of unuaturalized Germans living in the United States has Newsprint manufacturers asked sent some evidence. The Federated Labor Party is not confined to Union members. Charles Magee, dead in his office last evening. The United Stat | ee I eed at Washington for more time to pre- | == has |3 been formed in British Columbia; it Tr former president | == of the Bank of Ottawa, Was found |S priced all the way from $3.50 to $19.50. . Less 25% Our Annual February Sale price . . Corset Sale 300 pair fine French coutil corsets, made with four strong garters, re- enforced hips and aluminum steels, also 34 pair American Kabo corsets with finest quality coutil and six strong sup- ports; formerly priced from $1.50 to $3. Sale price . . 10 doz. white voile wash waists in 'plain tail- ored and embroidered organdy effects. Regular $1.50. Sale price . . 98¢c 98c 180 pair heavy coutil corsets -- our own special make -- with four strong garters, re-enforced fronts and un-rustable steels; worth $1.00 a pair. li= fii A Sale price 4 69c¢ A Rousing Sale of Ladies' Mid Winter Hosiery 320 Pair Ladies' ins Cashmerette Hose in all sizes; worth 45c a pair. Sale price . . . 3 for $1 00 480 Pair Penman' s full fashioned scanisloss, elastic] garter topped cashmere. hose, i in black and nigger brown; splendid values today at 65c¢ a pair. Ho 180 pair Superfine. pure wool cashmere | hose in white only, Penman' s special make, 'worth : Sale price . . Co x $1.00 a pair. Sale price . 49¢ . 75¢ Read This List of Bargains Winter Vests 120 natural wooltex vests for ladies. Sale price Novelty Cre Cretonne Bags In novelty colorings; r ular Sale price Men's oh Reg. 37}c. 25¢ 75¢ and 85¢ © each. . 48¢ Black .cashmerette socks; reg. 45¢ pair. Sale price, 3 for $1. Men's Overalls Made of = stifel cloth_ om Stripes; reg. $3 00. : Imported Flannelette 1200 yds. extra heavy soft, fleecy Sussex Mills flannelette in striped ef- fects -- full 36 inches Secu Worth 40c a yard. ee . 2e Floss ata Gloves 180 pair heavy winter weight Hfeece gloves in black and white, special value at 50c. Sale pr. 39¢ 'Battenburg Co Covers B only handsome Batten- I Dleochcd and' un 'Hicached (ue heavy, rge sized Terry Towe Reg. 40c each. Sale Z5e. lace: covers; reg. $6 Bath Towels. : Scrim Curtains Plan for house replenish- ing time now at our spec- ial low sale prices. The prices we are qudting are 50% less than present re- tail selling prices. Reg. $1.75 re Sale $1. 25 : Reg. $2.25 for . . Reg. $3.00 for . . Reg. $4.25 for . . Reg. $5.00 for . : R= $7.00 for . . $5 And so on up to $15.00 values for ..°.. «310.00 Scrim i In White, Ivory, Cream nd Patis shades; special- pri at 35¢, 45¢ and i 2a . See Them. i TR E------ |