DEAF PEOPLE Deafness 89d moses in the head can now be most certs y cured by .the pewly dlseovercd "French Orlens" AN This new remedy Boe s right to the ace | toal seat of the ble, ard effects a! LAVERED RY sompliete and In gtir g cure in § few days. One box 1s ample to core case, and has given al relief in hundreds of been considered "hopele Mr. D. Borthwick, Pies: "Your new ¥ relved from you pame time ago, hes | completely cured my hearing, After more than twenty years' denfaens, i un or bianged to rec mend it to 80 | taaturad Scores of other e Kingston Try one box toda 1 can be for | | Foreign Bit warded securely pac and post pald | nesday to any address upon ithe receipt of}. hypeh postal or mioney order for $1. There isl he nothing batter at any price. eather Address: »Oriene" Co, H , Richards, | tendance, Watling Street, Dartford, Kent, Eng. | pros} ent, Please mention this paper. ng Stephen empl iv he Bible, fs | vital bty TOME SSAGE STEPHEN. INSPIR ING REV. J a------ immediate | Society in es which id ¥ Wednesday Night--Itey. Laing Re-elected President. An eloquent 1 | address on First Baptist Church ibeattie, N.B., vy, wh 2h 1 re- | good reports. there Rev In his open- the uniqne- ferred to its V foree | Walte $s death bed. had | said h servant, "Bring me thes { Book 'he servant replied, ** What {- book?" Walter then said, "Why | eed you ask, there Hiekes's Speedy | ne 1 you a k 3 here but one oni) ls ana h rpg | book. And this wag the feeling all a i is ff The over the world with respect to Guay | Bible e speak then went on to and the price ¥ | & 1 constituted ti i Mentholnted Balm always explair tet b tituted the amque- a ready sale for burns o { hess of the Bi Ir e first place, bites, and is sple {it was unique The Bible or ¢racked ha 10d sixty g foht Re For 25 Cain cont ained sixty and Fight Chitbiain Core ig again dema TE ed t 4s wor Ye and ix ine Short Stop. . 18, a ways 4a fifteen cents, i i 1 id i Die > ft the same old Best's Popular Drag Stores. WW, Branch BEST'S SEASON- ABLE SPECIALS Pr. Sir Care the wis, books, omer Had Bronchitis . FOR THREE YEARS. COULD GET NO RELIEF. Bronchitis is generally the result a cold caused by exposure to wet tand inclement weather It begins i with a tightness across the chest, dif- ificulty in breathing, and a wheezing sound comes from the lungs. There is also a raising of phlegm from the lungs especially in the morning This is at first white, but later becomes ish or yellowish color, a fonally streaked with blood. On the first sign of bronchitis you should check it immediately by nding Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thereby prevent it becoming chronic and" perh 3 turning into sorgpafhre serious lung trouble Mr. Theodore PP. Beers, Main River, N.B., writes: "1 was troubled with bronchitis for three years and could get no relief. 1 was always worse whan I got wet. 1 tried lots of different medicines, but none {did me gdod until a friend told me ito try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine {Syrup. I got three bottles and be- Those people (and they tore I had them half used I was bet- ter. are many) who dread the fli <my mother is now using ft for ordeal of an eye examin- asthma. It is a great medicine and ation are agreeably aston- we never want to be without it." : " 1 - YH Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is ished to find that, as made put up in a yellow wrapper; three y us, it causes no pain, pine trees the trade mark; price 25¢ discomfort, or ineonven- and 50e¢; manufactured only by The ence. * iT. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. AAP A NR J ---------------------------------------------------- To Free Your Skin of Hair or Fuzz (Boudoir Secrets) No toilet table is complete without a small package of délatone, for with it hair or fuzz can be quickly ban- ished from "the gkin. To ' remove hair® you merely mix into a paste enough of the powder and water to cover the objectonable hairs. This should be left on the skin about 2 minutes, then rubbed qff and the skin washed, when it will be found free from hair or blemish. Ba sure you get genuine delatone Phone 2018 Pt AB Atti Re NEELEY JR. M.0.D.0. Tpper 18 And We Use No Drugs. Keeley Jr., M.0D.0. 226 Princess Street HIGH GRADE GOODYEAR WELT SHOES FOR MEN See our special leather lined box calf double $7.00 on. 30 PML soled waterproof Blucher for. .. TOPRN FRIDAY TILL Jack Johnston's Shoe Store. 70 Brock Street. A FCORDS New Victor Records for February Are in. Make Your Choice Early. White Sewing | ADDRESS ON THE = DE- Hterdture any ordinary | AF the Annual Meeting of the Lible Douglas '| { Bible, | 'Bible {drawn intp action. One's conscience | | adequate revelation TE On t history, ly could be called a brary. "There were various forms of literature, but the speaker challenged any person to find the same unity dn any of fhis | to compare with the! | Bible. The 'Bible, from begitining to | J | end, formed a wonderful upity. . It} ford, ed! {was also a progressive unity. Christ { Globe, 3 {was the secret of this unity. It was|treal, In which he said that the {the theme of redemption that bound | | tary Service Act } the [Bible into such a unique unity. | Union Govern: t was also a fail- | The Bible was also unique in its | age, and that tl iberals who sup- inspiration All great [literature Ported Union Government nowy see tended to inspire, and all gredt | the error of their Ways, created a | things came from God, but the jSmall sprsation, is Not BOW 3 ,mem- inspiration came from the | ber of fhe ( p staff. which created a responsibility | Mr. Crawford frankly admit lon each person. In reading ti that the bre came as a direct one was not merely a spe sult. of his recent speech. but from the reading was| "I have felt for some time past it was bound to come," said Mr, Craw- jford. "It is not a personal dispute! between the Globe and myself, but It stood alond as the only | one which goes to the root of the of God. * We | breach between Liberalism and Un- God through nature, | jonism. At another time and science and many other |another place I shall take an oppor- things, but this was but a dim reve- | tunity to state morn definitely the lation of Him as compared to the|jines of cleavage bgiween Liberals message in the Bible. The very nat-| like myself and oldtime Liberal ure of God was disclosed in the | journals like the Toronto Globe." Bihiey It not only revealed God and | Mr. Crawford characterized the re- His ature, but also the character ply of Gen. Mewburn to' his ecriti- of man. Phe Bible was unique in cism of the M. S.A. as g significant it§ revelation of God, and served as | justification of the statements made -a text book « on human mature. Theil, pic Montreal speech. Bible was also unique on its Vital] "I have nothing further to Say at i TO OUTLING Hs With Gla New Paper, Feb. T.~lindeay Craw- No Longer Toronto, whose recent speech st Mon- " Mil- was a failure, that great ted re- tator, called for the taking part in service. The Bible 'was jnigne in its re-| velation, could learn of ity. It was a modern book, its prin- present as to my plans of the fu- ciples being practised by people and ture." concluded Mr Crawford nations. Its influence had fashion-| "gb, LL having aditor o ed onr language, laws and institu- fv, S'EVart Lyon, managing editor of tions. It was the one instrument in | the Globe, declined to discuss the the hands of the onary, and | matter in any way. "Beyond the was ever a help in time of trouble fact that Mr, Crawford Is not now 4 The Bible formed a splenc id membe Tr of our staff 1 have nothing agency for the speiety. At the pre- to say," he said. sent time it was being printed in howe 504 different languages, while but Mr, ( two or three years ago it was only come editor of a aew Laurier-Liberal being printed in about 300 lan-|Orsan in Toronto, toward which ac- guages. Last year not less than ten | cording to the same report, $800,000 million copies had been distributed, has been subscribed. and at a price which the most humble workman could . secure a copy. 18 a most valuable the society in our own land It ( printed In 110 diff from. the Atlantic t and sas standing back all the missionary endeavor. Since war was declared over 6, 500,000 copies of the Bible had been distributed among the soldiers, sail- ors and prisoners of war, and 350, 600 copies had heen distributed among the Canadian soldiers free of charge ver, in political circles that iwford may be- ' STOOD OFF "Pofice emén Work, The Newcombe MOR, asset It is stated, | i | Two Mounted Piece of Calgary, Feb, 7 how Inspector poral Hutchings west Mounted Police, stood { moby of three hundred and furfated coal miners, mostly ers, at Drumheller, will go cords of the RIN.W. M.P', as the finest bits of work history of the force The threatened to kill owner wreck the plant, They were off and before they could fresh attack, reinforcements with a machine gun had arrived. The mine is non-union and the trouble started over the ejection of two union or- ganizens, Did Fine erent es ) the story Ot and Cor- of the Royal North of off a fifty in- foreign- on re- | one of in the mob and | stood plan a police ------ Treasurer's Lleport. afled statement was present-g 16 meeting by the treasurer, J. Lake. This report coverad from Nov. '1st, 19186, to Jan. 26th, 1918. The total receipts amounted to $724.46; the total amount ex- pended was $605.43, leaving a bal- ance on hand of $119.03. The re- - . min - ceipts, in addition ta the collections THREE BURNED TO DEATH. in the house-to-house canvas, in- - cluded the following items: When Riverview Hotel at 'Winnipeg the det torial writer of the Toronto in|. Collection at last annual meeting + Was Destroyed. i in Sydenham street church, $23.75: | winnipeg, Feb. 7.--In a fire which | yeorge Mills & Co. for 1916-17, 320; pO . completely destroyed the Riverview |W Frontenac Loan and a So~ hotel in the El 3 Bur rr clety, stock dividends, $64; bank in 0 2, he i mwood suburb of Win- terest, $1.68. nipeg early to-day, entailing a loss| of $175,000. Bessie Moran, a waits ress, 'was badly burned, and George Watreck, a barber, less seriously. An unidentified man jumped from an upper floor, and broke, his leg Martha Shebus, a nurse in the fam- ily pf J. O'Connell, the proprietor; Leta Wuchan, kitchen girl, and Pat Timmons, a roomer,. are missing. The cause of the fire has not yet been discovered. The Officers Blected. The society elected the following officers: Honorary presidents-- Bishop Bid- well and Rev, Dr. 'Malcolm Mac- gillivray, President-----Rev. First MaLean. Second Yice'presidont- 'Rev. J. Ellis. "5 Treasurer--br. E. Ww. Take. Secretary---Rev. John Lyall Executive committee--Dr. R, E. Sparks, W. Gilmour, B. W. Robert- son, F. G. Lockett, F. Wilson, D. A. Shaw, N. W. Gill, A. Shaw, G. E. Hague, with the pastors of the vari- ous eity churches. Auditors--J. 8. Oliver Chown, Before the meeting closed with the singing ¢f the National Anthem a hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed to Rev. Mr. Stephen for his splendid address, on motion of Prof. Mathel a vote of thanks to the offi- cers ang <canvassers, on motion of Rev. G6. 18. (Clendinnen; and a vote of thanks to the managers of the chuieh for entertaining the society, and also to Mrs. Mather, who pre- sided at the organ, on motion of Rev. W. TT. G. Brown. A Canadian War Mission has been established at Washington, with Douglas Taing. vieespresident-- Rev. E. R. D. MISSING SOLDIER'S DISE, Finding of Identity Placque Taken to Mean He is Dead. Cornwall, Feb. 2.--An envelcpe containing a metal disc, with the figures 455339 RJC/R., was receiv- ad by John 'Carriere tin Cornwall to- day. It was picked up somewhere in France and is taken to establish the fact that his son, Private Phillippe Carriere, who has been missing since October U, 1816, is] dead." The ung man was born fu Cornwall, Max 24, 1897. He en-| lisfed in Augusf, 1916, aud went overseas in the spring of 1916. Be- sides his father he leaves one Hro- ther, Leo Carriere, and sister, Miss Loredo (Carriere. R.- MoCann and Private Killed. Brockville, ¥eb. 7.---Mrs. Maggie Botsford, Charleston, was officially notified yesterday that Pte. Wilfrid Charleston j abundance { which rinses out easily, { for socks she had knit two years ago Lloyd Harris as chairman. Gerald Botsford, Infantry, was killed | 2 - in action on January 25th. Pte. Bots-| Sleep Broken, ford enlisted in the Leeds and Gren- | i ville battalion commanded by Lt.-} Rest st Impossible Col. T. C. D. Bedell and after-train-| ing at Barriefield and Witley, Eng- land, was drafted last June to the Eastern Ontario battalion ecommand- ed by Lt.<Col. McLaughlin, D.C.O. Death of Tweed Citizen, Tweed, Feb, 6.--W. .G. Arber, baker, of this village, died Tuesdoy afternoon of pneumonia, aged thirty four' years. . He was prominent in town affairs and greatly resperted Deceased was an Anglican and great- ly interested 'in church work. He is survived hy a wife and threo chititren. Kingston Man "Found His Nervous System Greatly Exhausted--DBene- fitted hy a Friend's Experienco---- and Health Wax Completely Restored. ~ Mr. W. B_ Moore, No. 4 Lower Quebec St, Kingston, Ont., writes: "About five years ago, 1 was suffering from nervous trouble, pains in my back, and general ran down condi- tion, jand was next door to dying an eottple of times. ["was so nervous at tintes that I could not get a cup of tea 40 my lips. Sometimes [| would never close my eyes during the whole night, and if I 4id get to sleep, would waken up with a jump. Through see- ing the effect of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food on a friend of mine, I was in- duced to try it. After taking a treatment, I found a great improve. ment, conld sicep well, and am ens $oying good health at present." When the gerves give oul every- thing goes wrong. The heart's ac- tion is weakened, the stomach. fails to digest the food, headaches result, you cannot rest or sleep properly and you get rundown and discouraged. There is only one way to get out of this condition and that is by feed- ing the nerves and thereby nourish- ing them back to health. The most successful treatment used for this purpose is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This fact has been proven in so many thousands of cases all about 'vou that it seems as though every. body should Know it bth this Ask your friends and $5.50 For Eight Hours. Vancouver, Feb. 7.--The demands of the house carpenters in this eity which wefe made some time ago, whith became operative on Jlebruary- 5th have been accepted by the em- plovers and now the men receive §5 per eight hour day, with agreement that this wage will increase to $5.50 from May 1 1914 Star or Major Elliott. Cobourg, Feb. 7.--Major Hs OC. 8. Blliott of Cobourg, formerly of To- ronto, has recdntly been decorated with the 1914 star. Dr. Elliot is one of the original thembers of the staf of the 2nd Canadian Stationary Hos- pital at Le Touquet, the first Cana- dian hospital unit, to reach France after war was"d red. he mid br | Prof. George Swain, of Boston, about this great food cure, and ore told the Board of Arbifration to fix it to the test in your own case. You the price of C.N.R. stock = that it will then understand why so many Would take six million dollars to'put pepple are enthusiastic about Dr. je] line in sha ape, Chase's Nerve Food. 50 cents a bog, Gordon Oller wils elected trea- Bates & Co. Ltd. Toronto! The ciety, succeeding Brig-Gen. Hon. genuine bears the portrait and sig- James Mason. nature of A. W. Chase, M.D. the' A general seirch far food if Pe- falutus Receipt Pook author, on the trograd was began by the Red 1a : | Guards. 6 for $2.75, all dealers or Edmanson, sirer af ahe Canadian Red Cross So- FRIDAY BARGAINS In addition to the long list of our adv ertised 'win-the-war sale' day § we will offer ~N specials of our two eed Double Discount "This means a distinct saving of 109 on all cash purchases made here tomorrow between 9 and 6 o'clock. STORE OPEN TO-MORROW AS ON SATURDAY From 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Watch for special list of bargains in tomorrow's papers J Store Closes Friday Evening at 9.30 and re-opens Tuesday at 9 am. Steacy's Hair Often Ruined _ By Careless Washing | Careless Washing If You want to keep your hair look- ing its best, be careful what you wash it with Don't use prepared hampoos or anything else, that con-! taing too much alkali, This dries! the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and | ruins it, The best .thing for steady use just omdinary mulsified cocoanut oil | (whig 4 is pure and greaseless), and) ter than anything else yon can | . | One or two teaspoonfuls will | cleanse the hair and scalp thorough- ly. Simply moisten the hair with | water and rub it in. It makes an of rich, creamy lather, removing ev- dust, dirt, dandruff | The hair dries ery particle of and excessive oil quickly and evenly, and it leaves the gealp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright; lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage, i You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem- ber of the family for months. a LEXTER OF APPRECIATION. The Soldiers Apprecinte the Socks Sent to tue front. Mrs. 8. (Ferguson, Maberly, is in receipt of a letter of thapks from Capt. T. Earl Davil, thanking her for the 'Red [Cross M¥ys.. Ferguson placed a noite on which was her name and address. The letter of appreciation was as follows: 1 was distributing some socks to my men the other morning and hap- | pened to find in one of the socks the enclosed piece of paper, so I am writing to you this little note of thanks for your goodness in knitting socks for the men. Just now with winter in full swing socks are in great demand and there is no doubt that people like yourself who trouble to knit them and send In the socks them out, are doing great work for the army, not only in giving extra comfort to the men, but also in help- ing to prevent "trench feet," a dis- ease 'which is able to render many men quite inefficient for months, but whieh ig greatly obviated by fre-; quent chayking of socks, and socks can only $e changed when we have' fresh ones to give then Y My men are stretcher bearers and their work 4s as difficalt and un- comfortable as that of any other unit in France and wé are in a place that is no "rest home" either, as regards climate, scenery, or the enemy, and they nich appreciate the nice socks yeu sent. 1 hope you will send us some more some day and 1 thank you very sincerely for what you have already given as. { It has been decided to close the Ottawa City Hall on Saturday and Monday in order to assist in observ- ing the Fuel Contrdllér's regulations with regard to heatless days. American soldiers may appear in British trenches on the west front. "AREAL WAR TIME FOOD Delicious barley Navor. Over 10 pee. actual grain sugar produced ine gnak- hu. Not y ~~ F RoSerison as ; and ===+=| AT DAVIES Fresh Pork Liver Hearts . Kidneys ~~ hi ~~ Home-made Pork Sausage 24c Tasty and the Price Reasonable. 12¢ 1b. 18¢ Ib. 22¢ Ib. STORE CLOSED SATURDAY AT 12 O'CLOCK AND MONDAY AT 12 O'CLOCK. . The Wm. Davies Co., 'Phone 597. " CPR. STRIKE AVERTED. Sn pics | Won. Gideoh Robertson Obtains Set. "tlement of Dispute. Ottawa, Feb. T.~Hon. Gideon tobertson has succeeded in settling tthe differences, between the C.P.R the maintenance-of-way men, and has averted a serious strike on the systems. The question of wages, which was the main issue at stake, has Been settled, and the differences in regard to regulations feft to eroit-ation. pny and the men agreed upon Mr. sole arbitrator, ate to be: Both the eom-| KLIM Klim ix convenient aud econ. | omical. fresh Haguid milk, daily you save thine A pound pac quarts. Tastes exactly Hike By using #t money, four Only 35 cents. Try Ca