oF er ea ER) Se RE OTA eT ¢ PAGE TWO THE DAILY B BRIT ISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918. JOHN Kingston's Reliable Fur Quality Furs STORE CLOSES DAILY 5 O'CLOCK McKAY, Limited. House, Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold, Our fl metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this to you. Ring 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. | 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Out, hy FEET HICKORY NUTS At The BON MARCHE Cor. King and Earl Phone 1844. -- J) For LIFE ACCIDENT FIRE INSURANCE. J. B. COOKE Se St FUEL SAVING CO-OPERATION, The Barbers to , Remdin Open Fewer | Hours of the Day. Fuel Controller N ¢ announced Friday morning that tation with the barbe that they would rest of opening from 10 am The moving picture theat close Saturday night closed until next Wedne With regard to ¥ 8, Controller he no authority to close places, but as the merthants anxious to co-operate saving it was arranged t « e on Monday. He f merchants next Mond arrangement of the tw heatless days The retail shoe mer i ntend to adhere from 9 t was agreed their hours| till 8 p.m. id remain st that are fpel, rests that y observe 0 recent 16 the nants a.m. till 5 p.m. every closing all day to conserve coal On Friday morning a deput of the shoemen met Mayor and the Fuel Controller reported to them that it intention to do so The retail shoe stores were closed promptly at five o'clock on Thurs- day. The shoe merchants are heart ily in sympathy 'with save the fuel, and they find that by this early closing they to do something that will help Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protuding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. ~~ Monday, in or- ation Hughes kle and was their You Might Save a | Dollar on Glasses, And lose a million dollars' NEW BRICK _ BUNGALOW Five rooms, furnace, electricity, gas, hardwood floors, verandah, south of Princess street, $3,500 1S. R: McCANN Real Estate. 88 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621. worth of eyesight! Youn cannot calculate eye- sight on the dollar ind cent basis. When you need glasses, go to the best optician, have an accurate examination and take his advice; get the best service you can, and when you do all that you will come to us. Our service is the best. Registered Optometrists, 892 King St. Kingston J.3 Asselstine D.0.S tered 342 King Stroet THE BUSY OPTIOAL STORE. At the Golden Lion Grocery HONEY In one ponnd sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nico and Juicy ... ... 10e, 12%e¢, 15¢c Ib, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. aporsted Apricots . . . «ss 18¢ Ib, W. R. Mckea & Co. ee sae We it Emp [| the Fa That ols ould repare for your Spring z oT Linoleusme while stocks low. are large in Ren prices] DN of can be taken up ane and ently placed so as to vary the appearance of the room. Our Rug collection embraces every style and weave from grain Art Squares to the highest quality Wi Rugs is obvious. They cleaned frequently. r a consul-| res are to! business | should | in the |S to the business | y, with the exception of Saturday, | . | ing transferred by the move to | will be able | Fancy Clover EE -- ry i GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Ring up 645 tor sweet cider How did vou like your valentine? This weather is a great relief to the coal users Ring up 645 for all i mented wines. | Kingston's streets janerr usual winter pears, cucumber parsley, onions, at Carnovsky's If the trenches alongside the walks were cleared it would make Please: ter walking i Major, of the Brockville and Times staff, was {in the city on Thursday i Pianos to rent , Ltd. The {look af kinds unfer- undergoing rapes, {ore ete. | 7 3 corder a visitor W. Lindsay, civic property committee will r the leak in Inspector » in the City Buildings 2 iano tuner, 100 Clergy wes Rotor left at McAu- le y 's, or 'ph one 564 | ae ladies are very busy working lit the Red Cross headquarters. They deserve every help from citizens in | the way of funds. The half of February is past. Will it be an early spring? We have cen dust blowing on Kingston treets on March 17th. There must be early planning by | Kingston coal men to get a good sup- ply for next winter, The corpora- {tion's influence should also be com- mandeered There is always something to take the joy out of life. Last week we were kicking about the cold weather. This week it is the wet weather that is causing the trouble. The remains of the late Miss J. Pattison, school teacher, are be- the James Reid firm to Milton for burial. The Board | of Education, sent a wreath: | Capt. George Hanley, formerly of Kingston, is with the British Medical Service in Mesopotamia, where the temperature was 130 degrees in the shade some weeks ago The 'kiddies' attending school were disappointed when It was learned that the Board of Education had not decided to close the schools cnaccounts of the shortage of coal. Now is the time 0 'have your | piano tuned. We carry two expert | street M faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Owing to the coal shortage in the homes there are many parents who would not like to see the schools close, as the schools have been far more comfortable for the children than the homes. As a result of the good work of the police in stirring up the mer- chants, the walks on Princess street are in fine shape. Practically every piece of walk has been cleared of snow. The teacher of this city made up eighteen valentine boxes consisting of candy and "comforts" and were sent to the infirmary boys at Mowat Memorial Hospital. Dr. John Newton; a long time resi- dent of Deseronto, died on Wednes- day, aged seventy-five years, and was buried on Friday. He was an ex- mayor. A widow and large family survive. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like. purchasing instrument we will al- '| low the six months' rental on pur-| chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Lld. A canihe belonging to a resident of Rideau street made an attack on Mr. Murray, recently appointed as a letter carrier, on Friday morning, and as a result Mr. Murray suffered a serious wound. A 'Belleville boy skipped out on Thursday, according to the police of that city, with some of his mother's money, and it was thought he had headed for Kingston, but no trace could be found of him here. Sergt. Rolloson, , Sergt. Eaton and Gr.\J. Black, who left here with the Sth Field Battery of the first Can- adian contingent, also Gr. George Manning, of the R/C.H.A., have Tre- turned home on three months' fur- lough. -- The two alleged deserters, Ptes. Miller and Hammond, who tried to £0 into the United States, but were turned back at Cape Vincent on Thursday, were taken in charge by the provost matshal, and will now ~ have to stand their 'trial P, F. Munro, specialist in classies at 'Riverdale Collegiate Institute, has been recommended by the man- agement committee of the Toronto 'Board of Education for the position "of principal of Ryerson school. Mr. Munro' is a Queen's University arts graduate. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing Instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. OC. W. Lindsay, Ltd. On Monday night the officials of Queen street Methodist church will discuss the ministerial term and bal- lot on a referendum refegred to them by the General Conference, The is- sue is: enovgh, If not, what better plan can be presemted? "a NOTICE. urdays, and open at 9 am. We will { age to #hop early, and oblige . The Lion Clothing House, Kingston. Lansdowne A Lansdowne corres, dy actions of certain boys and SE ARNE ERIN. throw sticks, etc. at people's doors, Re- 3 tuners and will assure entire satis- kindergarten and primary Is the four year term long} By order of the "uel Controller! we are forced to close our store ev-! | ery day at five o'clock, except 'Sat- greatly appreciate the kindness of} all our customers if they will man-1{ INCIDENTS OF THE DAY|"T™cxenmvoar: ol LOCAL NOTES A AND ITEMS oF| Mrs. (Dr.) Addison of Athens, Victim of An Unusual Accident. As Mrs. (Dr) Addis was putting her pet cat for the night, the eat, large, attacked her fierceness of a wild her to the floor and ing ther hand and arm was hastily summoned. He did all he could through dressing the wounds, bit owing to Mrs. Addison's advanced years her condition is con- sidered precarious. cat, th badly lac erat Dr Moore PROBATE GRANTED. Wills and Administration of Number of Deceased Persons is Granted, Since the first of the year probate or administration has been granted in the eftates pf the following people deceased: Catherine Morley, King- ston township; J. G. Monds, soldier, Kennebec; Catherine Little, Emily Scott, city; Emma Rose Sears Portsmouth; J.J. Keye Kingston township; R. 'W. H. Smith, Lough- boro; " Charles McDougall, Palmer- ston; Marguerite Gowdy, city; Henry R. Smith, city; Andrew Mills, city; George Scales, Portland; Mary P. Drennan, city; E. T. Steacy, city; B. G. Twory, soldi Henry M. Hogan, city; Marth Hogan, city Joseph Robinson, city; Alfred G. Brown, Hinchinbrook, soldier; Al- pheus Brown, mill owner, Hinchin- brook. x ty: , City; WHAT DO YOU THINK? Asks Consideration. Is a farmer justified in taking the stand of refusing $2., for a bag of oats and holding those oats until the price goes up to $3. This {is the question that was put to the Whig by a merchant on Thursday, who added, "With the sacrifices that the city residents are making in the country's cause now, one would think that the farmers would go easy on the profiteering line." In the list gd "Hold-up prices" he quoted hay at $16 a ton, Merchant Farmers To Show A Pleasing Musical Play. "Phere She Goes," x. musical comedy, drew a large audience at the Grand last night, and some ex- ceptionally good vaudeville acts were features. The whirlwind dancing. of the Le Roys, the xylaphone playing Cal. Clifford and the singing of a quartette were most entertaining. The chorus work was good through- out, and the girls were very attract- ive. Harvey Orr and Kenneth Christy were the popular comedians. Exemption Decisions. Judge Lavell gave the following exemption decisions on Friday: H. G. Cummins, medical student, 16 Division street, not a Canadian. A. E. DeMill, machinist, 390 Divis- ion street, until April 1st. E. B. Green, sectionman, Verona, until Class two is called. Congratulations, Mr. Carrel. Frank Carrel, the genial publisher of the Quebec Telegraph, has been appointed a member of the Legisla- { tive Council of Quebec, and his fel- low journalists heartily congratu- late him. Mr. Carrel has been an extensive traveller and illuminating writer and will add dignity and in- fluence to Quebec's upper chamber. Colds Cause Headache and Grip. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. Business got slack in the police court on Friday. There were no cases for the magistrate. Now Is the Time to Buy Furs -- Plenty of Cold Weather Ahead. Every Citizen Should Read This | Article. When you consider that next season's prices will be a lot higher and that we have mark- ed down every fur article in J our entire stock, which means buying away below present -- your oppor Liuity is apparent. I! Ladies' Far Coats id Annoyed. i pondent writes || to the Whig complaining of the row- | men, who drive up and down the : 'streets at late hours of the night and } Cut Knife, Sask, Grinder. Read the Literary Digest the Magazine for Thinking People. Con- tents of February 16th Issue . Now on Sale. Price 10c. Germany's Under-Sea "Frightfulness" a Failure. A Careful Summingrup of von Tirpitz's Submarine Campaign During the Year 1517 Canada's New Naturalization Law Workers to Rule the World German Idea of President Wilson's Designs" How to Test Your Intelligence The Briguet as a Coal Saver. Cock Your Bananas. ' Raising Crops to Win the War. (Prepared by U. 8. Food Ac Where Our Rare Books Come F Adult and Juvenile Delinquency. Can We Bridge the Atlantic? (Prepared by U. 8S. Bureau Satiirday Music Sale . . .. The Designer at Special Rate of . Quebec Will Not Secede. Save Coal by Using Daylight. Russia Inciting German Strikes. That Coming Big Drive at the West. Dolls As Movie Actdrs, What Shall We Use for Sugar? Electrical Links to Save Fuel. New York Discovers Galli-Curci. Galsworthy Declines Decoration, Spiritual Meaning of Jerusalem Deliverance, © Current Poetry. News of Finance and Industry. Many Human-interest IHustrations, and Cartoons. 2 for 25¢ 59¢ per annum 'Infamous iministration) rom . Diagrams, of Education) The College Book Store, Phone 919. Open Nights Phone 319 TE ny SATURDAY SPECIALS NATURAL SHANTUNG SILK, 34 inches wide, 50c a yard. DUCHESSE SATIN-- inches wide, all colors, $1.50. SILK POPLINS--36 inches wile; all col- ors, $1.50. BLACK PAILETTE SILK -- 36 inches Special $1. FANCY STRIPED SILKS for skirts, $2.50 wide. up. ~NAVY AND BLACK SERGE SKIRTS « 23 to 28 waist band; priced up to $5.50 each. Saturday $3.95. WHITE MIDDY BLOUSES, sizes 34 to 42. Slightly counter $1.50 for 89c¢. 1000 YARDS WHITE COTTON Yard Special 15¢. wide. Newman THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE $5.00 For a first class Mantel Clock, Either in solid oak, or mahog- any finished cabinets. These clocks are easily dusted, time-keepers, They run eight days, - have Cathedral gongs, and strike also at the half hours. low, and plain, good 36 Extra quality, | Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Nr eee anes) r= EEE WE BUY Raw Furs W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. meee 25, $1.50 up. { soiled; worth up to & Shaw, Collingwood Strcet" Three 'detachéd new solid brick Meme THE EARLY CLOSING. Line of Trade Has Its Argument to Put Up. Each line of trade has its own ar- gument regarding the early closing of shops to help out the fuel situation. For instance, the shoe shiners do their big trade in the evening, and they are strongly opposed to putting up their shutters at 5 pm. If they] were to close at § o'clock each day they might just as well close up shop altogether, as they would lose the bulk of their business. And it was the same with the barbers. They make hay from say early in the after. noon up till closing time, at 8 o'clock, and if they were to close at § p.m. the cash register would be minus quite a large sum. And so the argu- ment goes all along the line. With dry goods and other stores selling different commodities the bulk, if not all of the day's shopping has been finished. Each TO SECURE WOOD SUPPLY For the Deserving Needy from Far- mers Around Parham. At a meeting of the Civie Finance Committee on Thursday evening, it was decided to accept the offer of W. H. Daybert and others of Par- ham to furnish a supply of wood for the deserving needy. Mayor Hughes will arrange the details, 5 " The, Sommities refused to the request of the Great War Vet- erans' Association for exemption from taxation, as the Municipal Act does not provide for such. grant A Pleasant Send-Off. It was with Sincere regret that the many friends of Miss Kennedy: bade her good-bye, when departing for her pew home in Kingston, Ont. on Jan, 29th. She will be greatly missed in pat- riotic work, but espeeially so in the HomemgKers Club of Cut Kaife, of hie 'was president. The workers of the Club presen oy her with a beautiful mantel-clock, Own! dwellings, with furnaces, and all improvements, at $2800, | $3800, $1000, A Dwelling and Barn On Stephen 8t., (near Mont- real 8t., for $1500. Two semi-detached Dwellings On University Ave., modern, $3600 cach. To Rent--Brick Dwelling With hot water heating, two months or more, at $30 per month, or two or three rooms, furnished, or unfurnish- ed. Immediate possession | gem BUILDERS SUPPLIES wey PICTURE FRAME MOULDINGS In raw oak and imi- al tation oak. for -S. ANGLIN § o Woodworking Saactory, Lume Bay & ra 8 nists Ont. Office Pho Pacers Phone | 1418. ; A Jlores RUG STOR "Week Eiid Special Chocolates 30c¢ Lb. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE