THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1918. : MLD. HEWITT CHALLENGESIOPENING OF GW VA HOME 2 oO ihants ' and 'rae s of bus i; astted that | co-oper-| [nspector Makes Wrong Statements s open when | With Regard to the Size and the nore Stoned Capacity of the Pumps--Ald. 1, he was | Hewitt Defends the Waterworks. A to berrow,! Ald, Hewitt made a vigorous, at- J reports as'to the] tack on the Gi avadian Doderwriters' | quantities of coal in 600 or 700 cel-| report of 1917, regarding the Kings- ton waterworks, at the City Council meeting last night. For many years Ald. Hewitt was superintendent of the local waterworks and he knows | everything there is to be known] about the plant and its ability to | supply the city with water. He read | the statement of the Underwriters' inspector regarding the plant, and | showed where it was wrong from be-| | gining to end. The report misrepre-| PAGE FIVE More Shoe vy citizens in on hand go He said ot ! ther co-operation © making the small {to the furthest limit | GMBLNGWITH THE WEATHER = = others in closing In Regard to Securing a Further Coal Sup- ply For or Kingston. be wish of Counetl that MORE COAL 1S EXPECTED ise] ate and kept the those of their nelg in order to save She Poi of IN TWO WEEKS IF THERE Is oe chin fuel; : that the merehanta} COW x carry out the suggestions of the fue SNOWSTORM, | controller with regard to early clos- tpt Beni wi. | ing and that the people do their If There Is a Further Freight Tie- | 108 and hat ° aid Pe merchants. up the People Will Have to Bor-| This resolution was adopted. row Coal From One Another. | Ald. Newman, in moving that Ald. | sented the size of the pumps and] "We're gambling with the wea- | J. W. Smith be added to the commit- | their capacity, Ald. Hewitt declared, ther," sald Mavor Hughes the | t€@ appointed. at last Council meet- and the inspector nade other state- ling with regard to wood supply, re-) ments that were not correct. City Coungil last night in speaki ing | porte d that steps were being taken | The report stated that the suction of the possibility of getting a sup- | to locate wood and the committee| pipe is not large enough to serve ply of coal by the first of March, "If pm ght ask for power to make pur- Kingston. This Ald. Hewitt denied. there is not a tie-up of freight traffe | ©7458 rtly. The pipe was sufficient to serve both : . ¥ - | engine 8 at the plant, The inspector through a snowstorm, we'll get coal | | gave the pumping capacity of the in two weeks," said His Worship, | plant at 6,575,004 gallons a day, who added that the supply expected | whereas it" was 7,600,000 gallons. | ¢ by that time would greatly relieve [Made He also reported the new electrical | the situation. The mayor told Coun-| pump being installed as having aj cil that if it had not L the bhi UNDERW WRITFRS REPORT ON THE WATERWORKS. i A SPLENDID. APPOINTED BUIL ) ING AT 67 PRINCESS STREET, wm The Workmen Are Now Fitting up| ne Ideal Home for the Returned Sol- diers of Kingston. What is popularly known as the! old News building at 67 Princess; street is being prepared as the King- ston home of the Great War Veter-| ans' Association of Canada, In it is| a big reception room, a canteen and | rooms for executive meetings, a big pool parlor, lavatories and cloak] rooms, as well as sleeping apart- ments for the caretaker, If is in- deed an ideal place for the returned men and should be well patronized. On Tuesday evening the official opening is to be held, with several prominent men present, In the meantime every effort is being made to complete as much as possible of the building, so that the visitors will| have a good idea of what the place: will look like when finished. As one enters the main door! B g In Men's and Ladies' Footwear. Abernethy's Shoe 3 (which, by the way, is being replaced erne y S oe d tore by one more suitable as the entrance sug N to a home of returned soldiers) the Sn EEEEEEEEEIENNENEERNSE ENE NAEANEEENERES ERENCE canteen appears promgeently to the! a, = borrowi or Tuesday i: Litton and Hewitt moved | Hat, owin to the serious coal short-|{ it to left. Here in front of a big mirrored A HEAVY RAIN STORM -------- pr ----------P--" OUR BIG FURNITURE SALE mr----y Things Very Disagree able | Around the City on Tuesday. e's ap- who ad- med of there n the hands then 240 1,744 tons tons had mall quantities during! to to were 0 was ple the but da Of tons in bly 1,200 been | was wall the vous place on of the only one all was The Vi quite of iy of as- | THIS DINING ROOM SETT IN SOLID BLACK WALNUT OR FUMED OAK In William and Mary Style in nine pieces, in dull or polished finish. Also odd pieces to fill out your sett at manufacturer's prices. James Reid The Busy Store with Large Stock. Phone 147 -- The Leading Undertaker. Campbell Bros | vi the Mr. could righd fur Ruv the city he At the recent large sales of Raw Furs, the prices have ad- vanced materially on practically all furs, and this means that all furs for next season will be ad- vanced in price. cabinet that holds an attractive dis- | bacco, ete, and therefore these arti- leged, then where is the water com-| cles are sold te soldiers at much re- Fuel Controller Ni report on| handed out a record supply of snow | ing from, for the city is being sup- | duced prices Returned soldiers, what hiad been done since he was and some nice rain storms { plied, Ald. Hewitt asked. {| however, who are in civilian clothe pointed was read by the mayor, The rain storm on Tuesday morn- | Ald. Hewitt also ridiculed the re-| ing, even though they are members then called upon Mr. Nickle ing made things very disagreeable on the waterworks made some | of the association, will not be able dress Councll. When he as It was a cold rain, and as it fell it ars ago by Prof .Willhofft, the Ger-| fice, Mr, Nickle said that froze, and as a result the and about | to Mr. Hewitt the professor did not|soon become the rende hil the past two weeks, so there was not} pr navigate at{ know anything about the pipe and liard-loving soldiers | very mich left Relef 5 expect in the middle of the road,| had no ground for making such wu] The second floor is also well plan-' ed within two weeks, if a snow downtoy str presented statement. | ned and will be fitted up as soon as storm did not tie up trate, If a 4 parade ople, major The Underwriters' reports were| possible. Facing the street are two storm came, then the people would whom carried umbre Hes. | primted and sent out without amy| rooms, one of which will be devoted have to get along as best they could mated that he had prepared a written | Daughters of the Empire. In the | only be averted by the most Brock street Metho ist ehure statement regarding the report, and | rear of these rooms are lavatories conservation and he solicited the | turned to Seeley's Bay on Th Mayor Hughes sald he would be|and cloak rooms, AA A A A Ar A A a rimmed gland to place MH before the Utilities) From the rear Commission at its next meeting. { the landing of the stairs has been Bc daddhl dish ng VY Ald. Hewitt then got after the | arranged a very fine auditorium. MARY GARDEN b FACE POWDER, TALCUM, ROUGE AND PERFUME, AT play of tobacco, soft drinks, etc., is| ae an attendant who will serve the ¥7 f Ba tepped in two The Weather Man has certainly | capacity of 3,500,000 gallons, where-| weeks ago and appointed a fuel con-| excelled himself this winter in more ! to buy goods from. this-canteen walking man officer in Queen's Mining | Behind a big glass partition on 1.500 tons of hard coal made mc disagreeable Peo- | School, who skipped out from Kings-| the dealers, Since making way consideration, Ald, Hewitt said. The|to meetings of the officers of the and borrow from one another, as is Mrs. (Rev.) J. A. Waddei of | report for 1917, with its false figures | sociation. The other will be used as being done in Peterboro and other saley av. left on Monday to visit Utilities Commission for the statg.| With long walls, bearing Union ments made in 1915 that as the re-| Jacks, many sky-lights in the ceiling " SARGENT'S DRUG STORE . Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. | to the soldiers. In this connection it | as its capacity will be 4,750,008 £al-| might be stated that there is no Gov-! troller for Kingston, there would? wavs than one. . He has not only|lons. If the present pump will not not have been a ton of coal in the given the coldest weather experi- this floor will be the pool parlor to work found | ton shortly after the war broke out. | There is sufficient room for six tables S had arrived, making walkin only disagreeable | Prof. Willhofft reported that the suec- and with a complete renovation the all Po ngeront It was and statements, stands, and th reading-room and will be fitted | places, Kingston was, perhaps, relat Montreal Mr. | Utilities Commission has done noth-| with lounges, chairs, tables, ete, t off place dn ti distriet, Waddell, to to sult; of repairs made to the Killey|and hardwood floor, the room is pump at the waterworks the city bright and airy. In one end is a: / Telephone 41. AAhiairhrirhriin of the building to Wy v. ernment stamp on 'the cigarettes, to- supply' the city, as the inspector al-| coal dealers' sheds last week. | enced in many years, but he has also impossible | tion pipe too small. According | former site of a newspaper press will doled out in valk, $ ing to refute them. Ald. Hewitt inti-| sbme of which were donated by the] Nickle said. A fuel famine conduct anniver Take advantage of our pres ent low prices. had been saved $30,000 and that $9! piano and chairs for speakers and a day was being saved in pumping; | others at meetings, which will be algo that the pump had been put| held, the first, of course, being the into such condition that it would] big opening to-night (Tuesday). | suffice till the city's population was! The electrical arrangements de~ 40,000. He had made personal ex-| serve special mention. With well; { amination into this matter and found | chosen lights the place should be | that its efficiency had only been in-| splendidly illuminated in the even-; creased five gallons on 372. He| ings. The front will be lighted by a, claimed that no economy had 'been huge sign bearing the official crest produced by the transaction, | of the Great War Veterans' Associa-| Mayor Hughes asked Ald. Hewitt' tion. | {if the electrical pump would relieve' The Whig and its readers extend | the situation when it was installed. , to 'the returned heroes earnest hopes Ald. Hewitt replied that it would| for great enjoyment of their fine for the present. It would pump club quarters. 4,750,000 gallons, a4 day. One of the steam pumps could be coupled on| to. jt. © : | To Ald. Couper, Ald. Hewitt stated LOCAL BRANCH Lo el IN EFFECT JA 6TH, 1018. Kingston's 'Oldest Fur Store. [ore S Trains will leave and arrive at Oley Depot, Foot of Johuson Street. Going West. Live. City Arr. out Mall. na 1hae .m, 12.57 4 Express . . Local Intorn'| 'Lid. Mall | iw > Use it regularly in place of fresh milk, IT IS PURE, GEN- VINE separated milk' in pow- der form. A pound makes four quarts. 35 cents. Reduce your milk bill HC. Merman Successor to J. A. BOYD 611 Princess Street Phone 847. LUTE THER HELL HEE * Security First® EXCELSIOR LIF EXCELSIOR FACTS--NO.3 a. An increase of over four hundred thou- sand dollars in assets. Bg 8 = 5 SYDENHAM STREET BOARD PES [Use Cocoanut Oil 18 For Washing Hair 000 003 TD nn Som BEE - neo 1 Se BEB | Voted on Questions Presented by the that the impurity in the water last] General Conference, Week Jas Shlised vy 8 oak. in the Two questions presented by the | If you want to keep your hair in installed. | Seneral Sunlerence of the Methodist sgod gondition, be careful what you church were voted on, at a meeting | wash it with. nag. Hewitt ound pan nora: of the quarterly board of Sydenbam Don't use prepared shampoos or port' made two years ago by Prof Street Methodist church on Monday anything else, that contains too much Burrowes. "His report is like Will | night. The first question was that alkali. This dries the scalp, makes hofti's," declared the ex-superinten-| of the period of service of the pas-!the hair brittle, and is very harmful dent, "it is not a straight or an hon-| tor, and the 'question' was this: "Are [Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil est report." | you in favor of the present time | (which js pure and entirely grease- limit?" (less); is much better than anything A vote was taken by ballot and to !erBe you can use for shampooing, as this question there was practically a [this can't possibly injure the hair, unanimous verdict of "no. One Simply moisten your hair with 'was member voted 'yea.' ter and rub it in. One or two tea- The second question voted on was spoonfuls will make an abundance of | this: "If you are not in favor, what rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the would you suggest?" {hair and scalp thoroughly. The la- The 'majority of the members sug- ther rinses out easily and removes | gested extending the term limit from every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff - » five to seven years, while a number and excessive oil. The hair dries Pains in the Small | voted to dispense with the time limit [quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright. fluffy and easy Advertisement comes from our hundreds of satisfied pat- of the Back, Rtigetber. These questions were asked to ser |l0 manage. rons, "ASK ONE" and "YOU" will come to us for your | ---- | eure an expression of opinion of the You can get mulsified cocoanut oil EYE at i ES. , Headaches, Dryness of the Skin and | xB Gell Wh board for presentation at a meeting at most any drug store. It is very Loss of Weight Warn You That We examine your eyes and make your glasses. | of the general conference, to be held fcheap, and a few ounces 1s enough Kidneys Are Diseased. J.J. Stewart, Opt. D. | next September. These questions to last everyone in the family for are being asked the quarterly busy Months, | Opposite Post Office. Clarence and Wellington Sts. "Maker of the Better Glasses." Kingston. E = Mall Expres p.ol SoBe DoT WRDEeDY IPTRP. all ., o., a. juterp Lta . nm Nos, 1, Ts, 14, "18, 18, 19 run daly, Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct ruute (0 Lorovniv, "Oy Hamilton Buffalo, London, Detroit, (Chicago, Ray City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston, and New York. For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other Information, apply to, J. P, Hanley, Agent. Agency for &ll ocean steamship lines. Open day and night GIL GORES Passenger Servi ice Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mall op cable, Apply to Loenl Agents or The Robert Reford « Limited, General Agents, 50 King Last, Toronto, Ont, SA et oj COMPANY Souperg PER o ta A800 00 QTL rt Ameo" gasas INSURANCE Farmers say that the roads are in | a terrible condition as a result of | the rain storm. The police wish to return thanks to P. A. Conway for his kind contri- bution of magazines. There was no session of the police | court on Tuesday morning. i pti HETIL LELEU UU UU EE Ry You! Friend Overseas will be looking for another box. We lave lots of the best boxes in two sizes; also chocolates, gums, tooth paste and brushes, soaps and safety razors at 70¢ each, Prouse's Drug Store. Close at 9 p.m. oi Toronto, Ont., Feb. 19.--* Pains in the small of the back' is the way! hosts of people describe their suffer-| ings, not knowing that the pains are] in reality in the kidneys. Pains in the back, weak back, lame back, head-| The Public ivited to to Hear _-- ache----these are the first indications Production Speeches, of kidney tHouble, They are the R. JI. Bushell Announces that wn William Hutton, of Barriefield warning which nature gives you. If] oc C0 Foti Son vet to-night of 1S been awarded the contract for you heed at once you can be cured. building city plank walks. Neglect wil soon put you at the the Kingston Fair Association in the A. F. Newlands, writing master, FAIR BANQUET. TO-NIGH HT. Have You Tried Oleomargarine Yet ? If mot, we carry the best grade, along with a fall stock of choice groceries, at YEARS AGO franasTon EVENTS! \ J) ~ my ---- Government 5 Standard Flour Kingston Milling Co. Limited Is Eminently Sat JSntistactory To All Users. / HUNGARIAN----For CROWN--Winter Wheat Pastry. For Sale by All Dealers. (Milk Powder) All this week, everyone welcome. : Crawfords Grocery, "Good Things to Eat" mercy of the most painful and fatal of diseases. Women as well as men have kid- ney disease, and may well feel anxi- ous when the kidney pains make themselves felt in the small of the back. Because Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills give you prompt relief from ! backache, it is well worth your while ito take them. But they do more than this. They regulate and invigorate the action of the kidneys, and insure ja return to health of these important organs. Mr, "James Malley, 488 Crawford street, Morento, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled with lame back for mine or ten years, and although 1 had tried other remedies, they were of no benefit to me whatever. Through reading the advertisements in yaur booklets for Dr. Chase's Kid- ney-Liver Pills, I commenced taking]. these, and found. that they were the best | ever used. 1 took about dozen boxes im -all, and am no completely & cured. I can highly re- commend Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills." ¢'"This is to certify that I am per- sonally acquainted with Mr. James Malley, 488 Crawford street, and be- fieve nis statement with regard to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to be true and correct." --John Dunn, J.P.) © Dr: Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25¢ a box, 5 for $1.00, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bites , Limited, Toronto. Do not be > { taliced into accepting a substitute Imitations only SUapyOIRL, : 2 Frontenac hotel are to begin at 9. 30 | o'clock, and all citizens interested in| greater production are invited to be; present in the rotunda of the hotel' to hear them. Dr. Creelman, Min- ister of Agriculture for Ontario, will| have an important message to deliv- | er. Among the outside guests will! be the mayor of Belleville and the; president of the Belleville Board of Trade, . The banquet starts at eight o'clock and there will be a large company in attendance. Great Clearing Gale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in ready-made ecloth- ing and gents' furnishings to make room for his spring goods. Special value in boys' overcoats from 5 to' 10 years, in blue and gray, at $3.50 each---could not be bought wholesale for the above price. 'Doing Good Work. - The report of Milk Inspector 3. W. Bell was read in the City Coun- cil meeting Monday might and the aldermen expressed the opinion that Dr. Bell was doing good wor: and! endeavoring to give the citizens the. best milk supply possible. His Pig Got Away. Last Saturday an Amberst Island farmer drove down the ice to Kings- ton and in a box on his sleigh he had a nice fat pig for market." But. when thfe farmer reached the city the box was empty. 'Mr. Pig had made his escape "while en route, : has taken two first prizes at York for designing. Farmers on the islands say that by the appearance of the fields, they will be sowing grain before the ice leaves the bay. w.J Moroni has graduated at the Ontario Veterinary College. New Another RM.C. Boy Killed. Word was received from England by his parents, Judge T. A, and Mrs. McGillivray, of Whitby, that Lieut. Allister McGillivray has been acci- dentally killed. He was a student at the Royal Military College, Kings- ton, when he joined the Royal Flying Corps last year. He left for Eng- land in November and was if final training at Salisbury before going to the front, He Was the Second son, yl and but eighteen. joy RID OF HUMORS _ i AND AVOID SICKNESS 'Yiamors In the Blood Gauss inter pal derangements that affeet the Thole systems, as well as AE Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS 's Gi Saccte Thompson's Grocery a Tatdinan ot ap 204 Princess St, Phone 387. ENCE " ESTIMATES EXPERI 272 foniversity Ave. Address \ A Piano of Merit & Quality ae hut the yuality of the Williams product = Supahility | 'that has proven ftaelf by 8 68 years test, te wtll] maintained through the efforts of Canada's brains and expert work- manship. Call snd see the many models nt otir ahoWwroom. We will sreange terms to suit your pocketbonk, M. Greene Music Co., Ltd. Cor. Sydenham & Princess Sts., Kingston