HOW 0 GET RID OF RHEUMATISM "Fruit-a-Hves" Point the Way fo Quick Relief = Veroxa, Oxr, 1 suffered for a number of years with Rheumatism and severe Paing tn my Side and Back, eaused by strains and heavy lifting - When I had given up hope of ever being well again, a friend recom. mended 'Fruita-tives' to me and after using the first box I felt so much better that I continued to take them ; and now I am enjoying the best of health, thanks to your wonderful fruit medicine"; W. M. LAMPSON, "Preita-tives" are sold by all dealers at 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.70, trial size 20¢,-- or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Nn A If You are Looking for the Best, and the Best is the Cheapest Go to the UNIQUE GROCERY and MEAT MARKET. Our Stock is Complete, C. H. PICKERING 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530. pment tr A Nt tt meme Have you Indigestion? Your food will continue to dis- agree with you, and cause dis- tress until you strengthen your digestive organs, and tone and sweeten the stomach. Youcan do this quickly and surely by promptly taking a few doses of PILLS Their natural action relieves the stomach of undigested food, stimulates the flow of gastric "juice, renews the activity of the liver and bowels, and strengthens the digestive sys- tem. Take them with confi- e, for 60 years' experience prove that Beecham's Pills Are good for the Stomach Sale of Any Medicine in the W. Largest Sale of Any Mi a xen, 25¢, ds PA pr Talking Machines All makes of talking machines cleaned, repaired, adjusted, Parts for all machines supplied. Expert workmanship. Prices reasonable. JOHN M. PATRICK 140 Sydenham Street. Just What You Want Keep Your Feet and Dry | Miss Violet Si | No. 23 Local . .. i Hamilton, § | Halifax, Boston and New Yi fi Hanley, } Ce ecm id * Frontenac | OS0O STATION. March 2 "he roa impassible since the Josie Warren is returning to Trens ton to-day after attending his sister's wedding. Among those | tance who attended Warren wedding are almost recent thaw Mrs. A, and Mrs. S. iamble, Mr. 1 and Irene, d Miss Pearl and 5. Bervin Chaplin, Perth; and A and Mrs, W Mr. W. H. Butl John Butler and Perth. Miss Grace Kimberley, Miss Barr of Harrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs George Burke, King- ston Miss Isabel Wilson is the guest of her gister, Mrs. 8. C. Bourk. Jamie MacPhe is home from Englehart Mr. and Mrs. Doucette, {Smith's Falls, are visiting at Ernest Misses Pearl B rk, Grace Kimberley I are guests of Mr eph Warren | Lennox and Addington] NORTHBROOKE. March 2 Hello there! Northbrooke is dead. Not a bi We're just getti for spring. bp Thursday for Mactier Mr, Winoky and son, Den- bigh, made a business trip to North- brooke and were stranded a few days at 'William Both's on account of the terrible condition of the roads, William Both is getting ready for butchering again and is canvassing the country for materjal. Miss Adda Preslar bought a valuable cow from Mrs. George Bradshaw, Harlowe, Mr, Fred Wood and Miss Jones spent Sunday at Miss Preslar's. Rey, George Richmond preached an in- structive sermon on Sunday morning at Northbrooke. Kenneth Ellis is visiting at Mrs. James Park's. Mrs. Art Perkins is slowly convalescing. Miss May Laveck is spending a few days with Miss Grace Wood Miss Velva Thompson has returned home after spending a few weeks at Har lowe. Miss Hughes, Kaladar, is at C. C. Thompson's. "Jack Lloyd is expected home to-day to spend. the week-end. Miss Lunda Cassada was ticketed for Kingsten one day this week. Rev. Mr. Richmond took din- ner at the Shier House on Sunday. Mrs, Stanley Wheeler has returned home after spending four weeks with Mrs. George Bradshaw, Harlowe, Mr, and Mrs. George Sullivan spent Pri- day with their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Fuller, Borden Wood. Harvey Fuller, who is on the sick list made a flying trip to the doctor on Wednesdav, | LOWER LAVANT. March 2.--Quite a number from here attended the sale at Thomas Stewart's, Hopetown, on Friday. Barn tor. and Mrs. E. Paul a daughter. Mrs. Thomas Scott and Mrg. MeLennan of McDonald's Cor ners are visiting with Mrs, E. Paul. Mrs, J. 8. Paul is spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. John Pearl. A. B. Robertson and Clemant Paul visited friends at Poland recently. The roads are in a bad condition for hauling stuff, and, Tessie and Mrs, Jos- Leeds LOMBARDY. March 4.--Mrs. Richard Covell is il with pneunionia. A very large number froom this vicinity attended C. Bolton's sale on the 1st inst, Miss H. L. Donegan, Smith's Falls, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Breen. Mrs. J. A. Leeder, Lyn; visiting at the home of her parefts, Mr. apd Mrs. Cauley. John Hughes visited friends in Marysville last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reynolds, Frankville, were week-end guests of LR TRE | LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH SRD ---- Trains will leave and arrive at City Station, Foot of Johnson Street. Going West. x p 9 Mall .. .. .. 3 Express |. ., 3. Logal .. .. 8.43 Intern 1 Mail . .. ¥ ~ y GY dy Ey SO~te~ 23833 a Brom Q PPEPPO » 5 a - - Express , .. 8 Maho... 104 Intern] Ltd, ND DISS austere TEPER g3388 «6.48 pim, Nos. 1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 Tun daily. Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct ponte to Toronto, Peterboro,, a Ba Halo, aiondan, » drolt: "hicago, ¥ City, Baginaw, ontr Ottawa, Quebec, Port and; St. John, ork. For Pullman accommodation, tickets and 811 other information, apply to XP Agent. Ageney Por all " teamship lines. i enble, | Robert Open day and ht. ¥ remittances made by mall or PEt 2 , 1 port, Who says of it, i wheat---No, 1. Generar] § Agentn, 50 King St. RAE, Torontn Ont. [FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, i | retatives here. The "Go-Right-on- | Working" Girls' Club met at. the j home of Miss Evelyn Bass on Satur- jday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sala | Blancher and family visited friends {in Portland on Sunday. Mrs. Frayne spent last week with tives in Smith's Falls. WwW. Mec. Spadden, who had a severe attack of rheumatism, Is able to be around again Rey. T. A. Elewker and Miss Flewker were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Covell for a few days fast week. Inspector McGuire, West- visited the schools in this vicinity during the past week. Mrs. A. Gould was called to Ottawa last week owing to the deati of her mother. There has been excellent skating on the creek for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conell were in Perth on Wednesday. g "CATARAQUI WAR WORKERS." The Name of a New Society at Old Waterloo. Cataraqui, March 5. The ladies here wiio have been working for the | Red Cross Society have formed them- selves into an organization called the {Cataraqui war workers with Mrs, George Nicol, President and Mrs, {Rev,) E. R. Kelly secretary. The Red Cross tea last week was held in ama, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1918. org timer. the rectory and Canon Smith deliver- ad an address on Red Cross work. Miss McCallum, Kingston, has been a guest at the parsonage, Mrs. T. Buck, sr., continues in a very low state of health. Aylesworth Bros. are shipping a earload of milech cows to Montreal. W. Davy has gone back to his farm in the north of the coun- try. Mrs. Davy will follow later on. Miss Evelyn Crawford has been the guest of Miss Jessie Nicol. W. Duffy has gone to work for B. Lan- caster, and C. Evans has engaged for the season with Thomas Purdy. Miss Pearl Richardson is visiting at Thom- as Buck's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Duffy have a baby daughter. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Smith, Ogdensburg, N.Y. have taken up residence here, They are with their mother, Mrs. W. B. Smith. - -- Missing Man Turns Up, Picton, March 5.--R. €. Richard- son, Sophiasburg, woo disappeared nine years ago is home agaigs in the striking Scottish uniform of the 16th Battalion, C.E.F.. He was invalided home after serving in France, with the rank of Sergt-Instructor since the beginning of the war, having en- listed in British Columbia. The miss ing man's estate was being adminis- tered by the Canadian Trust Com- pany 4 E. Fredenburg, Renfrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Fredenburg, Westport, had the misfortune to get three fingers so badly crushed while at work in the employ of the British Chemical Company that amputation Was Necessary A tA At Pe sl & LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, | Toronto, Mare 5.--Ex. cattle, | cholce, $12 to $12.25 export bulls, [$9 to $10.50; butcher cattle, choice. {10.50 to $111.25; butcher cattle, me- {dium, $9.25 to $9.75; butcher cattle, common, $8.50 to $8.75; butcher cows, medium, $7.25 to $8.00; butch- er cows, ca 5.75 to $5.85: butch- er bulls, i feeding steers, 8.50 9.76; stockers, choice, $8 to $8.75; stockers, light, $7 to $7.60; milkers, choice, $85 to $125; springers, $85 to $125; sheep, ewes, $13.50 to $14.50; bucks, culls, $7.50 to. .510; lambs, $18 to $19; Hogs, fed and waterea, $19.75; hogs, f.oh., $18.75; calves, $15 to $17. Chicago. Chicago, March 5.--Cattle, receipts 21,000. Market 'weak. Beeves, $8.- 75 to $14.15; stockers and feeders, $7.60 to $10.80; cows and heifers, 556 to $11.85; calves, $8.75 to $14.- Hogs, receipts $56,000, Market slow, Light, $16.30 to $16.90: mix- ed, $16.15 to $16.85; heavy, $15.70 to $16.65; rough, $15.70 to $15.90; pigs; $12.75 to $16.25; bulk of sales, $16.35 to $16.75. Sheep, receipts 15,000. Market firm, Wethers, $10.25 to $12 40; lambs, native, $14 to $17.50. Montreal. Montreal, March 5.--Butener cattle---Steérs, choice, $11.25 to $11.75; good, $10.25 to $11; med- fom, $10 to $10.50 cwt. Bulls, choice, $10.50 to $11; good, $9 to $9.50; medium, $8 to $9 cwt. Cows, choice, 10.25 to $10.50; good, $9 to $3.50; medium, $8.25 to $8.50; can- ners, $5.50 to $6 cwt. Sheep, $11 to $12; lambs, Que- bees (Tew), $15 to $15.50; Ontarios, $16 to $17 owt. Hogs, selects, $19.75 to $20 for long runs and $19.50 to $19.75 for ghiort runs. Sows, $177.50 to $18.25; stags, $16.60 to $17.26 cwt., al weighed off cars. 'Calves, grass-fed, $7 to $8: milk-fed, $12.50 to $15.50 cwt, and Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., March 5.---Prime steers, $13.66 to $14; shipping steers, $13 to $13.50; butchers'. $10 to $13; yearlings, $11 to $13.25: heifers, $8 to $11.75: cows, $10.76; bulls, 87 to $11.50; stock- ers and feeders, $7.50 to $9.50, Fresh cows and springers, $65 to $135. Calves--Receipts, 200; steady, $7 to $17.50. Hegs----Receipts, 9,600; strong. Heavy, $18 to $18.10; mixed and Yorkers, $18.10 to $18.25; | Yorkers and pigs, $18 to $18.25: roughs, $16.25 to $16.40; stags, $13 to $14. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 6, 000; strong. Lambs, $13 to $18.40; vearlings, $12 to $15.75: wethers, $13.25 to $13.76; ewes, $7 to $13; mixed, $13 to $13.25. New York. New York, March 5.--Beeves--- Receipts, 2,870 head; market stea ay; steers; $11 to $14; bulls, $7 to $11.75; cows, $8.60 to $10.25, Calves-- Receipts, 1,600 Lead; market lower; veals, $14 to $18; tops, $18.60; culls. $10 to $13; barnyard calves, $7 to'$9; yearlings, $6 to $7. ; Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2.- 940 head; market firm; sheep, $8 10 $13; lambs, $15.60 to $18; vear- lings, $14 to §14.50. gs---Receipts, 8,270 head; mar- het dy at $17.75 to $18; pigs, $17.25 to $17.75; roughs, $16.50, Winnipeg. : Winnipeg, March 5.--Butcher steers, $7 to $12; bhelfers, $7 to "$10.50; cows, $4.50 to $10; bulls, $6 to $8.50; oxem. $5 to $9.25: steokers and feeders, $7 to $9.25; veal calves, $6.50 to $12; hogs, se- lacts, $19.10; heavies. $14 to $15; sows, $12 10 $13; stags, $9 10 $10; lights, $14 to $15. : GRAIN QUOTATIONS, Toronto. : Toronto, March 3 Manitoba No. 2, $2.20%: No. 3, $2.17%: No. 4, $2.10%, including 2c. tax. in store Fort William. Manitoba edts--No. 2 C.W..97 le; No. 2, S4%ge; extra No. 1 feed, <, e, Fort William; No 1 og pee ; n gorm--No, 3 kiln dried, $2.05, track Toronto. Outario oats--No. 2 white, 97¢ to » 5 tT Northern, $2.25%: The Latest Market Reports | 98¢c, 97c. Buekwheat---$1.78 to $1.80. Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, basis in store, Montreal Pease--No. 2, $3.70 to $380, ac- cording to freights outside, Barley---Maliting, $1.68 to $1.70. tye--No. 2, $2.25. Manitoba flour--War $11.10, Toronto, new bags. Ontario flour--War quality, $10.« 70, Toronto-Montreal, $10.70, new bags. Millfeed---Car lots, Montreal; shorts, $40; feed four, nat quoted: not quoted, Hay---Baled, track, Toronto, lots, No. 1, $17 to $18; No. 2, to $16; mixed, $13 to $16: car lots, $8.50 to $9 New York. nominal; No. 3 white, 96¢ to quality, delivered, bran, $35; middlings, car $14 straw, ket firm; springs, $10.55 to $11; winters, $10.25 to $10.60; $10.60 to $11.00, good, $14 to $14.45; choice to fancy, rive, White Corn Flour---Market Isteady; $6.05 per 100 ibs, Barley Flour--Market $13 to $14 in 89 1b, sacks. Corn .Meal--Market firm; yellow granulated, $5.15; white granulated, £5.90 in 100 Ib. sacks. Rye---Market unsettled: No. 2 Western, $2.50 nominal f.o.h. New York, Barley--Market steady; feeding, $1.90 to $2.00, and malting, $2 to 2.30 cost and freight New York, Corn--Spot market steady; kiln dried, Nb. 2 yellow, $2.14%; No. 3 yellow, $1.94% No, 3 white, $2,263 | cost and freight New York prompt shipment; Argentine $2.25 f.0.h. cars. Oats--Spot, market quiet; natural $1.05 to $1.06. steady; Chicago. : Chicago, March 5.--Corn--Nos. 2 and 3 yellow, market nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.60 to $1.65. : Oats--No. 8 white, 91% to 92 %e¢; standard, 92% to 92%ec. Bafley--$1.80 to $2.24, Ryp~--=No, 2, $2.77. Timothy--$5.00 to $8.00. Clover---$28.00 to $31.00, Lard--$26.40, ibs--$24.75. Pork---Market nominal, Winnipeg. Winnipeg, March 5.--Oats--No. 3 C.W., 97%e¢; No. 3 C.W,, 94%c¢; ex- tra No.-1 feed, 93%c; No. 1 feed, 9015¢c; No. 2 feed, 86%¢. Barley No. 3 CW, $1.76%; No. 4, $1.71 %: rejected, $1.44; feed, $1.42. Flax-- No. 1 NW.C., $3.72%; No. 2. C.W., $3.68; No. 3 C.W., $3.50, ---- Montreal, Montreal, Month 5 --Oats, Cana- diun Western, No. 3, $1.09% ; extra No. 1 feed, $1,09% No, 2 local white, $1.09; Na. 3 local white, $1.06: No. 3 local white, $1.05. Flour, new standard Spring wheat grade $11.10 'to $11.20. Rolled oats, bags, 90 1bs, $5.60 to $5.70. Bran, $35. Shorts, Ji Middlings, $48 to $50. Mouil- ie, i 5 | GENERAL TRADE, Toronto. ' Toronto, March '5.~Butter, choice dairy, 47¢ to 19%; margarine, 1b. 36c to 87¢; eggs, new-laid, doz, 0c to 76¢; cheese. Ih. 30e: do, « faney., Wb. 38e¢; turkeys, 1b. 35e to 38¢; fowl, Mb. 27¢ to 28¢; milk-fed chickens, 30c to 33¢; ducks, spring, 1b. 258c¢; geese, Ib. 23c to 25e¢: apples, bkt., 35¢ to 60c; do. bhi. $3.50 to $6; beets, bag, $1.30; do. pack, 30e¢; celery, Cal, buneh, 10¢; do., Can., doz., 50c; cabbazé, each, 10¢ to 15¢; onions, 75-lb. bag. 10¢ to 15e; do. large bki, "53¢: do. "plekling, bkt., 6562; do., green, bunch, 13¢; parsiey, bunch, $1.40 to $1.50; | parsnips, bag, $1.40 to $1.50; 40+ peck, 30¢; potatoes, bag, $2.95 to $2.50; rhubach. bunch, 13e¢: sage, bunch, Se to 10¢; savory, bunch. Se 1 10¢; turnips, peck, 15¢; do., bag, 8. em, Montreal. : "Montreal, Feb. 5. Cheese Fin- est westerns, 21 3-4¢; finest east- erns, 24 oo Sutter Choleest creamery, 50 1-2¢ to Sl¢; seconds. 49 1-2¢ to 50c. = Eggs---Fresh, 47 to 48c; selected, 42 to 4c; No. 1 siock, 37 to 39¢; No. 2 stock, 34 to 36e.| Fatatons, por bag, car lots, $2.10 to New York, March 5.--Flour--Mar-'{i Kansas, | Rye Flour--Market firm; fair to $14.50 to $15; jute spot and to ar- Il Give At Least 10 Days - Moving Notice--- HERE is a great scarcity of skilled telephone men through army enlistments. ? If you have a telephone and intend moving, we should be notified immediately so that arrangements can be made to move your telephone promptly. War-time demands have also caused a shortage of all telephone materials. Subscribers are asked to co-operate with us in conserving telephone supplies by ordering only absolutely necessary changes or new installations. = The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada "Good service * * * our true intent." Have You Tried Oleomargarine Yet ? It not, we carry the best grade, along with a full stock of choice groceries, at Thompson's Grocery 204 Princess Bt, Phone 387. RCOA Large Stock to Choose From." $15 to $28 JOHN TWEDDELL Civil & Military Tallor, 131 Princess Sts One Door Relow Randolph, NEW ISSUE Hk Offering of $6,900,000 Five Year 6% Refunding Gold Bonds CITY QF MONTREAL DATED 1st DECEMBER, 1917 DUE 1st DECEMBER, 1922 Interest payabl® half-yearly---1st June and December. Principal and Interest payable in Gold at the City Treasurer's Office, Montreal, or at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York. Bonds issued in Coupon form in denominations of $100, $500 and $1,000. ISSUE PRICE--PAR. A full half year's interest will be paid 1st June, 1918. The bonds therefore give a net yield to the investor of about 61%. THE BANK OF MONTREAL, Fiscal Agent of the City is rized to offer the above-named for of the City, at par, without accrued interest made in full on 8th April, 1918, against delivery of any Branch, in Canada, of the BANK OF MONTR MONTREAL, New Y BANK OF MONTREAL, MONTREAL En ai oo tet ft pet dry The issue is made with the approval of the Minister of Finance, 4 iE 4