PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1918. THE BRITISH WHIG!»» 85TH YEAR. Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by A BRITIS WHIG PUBLISHING 00, LAMITED, President : Editor and 'Managing- Director. Telephones: ness Office rial Rooms Office 243 229 202 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ( Edition) year, delivered in city ....... year, if paid in advance year by mail to rural offices year, to United Sta 2.60 (8emi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mat], cash $1.00 gue year, if not paid in advance $1. 3 ear, to United States $i x and three months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRE EN AT B R. Br 12 Peter St, TO SOTO. REPRESENTATIVE F. C. Hoy 1005 Traders Bank B lag. UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE F.R.Nomthrup, 226 Fifth Ave, New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the} wetter, 2.50 Attached is one of a best job printing offices In Canad eee: The efrculation of THE BRITISH WHIG is anthenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. The motto of yesterday was out as well as in." March, Hike the Hun, simply could | not be decent. It just had to hand | out something nasty. "Digi A bank book ing than a novel, says Harry Lauder. He ought to know. A Kitchener alderman is Keching pigs in his cellar. Let's hear what | Kingston aldermen are using cellars fo". The United States is preparing for a hundred years of war if need be. Germany might just as well give up { was reall | there was 6.00 | i makes better read- their | he packing of the snow. y hard to dig up. And too! for in the midst gale lightning flash- rolled. Redmond will long be gard for his foyal sup- British Governmrent dn the war crisis and for ariety, of the thov ed and th John held in ih world over. He was a true friend to Ireland and to liberty. Russia, says Frank A. Simonds, is the biggest single stretdh of Euro pean territory which has been opened to invasion and partition sinee the Roman Empire fel. Her area is over six times 1s great as that ruled by Imperial Rome. A VERY BAD PRECEDENT. The Ontario Hockey Association (amateur) is much more lenient with its rowdy players than the Na- tional Hockey Association (profes- | sfonal)--at least with Toronto of- fenders. A De la Salle player who j last week deliberately struck one of { the KThgston Juniors on the head with his stick when the latter's back was turned, | the dce lin the Toronto Arena by the police, has been forgiven by the O, |H. A. executive when he should have ? [been suspended for the remainder of the season. The Toronto newspap- {ers condemned his action and | garded his suspension as certain. | Now the O.H.A. executive has creat- {ed this precedent: That 4 {player may | hit @nothér over the head with a | hockey stick and receive only a good | talking to for his action; that a re- | petition of the act will lead to sus- pension. Mhe OHA. governing re- | body dare mot treat any other play-| Ler differently from the way in whieh | has acted on the De la Sdlle case or it will be accused of favoritism, which is however but too apparent. | In the National Hockey Association, irowdyism is punished by the fining of the offending player both in police | court and by the club to which he | belongs. ELECTRIC POWER ON FARM. Farmers hereabouts are wonder- ing when they will receive the bene- fits of electrical power on their farms in order to help them in pro- | duction. | the Hydre-Electric Commission has extended its power line to Kingston This district: has not bad vantages lof cheap electrical energy that places in the west of the 'pro- vince have had. The counties in and was escorted from | rsa i benefit of the individual, It is only this winter that] the ad-| the winter for violence and the idea of obedience It 'solidly and indestructibly igraphies | | | 1 | | they The passing of such i privileges and duties of citizenship, a man will be deeply regretted the! (for? {and consecrated | deemed, be gins to walk like the better. can welded to ion. Brit- of Dbistory, bio-| heroes | and rever a2 man again, gether by the heat of emot ---- ish law! . Pages martyrs Food. (Peterborough ¥ Do not eat to-day can be saved for to-morrow day thereafter. teview) anything that or any of arouse at once affectic ence. What tine in propriate than such instruction? Wh are called upon to exercise more ap f for | men | . the : So It Seems. (Milwaukee News "Those who are adepts atl advice seldom appear . " the neglect of this important part of fited by it. education will be apparent. a Do our young men fully appreciate what success or failure in the great war means to them? That at Mons, at Ypres, at Vimy and on the sea two | gharply defined ideals were fought | At Marathon and Salamis! Greek valour saved Europe from the that youth en as giving to have pro- It They vo, (Binghamton Press) "Two mihds with but a single {thought are awfully empty when i they lose that thought." Sare To Go. {Philadelphia Record) "About the easiest way for a man to lose his good name is to have jt domination of Aska and the priests | op craved on the handle of his um- of the Oracle at Delphi fell into dis- prella." repute for giving unpatriotic advice | in counsdlling submission to Persia. | (Ottawa Journal) France emerged after the fall of J Rober Je xnow what Rome, and under the potent infiu- loners is going to do with the ten ence of Christianity became the most million gallons of spirits now in this chivalrous nation in the world and province. Privately our guess is that taught the barbarians about her how | fhe re are plenty of men left to drink to live The Germans, however, | have hot yet awakened and still re- nmrain in the grasp of despotism. The laws there are made, not for the but to hold Plenty of Consumers, The Wages of German Sin, (New York Tribune) Peace, when it comes cannot, can- not act as a statute of limitations, on Germany's crimes, She will have a slave to a ruling to pay the penalty for them in one Our security depends awpon jour | way or another for many gs 1s recogniti g sibility: (come. The nations which fough Tecognition of Quf Teaponsibility; 'Germany will retain an ineffaceable here lies our success in the present ; memory of her barbarity. The neu- great struggle, and the perpetuation | tral nations will not soon forget her of the spirit Of British = law which | * 'without trace" U-boat operations makes liberty commensurate with and her cynical disregard of inteér- and inseparable from British rule; ational rights, whidh proclaims even to the stranger { and the sojourner the moment he | sets foot upon British earth that the ground upon which he stands is holy the genius of | universal freedom; no matter ! what complexion incompatible with freedom an Indian or an African sun may have burned upon him; no mat- ter in what disastrous battle his liberty may have been ¢loven dawn, the moment he touches British earth'| his soul walks abroad in his own ma- jesty, his body swells beyond the ! measure of the chains which burst from round him and he stands re- regenerated him in bondage, cast. OVERHEATED STEAM PIPE Was the Cause of a Small Fire at the Military Hospital, An overlieated steam pipe was the cause of a small fire at the military Tfospital on Queen street, about six o'clock on Sunday night. The fire broke out on the third flat between the ceiling and the flooring, but the firemen got at the root of the trou ble and extinguished the blaze. Sunday Schools' Association. The executive committee of the Sunday Schools Association held the first quarterly meetiig on Sunday. {The matter of fuller representation disen- | was discussed and Sunday schools irresistible genius of not at present represented are to be universal freedom! | asked to join. Greater fpod produc- tion was then taken up, and it was decided to send circulars to every Sunday school asking co-operation in cultivating vacant lots. Thesfollow-] ing were appointed representatives oh the general committee of | Kingston co-operative summer sohools: H. W. Newman, Rev. G. 8S. Clendinnen, 8. H: Jones and F. J. 'Wilson. by and thralled by the In inis fot something to teach to our children? (sit not something to fight for and to die The great conscience of our like the conscience of answers yes. for? people, the Creeks, the ---- BIBBYS -- SOCIETYBRAND CLOTHES ASSIST IN GIVING A DIGNIFIED AND STRONG PERSONALITY. : THEIR STYLE AND TAILORING ARE THE HIGH- EST OBTAINABLE IN - READY FOR SERVICE CLOTHES WE SHOW MANY NEW STYLE FEATURES THIS SEASON -- BOTH PLAIN MODELS AND BELTERS. NEW LAPELS -- NOVELTY POCKETS --NEW BELT EFFECTS. See Our New Broker Suits BIBBYS----Style Headquarters A AA PAA AAA AAA Ln $25.00 'OTHER SUITS $15.00 AND UP. YOU'LL MAKE N MISTAKE Ny placing your order early for store or house awnings and curtains, Supplies and help ore searce and prices will be higher. J. J. Turner & Sons, Razor oe a | Limited. Strops "" went, Awning, Flag snd Waterproof { With the price of leather ! "Goods Manufacturers. steadily Increasing, it would be Cooke, Local Agent) ONTARIO. wise for every shaver to possess now as later on, yo -- At the openin'® of Parliament on March 18th theérd will 'he no travel: which progress has been the greatest are South Oxford, Waterloo, Kent, Ontario, . Peel, Welland, Lincoln, Kingstonians who invested in Rus- sian bonds are now wondering why PETERUIORO (F. Ww, they «id mot put their money into Canadian securities. nigel loci March may have made a gentle entry, but she soon proceeded to show that she could be just as bois- terous and Wishehaving as January or February. ---------------- sp -------- Germany's 'western drive will be by way of 'Russia and Asia, make no mistake about that. The Huns are going to heat wap jthe bunch. that can't Tight. Canadian banks have had experi- eace with many kinds of drafts, but Justice Dut! has presented them with & new kind. He has ruled that all bank clerks of serviceable age must be drafted to the colors. Bank wlerks must go to war, de- cides Justice Duff, the appeal court judge. Gils will take their places. A number of the banks have already introduced girl clerks and found them ery efficient. ------ The people 'who contplain that newspapers lack courage. are often the same ones who Send in letters to the editor but won't allow their signatures to be published. During 1917 the fire loss in the United States reached the appalling sum.of $230,000,000. Carelessness is not responsible for all of this; the enemy alien has much of it to his oredit. Another new food is shortly to be introduced to the people of Ontario. The carcasses of 600 Algonquin Park beavers will be shipped to Toronto next month. it people be able to "work like beavers" on 'this diet? In the opinion of Frank Simonds, America's leading war critic, the Russian collapse will not help Ger- -many. He thioks that Germany may meet disaster in trying to dominate 'what was Russia, for the Slav race cannot be Teutonized. ; An "iius driven or soiproseed coal-gas has Been perfected to take 'the place of patrol driven cars in London. The saving in gasoline al- ready secured by the use of gas by motor vehicles is about 3,000,000 gallons a year. Eo ad ii ------ ' 'Hunters in Ovtarie will next falt be allowed to take two deer, instead of one, as heretofore. Lots of ~ Kingstoit hunters found it impossible 40 shoot even one during their few weeks' outing. Mote work for" the guides next fall! . } ert er Saturday nights storm eclipsed Wentworth, Norfolk, Middlesex and Elgin. In erder to 'secure 'hydro power service a group of farmers wanting it petition the township council for an estimate. The coun- cil transmits this petition to the Hydro-Electric Commission with a resolution asking that such an esti- mate be prepared. As soon as the estimate is approved by the Com- mission it is sent to the township council, which within thirty days calls a meeting of the ipetitioners and submits the estimate. If they desire, 'the petitioners then enter in- to a contract with the municipality for hydro power and the municipal- ity in its turn enters into an agree- ment with the Commission for pow- or for the petitioners. The (Com- mission then builds the line to the farmers' gates and the township pro- vides the transformers and motors. 'Construction is not recommended by the 'Commission unless there are at least three consumers per anile, the revenue from this number being re- quired ito take care of 'the annual fixed charges on the cost of con- struction, which include interest; de- preciation, sinking fund, mainten- ance and operation. The average cost of wiring barns onjfarms of from 100 to 150 acres 15/$110. The cost of house wiring ds much less than this. 'The service charge de- pends upon the number of consum- ers per anfle. It is $3 per month for three consumers per mile, $2.50 for four consumers, $2 for five consum- ers, and so on. The consumption charge depends upon the amount of power used. Six farms in Waterloo township paid from $68 to $100 last year for service charge and power combined. Now that hydro power has come this far east, Kingston and take advantage of it. LAW AND EDUCATION. It is reported that a 'member of the Ontario Bar Association has sug- gested thas certain portions of ele mentary Jaw should be placed on the should not be allowed to pass, but should be seriously considered by our educationists.' Outside of the home the churches provide all moral and spiritual fn: struction, but only to those who, in a volwftary sense, come under their influence. The object of laws is primal to supply rules of conduct, rules as 10) what ought to be dome and what ought to be abstained from. When Pittsburg township farmers should school curricubm. The suggestion | placed upon the statute hook these] | Um tired of every blast that shrieks from up around Alberty. As Kipling Must Admit. (Buffalo As to the Bear, lency, fantry guard o ment House. no arfitlery salute and no in- . Times) honor at Govern- the sooner he be- Rippling Rhymes. WINTER WEARINESS I'm tired of snow, I'm tired of sleet, I'm tired of I'm sick of wintry weather. guy, I strive to chirp and chortle, and hand some glee, as 1 pass by, Lo every sighing mortal. To find some joy in everything is always my efideavor; but how can one rear up and sing, when winter lasts for- ever? How can a minstrel swat his lyre, to glad and pleasing numbers, when he has naught to feed the fire, and freezes while he slumbers? Xach day I think the cold will break, the winter be exhausted; 'and every morning when I wake I find my whiskers frost- ed. Each day 1 see some hopeful sign that spring at last is coming; and in the night, at half-past nine, } hear a blizzard humming. T'm tired oF chilblains in my toes, I'm tired of influenzy; I'm tired of every wind that blows from back of the McKenzie. I'm tired of ice in sheets and peaks, of ashpiles large and dirty; I'm tired of grates and easy chairs, when I'd be out chgo- -chooing; this climate's built for polar bears, and hence my loud boohooing. WALT N. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN |, By GENE BYRNES { WANT You To MEET MX ONCLE MR. JONES -- HE'S VERY WEALTHY AND HAS LEFT EVERYTHING T° NE - HS Will, BLY DOCTOR SAD TEs LIABLE TO LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED " B escort of cavalry for His Excel: | both together; I'm tired of storms that save the wheat, | I try to be a cheerful] i | The Great in old Veins, ('wt Qedtity, Mental and Brain Worry 08s gener. , Failing 3 ney Price $4 for $5. One will please, =x a. druggists or mai ed in pair a. Wood's Enosghotias, English Tones sad im igorates ge pr esvets systein, Takes sew Blood | Energy, iCalpitation pkg. on « Woot ee. N. mphicl mic free, THE Le New a good razor strop. | THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the earpen- | tery line, Estimates given on all Kinds | of repairs and new work; anise hard | wood floors of all kinds, All orders | will receive prompt atteation. Shop | 60 Queen street. single and double strops. Drug Store . Des r Fold vg acl Whe co ~~ Bearing 5% %. Montreal. - Victory Loan Bonds Obtainable in Penominations of $50, $100, $500, Price, 987% and accrued interest Full information on request. WOOD, GUNDY & COMPANY Canadian Pacific Railway Building 185 Princess St. ck-room. See our splendid values in DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE Phone 343 Everything for the sick and si daha hh dh Ah Aa Ala Ahhh i Due 1922, 1927, 1037. $1,000. Toronto New York store all this week. You need Envelopes; Latter Heads, Tags, Bill Heads, Etc. from time to Statements, We Need Your usiness Let us guile on oi requirements JOB DEPARTMENT o British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. Golden Rule Service A 'Our full Tine of 1919 Calendars now ready + Ses our bargains in loose Mag is being demonstrated in our Come in and sample the delicious cakes time, and rt Loose Leaf Material ahhh hh dh dah hh hh a