| i 'Used for making hard and soft soap, for \ softening water, for clean. ing, disinfecting and for over 6500 other purposes. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED SABES MONTREAL Watches Everywhere, The popularity of the easily ac- cessible wrist what juspired the production by Par- islan jewelry designers of a fring watch. It eonsists of a tiny time plece mounted on a finger ring, and if desired, embellished with percious stones, The second rod on the road to dis- travel honesty Is always easler to than the first, For Women's Ailments Dr. Martel's Female Pills have been ordered by physicians and sold by reliable Druggists everywhere for over a quarter of a century, don't accept a substitute. Don't walt, DEPT. 10 CANADA WEEKLY, a Aa A Lr 0 ol Lm 72 mn 7 Ky 7, p Yes III watéh was doubtless The Woman Change CT By JANE PHELPS CHAPTER . Just before we nt ner I overheard Peter June Lawson: "That little Mr young, isn't she? Wonder Howard 'sn't with her. Rather unusual, don't you think, for a man to allow a young wife,/almost a bride, to go to dinner parties without him." ( "Oh, T don't know! That depends entirely on circumstances," June had replied. "He may have had an en- gagement, or he may not have cared to come, He is awfullv highbrow in some ways, I have heard And he seems years older than any of us. But he surely is generous with her. She is beautifully dressed." "Why shouldn't is disgracefully rich." "Those rich men usually have their own good times, | HY I'm glad Charleton isn't burdened with money. It will keep him out of misciiéf earn- ing enough to take care of me." They both laughed and then*dinner was announced. "Merton you take Helen, Mrs. Howard, iu," Evelyn said, to my de- light. 1 was frankly pleased, and told Merton Gray so, although it was- n't perhaps good form to de so. It was good to be with one who under- stood. "The only two formal dinners I have been to, you have taken me in," I sald gaily as I took his arm, **I am 80 glad Evelyn paired us off to- gether." I was a little disturbed over Peter Rivers' remarks. "So am I!" he answered same joyous tone. "It is a omen." XXV. - ou® § din- livers say to Howard is very sheét be? Howard just in the good A Poverty Dinner. Of course I was in the secret, hut BOYS! $10.00 cash to you if you solve thecontents of the Soldier's Kit Bag and mail your answer. What has this soldier in his Kit Bag? There are seven things he takes away to war, If you can figure them out and prove that you are the intelli gent boy we want to do a little easy work after school and on Saturdays, you may win a £10.00 Special Cash Prize. We will also give vou the opportunity of winning a clever lit Shetland y or $100.00in cash. Besides we will send you Free 10 copies ofthe finest Canadian Weekly Magazine you ever saw-- dandy coloured covers and illustralions--good fiction and articles about Canadig ple, cartoons and editorials--just the magazine every one has been waiting for. Your friends and neighbors will like it 80 much that you will have dozens and dozens of customers very quickly. You sell the ten copies of Canada Wee be. each and have B0c. capital, all your own, beside pocket money earnings every week. Send your answer to this puzzle for clever boys and address 35 LOMBARD STREET, TORONTO. ~~ sie) hn TT eX \ 7 has < wm CASTORIA Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria SE ~ For Over Thirty Years THE DINNER the rest 'were astonished when they saw the table. Evelyn had decided to give a poverty dinner. Not as far as the food was concerned, not by any means. But the tablecloth, dishes, etc., vere all arranged with the poverty idea in view. A paper table ¢loth and napkins. Tin or wooden plates for each course. The fruit cocktails served in cheap alum- inum cups, and the same cups used afterward for the coffee. The centre plece was a scraggy looking bit of pine set in a yellow mixing bowl. Every one was so surprised, and we became 80 jolly that 1 almost for- got 1 was an old married woman, and had determined to be very dignified The dinper was delicious. From the fruit cocktails to the dessert made of chopped almonds and cream, everything was perfect, Kurts was so proud of Evelyn, so surprised at lier plans for his birthday party, that af- ter we all had donned the paper caps lying beside each plate, he made a funny speech, then Merton Gray got up and replied to it. After the coffee, which we drank at table, we all troop- ed into the drawing room together, There was no sitting alone waiting for the men to smoke and gossip as the women had done at Mrs. Lor. ing's/ While we were at dinner the rugs had been taken up, and we danced. 1 danced first with Merton Gray-- and he danced so well, just as he did everything else, I thought. Then in turn I danced with all the men. Peter Rivers asked me some ques- tions about Ceorge! and 1 Yepeated my untruth. y "He had an engagement. I sup- pose I should not have come without him," I added, "but Evelyn insisted." # "3, ee It - er An attractive model for the young woman who is conserving wool, subd- stituting challis, voile, etc., for the spring frock. It ds trimmed with braid and satin, With all the sites of fashion, one not get away from the frock of dark blue when style, service and economy 'must be combined. Since wool must be saved for the soldiers, volle and challis are going to be in great demand, This pretty dress has the open neck finished with a square collar of satin in self-color. The waist is built upon an underbody of lining and the skirt has a plaited panel at the front with gathered tunic at the sides. Medium size re- quires 5% yards 44-inch material, with 8 yard satin for collar and 614 yards of braid. The underbody takes 7% yard 36-inch lining. After closing the underarm and shoulder seams of the body, which is the first step in the construetion of the dress, hem the front at notches, Then plait the lower edge _and adjust stay. 9 Next, close underarm and shoulder seams of the side front and side back. Gather lower edge between "T° per- forations and 2 inches above. Ar ranse on underbody with underarm and shoulder seams, and the armhole edges even: bring the lower front and back edges underneath the olaits in underbady with the edge of side front under the plait nearest cen: torfront: stitch pathers to position. Stitch side edges to position. "lI don't see why you shouldn't!" he returned. "You did perfectly right to come. Think what the rest of us would have missed," and he smiled down at me. Afterward Peter came to be oné" of my very best friends, Peter and Olive both; but You Did Perfectly Right. didn't care much for him. We danced until.one o'clock. Then Merton Gray took me home. 1 had asked George if he would call for me, and he had said "no." He would send the car for me at any time I wished. "I am not going to be made to feel that 1 must stop whatever I happen to be doing at a certain iime so that I may come for you," he had fin- ished. So when Evelyn said to Merton: "You will see that Mrs. Howard gets home all right, won't youn, Mr. Gray?" he had gone with me, al- though 1 had sald it was unnecessary. The chauffeur was all the protection 1 needed. When we reached the house he walked up the steps and stood. with me until Annie, who always waited up' for me, came to the door. Then, as he bade me good night, he added: "May 1 call some afternoon soon, Mrs. Howard?" "1 should love to have you!" I sald with enthusiasm, then more quietly: "If you come late in the af- ternoon you will he more likely to find Mr. Howard at home." *"I shall time myself to do so," he replied. I hurried upstairs, anxious to tell George what a lovely time I had had. 'But he had not yet come in, and didn't until I was ready for bed. * Easy and Practical Home Prepared Spccially for this Newspaper by Pictorial Review. A Model for the Spring Voile or Challis. "collar section and close right shoul- "and bring. folded edge to small "0" (To be continued). /- IN Now take the outer front, back and der seam as notched and finish left for closing. Gather lower edge be- tween "T"' perforations, antl 2 inches above. Sew collar to neck edge with notches and center-backs even; leave collar free forward of left shoulder edge, bind and finish for closing. Ar- range front and back on underbody with centerfronts, center-backs and lower edges even; stitch gathers to position bringing side edges to large "0" perforations at lower edge of un- derbody. Draw gathers from the cen- ter-front to left side edge to the re- quired size, stitch tape under gath- ers and finish for closing. Crease sleeve on slot perforations perforations; stitch 3 inch from folded edge leaving edges free below large "0" perforation. Close seam as notched. Sew sleeve in armhole as notched, with small "0" perfora- tion at shoulder seam easing in any fulness between notches. Hold the sleeve toward you when basting it in armhole. CONSTRUCTION GUIDE 7619 a that night when 4 first met him, 14 FRY'S THE BEST FOOD AT THE LOWEST COST | { { i HE A Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Done, 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 | A Ast il HL REL LS LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH SRD - Trains will leave and arrive at Station, Foor of Johnson Street, Gelng West, Lve. City Arr. Cite 2 AT am Clty No. 1% Mail No, 18 Kxpress | | No. 27 Local 1 Intern' i Mal un daily Sunday, Peterbors, Detrokt, » Montread, St. John, ¢ York For 1 accomunodation, tickets and information, sj y 1. Pr ent Agency I ocean Passenger Service BETWEEN Halifax and Bristol Money remittances made by mail op cable. Apply to Loenl Agents or The Robert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents, 50 King Nt. East, Toronto, Ont. AA A Na th A good many times the eoniri- bution plate is a failure in separating man from his money. A AAA AA Ni Ng TTT New jewels in footwear that keep step with Fashion*s latest whims. Beauty, comfort and service cleverly combined. Our Model 9118 in Black Glove Kid---a real patrician: also very ultra in Beaver Brown and Maple Grey. Fashion plates, beautifully illustrated in colors, of our distinctive shqes seat on request Built Exclusively By Blackford ShochMenyy Gcturing ©rmpany 92 Sherbourne Street, Toronto Obtained through Canada's leading boot shops Gather upper edges of tunic and side gore between "I"' perforations; arrange tunic on side gore with notches and side edges even. Turn side edges of front and back gores un- der on slot perforations and press; form plaits, creasing on remaining lines of slot perforations, bring fold- ed edges to corresponding lines of small "o" perforations, baste and preas plaits. Join gores as notched leaving the edges to the left of cen- SPictortal Review Dress No. 7619. Pim, CROWD SAW TRAGIC SIGHT. French | Officer's Widow = Leaped : From Hotel Window. 4 New York, March 19.--A St. Pat- Day crowd rick's avenue saw Mrs. yraonds Medius, thirty-five years widow of a French z > to her death from eighth Hoor of the Hotel Savoy. Her Sizes, 18 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents, - 2 - body struck a stone balcony on the second floor and she was killed in- since her b as the titet Verdun drive. army officer, leap | When you ses a man coming who a the | never window on oy t] Mrs. Caux-Medus is said to suffered from deep, : Get on the ether side of the street anforn you that the TIENT cleaning MFORT S0AP G LL 1 Ar Ge Aen ELIA ELA ---- W