RETRO ORO rm Two daily i regulators - NOS regulates the action of the digestive and eliminative system upon which life depends. In fevers, biliousness and skin eruptiofis arising primarily from disorders of tie liver it ex2icises a prompt and beneficial effect at once, soothing, cooling and purifying. Comprised of the valuable elements of ripe fruit in a simple palat- able form, 'its action upon the liver is in every sense as beneficial as the raw juices of the fruits from which it is obtained. A household remedy for nearly 40 years ENO'S FRUIT SALT Prepared by J. C. ENO, Limited, *' Fruit Salt Works," London, Eng. Sole Agents for North America HAROLD RITCHIE & CO., Limited, 10 McCaul St., TORONTO oN s' hool " Boots Now is the time your boy needs géod serviceable school boots. We have the wear like iron kind. - SIZES 1 TO 5 FROM . . . $3.00 TO $5.00 SIZES 11 TO 3, FROM . . $2.50 TO $4.00 J.H Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. | performed on Wednesday mm STREET CRETE FROM THE OUNTRYSIDE GLENDOWER. March 19.--The snow is melting rapidly. There are many crows to be seen. T. Babcock is drawing hay to his home. Cattle are glad to get out in the fields after such a long winter. Sanford Leeman fs drawing potatoes to his home. He made fanr flying trips in one day from Archi- bald Timmerman's. : SANGSTER. March 18.--The marriage of Miss Elsie in, Crow Lake, and John Conway, formerly of this place, was morning in the Sacred Heart church by Rev, Father Powell. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. O'Connor, at James O'Connor's; Mrs. Thomas Barrett, at Patrick Cocroc- an's, Glendower; Nevill Hickey, Bob's Lake, at Thomas 'Barrett; Mrs. John O'Connor and daughter, Anna, at Thomas Young's. MORTON. March 18.--The buzz of the saw- ing machine is again heard in fhe ¥il- lage. Mr, and Mrs. J. Somervill¢ and family, Seeley's Bay, spent Sunday in the village, A number from here attended the bpx social at Leeds on Thursday evening last. W. Dean, Seeley's Bay, is spending a few days | with his brother, A. Dean. Mrs. Gra- ham is spending a few days in King- | ston. Mrs. Burns Simpson and lit- | tle son, Jones' Fallsgare spending a few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sly spent Wednesday with friends at Seeley's Bay. F. 8S. Harrison, Smith's Falls, was in the village a couple of days lasgyweek. Miss Hazel Wiltse visited friends at Jones' Falls on Sunday. A. Sly, Jones' Falls, was in the village calling on friends on Sunday. CAINTOWN. March 18.--The anniversary ser- vices in the Methodist church here were well attended. Rev. Mr. Hamil- ton, Brockville, occupied the pulpit on Sunday and Rev. (Dr.) Enyers, Lyn, gave a lecture on Monday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer White have moved into Eli Tenant's house. Mrs. William Graham dis still very ill. Harold Powell, Brockville, for- merly of Caintown, is in the king's uniform. Mrs, P. Cobey has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Williams, Rockport, have moved to their farm here, Mr. Frederick Moore has hired with Malcolm Hall for the coming year. Miss Luella Kirkland spent last week at herhome at Lillies, Mrs. James Clow, Brock- ville, has been viditing her daughter, 'Mrs. Norman Hayes, recently, Miss Katie Shipman, Escott, spent a few days among old friends here *Willie Hodge, Brockville, is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge. Miss Leona Dowsley. Rockfield, spent the week- end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs George Graham, Brockville, and Mr, and Mrs. B. B. Graham and daugh- ter, Velma, were Sunday visitors at W. A. Graham's, * OUTLET. March 19.--The beautiful weather that has reached us now points to sugar making. James Patience, Dulcemaine, sold eight fine milch cows last week. Warburton' cheese factory opened last week for the sea- son. V, Gaff, Sand Bay, came from Athens on Sunday, where he had been to see his daughter, Miss Fern (Gaff, who has 'been very ill with pheumonda. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Anderson and dhildren, Lansdowne, spent the week-end at her father's, William Cook's, Dulcemaine. Morty, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Cross, is very ill with bronchial pneumonia. James Fodey spent Sun- day with friends at Portland. Leon- ard O'Grady and brother, William, made a trip to Kingston one day last any symptomg of the disease. Every- body is getting ready to tap their trees to make 'maple sugar and syrup. Mrs. A. Brown, of Ottawa, is back to her old home here, | Township Couns | 3 PITTSBURGH. | March 4.---Couneil met at 11 am. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting confirmed. Hydro-elec- tric Rallway Association of Ontario, Guelph, wrote, asking council to pass a resolution requesting the Dominion Government to appoint J. W. Lyen, president of the association, to the Senate of Canada. Resolution pass- ed. Auditors presented their report which was accepted and 100 coples ordered to be printed. Resignations of Alex. Rickey, sanitary inspector, C. W. Trotter, fence viewer and Thomas Gillespie sheep valuator, were accept- ed. Joseph Woods, sanitary inspec- tor, Thomas Dunlap, fence viewer, and Michael Shortell, sheep valuator, appointed. Acgounts passed: Anglin & Co., wood for hall, $6.95; Division Registrar, $17.20; Robertson, lamp chimneys for hall, 70c; Whig, print- ing, $3.40; James Greenlee, work, $2; Samuel Woods, work, $2; Sam- uel Atkins, work, $13.80; Thomas, work, $4; Howard Brash, work, $4; A. J. Cowan, auditor, $15; Cameron Hay, auditor, $15; Red Cross, refund hall rent, $20; David Stratton, work, $6; G. W. Corkey, work, $3. Mr. Macrow's tender for crushing stone was accepted. Adjourned until 1st Monday in April. London, Maren 21.--A Tokio spatch forwarded by the Exchange Telegraph correspondent at Peking, represents the plight of Japanese subjects in the disturbed zone in Eastern Siberia as serious. Their lives are in jeopardy and a boycott has been declared against them, it is asserted, while those who fall into the hands of the Maximalists are plundered or subjected to even worse treatment. Plunder Japs in Siberia. 4 dep x 200,000 Soldie Can Be Fed By 25,000 Boys A boy, working on a farm, can produce, every day, food sufficient to feed eight soldiers+ estimating that a boy does half the work of a man. The 25,000 boys wanted for the \ : Pe" el Soldiers Of the Soil could feed 200,000 Canadian soldiers every day. That would, indeed, be work well done--for there is des- perate need of food overseas. Farm work is not an easy job to tackle. It will test your mettle. 'But no peal Canadian boy, who has any brothers, relatives or friends overseas, will hesitate about going on the farm and "doing his bit" in this grave emergency. Enrolment.--Enrol with your School Principal or Enrolment Officer, whose name will be announced in the logal press. "Enrolment Week, March 17th to 23rd. 15,000 boys, 15 to 19, are required from Ontario Farmers.--Apply for help to the District Representative in your county, or to the Ontario Government Employment Bureau, 15 King 8t. Fast, Toronto; 139 Queen St., Ottawa; 83 James St. North, Hamilton; 108 Dundas St., London. Canada Food Board Ottawa - mam-------- Chairman Pack the Farm Battalions-- From the Front Rank to the Rear all leading centres. PAGE 2. 6. Rents 7. ivi issi from sale of 'Real Estate. ........ $1000 4. Business, trade, commerce or sales erty, whether real or personal 5 Farming (Horticulture, dairying or other branches) Nome...............«s : Dividends (A). Canadian Corporalions-- Standard Transporiation Company The Income War Tax Act Forms giving particulars of income for the year 1917, must be filled in and filedon or before the 31st March, 1918 Section 4 of the Act provides that all persons resident or, ordinarily resident in Canada, shall pay a tax upon income exceeding $1500 in the case of those single and widows and widowers without dependent children, and upon income exceeding $3000 in the case of all other persons. Companies, no matter how created, shall pay the normal tax upon income exceeding '$3 000. The Forms provided by the Department of Finance to be filled in with particulars of the 1917 income of all those whose incomes are liable under the Act, and by Trustees, Corporations and Joint Stock Companies, with informa- tion required of them, may be obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxation and from the Postmasters at It also provides that all Corporations and Joint Stock Forms to obtain and 'Special Features to observe Individuals --Get Form T 1 to give. particulars of their own incomes. amount from each Company, listing Canadian and foreign Companies separately. Fill in pages 1, 2.and 3 only. Do not mark on page 4. The following sample answers, (printed in italics) to questions asked on pages 2 and 3 of Form T 1, to fill in correctly your copies of the Form. DESCRIPTION OF. INCOME. GROSS INCOME DERIVED FROM -- In stating Dividends received, give the EXEMPTIONS AND DEDUCTIONS PAGE 3 AMOUNT CLAIMED FOR-- 14, Depreciation ..On Store Building (not lend), (Brick) .. 8 125 On Equipment, used in business Store Fixtures 100 . Bad debts, actually charged off within the year $0 . Allowance for. exhaustion of mines and wells. , . None ~~ +» Contributions actually paid to the Patriotic and Canadian Red Cross Funds and other ed War d Patriotic and Canadian. Red Cross ; Ses 18. Interest paid on monies borrowed and used in the ®) FR Rainbon- Mining Company Lid... 5 : business. .....J Morigage on Store Property, $1,000. .. oret, orporations-- 19. Federal, Provincial unicipal taxes propetty : Tew York Troding Company Sd in the tincial ana M - Albany Tool Company, Inc. ..... General Municipal Taxes . 8. Interest on notes, 'mortgages, bank deposits and 20. Interest from Dominion of Canada' 'Bonds, 'issued Secujities athes an pote in item 7-- exempt from Income Tax 21. Other claims for deductions must be speéified in detail Bank Interest . c 1200 Par Value Bonds of Jones Paint Co. Lid. ... Business Operating Expenses. . ............ rie Mideale. . .. Repairs (stating particulars) week. John Fedey, sr., and his son, John, and a number of others from this viginity were called to Mallory- town, where the young men had to veport for service. WESTPORT. March 18.--At Westport on Tues- day, March 12th, at 11 a.m. the mar- riage of Clarke W. Bresee, a local farmer, and Miss Muriel Dier, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dier, took place at the residence of the bride's parents: The wedding 'was H . performed by Rev. W. J. Gratton, in- : $ pany, 313 . ewmbent of Westport. The St. Pat- . oy Eh o -. : in this. rick's concert, held in the villag 3 franchises privileges 5 m hall by St. Edward's scheol plipits aa Nis the sticepss of the season. Cadet rs 3 000 50 LF ly, who spent the st : : two weeks at his home here, rotor 34 Interest in Shaw ed to Toronto on Tuesday. Eddie r ship) Fredenburg, of Renfrew, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Fred- enburg. D. E. Black, of Calgary, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Castle. Mrs. R. G. Leg- gett, of Newbore, was if town yes- terday. Mr. and Mrs. C. MdClean, of Brockville, and Miss Howe, of Ath- ens, were guests of Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Howe. SEELEY'S BAY, March 19.--8, Golton and Miss Laura Cavanagh. of Portland, were guiatly married here und i " ' | pal Debentures, Towm of Meal arenas The -Kdnd You Have Always Bought, and which has been or in for over thirty years, has borne the signature of c and has been made under his per- - Sonal supervision since its infan 3 : ow no one to deceive All® Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Tor a a It and endanger. da is a less © tor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipa » Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ~The Mother's Friend. eeNuine CASTORIA Atwavs 8 the Signature of - In Use For Over 30 Years ~The Kind You Have Always Bought : 1aken na | S-- ---- Sou Nodes isinten Profits War Tax Act; 1916, accrued € accounting period... ... ¥ ending December 31, 1017-- Nome. 4 he ' 1 hereby certify that the foregoing return contains a true and complete statement of all income received by me during year for which the return is made, by he A 15th March, 1918. "op 1 Signature... ... Johns Brows. holders residing in Canada ing 191 whom holes in during 7 stating to paid, Penalties. --Default in filing retums renders the person : liable on summary conviction to a he ahs ated. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate, 4 must used Form T4 to i bonuses, commissions and femuneration paid to all employees during 1917 where such ) amounted in the ag 10 $1000 or over. aggregate EE corporations ¥ give a statement of 'all Bonuses, and dividends paid to Share. oi Te i De of T1 and T2 n the case orms N one of the filled | r Form and file other two with oF T = L your District. In the case of T3, : J | file the other two, with the Commissioner of ny. and daughter. after visiting fricnds here for a few days, have re- turned to their home in the Nopth- West. Mrs. William Chapman's con- dition remains about the same, W. J. Ls aa must be Pai oll letter Chapman and E. Chapman have re-| i oh mms ao bs mcd F te obtained from the Distiet Baspectars of Tatation 884 trom the Postmaseers at all leading centres of 1 Department of Finance | . Ottawa, Canada | mend | ; GA: Macdonald, Kingston; Ont., Inspection of Taxation in Kingston and District, comprising counties of Frontenac sof : 3 Lennox ' rt ---- an