PAGE TWO FINE FURS MADE TO ORDER Safe Fur Storage Our Receipt guarantees FIRE, MOTH and THEFT. against ALL you loss by Customers' goods insured while in our care. Your Windows and Doors Are drafty and cold. Oar metal weather strips put on by experts will make them wind and storm proof. Give us the chance to prove this te you. Ring 819. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. L Dirt Makes Soap-- Necessary Have you tried Goblin Boap? Works wonders ---- BSc per cake. Palmolive Soap. A full line of fresh groceries always in stock. Baker's Grocery Phone 1016. Princess and Frontenac Sts, SOLDIERS BILLIARD MATCH. Hospital Mon Wen From Mowat Men. rd match was 3 Military Hos- Queen's which re g by 151 follows: MOWAT Queen's An intere played at ti pital and M sttited points QUEEN'S Ye. Bedford 4 Pte. Boulton 101 Wren Pte. Watkins Perrin Pte. Hanna 126 F L 20 L. C. Murphy y Pte. Jackson o, Go yetween Pearce 126 126 64 © made, Avoid The Rush, For Gibson Easter cards and make your selection to-night at the College Book Store. Largest and best stocks in the city. In the Dominion estimates are the following al Military College covered drill , $7.5600; R.M.C. educational bloc enlargement, $150,000; Kingston wharf UNITED GRO- CERY SPECIALS 1 For Two Weeks, EPP'S COCOA, 15¢ size reduc ed to 10c. 10c size, 8 for 25c, Baby Vinola Soap, regular 10¢ cake, 8 for 25¢. Glycerine Oatmeal Soap, regue lar 18¢ box, 2 for 20c¢. UNITED GROCERY 188 Princess Street. BEN LEE, Mgr. 5 DETACHED Brick Dwelling On Earl 8t., 7 rooms, furnace, eloctric Mght, verandah; all conveniences. $3,500 A complete lst of houses at Our Office. McCann's Real Estate 88 Broek St. Phose 320 or 621, maintenance $8,500 "] We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months it you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. TOMORROW . WILL BE A GOOD DAY TO HAVE YOUR EYES FIT- TED WITH GLASSES, BUT TODAY IS BETTER. : Why put off having your eyes properly and carefully tested? J Why put off the {impor- tunce of bettering your eye sight. We are fully equipped to render you all the aid that glasses Will give. Come in TODAY. J.S.Asselstine D.0.S Registered Optometrist. 842 King St. The Busy Optical Store, " : At tise Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juigy ... ... 10s 12%c¢c, 15c Ib, Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25c. Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. W. R. Mckea & Co. will prove a handsome and lasting reminder of the day, and most acceptably satisfy the desire for somethi new or the great feast day. See our rug display, and we feel sure its prices will make 5 5 Ss C beauty, variety an you an Easter rug pur- haser reasonableness of and bridge | THE DAILY BRIT CARRIED A BUUE BOTTLE IT CONTAINED WHISKEY AND | CAUSED TROUBLE FOR W. MOORE | { a---- {| Chinese Restaurant Keeper Pleaded Guilty to Belling Cigurettes to Min- ors and Was Fined---More Statute { Labor Delinquents, | It was only a small bottle that Wil- | liam Moore, a young chap, carried on | His fiip, but it contained something stronger than water, and proved his downfall, for in Police Court on Mon- {day morning he was charged with a ibreach of the Ontario Temperance in that he had lioaor in a place jother than his own private dwelling. { The magistrate imposed a fine of $200 and costs or three months. Constables Jenkins and Armstrong arrested Moore on Saturday night, il they swore he was under the in-| fluence of liquor when they nabbed { him. Sergt. Bateson corroborated! their evidence. The case of a young man, who {swore that he and three friends paid {$1 for some drinks from a man they |met in a restaurant, was remanded till Wednesday, i Peter Lee, proprietor of a Chinese restaurant, pleaded guilty to selling {cigarettes to minors and was fined $5 amd costs Inspector Jack, of the {Children's Ald Society, laid the charge Several more cases in which men] wore charged with non-payment of | statute labor tax, came up, but it was] announced that payment had been The magistrate added on the' | usual It certainly pays to | cover this tax at the first call. | One offender was an aged man, and he gave as his excuse that he {had not been able to get work, and {that he had promised to make a set- | tlement just as soon as he could raise! {the cash | "If it is work you want, you can get lots of that," remarked the magis- {trate, as he tacked on a fine of $5 {and costs jAct, costs ISSUING LITERATURE. | Educational Campaigh"Started in the | Interests of Greater Production. In connection with the greater production movement A. W. Sirette, { district agricultural representative, | is starting an educational campaign | with a view to showing the farmers | the urgency of the cause. In a | pamphlet entitled "The (Crisns," | issued by the Organization of Re- {sources Committee of Ontario, the | matter is taken up and its serious- | ness explained. This is being mail- |ed to the farmers in this district and will be followed up later by others jand also by whatever campaign is | started by the special meeting of, the | county council called for Thursday. FAVOR NINE-HOUR DAY. Moulders Voted Against Proposition For Eight-hour Day. At a meeting of the Moulders' Union 'held on Saturday afternoon the proposition to have an eight-hour day instead of nine was voted down. The members are in favor of making no change in the hours of work. The International Union is taking up the matter and is endeavoring to have all the unions working on the eight-hour day basis. Bishop Urges Prayers. The Bidhop of Ontario sued the following letter: "To all members of the Anglican church in the Diocese of Ontario. "My dear people: At this extreme- ly critical time, when the 'great cause for which we are fighting is at stake, I urge upon you all to put forth your most earnest prayers, every day for, the success of our arms, and defeat of the enemy. I desire that the clergy will, as far as possible, gather their people together each day for this pur- pose; and I pray you all to join in this hour of trial, in a great outpour- ing of prayer to God, that our brave men may be strengthened to resist, and finally, to overcome the common foe." . has is- A Civic Welcome to Kingston. On Tuesday afternoon at the C.P.R.' station at 3.45 o'clock, a party of In- dian Missionary officers will be given a clvic welcome by Ald. Newman of the «ity council. The local band of the Salvation Army will be at the station to meet the missionaries and to play them up Princess street to the Army Citadel. Then the visitors will be taken around to have a look over the city. A missionary service will be conducted by the visitors.' Colonel Stevens will be in charge of | the officers. Brigadier Morehen will also accompany them. The service will start at 8 p.m. Tuesday night in the Citadel. All are welcome. Of to Washington. James Stewart postmaster, has re- turned from spending a few days in Ottawa, where he went to visit his son, W. H. Stewart, wife and family, who left on Saturday for Washington. Mr. Stewart has for many years been with the Canadian Pacific Railway, but two years ago, was loaned by the company for special work with the Imperial Ammunition Board, and his duties have necessitated his removal to Washington. . To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ('Tablets.) It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W. GROVES signature on each | box. 30c. Pa To Wear French Uniform. The officer who is being sent by Military College, 'Kin on, to sue- ceed the late Major . M. Lanos as acco*ding to an agreement between the (French and Canadian Governments. > Coming Tonight. 'Frank Yeigh, organizer of the War | Lecture Bureau, will Be in the city INCIDENTS OF 'THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF ; been noticed in drafting. the French Government to the Royal |] professor of French, 8 to 'wear theif ISH WHIG, M GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the City and Vicinity --~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig, 1 Pianos to remt, C, W. Lindsay, Ltd. . Muskrats are said to be plentiful this spring along the St. Lawrence river, ; W. Swaine, piano tuner, 100 Cler- gy street west, Orders left at Me- Auley's, or 'phone 564. Rev. Father Daly, who conducted a mission at the House of Provid- enté; has left for Toledo, Ohio. Rey. Father Fleming, Wolfe Is- land, returned home from California on Friday much improved 'in health Dr. A, E. Finley, M.P., for Souris, Manitoba, visited his mother, Mrs. D. T. Finley, Collins Bay, over the week- end, At Clayton, N.Y., efforts are being | made to find home for men who will be employed there in shipbuilding operations, Lr Canadian palm was used in Sf. Mary's Cathedral on Palm Sunday, as the Florida palm, hitherto used, could mot be secured The Kingston Knights of Colum- bus are to hold a special degree meeting at Brockville next week. A large number from Kingston will at- tend. Miss Nellie Hanley, who has been in the city for the past week on ac- count of the serious illness of her mother, will return to Montreal next week. Sergt. Love, of the C.P.A.8.C., was removed from his home to the Gene- ral Hospital a couple of days ago to be operated on for appendicitis. He is improving nicely Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C, W, Lindsay, Ltd. Miss Irene Daley, of this city, will gradnate as a trained nurse in St. Francis Hospital, New York, next week. Her many friends in Kings- ton offer congratulations The proposal has been made to discontinue post offices at Frontenac, Beven Isles, Grenell Isle and Mur- ray Isle among the Thousand Islands, Strong opposition is being expressed. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the six mehths' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Id. Netting is permissible in among the Thousand Islands up to June 1st. Only these fish may be taken, mullet, carp, catfish, dog fish, bullheads, suckers, rock-bass, perch and eels. A man who had failed to report for service has been sent to Kingston from Beachburg. He was arrested for having married a sixteen year old girl, The mother will seek to have the marriage annuled. Prevost, Brock street, has an ex- tra fine assortment of tweeds, chieviots and blue and black serges for his order clothing department. His ready-made clothing aand gent's furnishing department are well as- sorted with new goods at low prices. W. F. Nickle, M.P,, nearly trip- Pedgup the premier in his presenta- tion of the Women's Franchise Bill. |4 He showed that if an Boglish couple came to Canada together the Wwo- man would get the vote in three months and the man in twelve. The premier said the provision had not It would be considered. Buy Food with a Thought of the Allies. ~--Canada Food Board. "The Hat Store" NEW HATS FOR CHILDREN BIG VARIETY dn one of our show windows there is a display of children's hats that has interested many people. , A card over it reads: "We show the biggest variety of children's hats in town" and. a visit to the department that we now devole entirely to hats for boys and girls will easily prove the statement." Hats, caps and tams of all materials. Velvet, corduroy, silk, cloth, etc, eta. : ' 23¢ to $2.50. | to-night and will attend at the Board || of Trade rooms st 8 p.m. to speak on | § the movement. All interested are'y | expected to attend. i ONDAY, MARCH 25, 1918. ' | your subscriptions at once. 1918 line received today Phone 919 If you wish a copy of this leading magazine secure it tonight. the publishers are unable to increase Canadian orders. Three big serials and ten best short stories of the month. Price 20c¢. GIBSON EASTER CARDS We are the only store showing a representative line of the Gibson cards. per Parcels Post, The College Book Store ssi A Important War New To get all the important war news of events now taking place subscribe for the Toronto Globe, Mail and Empire or the Montreal Daily Star, Canada's three leading daily papers. these papers, $4.00 per annum, Price of any of £2.00 for six months, or $1.00 for three months. Phone or leave Papers will commence the second day following. APRIL RED BOOK" Owing to increased circenlation Last month's issue was sold out in two days. A large re-order of the Open Nights Phone 919 scsi ME ---------- Ny NY Suits yg yyy fgg gg rT rT Tr rT A DID YOU SOMETHING NEW FOR EASTER ? WE HAVE IT. New York Neckwear Blouses Coats Just a little nicer than are shown in the other stores, and at reasonable prices. ewman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE RY « WATCHES For over 70 YEARS this same flrm has held public con- fidence. Our gudrantecs have had all our stability behind them and we have lived up to every one. We know watches "from the ground up," in every detail. We can quote you unequal. led prices for all new watches. We can handle your repairs reasonably, quickly, and as efficiently as we always have. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. WE BUY Raw Furs W. F.Gourdier Phone 700. 78-80 Brock Street. Oh aaa Bad a da ha AA duke iakiiiaaikkAaaiaiadaiaia PPT PPO hhh hh a al ye A Semi-Detached Brick Dwelling Letters to the Editor | No Danger From Him. Kingston, March 23.--(To the Editér): In your last night's issue reporting the special privilege grant- ed te. the Jews, permitting: them to have a small quantity of intoxicating liquors for the 'Passover holidays, 1 note your friendly warning that they must not abuse it, and that rowdyism will not be tolerated. 'About 75 per cent. of the Jewish people have liquor in thelr houses way. You or any one else in Kings- ton 'have yet to see the first Jewish rowdy. [Don't you think that your warning was uncalled for? If the toca} police will have no more to do than look after intoxicated Jews they can safely go home and sit by their firesides. 4 we], COHEN. ede Ay SERGT. JOS. HAWKEY WINS BELGIAN CROSS Former Reeve of Kingston Township kwarded It For Bravery by King Albert. "Sergt. Joseph Hawkey, who went overseas with the 21st Battalion Transport Section, has been awarded | the Belgian ICroix de Guerre for bravery. He Is one of the best known country men now overseas, 'having been reeve of Kingston towne¢hip for some time. His home is at Elgin- burg. Before going 'overseas in the bat- | talion commanded by Lieut<Col. W. 8. Huglies, Sergt. | reputation for . Hawkey built up a this ability in the ring and in other athletics and because of his physical fitness and also his knowledge of horses he has been particularly valuable to the 21st in France. [No details have been receiv ed as to the act which won him this recognition for bravery, but it un- doubtedly was well deserved. Now is the time 'to have your all the time and use it in a moderate | | plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satls- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES w-se-tg ye Dry Slabs ! Cut in stove lengths. Splendid kindling. §. ANGLIN & C0. Woodworking Factory, Lume ber Yards. lL On Earl St. (near Chalmers i church). Hot water heating and all conveniences, For $6200 A Frame Dwelling, 7 rooms, gas, improvements very central. ' And a full lst at office. $1675 » Bay & Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Office Phone 60. Factory Phone 1418, E W. Mullin & Son Oor. Johnson and Division Ste, Phones 539 and 1456, hh hhh hed dhe hh Sees Lumber, Conl and Wood 'Snap-Shots trom Home i Give clicer to the bos in camp and on ship board by send. ing them pict from home, There are likely to be some tore hmeeick days and a little cheer-up in the way of photographs of the homefolks and the home doings will do them a lot of good. And sofie day when you want to give sombthing a little more substantial send along a Vest Pockét KODAK and ask your Soldier or Sailor Boy to send pictures to you. Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE