'PAGE THREE RAS a a COMMBUTIN SUFFERED, ve ISOGHL WORK OF CHRCH, Probs: Fair today and on Tuesday. TWO MONTHS TO THE | REV. DR. J. G. SHPARER AT, SYD- | : " COULD NOT KREP QUIET. ENHAM STREET METHODIST, NNR RNR NNER ARENA NNER AR ARNAR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1918. UNBLE TO WORK THE Ci FOR FIVE MONTHS Had About Given Up Hope OF Getting Well--Health Restored. FOR PAST BED CROSS SOOEETY, The Demands Upon the Soclefy Dur. | Ing the Next Monibs WH) ar ased 'of the Aare common, he Unusually Heavy, : ... | "AH the organs of the hody may The Kingston Branfh of the { 4n- ibe sound while the nerve centres i s } ICRnow- may be affected. 4 fontribu-f Many women become 'run MCR44tN, land worn out by household {never ending, and i find themselves shattered, and weakened, On the first sign of any weakness {Of either the heart or nerves, flag- ging energy, or physical breakdown, do not wait until your case becomes i hopeless. Mitburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will at once quieten the shaking nerves, strengthen the weak heart and build up the entire system, { Mrs. F. Bailey, 22 Earl St, » or | Kingston, Ont., writes! "I was suf- ve | fering very much with my nerves, so { much that I could not keep myself | quiet at all. I was recommended to {try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pils ag o= | 80 I bought three boxes, and I must NL he «%.20 say I have derived much benefit from Chapter LO | them, go much so that my friends 53.40 | have all noticed the change in me." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills » {are 50c per box at all dealers, or Jax {maifed direct on receipt of price by "¢ The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, | Ont. and Should Be Used Every Day fu the Service for Christ--Progress Made in "A Ministry of Mercy." The story of the combined efforts] put forth by the Methodist and Pres- | w a 3 S in social work and |. | \ Religion a Thisg of the Heart nervous system Few "I was told that i done for me and, very little encouragement to think I would ever pot well, "sald W. M. Easton, fn a conversation with the Tanlae man at 1 amblyn's drug store, Toronto, recently. Mr. Haston sides at 6 Cavell street, 'X have pained eleht pounds by taki~Tanlae, "continued Mr fas ton, "ang my wonderful improve ment has surprised lots of people whe knew of my dreadful condition. I had suffered from stomach trouble for seven or eight years and all my elforts to find relief were vain. My appetite was viry poor and nothing IL. would eat seemed to, agree with me, In a shori while after eating gas would form on my stomach and bloat me all up. Then my heart would palpitate and I could hardly get my breath. A litle over a year ago I got in such a bad fix that | couldn't strike a lick of work for five months and was told my condition was very serious and that nothing could be done for me, I felt tired and worn-out all the time and had no strength or energy. I' fell off in weight from one hundred and forty pounds to one hundred and twenty- five, and had taken so much medicine that did me no good that I had began to think myself that nothing could help me "One day I read how Tanlac had helped someone else who seemed to be affected like me and right shen I made up my mind to sce what the medicine would do for me. Well, 1 didn't get better by leaps and bounds, but I have gradually improved until 1 now I feel like a new man. I never miss a day from my work now i Fm still taking Tanlae, eating h and improving every day. My appe- tite is fine and I can eat the biggest kind of meals without suffering from palpitation of the heart and indi- gestion like [ did, A few bottles of Tanlac have done me more good than everything else [ have ever ta- ken combineq and I don't hesitate to recommend it for what it has done for me." Tanlae is sold in Kingston by A. p Chown In Plevna by Gilbert: Ost- ler. In. Battersea hy C. 8. Clark. In Fernleigh by Ervin Martin In Ar- doch by M. J, Scullion, thing eould be of ¢ , 1 had ourse down duties sooner or later with their nerves the heart action byterian chur evangelism, wg told in Sydenham | Street -Methodis, church on Sunday! morning by Rev. Dr. J. G. Shearer, of Toronto, who is engaged in this spe-| cial 'branch of the work of the Pres byterian church. Rev, Mr. Hazzle- wood, of the Methodist church, who is also enga in this department, was to have given the sermon, but on account of illness was unable to} come, tev. Dr. Shearer was asked | to fill the breach, and he made al most earnest and stirring appeal at the close of his address for financial | help to carry on the work, The speaker said that many had a miscenception regarding religion. They regarded it as merely taking part in religious services, Religion, he declared, was not for Sunday, any more than and other day. It was not like garments, which could be put on and taken off just when one pleased. Religion was a thing of the heart, and should be used every day in ser- vice for Christ. "Some people have said that a minister spends his time in endeavor- ing 10 get people prepared to go to heaven when they die," said Dr. Shearer. "We would certainly be $6,158.66 Children of Hed Cross F918: Louise Schoo Rideau Depot io Centr Victoris Ride d Frontenac Cataraqui do Women's Canadian life ip Mr 1 ton, . . . ' ' i J Kingston Local Counci Wamen .. |. : Proceeds of a Valéntine con- cert held at the Misses Nicol's Prince Charlie re- do memberst Dress Up for Brightness -- beauty snap -- the freshness and vigor of springtime -- all these are reflected in the fashions shown by this store. 25.00 Archdeacon O. G. Dobbs, life membership Mrs. O'- Hara at avian 2 Swastika Club . i 11 Proceeds of box social held at the me. of Mr. Monty Wiggins, Wolfe Island .. Municipal Chapter 1.O.D.E Miss E. A. Waldron Customs refund Proceeds box dance, She Mrs Mrs. G tion. Queen's I. On every hand there are hosts of the smartest Suits, Coats, Dresses, Millinery, and the many other. accessories needful to the well groomed woman. . {9 So generous is the selection that the securing of the Easter. outfit setioyely at Tull 1h we ahinly be 1s an easy matter, for there is something suitable for all tastes -- and to do this, but we have a far more pocketbooks. . important di and that is getting é heaven into ihe people while they are 15.6 197.18 WHO REACHED THE CITY MONDAY MORNING. of social. and Lake ON Capt. Arthur Frape and Lieut. J. Campbell Macgillivray of Kingston Among Arrivals, On Monday morning at nine o'clock one of the largest parties of | returned men to vet reach the city came here by CJP.R., and were taken by Capt. 'W. J. 8. Sharpe, casualties icers, to the old Collegiate Build- and granted leave to go to their homes. They will return to the city in a few days to arrange for dis- { charge or treatment as the ease may he The train arrived in the city yards at 8.10 a.m., but was held up rp ap | 41 the 'Round House for three quari- ¥68 oy ers of an hour. Meanwhile the R. C - 8 | H A. band and scores of people were : "00 | waiting Mr. J. [Kehoe 2 1.400 As the train backed intq the city Boys' class, Broek j{ the band played patriofic selec- 3 Methodist sunday = | tions When the men had disen- Sale of Egg O .. . t2 | trained the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Teas NPL AA EEE axed sao 304 Army and Navy Veterans' Associ San 3¥ Red Cross workers 300.004 tion served sandwiches and co Mrs. Norman Crothers | * 2:09 1 after which Ald. 'H. W Newman gave Cataraqui Chapter LO.D.E., | a short address of welcome The life membership Mrs. W | party then marched to the old Col- H. Macnee legiate Building. ' contribu- and the Steacy habit--with its is both easy to acquire and econ- Steacy's is the real Easter store -- saving of 5% on all cash purchases omical to maintain. -- Get the Habit and Buy At -- he speaker regarded the work along social lines as *'g minister of mercy." He referred to the pioneer work of the W.C.T.U. Would Can- ada ever realize the service brought about by Christian work? ; In the industrial world great changes were needed. The rights of the employees, as well as the employ- ers must be observed. Justice must prevail and this would not be brought about until the spirit of Jesus Christ was introduced. There were' many industries observing the Gold-| en Rale, but there were many not doing this, Not until the social 1 thought of Christianity was awaken ed, would the conditions give all con- cerned a square deal, The 'boys fighting at the front would look for a | satisfactory settlement of all these months 'when they came home. They | will be ready to give justice, and would expect to be given justice. | Privilege seeking has had its day. In the social evil, the girl 'was barred from even a kitchen, where she might take refuge, while the man was admitted to the parlor. The old Te Fecainia $7,476.82 | ---- custom of holding the one sex less A : : * »1 Officers, Builty than the other, was passing . Total expenditure to date £,280.67 { Kingston--Lieut. J. Campbell Mac- Away nf 21 . f gillivray, 96 Albert street; Captain The speaker told some interesting In Our Generation. | Arthur Frape, 21 Division street. Slories about the good work being Ottawa---Major P, Ti lor, Capt. carried on in the Res¢ue Homes for | James Wells, Lieut, E Smith, {ails There are. eight of these ey | Major -Henry Bowie, Lieut Ken. | homes in Canada, and they are doing Sunday Bulletins-Condensed. { Chamberlain, Hon Lieut. John Stan- fs magnificent work, ., Already over | x : x 'a of 20 | ford Capt. Albert Menzies. two thousand. girls. have sheen saved | terlin claims the capture of 20,- | Cobalt---Lieut. 'W. Grant, from the street. | 000 British and 600 guns: the cap-| Neaford --Lieut, William Smith. tire. of Ham and Peronne and the Lancaster-- Lieut. H. Sutherland. throwing back on Chaulny of Eng-) Ligh, American and French regiments, | brought up to countér-attack i British artillery frustrated Ger- man attempts on Friday night to] ross' the Samme river by means of} Bissell Carpet Sweep- four bridges, | Roads in rear of the German ad-| :. Wartman . . Ardagh . Children of the public schools, Red ICross collection, Feb., 1018; Victoria schoo! Depot do Macdonald do Cataraqui do Louise do Central do Sydenham do Miss M. Ross Friend 76.90 1.00 13.00 11.40 22.00 16.00 16.00 Street school ADYVT The death occurred in Renfrew on 18th inst, of Daniel Whelah, Ad- maston, at the age of fifty-two years, 100.00 ! One, the silent JR drama of the screen; the other, Music's Recreation as achieved by the NEW EDISON Painting, sculpture, literature, the drama; all these imitate and interpret life. But life--the living voice--is ac- tually re-created by this new art. Not one person can distinguish be- tween the voice of the artist and Edi- son's wonderful instrument. ; 3alance .. .& nisin MARION RBDDEN, Hon. Sec. "Treas, 64 William Street 1395.15 Spoke On Temperance, Prof. Cotten, of Wyeliffe College, Toronto, gave an inspiring address on Sunday morning in St. Paul's church on the work being done by the Dominion Alliance, - He urged the people to support every temper- ance and prohibition movement pre- sented to them. The measure now in force was a temporary proposal, hut the cause demanded the permanent abolition of the liquor traffic, and,! Judged by the results of the measure now in force, a guarantee of perman- ency of prohibition would do much towards the welfare of t¢hig province and the dominion, Men on Discharge, Kingston--R. Anderson, 124 South Bagot street: C. 'Atwood, 62 Victoria street; W. Clark, corner Princess and Victoria streafs; P. Brighton, 81 Quehee street: 1. Brad- ! a eq Y ne el + W(, ~ ers Made Over New. , Yanoe are blocked by columns of | ley, 79 Colborne street; T. MeCam + mon. 411 Repatr Work Done. | troops, guns and transports, furnish- {ing targets upon which the British | Otlawa~N. Bovey, M. 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 7 FOR SPRING CASCO-2Y4 in. CLYDE-2%4n -. tn Spon A. Dunn, J. { Eyles, A. Gibson, (3, Goyette, H. J. artillery Is making deadly play, | a H. Gravelle, F. C. Harris, According to Germans taken pris-1 yy "hie, 3 Trin: oo Howard, I. havy am enemy divisions engaged |}. care, 1. Lablani. J. Morris, R. have suffered "from thirty to fifty per| ' ' McGill, H. O'Donnell, C. Pearson, P. tent. in casualties, Scott, R. Taylor, H. Harrison, J. Dien, The British aerial supremacy 181 J. Bgan, T. Hiscoo, J. Hopper. G. Me. being maintained and many enemy | Kereher, W, Newhami D. Robertson, machines are being brought down. | 1..8¢ James. W Stewart, BE, Wellor, British military experts say Phi ' We y ; that f 5° sxubot. 0 I the fact that the Germans did noi Ppeterboro--S. Allen, W. Babcock, I: accomplish their purpose on the : «| A. Daniels, H. Graham, J. Sharman, fll: fir=t dav is akin to German defeat. H. Young, G. Gray, W. MoCall \. The French front is intact, it : ne I : ! i €StS opring $ . d ' » { arrying Place--M, Ayrhart. Tonics . (Shelly rehorted, pid Aubin, dt :} Vancouver, B.C.--N. Bradley. Hull.--W, Brunette, H. Sagula. Toronto.--M, Brown. . Are prepared to give the quick- . : est results -- lasting, too. Gananogue.--J. . Corby, Sulphur and molasses . ... 25¢ ! Sarsaparilla Compound . £1.00 street: J. Smith. Blood Purifier, 30¢ and $1.00 . re Wellington.--A. Dunn. months, 'Phone to or leave subserip- Belleville. --E, Foster, ¥. Lapalm, Beef, Iron and Wine, Ge and $1.00 ll} tions at the College Book Store. ww. Penny, J. D. Ritchie, A. Smith 'Phone 918 to-night. Subscriptions | G. Tilley, W. Morey. Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, -~ 50¢ and $1.00 will start per mail Wednesday, [+ Norwood.--D. Grieves, re Almonte.~--R. Gilmour. Lake Clear.--J. Graham. Popular Drug Store. ] -- Photographic fl Developing and Printing. ll Phone Fo : Branch 2018 | is! | Important War News, | To get the important war news | subscribe for the Toronto Mail or| Globe or Montreal Star, $4 per year, | $2 for six months, 1 for three] Stone Big French City Was Right on' the Battle Line--¥t French Citizens. The fighting around St. Quentin is of 'partioylar interest to hundreds of: citizens re have friends and rela- tives in the RICH.A. Though there has undoubtedly, been great changes, along the western front in the loca: tion of batteries, etc., in the past few weeks it 'is of interest fo note that the Royal iCanadian Horse Artillery and also the Royal Canadian Dra- goons were stationed directly in front of St. Quentin for many months after 'going to France. eturned men say that St. Quen- tin' is a "big city 'which rontains a majority of French citizens. For this reason the French authorities allowed only a desultory bombard- ment and no strenuous effort was fs aver made to destroy or capture the A laxative to-day saves a sick child | Place. : to-morrow. Children simply will not A high hill formed take the time from play to empty|line around the city. their bowels, which become clogged [cn guard, & instead of 4s in other up with waste, liver gets sluggish; | parts of the@ine having to remain in stomach sour, : trenches 'and -see No Man's Land Look at the tongue. mother! If thiough periscopes, went to the hrow coated, or your child is listless,| of the hill and used tield glasses. cross, feverish, br#aih bad, restless, ere was little infantry, the horse Contains Many On March 22nd, Mrs passed away at the Robert Slavin, eighty-nine years. COLDS SETTLED IN THE KIDNEYS Lumbago. Backache and Rhenmatism Was the Result--Now Enthus. ' instic Over Cure Obtained. - . Ellen Slavin home of her son, Kinmount.---J. Holbrook, E. Hard- Belleville, aged Hor aker, ' he Kirkfield. --C. Hughes. ° Chesterville,--W. Hutt. Smith's Falls. --R. Holmes. Delhi.--T. Harrigan. -Shannonville.~E, Liddle. Moose Creek.--J. Lefebre. Brockville.--C. Morgan, J. Billings. South River.--F. Mann, Lindsay --W, Mallen, E. Perry, R. Sinclair, H. Harthers, A. Simmonds. Franktown.--J, O'Connor, Campbell's Bay, Que. --T. Rose. + MeGregor, Man.--A. Ritchie. Campbellford.--A. Ross, M,:Ding- man. > Kemptville.--J. Shipman. .Trenton.--J. Storey, Griffith's --T. J. Teeples. Aylmer, Que.--G. Vilon. Perth. --D. Campbel], Cobourg--J. Flatters* EB. Hos- man. Prescoit.--G. Lemaire. Montreal.--J, Zake. Ford, CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED "California Syrup of Figs", Can't Harm Tender Btomach or Bowels. C. - . ; = Chatterton, Ont., Mar. 25 ~The ~ " kidneys are extremely sensitive to -- sudden changes of temperature, and a mueh pain and suffering is a fre- quent result, as all who haye had at- tacks of rheumatism and fumbago know What kind of a hat can yon bay iv a dollar? No doubt you have an old one: hiying around. We can The writer of this letter was a great sufferer until she found that by | clean and reshape. it. into this If you using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills senson's latest style, she could regulate the action of the Kidneys, and therehy remove the are in doubt drop in and see our shapes, also samples of ow Call at our store and satisfy your- lie self as to these claims. i h M Musi Limi The J. M. Greene Music Co. [Limited ------------ ® : At Chalmers Church. rm Prin Sh nd nham eels ; Rev. 8. C. Graeb, or Toronto, ad- Co er ce a Syde Str dressed the united congregations of 5 St. Andrew's and Chalmers i the | sek BE latter church Sunday morning on RRERRAREEREICCIRE suman ak the prohibition question, speaking in| RE APE TIN od behalf of the Dominion Alliance.' ; = Rev. Dr; Jordan read ithe whige | §] QUENTIN KNOWN HERE . morning bulletins on the war situa- . i . : Ww Id Y tion, in which confidence was ex- f € ol ol } e pressed in the army of Gen. Haig to THE ROCHA. WAS STATIONED resist the onslaught of the memy, RE y x and the ye of the Aol fol- THERE FOR A LONG TIME. lowed his announcement. - ------ i John Henry Goodwin passed away | To Own a Nice at his home on Waupoos Island on . March 31st. Mr. Goodwin gradually succumbed to the laws of nature. The a deceased had resided on Waupoos / Island for 45 years. He was born in Tea Waggon 7 Athol township eighty-four years p - Ago: : _se-------- CHILD GETS SICK, We have a number of up-to-date designs. Nothing is more convenient for serving af- ternoon tea. Bedroom furniture in a great variety of designs. We save money for you by mak- Ing our purchases months ago. uni|t VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS th phe. dilied A Complete Stock on Hand. 'ause of lumbago and rhepmatism. Nrs. John Lancaster, farmer's wife, Chatterton, Ont., writes: "We world not want to do without Dr. Gentleman, dig ont that felc kat. We con put it right back 'into shape to you, . We doen't wipe them. them, inside and out. it Ge: the number rights {into lambago. Ha Ch ant {tai Munutsoturers Of * PAN-A.LAC 1 Waterproofs and dots noi vir Bi ged as pil or an on Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills house, vr we have proven Merits in so many cases. 1 have Wo. clean tkidnevs and Toronto in the Wak whenever [ ecateh cold settles in the back and develops t find that by using Dr. Chase's Kidaey-Liver Pills and applying Dr. ase's Backache Plaster that | aob- n the greatest relief, and am soon (8H right again, My daughter has also used the pills with splendid results, his alsp a 1a dos®, 256 a Edmansaon; Bates & Co, Be sure to see the 4 sighature of A. W. 'the box you buy. I used to suffer ters teibly from lumbago and rheumatism, neighbor woman who' salfersd greatly from constipation." DF. Chase's Kidney-Livep Pills, one | box, ut all dealers, Limited, Seventh Spent portrait | Chase, M.D: Box 165. No Canadian Addresses: --R. Cro- doesn't eat heartily, fall of cold or foot, F. Hogan, J Gilmour, H, Ham- pton, RR. Hanna, N. Holland, E. Hud- son, L. Hughes, G.,Hearns, J. Irwin, F. Kellar, R. Lawlor, W. McCall, T. McCammon, T. McKenzia, G. Mee Kercher, R. Nadjn, J. Omara, J. Ryan, A. Soriminger, A. Snelley. G. , Smith, ©, Semerville, A. Strachan. | S. Woodhouse, W. Walsh, A. Young, T. Picton, W, Shennan, : Furlough = Mew: Kingston. --0. Evans; Toronto street, A. Fournier, 255 Ridean street. Brookville --43. Fennel, 33 Pearl Basi; T, McGuire, 168 King street. Gananoque J. Grove, 'Peterboro.----W. Simmonds, 20 ~ y Falls --H. PF. Reston, Smiths ; Halliburton. ~W, Wilinson, | has sore throat or any other chil- dren's ailment, give a teaspeontnl of I"Catirarnia Syrup of Figs" idon't. worry, 'harmless. and {constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move jout wl the bowels, and you have a 'well, playful child again, A thoronsh i "inside cleansing" is oftimes all that' tis necessary. It shoul be the first (treatment in any sickness, : i - Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a hottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which thas full directions for Gabies, chil- dren of all ages ard for grown-ups plainly printed on the boitle. Look carefully and sev that it is made by the because it is periectly on ; in a few hours all this| artillery and eavalry, which at times was Indian cavalry, being the de- lense against the city. : A MUSICAL SERVICE Fra Held in Queen Street Ohare on 7 Sunday Evening. Queen Street Methodist church musie. vers turned away. The v sipany listened io music of thed mast * elevating Much "of Mt typified the passion of our Lord. anthems, three in number, were rendered by some forty voices, and with: the very highest technique. The passaghs were in- "o litornia ¥ig Syrup Com! pany.' . térpreted with splendid effect. The choral motel "O Day of Penitence" was crowded to tie doors on Sunday | evening to listen to the Palm Sunday | Rechab Tandy character. Ahhh al Ah 4 aa a tt cP was sublime while the closing one, "No Name So Sweet," with alto and baritone solos by Mrs. W. MaCallum and Judge Lavell was happily pre- sented and left a memory that will not soon be forgotten. The soloists, Mrs. T. J. H. Coleman, Mrs. J. Evans. and Joseph Hodge, ac Guitted themselves with marked brilliaucy. The duet "Watchman, What of the Night?" was a gem and wag offered by Allan Haffner and Judge Lavell. The sale quartetie. "Whiter Than Soow," as iven by Messrs. Hodge, shell, Patiirrew and Haffner was delightful. The harmony was perfect. Rev. Mr. Filia conducted the ser- T. F. HA N CO., LTD. ARSON co, a adhd AAA AAA 'vice and spoke briefly on the effect of music upon the life. The event was markedly successful, and the organist and choir jeader, R. M. Chase, is deserving of the highest Praise for the work accomplished. Kingston has seldom heard a betier musical service. : ---------------- Moved to the City. J. K. Morton and family, of the St. Lawrence fruit farm, Wolfe Is- land, has moved onto his new farm on the York Road, nesr "Hesth- field," where he will Continue to grow those delicious' big straw berries, tor which Mr. Morton is not- ed,