. Heart Beat So Fast COULD NOT SLEEP, '| "Mag To Sit Up In Bed. "" Heart trouble has of late come very prevalent years he. Sometimes a pain cate hes you in the region of the | heart, now and then your heart skips | beats beats, palpitates, with such rapidi think it will bu You have and dizzy spells, are nervous, table and depressed, and if you tempt to walk upstairs or any tance you get all out of breath. There is no other remedy will do! you s0 much good, restore your! heart to a natural condition, build up your strength and give you back vigor and vitality as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. A, Russell, Ont., writes: '""At nights I could not sleep, and had to sit up in my heart would beat so fast, "When 1 went to walk very far 1 would get all out of breath, would have to sit down and rest fore I could go any further. advised to get Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and before I had used two boxes I could sleep and walk as! far as | liked without any trouble Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are per box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price hy The T. Milburn Co, Limited, ronto, Ont, throbs, or ty and violence you weak Niagara Falls, be hoe CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. |i» A si Ee I Wood's Phosphodins, The Great Dnglish Re Tones snd invigorates the wi ervuuse stein, makes Dew Bi jo old Veins, Owres Nevvouwd Mental and Drain We We 4 apis on 'emory. rice §' lense, 8ix oy PBold by iled in plair phe. on 1 sips rd nphlet od Sitfree, THE Pn nn BO mn arm pn READ THIS ! What kind of a hat ean you buy for a dollar? No doubt you have an old one laying around. We can clean and reshape it into this season's latest style. I you aré in doubt drop in and sce our shapes, also samples of our work. Gentleman, dig out that . Jou hat. We can put it right back into shape for you. We don't wipe them. We clean them inside and out. Get the number right: The Kingston Hat Cleaners 163 Princess Street, Phone 1188. PAN-A-LAC It Waterproofs and does not rot your Panama, Best's Spring Tonics Are prepared to give the quick- est results -- lasting, too. Sulphur and molasses . . . . 25¢ Sarsaparilla Compound . $1.00 Blood Purifier, 50c¢ and $1.00 Beef, Tron and Wine, 75¢ and $1.00 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, S0c and $1.00 Best's Everything Photographic Developing and Printing. Phone 59. = Branch 2018 dis | bed, | and | I was| To- | SFE | | know 8 REDXAMNATION ING MEN WITHIN AGES a SERVICE ACT. ALL MILITARY Department Determined More Militia Secure G0) To feast Men in This District, i That re-« m declared me at r fr hie | | { has be ion was the 10.000 5 heen grant- litary dia larly 10 many from State- " triet 1 { farmers thus were military se Fmon 8 are the evidence of a man concerned. The Militia Depar { been satisfied w | men applies as it is st ha dl edom by ng not substantiated by quainta of the Eran Vite that neces tment 'has the number he Military Ser- | viea Department of Ju | tice. is stated that both medig examinations and. looseness in grant- {ing exemptions have been respon- It is now necessary to take up and by going over them Cure as many men as possible, One| fot the causes of the looseness in { { not the | these granting exemptions was the lack of the military repre-| This department was| | created 0 act as "prosecution for tuo | Crown.' In the vast majority of j€ 1508 the repres ative had to sit! {idly by, absolutely unable to montra-| { dict the statements made by the ap | plicants for exemption. Since then they have been busy however secur- ; Information and checking up the ements made in the applications 1ie method adopted generally en to write to various leading men the municipality and ask them to nswer several questions with refe to men in their locality whom know information by i § sent itives has | enes they . It timated that a re all cases wherein men have been exempted will bring some 1, men to the colors. With a revision of the medical examinations thi: | number will undoubtedly he in jereased to a slight degree at least, {as in the tlaken by | i has heen es | vision of HOO the doctors Promise is ! Many would help the {they had the mone i this not ne { mise will be aceepted for |of payment { a { Your soul. Y.M.C.A. It) hand; but | your pro- a later date | is Six thousand ght to conduct latter May 1st, takes effect, jaliens { Prince i the aligns will busines when a refusing se the | in Chicago new ordinance | licenses to | Henry ~of younger br anch of the family, has been killed in the ing on the western front Thousands of refugees behind the { British lines are being removed to | of safety by the 'Red Ci ! CROSS, FEVERSH CHILD IS BILIOUS | OR CONSTIPATED | Reuss, head of | fight- 088, Loak, Mother! It Tongue is Coated | Give "California Syrup of Figs." Every mother realizes, after giving | her children "California Syrup of | Figs," «that this is their ideal laxa-| tive, because they love its ple rasant | taste ond it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bow-| els without _griping, t When ctbss, irrifable, feverish, breath is bad, stomach sour, look the tor ue, mother! If coated, give | a teaspoon ful of this harmless 2 iruit | laxative," and in a few hours ah el foul, constipated waste, sour bile and | undigested food passes out of the | bowels, and you have a well, playtul | child again. When the little system Is full of cold, throat sore, has stom- ach ache, diarrhoea , indigestion, colic remember, a good" inside 9, salfe ing" should always be the first treat- | ment given. | Millions of mothers kedp "Cali- | fornia Syrup of Figs" handy; they a teaspoonful today saves a afek child tomorrow. Ask your drug- | gist for a bottle of "California Syrup | of Figs." which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle, Be- ware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Cet the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Com- or it | Easter SLICED EJ ¥ LETTUCE, GREEN NOTE == Ne delivery aficr April fst. in operating charges; also with a view to selling the Davivs Quality Prov isions and sure to economize Lower Prices, Specials ! w acon 47c ARSLEY, RHUBARB, LTSHIRE ONIONS. We adopt this meas Fresh Meats at te i. Davies Co, Liited Phone 597. | Mrs. swe ever | jit) tthiim anything else ever has. | from indigestion and in a little { press up around my heart i stomach I {me and 1 first rush eare could not be |S {a world of good and {any more grateful over the fact than Reuss | {In Battersea by | leigh | fairs, IS Sa PROPPED UP IN BED ON PILLOWS Lancaster Suffered Twenty ' Years--Tanlac Brings Relief. "1 have beer valid for twent ¥ given me the firs i real relie had duribg all that time," declared Mrs. Annie Lancaster of 67 Palmers- ton avenue, Toronto, recently Mrs. Lancaster and her husband, John Lancaster, have lived in Toronto for almost a quarter century and have many friends who will ba glad to learn of Mrs. Laneaster's wonderful improvement. Ir Lancaster conti Tank an in- said just the other Mrs Eancastér, has been the best friend and 1 think too, for inly done more for me Before terribly while "gas would form and bloat me up until I would almost suffocate and 1 simply suffered agony until 1 something to make me vamit, Sometimés the gas would and almost cut off my breath. [I had to be prop- ped tip in bed with pillows and even then I couldn't breath good. 1 could- n't eat meats or any nourishing food, if T did 1 would almost die. For years 1 had to live on milk and just the lightest things possible and even then 1'had those awful spells with my tried everythipg in the f medicine but nothing helped suffered more than I can words to tell ' * 1 finished my first bottle I felt better and could was improving, I have been sradually getting better ever since 1 bs ive taken seven bottles and the way it has belped me is nothing less than wonderful. I can eat good, hearty meals now and things that used to disagree with me don't bother me in the least My food digests fine, the gas has Stopped forming and I[ don't have any more of those awful mothering spells, I am so mueh bet- ter than 1 have heen in years that I feel like a new person and if 1 can help others hy telling them about . I am certainly glad to do so. ir, who witnesse atement, said: Tanlac us done my wife she conldn't feel at 80, has certa I began taking it I suffered after eating, Te took way o find 1¢ qe {true that I do For years I have bought her every medicine I read of or anyone suggested, but Tanlac has h~lped her more than everything else combined, {and it's a genuine pleasure to endorse such a medicina." Taalae is sold In Kingston by A. P. Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert Ostler. 8. Clark.: In Férn- in Martin, Ardoch Senllion, by M. J. In by ADVT, EXTENSIVE SCHEME GROWING POTATOES | Northern Ontario to Become the Seed District For Entire Province. Toronto, March 27.-----An extensive scheme is under way whereby the | great fertile lands of northern' On- tario will become the seed potato ground for the entire province. The Ontario Department of Agriculture is planning to Start the industry this season, for recent experiments have shown that from Muskoka, north and west, lies as fine a potato growing aren as can be found 4 Canada. The | district is naturally ddapted for the raising of seed potatoes and the gov- ernment expects to help the farmers on the road to success. During the first two weeks in April the various localities will hold meetings when representatives of the department will meet the farmers and discuss the situation with them with a view to encouraging the rais- ing of this seed. : Another invportant step to be taken this year is the policy of grow- ing all the seed potatoes which the | department will require for school experimental tarm work and 0 forth, on the government's prison farms at Fort William and Burwash, For lis purpose a foundation stock has been purchased in New Bruns- wick and 40 acres will be set apart immediately, Doing Their Bit. Over two hundred memners of the Kingston Y.M.C.A. are "doing their hit" oversea 1d all speak in glow- ing terms of what the association means to the seldier. Wil you as- sist your local asséciation In its ef- forts. for our boys in khaki who are and will be in the city? subh- scription will be waleomed hy the YMCA, at this time. Mrs. Elizabeth urday at her late 'burg township. two years of age. We sack the society of those who flattér us and we like the flattery,' but we hale the flatterer. It's the thing you don't care that the people are always to hand you. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or Your Maney Back 50c. a bos. 8 boxes for 32.50 Jones died on Sat- home in Ameilas- Deceased was slsty- map ' rie Nptionsl Ca. of CUS Antfees Limited, Torgate. # , Sine dio. UA SM 2.1. m. a goossartin Told I In for | willing Twilight i SES b TERI PEL 4G (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers aM over Canada, will make a charge of 50¢ for inserting an engagement, mar riage or reception announcement.) . » » Gee dil ded Although Mayor and Mrs. Hughes were but a few days in Los Angelos they found time to spend an evening with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Crumley at their home on 21st street, where they greeted some of their old-time friends and neighbors, Among those present were Mr, and Mrs. Richard Gilbert and their daughter, Mrs. Nor- man Philp; Mr, and Mrs, Harold Gil- bert, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moles, Many delightful reminiscenses were indulged in and many fond memories recalled of what Kingston was in the past, and loving wishes extended for its continued growth and improve- ment in the future, At supper Mr. Crumley, in proposing the toast to the mayor and members of the coun- cil, referred to his ewn happy life in the city of his birth, and the hosts of kind and loving friends, whom he still holds dear. This was responded to by the mayor, who dwelt upon-the great work being done in Kingston, not only for the boys going "over there," but for those who have re- turned disabled. The dear old eity not only honors those who have so nobly done thelr bit, hut also seeks to aid them to be useful' eitizens in spite of terrible injuries sustained in fighting for the cause. At a late thour the happy evening was brought to a close bygorminZ a eircle and in true Canadian fashion singing "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot," and "God Save the King." x + = Mrs. A ly Miss received t Bleakney (former- Mary rt, of Kingston) for the first time since her marriage on Thursday afternoon at her home, 464 Laurier avenue, Ot- tawa She wore & gown of light fawn silk with green and gold em broidery and a corsage bouquet of violets and ros Mrs. A. C. Bleak- ney assisted 'her in receiving her many visitors, and Mrs. T. C. Boville and Miss Eilleen Bleakney presided at the iea table Stu: A Bridge C uh has geen formed to meet on Tuesday evening, and ut the first meeting last night Miss Helen MoKay, Sydenham street, was host- ess, » " * Mrs. at the noon. S. M. Robertson was hostess Bridge Club on Monday alter- 2 & ® Mrs. John McKay, street, left on Monday fo Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miss Lettice Tandy, leaving shortly for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson, Montreal, spent the week-end Major and Mrs. IC. 8. Hanson, Bugot street. Capt. turned pension street. Miss Easter with Sydenham New York. Tandy and King street, are Atlantie City and Mrs. J. F'. Ryan have re- from Montreal and are en at Miss Kavanagh's, King Marion Booth will spend friend# in Gananoque. Pred. and Mrs. =«James\Cappon, Barrie street, are leaving next week for Atlantic 'City. . =» Miss Marjorie Waddell, ibeen the guest of Major | Southey, left on Monday home in Chatham. {Hugh Taylor, of the Bank of Canada, Toronto, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Carriere, in Ottawa. Misg Elsie Saunders, who has been | the guest of her mother, Mrs. K. M.| Saunders, Alice street, returuing to Ottawa on Thursday. Mrs. Upton and the Misses Upton, Toronto, and Miss Georgie Hoag and Arliss Hoag, Port Arthur, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hoag, Alfred . street, for the Upton-Hoag wedding to-morrow. - - has Mr her who and for Standard is Sergt. Alan Campbell, coming to Kingston for East and will be 'the guest of Mrs. R. Duff, Princess street. Miss Marion Leslie, William street, has returned from Burlington, Vt. i Miss Lorraine Allen, Aberdeen avenue, entertained informally at the tea hour on Tuesday in honor of Miss Irene Hoag, the bride of this week, Horace G. Lockett, M.A, Ingersoll, is expected home to-morrow to spend Kaster with his parents, Mr, apd Mrs: ¥. GG. Lockett, 24 Stuart street 2 > ® Montreal, is H Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Uni- versity avenue, are expected home from California next week. Capt. and Mrs. William Herridge, who have recently returned from England, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Herridge in Ottawa. 'Mrs. Heber Lafferty, whe has heen staying in London, is now in Exmouth, where she will spend the summer. 3 = Miss Olive Caven js -axpected {rom Toronto on Saturdi¥?to be the guedt iof Miss Aileen Folger, Sydennam j Street. o a & Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Start street, returned from Atlantie City oh Monday. Mrs. 'Morton (Hall and Mrs. Nor- man Keefer lefl this week to spend a fey days in Toronto with Mrs. Tis- "dal Lieut, Fred als, who is in Can- {da on leave, is visiting friends In nto. "Ne Hugh Wotherspoon returned uesday from Port Hope, where ishe has heen visiting = her mother, | Mrs. Cumberland. i . w i Mr, and Mrs. Ww. Crothers, Prin- j cess street, are returning from At- ilantie City this week. 4 | Mig. Bulloch, who has been the | guest of Major and Mrs. H. 0. Law- ison at the St. Clair Apartments, left Lon Tuesday for Gananoque. i Mis. W.R.P. Bogen. Burriefieid, {18 leaving »1 the end of the week 10 ! spent Easter in Part Hope. Miss Janet Porteous retiraed from "Montreal deo-day, . Miss: Doris MeKay, street, is leaving for ~~ Toranto to ENENRNEEENEAN ESENERSEENENNANEENNENSREARANmENNEREREER a ------ TH Sydenham - and fabrics. LADIES' HOSE to $3.50. LADIES' GLOVES $2.50. MILLINERY Steac COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY HAIR § Mixed With Sulphur It Darkens So Naturally Nobody Can Tell Grandmothér kept her hair beauti- fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur, 'Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won- derful effect. By asking ot any drug store for "Wyeth's .Sage and Sul- phur Compound," yout will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, im- proved by the addition of other in- gredients, all ready to use, at very little cost, This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color 'and beauty to the hair, A well-known downtown druggist says evefyhody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been ap- plied--it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it throngh your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after an- >i pther application or two, it is restor- ed to its matural color and lovks glossy, soft and beautiful. This pre- paration is a delightful toilet requis- ite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. ce eA A SA AAA, morrow, where she will he the guest of Mrs. Gallagher. Miss Jessie Polson, King street, who has been spending the past two weeks in Atlamtic City, returned home on Monday. Miss Harriet Lawrence, Queen's University, will spend the Eastér holidays at her home in Sydenham. A wedding ot Sonsldrable inter- est is announced ih Canada," which says: On Wednesday, February 20th, tHe wedding was solemnized of Li William Francais Arthur, Canadian infantry, and Fredericka Herbert Doris Jackson, of Brockville: Jackson was a visitor at the home of Judge Huyeke frequently. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Abbott an- nouuce the engagement of ihefr daughter, 'Muriel Emily, to Hugh Wright Flood, of Harrow, Ont, the marriage 10 take place the second week in April (Continued on Page 10.) Fortuaste 8 he who ean extract alpsement from his labor. All new shades in silk hose for Faster wear. The merry rush of Easter shopping begins full and strong at Steacy's. Shop- ping needs and Easter styles and fash- ions in great variety at attractively low prices. LADIES' NEW SPRING SUITS A large number of effective models await your selection. Everyone is aglow with a subtle air of distinction and individual charm. All the new- est shades and colors to be found in the season's most fashionable fab- rics, as all wool serge, cheviots, tweeds and gabardines. Specially priced from $18.75 to $50. 00. CHARACTER COATS Coats that speak individuality. They are here for your selection in extensive variety, €hbodying the last word as to style, color, Specially priced from $12.50 to $35.00. Priced from 85¢ Famous French Kid Gloves are now in stock and include Perrin's, Trefousse and other well known makes. Priced from $1.50 to w EASTER NECKWEAR Is here in great assortments, in the very newest spring styles and materials, includ- ing crepe de chene, georgette, wash satin, gaberdine and pique, in colors to match your new Easter suit or coat. A number of New York creations arrived this morning for Easter wear and your in- spection of same is invited. -- s - Limited Steacy's - Limi Yr YY vy Would You Like To Own a Nice WA v Ne have a number of up- to-date desigrs. Qghing is more convenient for serving af- Re. n tea. Bedroom funiture in & great variety of designs. We save money for you by mak- ing our purchases months ago. VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock on Hand. T.-F. HARON. £0. LTD. tedden db Honey and Maple Sugar do not require shipping. Use them ---- Canada Food Board. = Spring Offerings ! Wei Ip dingo or lin Dressy shoes for men, $5.50 to $8.00. Boys "shoes from $3.00 up. Jack Johnston's Shoe Store 70 Brock Street.