prio re IRL TES LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECY MARCH SRD Tralon will leave and arrive at Station, Foot of Johnson Niveet, fioing West, i Lve. City No. 19 Mast .. .. 20 a.m, Bo, 18 Express |, 10 &.m, No. 27 Loca)... .i 946a.m No. Intern] Lid. 1.20 p.m, No, 7 Matl . ;, nu. 3.00pm, Golng East. Live, City Arr, Clty Mail . .. .. 1Li0am, 2.11 i Express , .. 3.10a.m. . +3 15.20 pM. y Ltd, 1.20 p.m, 2.20 p.m. % «se vx 6.4% Dm. 7.27 p.m Nos 1, 12, 14, 16, 18, 1% run daily, Other 'wralns 'daily except Sunaav, Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detros, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Ottawa, Quebec, Portiand, St Jahn, Halifax, Boston and New York, J¥ns Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other information, apply to J. P Hanley, Agent, Agency for a1 ocean Steamshio lines. Open day and night City am am 7 a.m 1.50 p.m $40 pm Arr 1: 16.1 No. . p.m a a d : " Passenger Service . BETWEEN 4 Halifax and Bristol Money vemittances made by mail o hie: Apply to Loenl Agents or The Ro Co. Limited, Gemernl Agents, 50 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. AA AAAs mt -------------------------- Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repatr Work Done. | 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 a NYY YR ag - Fresh Haddock and Cod, t Whiting, Tom Cods, & melts, Oysters. Dowinion Fish Co. PAGE TWELVE Cley oH RE ON Sa a "Jesus Our Example in Wh world w salem! 1 gathered up cance of the - through the es captured Jeru- tic event was t fritual signiti- war. It meant that the heritage of Christianity Is to bh de- liveréd from the hands of the ene- mies of Christ and of rightec 1sness The Jesus of justice as of gentleness, of brotherhood as of béllef, is com- ing into His own. The city that He loved is to he a haved of safety, a centre of ministry, a shrine of pil- grimage When General Allenby"s terse telegram announcing the capture of the city was flashed around the world it stirred unsuspected emo- tions in the heart of civilization. For Palestine is central to 'our work, 'as Christ is central to our thinking. Some of us have affected a wordly manner, as if we were indifferent to the tegchings of religion. An event like thie capture of Jerusalém makes us realize how tremendous 8 the hold of the Gospel upon our sub-con- sciousness. Jew, Christian and Mos- iem all have a historic stake in the Promised Land, but of these three the greatest is the Christian. AS ery devout follower of Jesus is con- cerned for the future of the land su- premely hallowed by his blessed feet. Now that Palestine has become an active centre of war interest, it wiil be studied over by the whole world. This quarterly review of the activi- ties of our Lord furnishes a conven- ient occasion, since all the teachings and deeds of Jesus were localized, Saves 4 o + This is the Rev. A. D. McLeod's opinion of Zam-Buk. This clergy- man, who lives &t Harcourt, N.B, writing to the proprietors, remarks upon the unusual popularity which Zam-Buk enjoys in the homes of the people of his parish. He says: "1 know of nothing that can compare with it. Having charge of an extensive mission, over which 1 travel constantly, I meet with many sick and afflicted people, and I have been amazed at the good which Zam-Buk is doing daily. I have learned, as an absolute fact, that for bad ulcers, old wounds, eczema and skin diseases of all kinds the healing powers of Zam- Buk are simply marvellous, For the painful ailment, piles, also, it 18 excellent. Many a doctor's bill is saved by the use of Zam-Buk." For cuts, burns and scalds Zam- Buk is equally good. Nothing ends pain and heals so quickly. B&0c. box, 3 for $1.26. All dealers or Zam-Buk Co. Toronto. Send lec stamp for free trial box, EASTER. SHOES Shoes that are in charming harmony with Easter styles. Shoes that are notice- ably becoming with spring suits. Newest shades. | The Sawyer | Shoe Store ij colds and catarrh yield like OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. aa County firty! Your cold in head or catarrh disanpoars. Your clogged nos. trils will open, the air passages of your head will glear and you can breathe freely. No 'more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headnche; no struggling for breath at night, . . Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic crest in your nostrils, It pene- trates through every air pas of the Head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed mucoix mem- brane, giving you instant relief, Head magie. t stay stuffed up and miserable. Reljef is sure. ey Try Our Home-made Candy 0c, 40c, Boe, amd 60¢ 1b.; Mexican '25¢ Chocolates, 50¢ ankt 0c Ib; Moir's, boxes, at 23¢, 30¢ 80c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, and $2.00, at pound; Moir's and Lowney's Lowney's, Ganong's and Rob- y 40¢, Boe, 60¢, 70¢, The SAFEST MATGHES in the WORLD Also the + Safelt because they are tm tion which renders the stick * extinguished -- ized bHix than in any other box : r time economy and Your own ood sense, will urge necessity of buying none but i MATCHES. » ifapost, heeanse there hfe niore perfect inatches to. (the ¥ Cheapes'! -- are eh nated w ead" | oun the market, By William T. Ellis: b prehended within the scope of 'Pftisciples in Y.M.C.A. and Red Cress - JHE DAILY BRITISH WHI WORLD-WAR, SCHOOL-MASTER IN GEO- | CRIPAY The International Sunday, School Lesson For March 31st is Service."'--Phil. 2:1-11. This is a time to study the old map of Bible lands, and to mark on them the new railways that have been jbullt, and the course of the pres. nt military campaign. It may be not inappropriate to mention that the present indications are that the next stad of the Turks will be made at Nazareth, the boyhood home of Je- sus; for it there thatthe. hill country plain of Esdraelon i is Great Issues In The Lord's Land, As this lesson goes to press there is a large joint unit of British and American Red Cross workers mostly missionaries, on the way to Pales- tine, to take up relief work for the elsewhere. "Destitution and distress | are very great, Since Jesus no | longer goes about in person, healing | and feeding and teaching, His work is being done by these friends of His, How His tender heart must yearn over the lot of the people in Bible lands to-day who bear His name-- the Armenians, the Syrians, thé Greeks, and the other Christians. Since the war began thgre have been uncounted martyrdoms®on this hal- lowed soil. The transition from the quarter's Sunday school lessons to the present light of the people, Christians, Jews and Moslems, is easy and proper. It would be en- tirely out of accord with the spirit | of the great Teacher himself to dwell, upon the Seriptures of nineteen cen- turies ago and ignore the condition | of to-day. Aside from the definite and de- tailed sufferings of the people of Palestine to-day, we perceive that the land of the Lord is the scene tor | the decision of great issues of the war. .Prussianism wants to lay its fron hand on all the territiory com- the Bible narrative, from the Garden of Eden, down Bagdad way, to the scenes of the Apostle Paul's labors at Salonica, They would make this all tributary to the materialistic and anti-Christian eonceptions of Nietz- schism and German rationalism,with | their ruthless selfishness. Blocking them are clear words of Presi- dent Wilson, the voice of the Allies, decraring' that all these long-suffer- ing little peoples are to have self- government, No longer may they be exploited by either Turk or Prusslan. | This issue has become central to the settlement of the war, "It is en- ough here to fay that whoever would accept any terms of pdace that do not once for all settle the ages-old question of the Bible Lanis, by deliv ering the small Christian nations from the power of the Turk, las a wery-different flea of peace from that taught by Jesus, the The New Fuliiiling the Old. These are days ior the open smashed all our old schedules and} conventions. He is bringing great things to pass so quickly as to daze' the beholders. The ancient goals of the Kingston of Heaven are heing fulfilled in way undreamed of five years ago.. "Tho~teachings of Jesus are having suddgn and strgnge frul- tions. How else cag we interpret in Christian fashiod, the new, passion for human rights and freedom and! brotherhood that is dominating the world? Christ's conception of man's' loving relation to man is sweeping] all of society, Whether we say, democracy or the Kingdom of Heav- en nowadays, we are lkely to mean the same thing. The audacity of Jesus, in seeing and declaring a! transformed social order, is being dramatically indicated. There is not a wide-awake and thoughtful man alive to-day who does not believe that the world is rapidly entering upon a new 'era of social and inter- national relationship that will spell peace and good will. God forbid that beedless Epetians sijould permit any godless" substitute to take the place of the great reality incidated by Jesus: "How $s Would Now Work, Of old \Jesus sent forth His disei, ples after e fashion of His land and time. He hurriedly worked in accordance with the customs of Pal- esting in the year 300A. D. He ple- tured in parabies hd coming of the new er which He alone envisaged. All t He id and did looked for- ward to a large service aml large results. Si ld To-day Jesus is sending out His and Chaplains uniforms. They are facing elemental human nature and needs, Much that is customary and conventional in church life is slonegh- eos mana gives way to the historic | civilian population in Jerusalem and {tornja tell, John | rings from the br forty Jihyist wa born than the | Suffered Great Agony! FROM PAIN IN STOMACH For Over 5 Years. | Most of the misery and fll-health | {inat humanity {s burdened with arise from disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are feeling out of (sorts, have pains in the stomach, és pecially after eating, bHlious spells headaches, sour stomach, eoated j tongue, sallow or muddy complexion specks floating before the eyes, you (should take a few doses of Milburn' Laxa-Liver Pills and note the change Miss Ida Hogan, Dunrobin, Ont. writes: "for over five years 1 bave suffered great agony from pains in the stomach. 1 tried several reme- dies, but got no relief until a friend adyised me to take Milburn"s Laxa- Liver Pills. 1 stapted with two vials {and before I had one quite used 1 found much relief. I continued um- til I used four vials, and they com- pletely cured me, That was four- {teen months ago, and I have not had the slightest return since: The best praise I can give them is not enough." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ ¢ vial at all dealers, or 'mailed direct on receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. a ed off in their activities, And sure- ly Jesus approves. He would not have his servants in a crisis like the present, busy themselves about de- nominational names or usuages or prestige. Can any sound-thinking person conceive eof a Presbyterian detachment and a Methodist detach- ment and a Baptist detachment and a Lutheran detachment, each zealous to care for its own denominational interests, going out to the Holy Land with the present relief expedition? There are many welcome signs that professional ecclesiasticism, and nar- row sectarianism, are to be among the major casualties of this war. But the Christianity of Jesus is emerging in new power and honor, So the present review should also be a review. Starting with the spirit and teaching and example of Jesus in the lessons of His early ministry that we have been studying for three months, and having in mind the new geographieal significance of His coun= try, we should look ahead into the new day that awaits us; to consider how the disciples of the Master may apply now what He taught then, Of all the pressing needs of this urgent day, is there any greatér than the need for the solution of our unex- pected world problems in the spirit of Him who eame "not to be minis- tered unto, but to minister'; and who loved peace and righteousness so ardently that He strove and died for their attainment? THE FATE OF BELGIUM. Germans Made Plans to Partition Conquered Country. The Belgian Government, at Havre, has published a German secret docu- ment obtained by its agents, in which the purpose of Germany to destroy Belgium as a political entity, deprive it of value as a neutral buffer siate and make it readily susceptible to control from Berlin. is clearly de- clared. Intiwations of this Purpose have eome from various sources.' It was indicated in the efforts made by Ger- many to promote & separatist Flemish movement soon after Von Bissing set- tled down to his work as an adminis- trator. The famous Flemish Univer. sity, with its subsidized professors, that could never get enough students to give each member of the. faculty a simultaneous audience of one, was part of the plot. According to the official document now made public, "definite political form will be given Flanders and the fate of the Walloons will be decided in the future'; in the meantime, "the imperial govérnment decrees that every German must contribute toward making possible the reconquering of Flanders for pan-Germanism and the standing of that country on Cer many's side in the future to assure the safety of the empire's western flank.'/ Obviously, the conquest here de- manded is not the open conquest of foree: Iu other words, it is not fan- nekxation by violence," Van Hertling has righteously repudiated all idea of so wicked a purpese in relation to Belgium, : What is planned ig the division of Belgium into two states -- Flemish and Walloon---the Flemish state to be the especial care of Germany, be- cause it carries the coast line, The stréngth of Belgiuw thus destroyed by disunion, Germany ean {rust eeo- nomic «nd political pressure and in. trigue to achieve the redt. Doubtless, she fondly fancies that by stirring racial animosity between Fleming and Walloon she can create the chance to buy the friendship and subserviency. of the former, %" In this, we do not doubt, she is misiakeén. Bot it must be borne In that she already deliber- ically reduced Bel- the little cougbry, un- ated from. German control and influence and fully in- demnified for her losses, must fall 8 prey to the Kaiser's rapacity. Ns EE pam Old Trees. ; of fhe Lig trees in Call- ir har 4500 out. That mi the tree was ty centuries sid. Thus It was a strong you tree when Abrabam went into Egypt; It was ing seed when Sodom and Gomor- ral were ¢ it- was an oid tree" when Joseph sold into Egyvle nearly 1.000 years old when Dhvid sie fath, and older when e Christian When one EL . veligign ls t Joopwe SN preter to pk veto | imanity becanse Wo Hie to oR ght of, = SA mi G, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1818. FY ---- ------ INFAMOUS SULTAN DEAD, Abdul Hamid Lived In Povérty After Being Deposed. Abdul Hamid, whose death in pove | erty occurred the other day, was for forty-three years Sultan of the Otto- | man empire, sprawling upon the thrée continents of Europe, Asia and Africa and at the game time was commander of the faithful army of Moslems, He | was paid borage by nearly a hundred million subjects. Shorn of power, he dled a prisoner, pitied, if not despised. | He lived in constant dread of death. He had often escaped it only by good luck or ususnal precautions against plots. Yet in his later years he had sought death by his own- hands, so melancholy had his existence become. Hé gained ascendancy under cir- cumstances nearly as tragic as those | which ended his career. Born Sep tember 22, 1848, the second son of Sultan . Abd-Ul-Medjid, he became sovereign when his elder brother Mu- rad V. was deposed because of men tal incapacity in 1876. It was a time when Turkey was in a state of ex- treme depression, almoat succumbing tg the tremendous blows of Russia. Out of this slough the new Sultan saved the remnants of Turkish pres- tige. Many critics give him credit for a successful regime. Others denounce it as infamous. Whatever the true estimate, it is a fact that the Turkish empire increased its power. Schools were reformed, the army built up, commeree extended and pan-Isiamism created under Abdul Hamid. Stub- bornly though he had fought outside forces to prevent the disintegration of his empire, his fall tame within the empire itself by the rise of the Young Turks, a party bent upon con- stitutional government. Abdul Ha- mid granted a constitution but failed Lo earry out the liberal ideas of the new generation. In the revolution of 1909 he was driven from the Imperial Palace on the shures of the Bospho- rus, made a prisoner, and confined in the Villa Latinia, a former residence of a Oreek merchant, in Salonika, the city where the Young Turk move- ment had jts birth, His younger brother, Hahomed V, succeeded him as Sultan, Abdul Hamid's harem was broken up, his court jewels sold at auction for upwards of a million dollars, which went foward building warships for the Young Turk's navy, and the former Sultan, once possessor of mil- lions was given a few thousand dol- lars a year for his comfort in exile, The Tnertness of Nitrogen. Nitrogen, a coloriesd, odoriéss, tasteless gas, and the 'most abundant element known existing in a free and uneombined state, Is absol'tely essen- 'tia! to plant and animal life and of the utmost importance in art and In- dustry. The atmosphere is the last reser- oly from whieh nitrogen is drawn to form metive nitrogenegus compounds. While the dir we breathe consists of four-fifths nitrogen and one-fifth oxygen, these two gases are not com- bined but only intimately mixed; and the great bulk of the nitrogen plays only a passive part. When we fill our lungs the oxygen of the air revives and purifies our blood and in so doing combines with carbon to form the compound known as carbon dioxide, which is expelled whén we exhale. Nitrogen, however, enters and leaves our lungs un- changed, In the one instance it is the very {nertness of nitrogen which makes it of the greatest value; /for if the oxy- gen of the air were not greatly diluted with this inactive gas all mankind would soon perish of overstimulation, Moreover, corrosion and decay would take place with appalling rapidity, and combustion would be so enhane- ed that what is now a harmless fire would become an uncontrollable con- Bagration, destroying «il oxidizable substances, including iron and steel. Nitrogen, therefore, when uncom- bined with other elements, is an ex- tremely inactive substance. Its main desire (if we may so express it) is to be let aloné amd for centuries it re- sisted every effort of man te cajole, wheedle or force it into combination with other elements. But when final- iy combined with or wedded to other elements, nitrogen produces very ac- tive compounds 80 important that our existence depends upon them.--Amer- ican Review of Reviews. It is easy to tolerate poverty when it is chumy with the other fellow. To drive a tank, handle the guns, and sweep over the enemy trenches, takes strong nerves, good righ blood, a good stomach, liver and kidneyS. When the time comes, the man with red blood in bis véins "is up\and at it." He bad iron nerves fi hips--an interest Yn his work grips him. That's the way you § feel when you have taken a blood and nerve tonic, made up of Blood root, | GoldenSeal root, Stone root, Chérry bark, and rolled into a sugar-costed tablet and sold ip fiity - cent vials by almost | Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This tonfe, in liquid or tablet form, is just what you need this spring to give you vim, vigor and\vitality.~ At the fag god of 3 hard winter, no wonder you feel " ran-down," bine, out of sorts, Try this "Medical Discovery" of Dr. Pierce's. Don't wait! To-day is the day to begin! A little ® pep," and you | taugh and Give. | mb i BT. CaTuamses, Oxt.--* Several years 8g0, when couvlescing after a serious illness. 1 100k a half dozen hotties ofich of ar. Plerce's Golden Medical Discover; dnd Favoriw Prescription as tones, cannol praise these wedicings too ty for! she benetit { veceived --my Th was completely restored. 1 always take £oGay, 1 Ded, Street all druggists for past fifty: years as | piéwente fu resommending these two of | Dr. Pierce's romedis May. Fromesoe | THIS RUN-DOWN "MAN VINOL| And He Got Back His Strength and Energy | Sheboygan, Wis.--"I was all 'fagged out,' run down, no appetite, nervous, sleepless nights and' drowsy during the day, and was not fit to work. A friend told me to take Vinol. 1 did 80, can now eat three square meals a day, I sleep well, am alert, active, strong and well and have Jained eleven pounds."--A. W. Higby, heboygan, Wis. Thi because Vinol contains the elements needed to create a healthy appetite and restore strength, The complete formula is printed on every package, is your protection, Mahood' Drug Store, --Iingston. Also at the best druggist in all On. tario towns, tA AA Nt tt Pt AN x Phone 752, AT THR Maple Leaf Grocery 4 Cooked Mestn of AN Kinds Baked Ment LON? with Uheeses Purk Sausage; Cooked Shouidery Headeheene: Fmpire Frankforisg Jellled Tongue; Cooked Hamp Ham Hologan; Jellled Hook, Fresh assortment always en Alex Potter. 12 Ridean St. Save Your Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155. YY YN For the Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk and Sugar. Prepared Instantly by Adding Bolling Water Only, No Cooking or MI: Required. Fer Sale By 4 D. Couper 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rk Phone 76 341-3 Princess St. 4 yyy huhu hod dh hk Celery ' THOMPSON'S GROCERY 294 Princess Street, Phone 887. A St A Al MN PN AG i B A tra sg Be WL 1 eautitul Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear & scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere, The dragging weight of an unconfined bust no stretches the supporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled. EN Oo {88 AN. BRASSIE graceful line to the entire upper body, Pot the bust back where it be- ongs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of flab- biness, eliminate the dunger of § drageing muscles and confine Tie flesh of the shoulder giving a ' They are the dainticst and most serviceable garments imagi- nable=come in al materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook Front, Swrplice, Bandesu, el, Boned with " Waloan," the rustiess boning --permitting washing without removal, Have your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock. ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, simples to show you, BENJAMIN & JOHNES, A matt IAAI NSN i tt Ati, nr 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. J i ADAMS BLACK . Keep all the soldier boys you CK ~ know well supplied with the best flavored gum you ean buy --A dams Black Jack. A stick a day keeps bronchitis away, Every time you buy it for your- self, buy it for a soldier. egw ALI BT Py ADA S 3 Pure Chewing Gum. You need Envelopes Letter Heads, Tags, Statements; Bill Heads, Etc. from time to 3.0 time, and vow Je A Need Your ~ Business Let us quote on Gn your b requirements JOB DEPARTMENT British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. Golden Rude Service Our | ull line of 1919 Calendars now ready 4 See our bargains in Loose Leaf Material