a PAGE EIGHT THE BRITISH WHIG 85TH YEAR. come Published Dally and Semi-Weekiy b THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ©0., LIMITED, J. 6 Elliott ... ..... ,.. .,, President Ilaman A. Guild ......,. Editor and Managing- Director. Bust Telephones: ness Office .. . Bdstorial Rooms aus vos 328 Job Office ..... sivasesireses 392 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daly Edition) One year, delivered In oity ....... year, if paid in advanee ... 5.00 year by mail to rural offices Ja One year, to United States ....., $2.50 (Sem1-Weekly Edition) One year, by mall, cash $1.00 One year, If not paid in advance $1.50 Ome year, to United States ...,.. $1.60 Six and three months pro rata MONTREAL REPR {TATIVE R. Bruce Owen ....... 123 St. Peter St. TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE P.C. Hov .... 1005 Traders Bank Bldg. UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: F.R.Northrup, 226 Fifth A ve, New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters th the Editor are published only over {re acta] name of the writer. ch Attached 1s one of the best Job printing oMces In Canada. The elrenintion of THE BRITISH WHIG is suthenticated by the ABO Audit Barean of Clrculations. a ------ . There is no way out for us except to win this war or pertsh Germany has begun taking all the dogs out of Belgium. There must be a shortage of sausage in' Berlin. The bread rations of the French army been reduced. But no- thing can reduce their keen patrio:- ism or their fighting éclan. have A shell from the new German gun can travel a mile a second, it is said. Kingston's street cars will have to look to #heir laurels if this speed craze keeps up. Even if the great battle! now go~ ing on were won by Germany, Bri- tain, France a the United States would still fight on and emerge vie- torious in the end. -- However sorely the British 'have suffered during the present offen- sive, there is consolation in the fact that the enemy has been compelled to suffer vastly more. 'Shortage of, food is being felt by the French armies in the field. The duty of this country to produce food- stuffs in greater and still greater abundance becomes increasingly ap- parent. : Eleven nations have adopted day- light saving, and found it profitable. Looks as if Dr. Edwards, M.P. for Frontenag, was in a hopeless min- ority in opposing the bill in the Can- sdian House, > The entire press of Canada is 'behind Mr. Nickle in his efforts to =the conferring of titles in this coudtry. Title-hungry wives are about the only ones who will not en- dorse his proposal. _ Fitty prolGermans have been ar- rested in Chicago for celebrating the great German vietory." Now the authorities are wondering what fo do with them. Are all the intern- " ment campg filled up? There is Bo cause for pessimism. The British overseas dominions can and will furnish far vaster forces it the Empire nevds them. Addgd to this, the United States is the great reservoir of the white race and can supply 11,000,008 wen if necessary. Society note: Exar and family ve closed thelr winter home in Si- gone to the Ural nd. the summer. - with them a new d ented: "Whete We Go From Here, Boys?" ? A -------------------------- In this war the British have been +\galled 'upon, not only to supply their Own needs in big guns, but to' send efar east, but also. to furnish co for the United States arm- Britain is\yndeed "the ower house gr the line." ? Germany, after a week of gigantic effort, has failed to erush the British mies or open a'gap between them ¢ thelr French Allips. For her Fort is yet to. come," in the vagld be interested gged lamb." Is Ing the lambs of of anyone' who 3 in p { Nat Ire now provid ip lof legs in « rehasing a | | rontenac county with an extra pair ier to assist them in es- caping frum the dogs that infest this distriét? nkable thing should to pass and the Huns win this | war, labor -will become something to | knock on the head if it dares to glve and worked to death if it That fact brooks no de- nial, and furnishes a cogent reason why organized labor, in every Allied nation, should exert its supreme ef- fort toward helping to win this war. é unt | i [1 | 1 | I trouble does nog BELLEVILLE'S SAD FAREWELL, They feel very keenly in Belleville over the "'bone-dry" legislation. List to this panegyric from the Belleville Intelligencer: "In view of the funeral of John Barleycorn April 1st, the many friends of the dear departed are ar- ranging for a liberal supply of bou- quets from Montreal to place on his bier. John Barleycorn, my Jo, John, you are off to Spirit Land with your fragrance and your friendship, mem- orfes of a warm-clasped hand, We giddy thought of pleasures now duced to two per cent." re- ting liquors in Ontario--and in Canada In fact, except in certain part of Quebex illegal province will become Orders placed the last March ever, he delivered he- fore May 1st. From that date until the close of the war and a year there- aftér the frontiers of Ontario will be closed tight against the drink traffie It ment, and watched. on or day of may, hoWw any time I3 a new and interesting ity will be closely The penalties for infrac- tfon of the prohibitory laf are severe enough to insure that the act will at least be given a fair trial experi results There are said to be many millions of gallons of liquor still held by the distillers in the province, but this supply can probably be. used to good advantage for military and medicinal purposes. in storage EASTER. The celebration of Easter has a profound significance to all Coming. at § time when our hearts are tense with a keen sense of the appaling sacrifices involved in the battles now being fought, we [ind support in divine sanction of the of us 4 sa fic will miss you, we will kiss you, and [%4cvifi embrace the temperance gent in the| y 1 Cre [tom ¢ ie in intoxica-| But the alll gloom fupon ¢ 3 | Uf hefore | | | particularly THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1918, that we mi nal There morns Magdaler 'James gathers sepuléhre His promise dawned up astern morn so 80 charged with hu- tragic, man sultering so sad as that of the the war of all time hangs over the world, present time. The shadow of greatest Few indeed are thé homes that mourn not the | Many, 80 best $8 of a loved one bravest and ih and that many, of our have gone down into valley of the shadow of returned Th live are death," died res! have not ey we might They at some under the purple tide, some under the green turf where "red poppies grow." Lit tle recks it where they lie, for They sleep as well, their wild gra Wearing their natl rise Joint-helrs with died to s Hi and roused from aghin, Christ, spcaus e > not in vain they weak ones, We are called upon to-day to endure ind suffering such a were fore Once the and the ever kpown b gain the n itl world he awful phan raised the precede Crown Calvary, man ha ieree {It illumin Chri 1 dari After the After Still in The Easter And its buds Forever From the To the dawn of ¥ de the its f winter, sironding rrant beau lily blows like angel the way I and fingers, point od frozen « {KX Course of Instruction, AThis weék a course of instru ion ias been conducted at the Eastern Dairy class consisting all the dairy instructors Ontario, which include ties "east of Toronto dire woihe other School, the of Eastern oun of all The work toward J Ing uniformity manufa cheese and dairy Ideas and data secured structors in practical work are sub- mitted in the school and demonstra- tions are conducted with ga view to ascertaining their value, Each in- structor must hold qualifications as milk inspect and performs this duty in his locality, Those in at tendance are: J. H. Eechiin, J. Bure, G. H. Batker, C. F. Linn," 'W. G. Gardiner, P. Nolan, A. H. Wilson, H. Horvey, R. W. Bard, 8. Cheetham, R. T, Gray, Jas. L; Irwin, G. H. Ber. sley, Jas. McAllister, Fred Clark, H. "ad ected by Empire's stupendous struggle to pre- serve to humanity blessings of Christ's teaching-- righteousness and peace All true followers of Him, therefore, submit their fears and doubtings to His will, and rest confident of vieters inasmuch as Christ rogw ig mphant over death and the grave, the hearts Mor spiritual birth, awakening to the state and her cause, in Hes the fruition of expectant tory. Therefore let us consecrate our hearts anew over the graves of our heroic dead where a deathless army marches to wictory--"marching fo: the dear old country, leading us for- ever more, the souls of our hefpes which vie- their souls still live to honor, to ri FWith these reflections gt Easter, let our 'hearts throb with endearing thoughts of our departed boys who dled that swe might live under the British flag, an. emblem of victory through the cross. "On Fame's eternal camping~ground « Their silent tents are spread, And Glory guards with solemn round The bivouac of the dead." ---- THE MESSAGE OF EASTER. "Fear not ve, for 1 know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. "He is not here, for He is risen, as He said." ; The first message, uttered by an- gelie lips, was a message of courage and of hope, It brought comfort and Joy td the sorrowing hearis of those who had gfithered around the tomb of Jesus in tha Xair Judean garden. That same messag\has echoed n through the ages, with its glad from. the inest imable | -| of our people accept in humility the | nation's sacrifice and receive « now | con- i sciousness a fuller sense of duty to | A. McKinley, C. B. Lang, Jas. A. Mitchell, : ¢ Dr. Alfred Thompson, M. | about to resign his position as medi- { eal superintendent of the hospitals P., is i In The First Congr: { | for returned soldier invalids, | wenomanen ho Rippling Rhymes a : UAVE SACRED CONCERT, rm gational Charth On Friday Night. \ sacred concert 3 onal Congragat evening "st and Hethe by and gramme included the f ing numt rgan § "There Taft; an Hill Far male Miss Grace a Green * soloist, Miss E. Leach quartette, "The Wayside Cross" Rev. T. De C. Rayner, R. W. Marshall, F. J. Wilson, W. 1 hompson; solo, "The Day is Ended," Miss Winnifred Wool- gar; recitation, King - Robert Sicily, Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner; anthem, "Weary of Earth and Laden My soloists, Mrs. D. B Watson, Messrs Treneer and E Joswell; duet, "The Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away," Mi WwW. Wool- gar and Rey. T. De Courcy Rayner: anthem, "And god Shall Wipe Away All Tears,' R. W. Marshall; (This fine anthem was composed by th son of the soloist); Miss Tart; male "Lowly at Thy eet," Rev. T. De (. Rayner, R. W. Marshall, ¥. J. Wii- sen, W. Thompson; anthem, "As It Began to Dawn," soloist, Miss Winni fred Wool Cita "The Haven," Rey sol "The 8 M ret E I 'Love e All lo oolgar and lo, ¢ of with Sin," soloist, organ solo, Grace guartette ar; Excelling Rey em tayne antl M1 Marg s oist, NEW PASTOR INDUCTED. Little Takes Over Charge MeDonald's Corners, A. M At M. Little Wi Iy Of the on Wallace, sermon, Macgillivray wrt in Rattray, King Press and addressed the Mr. Parsons the forme inducted into Donald's Corner br preached the 2 Dr. Malcolm Iso present and Rey ght Rey took Muy ton . minister Odessa, ad Rey sed al people The call extended to Rev. Mr. Little was I at the ent meeting o on Preshytery PLACED IN HOME. Two Children Whose Father Is Overs seas 'Will Be Cared For, ting for fhe Children i Ihspée@®t Jack has | ed two children whose father is overseas in the Orphans' Home, where they will receive the care they should get. The Story is a «ad one, in that the mother has been leading a wayward life, and } the father, who is doing his "bit" for! King and country, asked the Ch#®-1 dren's Aid Society to take possession of the two children, so that they would have .a chance to make gond One is a boy, aged seven, and the other a girl of four. 3 Ald Seo A mission of nine members of the Federation of Labor has been ap- pointed to visit Europe and state to the leaders of labor there the posi- Meat -- Use more poultr bacon. -- Canada Food Board. ; 7 BIBBYS y, rabbit and fish. Save beef, yk and 1 Style Headquarters for Men and Boys MEN'S I'he simplicity of $20.00 $25.00 correctness of design and detail reveal the deft touches of artists in weave apd color. . These are the marks of good tailoring the qualifications that have madé Society STORE OPEN TONIGHT SUIT ELEGANCE genuine elegance the P : i tabrics that Brand clothes leaders in masculine apparel. See Our Young Men's Suits -- $22.50 $27.50 Ready to try on, finished to your order in a few + hours. a Bibbys THE STORE THAT SELLS SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES ' FOR GREATER PRODUCTION USE BUCKEYE 65 and 120-egg machines. prices' as any catalogue house, away. . Prompt delivery from stock. Sold only at Incubators Same No need to send your money + BUNT'S . Phone 338 Kingston Te CPN PG tion taken on the 'war' by labor in tne United States, A A A A tet ir ns As Age occasional slight stimulation. LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION. Genuine bears signatore cate the absence of fron in the blood, nd, which will be greatly helped by aces "ey Advances the Liver Requires CARTER'S LITTLE Carters Iron Pills AVOIDING I would not limestone wall, they'd be vaingd yawpings go each native ment, the game. death; and he who uses up his reign. I would not like sing, a rope around my neck; of confidence and hope, and und go (The Vii 242 Mountain St., Montreal, Warm, comfortable roonis, res sonabie rates. A home for tran. slents. Tel. Uptown . a firing squad in front; 'twould be dismal way to end the little finish to my stunt. see that loyal words are sprung, when 1 rear up and spiel; disloyal words may do great harm, yze some soldier's as The careless talkers rift around, and fret and scold] and paw the ground) hearte gent until his lungs went lame; [ used to do it, I con fess; we all enjoyed it more or less, and all Free speech for which our fathers soa ped the strongbox bare; when gentle peace is here omce more, we'll all be privileged to roar, and around and swear, breath to grumble and complain, that all we do is wrong, 1s striving dourly to prolong the Teuton Tyrant's a traitor swing always will, by heck, eh Ar Ar A a A Arr. TREASON like a traitor fall, my back against path I humbly wend, this S80 I keep tab upon my tongue, and may paral- » and make him drop his steel. perhaps they mean no ill; but could know how far their idle aaiser Bill. In times of peace stand and cuss the govern- if the coulc indorsed i numbered with the boons d their spoons, and strip rant But now swéet peace is done to to. show from some tall tree where robins I spring the kind of dope that réeks MASON. a --WALT mt Wood's le The Great English Remedy. Tones and tastiest the pons Rervous system, makes new Blood , in old Veins, Cures Nervous Zeoitty, Menlas nd iA yo. Les, on eng 058 of Energy, Pa ion e or Fruiting Memory, ce §1 per box, six for §5. Ono will plane, £lx will cure. 8old by all dryggints or mailed in plain pkg. on recoint of oi Snpophit maiied Woon MEDICINE COL ToRaNto, ONT. (Format Mio ise of immortality. § revealed the' proof that we were born for a higher destiny than that pt earth. Salvation came-through sacrifice, as ever It mst come, Christ gave up HIS life §s a ransom for sinful man, On the ghjrd day He rose from the dead, and "death was swallowed up in victory." 3 : The flowers fade, the heart with; ers, man grows old and dies; the world lies down in the sepulchre of ages, but Time writes no wrinkles on beauties, but time siwouds them from ions, they are but toys fortunes; its pleasures, they are bursting babble, : the brow of eternity. Earth hath tsi} the grave; its honors, they are but EB 4a the gilded sepulchres: its pos: ass} of changing Not s6 in thell unknown bourne. In the dwelling or} the Alinighty can come no footsteps > decay. God gay to last a lifetime at our store s 85 per cent. of all the world's greatest 10 Canada select THE WILLIAMS NEW and stay in tune. and sce these beautiful models, J.M. Greene Music Co, Ltd. zy. who come SCALE PIANO, Made You are invited to 'eall in Debility, Mental dency, loss of Emerg, i alpitation Heart, Failing Memory lox $3. druggists or misi'ed in plair. pkg on 1 Wack price. E WO ame Wood's Lncapnoaing, The Great Wnglish Remed: Tones and invigorates the wholp Bervous systein, makes sew Blooy in old Veins, Cures Nervous and Bram Worry, De th Price $* per box, One will please, six vill cure. Bold by New pamphlet mail 2 fre IN H EDICINE CO... TORO 0. 0] 4 al le LTT PETERLORO (FF, W, Cooke, Loenl Agent) CLOTHING ON EASY + TERMS Ladjes' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemgn's Suits and Overcoats, N. Mo YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE By pincing your order early for ~ mtore or house awilugs sand curtains, Supplies nnd help are nearce and prices will be higher, J. J. Turner & Sons, Limited. Tent, Awning, Flag and Waterproof Goods Manufacturers ' ONTARIO, can ba no better than the flour use. Why take chances? The o try-wide popularity of our unexe flour, and the unrivaled estee which it is held everywhere housewives who Know these should be sufficient to eonvine that its use Is indispensable ting best baking results. A F. McBroom The SAFEST MATCHES ' in the WORLD * Also the Cheapest! -- are Safest because they are tion which renders the stick extinguished. sized box than War time economy and Vii 500'S"? impregnated with a chemical solu. "dead" immediately the mateh is because there dre more perfect matches to the in any other box en the market. your own ¢ood sense, will urge the necessity of buying nove but EDDGS MATCHES, Stafford's Annihilator For Removing Ink . 4 From paper, wood, white or colored materials. 25¢ Box. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 4 J 4 4 185 Princess St. Phone 843 - - 4 b Anhrhrhiaraaiaiihaadh hd 4 is, 374 King St. | CANNED / VEGETABLES « 20 L0¢ : 17e « 20¢ se ewe 208 + 200 . 28¢ Lhe 200¢ Joe Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and $90. Tomatoes, per tin ... Corn, per tin eas Standard Peas, per tin Early June Peas, per ti Wax Beans, per tin . Gireen Beans, per tin Linn Neanx, pee tin Splanech, per tin Suceotash, per tim... Abparngus, per tin ... ry Add a LIMITED SUPPLY £ dada dh dh a a A Raa ry srawford ohuieitiuiatiheh had dh lhe all a a Aa kA