Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1918, p. 4

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- PAGE FOUR. THE. BRITISH WHIG Published Dally and Sewmi-Weekly b THE aa BL PUBLISHIN . + eve so President Editor and 'aia Managing-Director. | Telephones: Office ..... savesssen M3 Banca Roos 22 JOB OMOD seuss sss innssinrin 198 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dafly Edition) One year, aeliverad in Er if paid in advance; y mail to riral offices States ...... 5. 2.50 > Un ted 2.5 Bernt Vol JF oiion) x' and three months pro rata. MONTREAL REPRE er R. Bruce Ow 123 St. Peter 8t, TOR RONTO' EPRESENTATIVE F.C. 05 Traders Bank Bld ONTTRD, STATES REPRESENTATIVE F.R.Norhrup, 2256 Fifth Ave, New York ¥F.R. Northrup, 1510 Ass' n\Bldg., Chicago Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the weiter. Attached 1s one of the best job printing offices in Canada, The efirculation of THE BRITISH WHIG is suthenticated by the ABO Andit Burean of Clrculations. 3 March upset all thé old prophesies. She came.in like a jlamb and went out in the same gentle way.' Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed in finery comparable with that-flisplayed by the girls of Kings- ton on Easter Sunday. This is the day that Hindenburg was to lunch in Paris, but something interposed to. upsbt his plans. An- other German boasi gone to the dis- card. ' Sweden declares that she will con- tinue to maintain a neutral poliey. The United States tried it and failed. Can Sweden hope to be more suc- cessful? : * Now comes a 'Chicago man who advises having the Kaiser's picture printed on street car tickets so the conductors can punch a hole through his face. . Windsor manufacturers have piedged themselves to cultivate 500 acres of land this year. The cities and towns of Canada will loyally do their part. "The dmployment of a new, long- range gun against Paris is only en- other German attempt to create de- mdralization among non-combatants. Like all their ' other methods of frightfulness, it is bound to fail. 'The United States newspapers:and magazines are these days filled with ringing words of praise for Britain and the British armies. What changes in sentiment and valuation this war has wrought! : "Field Marshal Hindenburg . and _ Chancellor von 'Hertling have decid- ed to call up for military service the German criminals of mllifary age," says 'a Berlin despatch. Well, this new force will have'jeaders 01 their own kind in the Kajfer and old Hindy. "Mr. Nickle; M.P. for Kingston, Is on solid ground when he objects to the title 'Lady' being bestowed upon © the wives of knighted Canadians. "Tho use of this title is only by cour- tegy, (Canadian courtesy, and has no official or legal support." "Ottawa Citizen. ------------------------------ o. Baitain is dependent upon Am- erica for 65 per cent. of her eggential food, but; on our part, we ars de- pendent 'upon 'Britain for our very existance. Our duty clear: We should make sure that this proportion of Britain's fod is 'forthcoming. r The new food regulations provide for a greatly restricted consumptivi| of beef, veal, pork, wheat and sugar. The Food Board has at last done something worth while. The ma~ jority of Canadians do not realizd the necessity of sacrifice; they awrst be, shown, and the Food Board quite on points out their duty, ©. TL iti The New York Cathotte War Pund 'drive ended in a whirlwind' finish. Altogether $4,089,542 was realized. 'Chairman O'Brien states: "'Protest- ants and Jews vied with each 'other to render successful a movement 'which will bring 'cheer and eomfort to all our boys in the army and navy without distinction [stuffs 1s thwarted by a class which{ a8 to race, color or creed." That Is ating: thing to Me miete ay, : aT og N is. therefore | A BRILLIANT DEED The Royal Canadian Horse 'Artil- lery, of which Kingston was ever proud, has covered itself with glory. when the German emperor and his military advisers threw. hundreds of thousands of Germans into the drive that failed to break John Ball's bat- tle line, the R.C.H.A. performed its part. Despatches tell of the mar- vallous work of this light artillery unit which has no peer in the armies of all the natiohs at war. Its officers, gunners and drivers. scorned the foe and gave a performance in the midst of thé carnage that would have won applause at a circus exhibition. Al most, hemmed. .in by infantry and with cavalry behind, the R. C.'H. A. batteries fired their final round at the onrushing Huns, hiteti@d up their horses to the guns and at a feck- break gallap dashed through the Ger- man cavalry as if it had been a lot of sh¥ep. . Those who recall the dashing work of the RAC. H.A. under Col. Burstall on Barriefield common three years before the war, when Gen. French came here to inspect the garrison troops, lookéd upon it merely in the way of an exhibition of skill, little realizing that in real warfare this {horse artillery could repeat such a performance. And yet in the great- est battle of the ages, the R.C.H.A. gftey mowing down the ememy and fpfine in action till surrounded srformed_a deed that will be re- 'leounted in old Tete de Pont barracks with pride by those who in years to come will wear the uniform of this worthy corps. Old British regiments owe their fame to gallant deeds per- formed upon the battlefield, and these deeds ever attach. to the regiment. Time can never efface the memories and the glories The R.C.H.A. in this terrible struggle for liberty has proved itself worthy of its name. hp te res ---- -- REALIZING THE TRUTH. Every 'soldier in France, whatever his flag, is fighting our battle, and this is not in- cidentally and casually our war, but completely our war, to the winning of which we must de- dicate every dollar and every ounce of energy. To-day we are following the fortunes of Haig's troops as if they were our own --and they are our own, Every man of them i¢ fighting for our cause, uvery one . of them who has died has died for our - liberties, New York World, eel + yf SHOULD FOOD BE MADE FRER ? The expenditures of the Food Con- trol Board were under criticism in the House of Commons on Wednes- day. In referring to the enormous cost of living, particularly to salar- fed people in our large centfes of population, Michael Clark, member for Red Deer, gave sipression 75 | Jthese views: "1 eannot understand why the gov-J ernment does not at once take: the| bold step-of putting all articles of food on the frée list. In the very first weeks of the war Germany, a strong protectionist country, swept the du- ties off almost all foodstuffs, She Knew all the difficulties that the war would bring about in connection with her food supply. She knew the trou- 'ble she was going to have to get f for her people. She knows it Sy today. And she swept the duties off foodstuffs +n the very first days of the war. Her example was followed by almost every other country ~ in Europ whether belligerent or neu- tral. Britain did not need to do it, because she had the good sense to sweep the duties off foodstuffs, whe- ther in war or peace, seventy years ago." i. w. F." Cockihutt, the member for Brantford, and a representative of the manufacturing interests, followed at once with a warning that the gov- ernment should pay no heed to such advice. "AS I undérstanu the forma- tion of this government," he added, "it was the-purpose to allow all such questions to stand in abeyauee dur- ing the war. I advise the Union Gov- ernment. to go very slowly in follow- ing the advice of my hon. "triend from Red Deér. In the sole matter of 'tree trade and protection, he is apparently still in the darkness that he brought over with him from the old country." There 7ou have the opposing Yidwe points of two distinet groups in the h Both 'Mr. Clark and 'Mr. Cock: shutt represent strong bodies of pub- Me opinion in the 'country, the ome agrarian, the other industrisl.' The Union Government has a difficult pro- blem to solve, and whichever course severe 'eriticisin and determined. op~ position. This. much can ' be said: The manufacturers and the moneyed interests in general have profited very much by war conditions. The, people demand Sa" of food and restr prices. hye. will [be growing ant it relief I a Ty tion or elimination of duties on food- in the terrible hatiie of the past Weskd - ships and 'sacrifices upon the com mon people. WALL. that THE WRITING ON THE William of Germany declares he "sees God's hand. in this he does, he must surely see an. ac- causing finger pointing against him The hand of Providence may be shap ing the destinies of Germany, but not in precisely the way the kaiser suggests. The hand of intervention in the war might more fitly to compare with that of Lhe man who holds up heavy and dan- gerous traffic in order that the rights cf the common people may be safe- guarded. : Long ago another king, ome Bel shazzar by name, 'saw also the hand of God writiig upon a wall. He of- fered rich rewards to anyone who could interpret this handwriting to him. So keen, in fact, was his desire that .he promised as a rew ward that the suceessful interpreter 'should be clothed with scarlet and have i chain of gold about his neck, and should he the third ruler in the kingdom Then, on the suggestion of un queen, Daniel, ya wise man of Kingdom, "posspssing light and derstanding nd wisdom, liké the wisdom of the gods," was brought before the king. And after this fash- ion did he interprei the writing of the hand of God: be said police = tho gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honor. And for the majesty that he gave him all people, nations and languages trembled and feared be- foré him; whom he would he slew, and whom he would. he Kept nliye, and whom he would he set 3 aud whom he would he put down, "But when his heart was lifted ap, and his mind was deposed from his hardened in pride he kingly throne, the. "0 thou king, {He most high God AAA A th NAA SN, SE AP Prt NANNING NN him. fot he sons ths de 1 ike} Land they took his his' 'Blor, "And he was drivep/fr of men; and his healt was the heasts, and his dwellihg was with the wild asses... .. "And this is the writing that was written: Mene Tékel, 'phar- sin, This is the interpretion of the thing: "Mene: kingdom Mene, God hath numbered and finished it | Thou art "Tekel weighed in the bala ances. and are found "Peres: Thy kingdom is and given Medes slans."' 2 sot Profane history may incident from the records of spc- | red history. The kaiser inherited from his father a kingdom of majesty | and honor; nations trembled before him, and he, too, slew-or sparéd | whom he pleased.. Today he, also, | has become proud and boastful, and, | with hardened mind, steks to conquer | and enslave the free peoples of the world: Tig time draws hear when | he, like Belshazzer, will be deposed] and "driven from the sons of men."! True, God's hand is seen in this | war. It is pointing out the way to} the forces of righteousness and lib-| erty, who are the instruments chosen | by Providence to *'finish'"' and '"'di-| vide" the kingdom of the kaiser. Though today the clouds are heavy and the storm beats violently, there | exists no cause for dismay. Right must triumph in the end, the forces of unrighteousness must, as ever, Let the people take heart, a victori ous peace wanting : divided, | to the and" Per-| repeat this] i and be destroyed. for the day of draws near. A Money Trust. (Brantford Expositor) t is not in the interests of Canada that a money trust should be created in this eountry and the banking sys- tem in the hands of a few financiers in Montreal ang Toronto Rippling Rhymes A tack is tack, tacks one time; of my abode; my lyres. said, thelr throats. lot of joy on t heated air will know a bilious daily walks. were guilty of a hand, and tubes for many patriotic rubes, they struck his tommy-rot. buy a nickle's worth of rope, and see him eat the hemp right there, By GENE THE MISCHIEF MAKER bit grief or madness bring. or have conniptions in his back. strewed the tac and motorists who ¢éame along, speeches gripping, as they changed their tires, If they they'd gladly hang the hick. they stopped their boats and sent big euss-words from A nickle's worth of tacks 'will queer a He says the war's a big mistake, and we LA nd dared the Teuton Fatherland. Some day, THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN a harmless thing that should no No man should weep to see a I had a box of the package cost*me half a dime. 1 ks along the road that runs in front made fierce and strong. [I heard them, while T sat greasing up who did the trick, they For days and days but knew his old sphere. A nickle's worth of cause much troubl&*and despair. 1 man who talks: p#lé treason in 'his break when we broke in and took a- His words have punctured tires who were with loyalty red hot before tired out by traitors' dope, we'll k the mischiel maker's lair, and make --WALT MASON. BYRNES Brats | =) =] == ~~ GUESS ONLY A mM PLAIN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING AFTER ALL. A HOUSE DETECTIVE aT A LARGE HOTEL whe, NEVER . Nore HAT OR TRIED TO LOOK WISE thy: It must not be said of Canada that she shir her daily bread with those who did not shirk to heed, in the sharing of re all for the good of mankind. The answer now can only come from the homes. -- Canada Food Bqard. ' -- BIBBYS ~ | Hers and Boys' Wear \ A - Men's Raincoats at Wholesale Prices ENGLISH PARAMETTA in COAT Special Value $12.50. ENGLISH PARAMETTA DOUBLE TEXTURE RAIN: , COAT Special value $8.50. TRENCH MODEL IN- 'COATS : Special Values $12.50, $15.00, and $16.50. : OILED COATS, OILED HATS For men and boys. TWEED RAINCOATS Sizes 34 to 42. | : Dandies for $15.00. SEE BIBBYS UMBRELLAS $1.50 and $2.00. Bibbys - - Limited | We have just.recéived a McClary's GAS RANGES American ~omplete line of No better finished Ranges on the market, either or Canadian, and are as good as they look, Sold-Only By UNT'S Phone 388 Hardware King St. Save Your Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155. : : For. Removing Ink From paper, wood, white or colos>l. materials. 25¢ Dox. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE 185 Princess St LOT FOR SALE 40 ft. x 120 ft. Enough stone on it to build a house: Snap for $150 W. H. Godwin & Son Insuranee and Real Estate. 39 Brock St. Phone 424 > Adah huhu duh Geog ane ] pis \ > YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE By 'placing your order early for store or house awnings and curiains, Supplies and help sre 'wearce and prices will be higher, - Ta Tent, Awning, Flax and rw terproot Manufacturers. or. Ww. Cooke, Local rod ONTARIO, CANNED VEGETABLES Tamutoen, per tin Corn, per tin"... Standard Peas, per tin... arly June FPeap, per tin Wax Beans, per tin ... 2 Green Hennws, per tin ... Lima Beuns, per tin ... Spinach, per tin . a Succotash, per tin... 7, Aspurngus, pre te WSs Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990. CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. WEHAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF " WO0OD ! Saved into Stove Lengths Crawford Foot of Queen St. 'Phone yg adhd dh dh hl a yy NY WAN has been vastly-benefitted by the ve sonditions which bave imposed

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